\r .vlriire-tc We- ~ Welcome New Comers. r -rf*.v . ? >?* V ?? ? J. W. NOELL. EDITOR AND PUBLISHER. HOME FIRST, ABROAD NEXT 81.50 I'ER YEAR IN ADVANCE. VOL. XLV. ROXBORO. NORTH CAROLINA, WEDNESDAY EVENING. DECEMBER 12. 1928. NO. 5C Flu Raging Again NATION MENACED AS FLU SPREADS fR8M THE WEST And Colleges Beinjr J As Disease Sweeps ^ Eastward IS IN MILDER FORM HERE Raleigh. Dec. 12.? The influenza epi \iemic which started in .California and rwept eastward across the continent appears to have reached Nor^h Caro hinft. The fact, however, that it is a very mild type of the disease being ?.-manifested ir> this section h^s kept : state health authorities from being ' specially alarmed about it . as they > eem to be m other sections qf the touhtry:. The disease is in pandemic or less Than epidemic stace in this state. >aid-Dr H. A. Taylor .epidemiploui>t nt the State Board of Health "In fluenza is not a reportable disease in North Carolina so we have . ho know ?ng of the, extent -'of its spread.. The ? type, of the disease now prevalent is ??ery mild and a great many of the raids' never- set the attention : of ? a ' injiLiun. ? Our only method nl 'irV,- . ng the disease is to Rive publicity to spread It is best fought by a void - ng contact with those who have it r*nd s faying away from crowds in: tfoors." The prevalence of influenza makes it advisable to call a physician though the perfcop infected seems to . 5i aye nothing but. a cold. Though in various localities of the State the pandemic & giving consid erable concern, m Ralegih it has at vacted little attention. Cleveland i rninty seems to bejsuffering the most, iktcordlnc to Or Taylor ? ? ? ' * ' o * * 13 Months Calendar Urged By Porter Washington, p Q.? Representative ? "r5tephen <?. ? Porter of Pennsylvania 4 has announced that he will propose - that President Coolidge call an Inter national conference for the simplift- \ ration of the calendar earlv in the fbort session. The resolution would .h&ve Mr. Criolidve authorize the con- ?, 'iTence to discuss the adoption of the; * -amplified calendar of thirteen months f four weeks each. Mr. Porter said the movement had been sponsored by leading figures of file country "The. new calendar would rnake every month equal In the num i>ttr of workdays, eliminate traction? ? i weeks at the end of the months (o-ordinatu periods, of earning and f pendihg. and would have many other advantage*. It would- simplify holi .lays by providing that all, be cele !Vat<'ri mi the same weekday. Monday 3 i: Would . create a faster turnover pi money and simplify the budget* ? of Box Prrty And Oviat mas Prcsrram at Helena Then- ?<M1 ;i box party and drtstmas vntvrnm ?t Hrfcnn H%h y*Uod! or. Wednesday night. Dec. I9. f??lnnliv- M "00 o'clock The little .ilk* will (rive ? pronhlm that will interest the eay and the ad the ulrt .and the young. There will be a hn*tnia> Cantata .which Will Include in Hj cost all children In the lir'.t three ?<:r*d*3 of the *chool, Then there will be nil nld time i*>x party which cannot fail to In iflrrat bin and little, old and youns. ?tarried ;.nd single The little folks ?Jil have boxes In which thev them iielves will be interested Then there will be yonn? ladtes' bixes. Bnd also :M?I es* boxes Last but far from least, will be tM beauty c-nntem Dome and bring your friends The i-rxtrani will be free tor everybody R. C Oarrtson CKiter'int? Supper Page O. J. Griffin . - i r Sir. ?nd Mrs Clarence Owen rave a' Wg chltterllh* s-iDp?r on Monday njabt. a number of their friends be i rig present. After supper all w*re nvltert Into the I1rtng room, which ?rms beautifully decorated with potterl pint! and cut flowers. Tables ware |*MIA tt brtdge and a good tlm. ?-aa bad by ail/? p. ~o? ? _ ? ? Boh Steele (The Ace of Western Stars) jn TRAIL or OOURAOK" at Palace Theatre Matinee and night Saturday December 19th. Roxboro Market Will Close Wednesday, December 19th ' Will Open Tues., Jan. 8th, And Will I /ook After Remainder Of The Crop WAS A VERY GOOD SEASON The Roxboro Tobacco Market will close an next Wednesday for the Christmas Holidays and will open on i Tuesday. January 8th, 1929. for the i remainder of the season. This was j decided by the Tobacco Board of Trade ' at a meeting held Monday. This has been a peculiar season, far. notwithstanding the most {jnde-J ?irabTe crop for many years, price* j have b?en very satisfactory and less j than the usual amount- of ruckinT! tags" on, this market. The farmers : knew1 they had a poor crop; and. cont.f fpquenUy could not expect fancy' prices, but the man who was fortunate j enough to. have some . pood tobacco. : and there were quite a number who r did have ijood-^ft^cco received verv atisfactory rfrices. in fa6t. we .be .lievo ih ? prices were better for these; grades than ayear 'ago. As- stated last week, we know it *s cinn?erous to advise anv one when to | sell, or buy yet. we honestly ; believe j you will foe wise, rf vou have anv to t>acco on hand arid can possibly do i so, to get it in good condition and i sell before the market closes for the! Holidays. It ls yell todav. j but *no one knows "what it will do when the market opens after Christ- ? mas. ? ? While the bales have not. reached! the number of pounds sold up to this i time last year, the farmers of Person County have been very -.loyal to their; home market, and the fall-off has; been because of the shortage of the I crop, and not because of it being sold i elsewhere. We have never known the buyers to ' co-operate more whole-heartedly with j the warehousemen in their efforts to 1 see that_ the maitotW&g ' kept on a j "leVe! with other 'markets i than They j, have this year. and 'Ac are nrond _of_ the buyers on this market. The farmers showed .very plainly that they appreciated their efforts.' and there >Vi the best of feeling between the farmers and the town, and the ware- ? housemen and the buyers, and we j look for the best season next year i the market has experienced in many j years. Haywood. Burch Dies Mr. Haywood Burch. age 2f?, died at j his home here on South Main Street wednesdav nitrht at 9:40. He had suffered" -.for a long tune with tuber culosis, and his de&th was not a 1 urprise. Haywood was a most popu lar vouhg man. having been connected nth the Roxbnro Service Station for tiipe D-fom his health ^avr v.av Surviving him are his widow and two sisters. ftotn^ral .-erVlces wore conducted . from the home Pridav afternoon at 2j o'cldek. Rev. .x. v Nicks jn charge of} thr ceremony. .Interment, was mad ; i'l rhe Xlurchwood cemetery. Called To Beclsid: Mrt- H, E. Lance, a teacher of the j ? ialori'4 traded School, was called to; I the bedside of her lather. Rev. D. L | Rarhhardt. who fo; about forty years i has b**n a member o? the N. G. Con-i ference. but about ten years ago re tired is a supei animate. and has h'-rn ? via i? near Durham Two weeks ago Mr. Earnhardt was ! stricken with paralysis. No hope is entertained forf his recovery. Many; of the people of Mt. Timh Circuit rf member Brother Earnhardt as their { oastor about 1893-4 He has twelve living children. 1 Death Of Mr. Coleman ? Mr. J T. Coleman. one of the prom J i ment cltlcens of I-onghumt, died at the hospital In Durham yesterday morning. whore h? wm carried about ? j 10 days ago. Mr. Coleman leaves a wile , and several umall children He was \ a splendid citizen, and will be great ly minded In hi* community frarm ivsy* or Oranvill* connty or ganized a 4-H tobacco club with ten member* this yoar. The young men grew then, tobacco under tn?_ direc tion of the county agent and sold It 1 at a profit this fait r- - u , . , - ' For thoee who prefer to do their 'hopping at night our store will be ] open until nine o'clock until Chrtet | ma*. Harris A Bums. Benefactor Photo shows M.iUorj 8. Hershey, chocolate manufacturer, who has pre sented the town of Hershey. Pa., with a two million dollar community cen ter. This is' the latest gift of Hershey to the town with which he is closely identified. Hershey. was born at perry Town ship, Pa., in 1857. and began manufac turing chocolate in 1893 at Lancaster. He is now chairman of the Board of the Hershey Chocolate Company and owner of practically all the slock. Hi*. home is at Hershey. Pa. LOUISBURG COLLEGE ~ GUTIFD BY B!C FIRE Aid Hushed From Raleigh, Hen derson. Rocky Mount And Franklinton Fire destroyed the west wing and two top stories of the old Central | Building of the Louisburg College,- -in which around 150 girls were sleeping Wednesday mnrnin? nt one oclftfik in Louisburg. ' The loss, estimated to be from $150. 000 to $200,000. is partially covered by | insurance. No lives were lost, and most of the belongings of the young women hous ed in the building were saved! How ever, the girts and teachers quartered jn the building were forced to flee in scanty attire Fire departments from Raleigh. Rocky Mount, Henderson and Frank- i linton were called to. lend their assist ance in extinguishing the fire, and responded immediately. The fire is . believed to have started from the heating system. It was first I discovered in the chapel, whjch is on the fourth floor, by two sisters named Knox, whose home is at Liberty. N. C. Their room was on the floor with the chapel. Aroused shortly before 1 o'clock tHey s?w the flames. Hurry inn: to the flrst floor they rang the school ball giving the alarm. By do ing so they lost all of their personal savins the lives of many of the 65 students and 10 teachers jn the | structure. Morris Clifton. Louisburg banker. Was slightly hurt when a chair, hurl ed from the building, struck him on j the head. Marvin I)avks. Henderson fireman, was struck by a fallin: brick A Raleifeh fireman was slightly injured. The girls were all sent to their homes throughout the State Wednes day morning, to remain until after Christ mas holidays, when it is ex pected to have everything arranged in <^rder that studies may be resumed In temporary quarters, at IcAst. without losing too much time. With Troop No. 1 The Scoutmaster called the meet ing to order iind we got down to business at once. Several business matter* of Importance were discussed among which was the business of finding a suitable troop room, so that meeting* In \l^ church ^ After" tft* we had a review of the Scout Oath nnd Law*. Our scout* showed up par ticularly well In this review and the ?e<mtm?*ter was well pleased with them. We closed the meeting by singing the Oreat Scoutmaster's Bene diction. Hitman n. Ktanfleld. Acting Scribe Corlnne (VrtfBth (The Orchid of; the Screen) with Edmund Lowe In . "OUTCAST" playing at I*alace Tliea j trc. Monday Tuesday. Dec. IT-aStb 1 yiatlnee Monday 3 00 P. M. BASKETBALL TEAM WILL! TRAVEL 350 MILES TO PLAY ROXBORO QUINTET South Carolina High School Will i Play Their Former Coach Two Games 19-20th . ? : I AT PIONEER WAREHOUSE Roxboro plays two big games next I Wednesday and Thursday. alien Tiav- ? elers Rest High Schools drtve 350 miles to play their coach. Coach, Knight led them to a State Cham pionship the year he was there, in 1927: It is unusual that a good team travels that far to play a game. We are fortunate and happy to have them. The Coach's. Sunday School Mass- ? plans to entertain them on? { night and the Roxboro players will take care of them in their homes. Please come out and show t hem that we are behind our school ftnd town, tt win take a good guarantee to get them hers for two games. They will play Middieburg too. on 20th in. Hen derson. Travelers Rest will make a .=trong bid for the South Carolina Championship this year. Roxboro split with Stem Friday night. The local boys lost by oiv point because they were play ire: a "nod team and Gentrv was tick and could no: b- in the full same. The "White Plash" girls won by a score of 40-10. Roxboro quintet journeyed to Wood land to play ball Saturday and then went sight . K.-eins ? ro. HuifulK. V,-t, through a big snow. Mr. and Mrs. B B. Knight. Messrs. Walker. E. Walker. IJ. Long. R. Hajri-; and Gen try made the trip. Woodland won Class "C" Championship 1927. and h^s a good team. They defeated Rox boro 24-18. Oentry was put -out of the game: therefore. : the White Flash nlayed the last part with four men. "Sug" Walker played star ball. The whole team played Well. Mrs. Knight taught there two years The people certainly treated us royally. Rpxboro plays Middieburg Tues day night the llth. in Henderson. Middlrbun; defeated Durham and Ra leigh in the State Race last year. We expect a hard cams. We can not win them "all. but"" expect tor-play a good brand of ball. We thank you Roxboro boys and girls will play Virijillna boys and girls here Thurs day night in the Pioneer Warehouse at 7:30. Mr, J. E. Whitfield Reports Good Prices Our gpoct friend. Mr. .J. E. Whit field tit Roxboro. Route 1. easily one rf the best fanners in the County, favored us with a call Monday ? and ctated that his crop of tobacco had turned out exceedingly well,-, brincins: more money than he rxpeeted. With the exception of two b*rns. his crop wfeftf very s?ood. His little boy had a rrop of his own which broucrht him more than 8200. Mr Whitfield is one of the farmers who l^nq: since discovered that it paid to raise homo supplies, and re p*t*iless of how tobacco sells hard times never cOrr.?- hjs wnv Helena vs. Bushy Fork Hclrn.i defeated Bn?hv Fork five on th" Helena oourt Friday nleht bv a 'core of 13-0. The earne was very fast Doth team* showed ?ood pass wrk throughout the entire ?ame. The spl?ndld defense accounted for the small score The Helena bov* and tirb will meet AHemvtlle teAms on 'he Helena court nt 7:15 P M., Wednesday. Dec 12th. Oome out end ?'import the Blue and Oold team*. R. C. Oarvinon ? ? ? o ? . Christina* Vacation The Roxbir city School* will close on Friday afternoon, December II*'.. for the Christmas vacation, and will r~vien on Wednesday. January 2nd. 193ft Very respectfully. Q. O Davidson. Supt Roxboro Schools. D*<S IB. 1838. Carried To Hospital Mr. John Tillman, one of Roxboro's most popular young men. wm taken to Wat to hosnltal last Saturday He had been conflned to his 'bed for sev eral week*, and hi* condition itrow !ne worse It ?a* decided to wend him to th* hoapital for treatment. Our store will be open ?ach nUrht until nine o'clock from now until Christrhaa. Harrl* as Bum* Mr. H. K. Sanders Signally Honored, Given First Place BAPTIST LADIES WILL ! HOLD ANNUAL BAZAAR SATURDAY, DEC. 15TH (io?d Eats Will Be . Served ; i Collection Of Christmas (iifts On Display DOORS OPEN AT 11 A. M. ( The Ladies Aid Society of the Pirn Baptist Church Will hold their annual bazaar next Saturday. Dec. 15th. in the building next door to The Coul ter office They will serve dinner con sisting. of a chicken salad, coufsi. fried oysters, .fivstcr stew, coffee, cream and . cake," and "they invite every farmer in town, as well as every man in RnvMrn In falrA Hinnpr xiirh rtiPrr] The doors open at II o'clock, a. n; and they* /will. serve you promptly. In addition to the. dinner they will have on display and for sale! a lartte . assortment of tilings suitable for Christmas presents, which' may be ??{ interest to both men and women Who are . worrying about their Christmas ; problems. BETHEL HILL SCHOOL NEWS Attendance For Third Month The attendance lor the Uurd month was 92^ of the enrollment; HoweverTT the enrollment for this month was slightly less and the average dally attendance Was one less than the previous month. The first grade de serves special mention in thLs for its average attendance increased by five to forty-eight out of an enrollment of ' fifty-four. The heating system has beeri put into first class condition in both the high school and elementary buildings and no trouble is looked for alont* this liiic during the coldest weather. ..There have beerr-qmtr~a~-rmmb*r--f>t cases of deep colds, with temperature. hut n 11 ruoh casts a,u? being sent- home at once and in a separate car. With most of the corn shucked and hogs i killed, it is hoped that a good at tendance will continue. Basketball season The basketball season got off to a very good start on Tuesday night, when the girls and boys from Allens ville were played. The next (tame i played Friday night with the Green - hope team of Wake County. This school has one of the best girls" team in the State and also a very strong j boy's team. The games start prompt ly at seven oclock. Christmas Holidays School .will close on Thursday after- j noon. Dec. 20th. and open again on Wednesdav. Jan 2. 192D This will cive ample titne for all to come to scjhool every day and then tot ready ' for Christmas. * Another House Invaded A few day., ago the parsonaRf at. Helenn was entered bv three persons "h'i can be identified the parson thinks. I To the. pastor's study the youngest rhtld came running and reported irtat "there was somebody peeping in 1 he closet, and about." But to the d?ll?ht of all the Inmates of this par ?onage home, this same three returned in a week Vnth many nice, and mueh needed furnishing* for the parsonage I7ils committee composed of Mtsp Mildred Sattejrflcld: Mrs. Taylor and Miss Bessie Laws, rppr'rvntlns the various ihurches of Mt. Tlraah Cir cuit. proved to be angels of mercy ind not burglars. We should like to express our deep appreciation, through the Courier, to j all who were interested hi so needy A j cause. The Whole Family I Per? on Boy I* Honored Mr. Charles Long, son of Mr. and . Mrs J D. Long of Hurdle Mill*, was i elected President of ths Protropt&n i " Society "of Piedmont College. Demor est. Oeorgia, TJil* Is quite an honor be?tow*d up6n Charles Charles Is ar^ Senior ? at Piedmont and has made frlenda by his winning personality ^ ? ? | Livestock growers Interested in learning more about the Job will en joy the meeting' of the Southern Live stock Association to be held at state College In Raleigh. Deo. 18. 18 and 20 1 Life's Outcast reclaimed by Love j See Corinng Orffllth In OUTCAST, with Edmund Lowe, playing Palor" n-ldth MUttnee Monday 3 00 P M Winners Of Soil Improvenaeat Committee Awards TV County Agents Named (JET TRIP TO HOUSTON. TEX. Six Southern county agricultural agents who have put into effect a ad are continuing an outstanding soil im provement program and who will be rewarded? in February -with liw Crip to the annual meeting of the As sociation of Southern Agricultural Workers in Houston. Texas, have been named These agents cpme from North Carolina. Alabama. Mississippi. Oklahoma, and Arkansas, and are be ing awarded the trips by the South ern Division. Soil Improvement Cbop mltte. The National fertilizer Aa? ciatlon. First -Place was awarded to H. K. ~ Sanders. Roxbdro Person county, . Ncrth Carolina The other five, places are listed alphabetically, as no rank ings were made, or, these five:* W*. L. kansas: H C. Heath; Lafayette, Chambers county, Alabama; C. L. McNeil. Carlton, Madison county, Mis sissippi;" pari W. Sjvith, Muskogee, Muskogee county. Oklahoma* and W. O. Yeager. Salisbury. Rowan coutoty. N C ? ' These awards .were made to stimuv late 'interest, in soil improvement prt> grams as recommended arid approved by the various state experiment sta tions and agricultural tension aer vices. uiAJiiliny 10 J. C. Pr idmore. di rector of the Soil Improvement Com mittee, The six outstanding reports were . selected by a ommittee of ag ricultural college workers in coopera tion with the extension service offi cials who hav?e charge of county agent work in the various states Winners were selected on the basis of a uni form score scard which .look into con sideration 'accomplished, result* in soil improvement in the county, method* of patting the programs into effect, and plans for future soil improvement efforts based on an analysis of the situation as it- exists in the County." The winning county agents will be given an opportunity of attending the Southern' Agricultural Workers^ ? tttpp t rrnr -?nd? aiso- Che" mee ting~ oT ag riculiural extension workers who will hold a jubilee ruiH'^huon commemor ating the establishment of 'the first agricultural extension office in the country at Houston 25 years ago. A banquet will be given in honor of the agents and arrangements are be ing made for the broadcasting of talks based on . their programs and accomplishments. Oold medal fobs will be awarded by the Soli Improve ment Committee as permanent tropb ies of accomplishment, along with certificates' that may become the property of the county represented by the winning agent. White Flash And Middleburg Tie Roxboro Whitr Pla*h tram tied Mlrtdleburir girls ill Henderson Tuesday night Middleburg defeated our bo*s 27-20 The score Mood aj-20 until the last four minutes The Roxboro c;arh was very much pleased o?er the showing made because Middle - burp defeated Raleigh and Durham In the championship race last year. It is only fair to our girls to vw that Middleburg had a tall center jnst home from Louis bufK college on the team, because they had- three regulars out with flu Bazaar Was A Success The bazaar conduted by the ladie* of the Edgai Long Memorial Metho dist Church was a decided success. Owing to the fact tliat many wanted to attend the football game In Dur ham they began serving dinner early, and thus accommodated aH llesides the dinner, the ladle* sold fancy article* Jot Christmas and this helped to swell I7i? neat sum A (JBHT. which >w made by the ladle*, was sold at auction, which was purehaned by Rev P. Cary Adams. , MA3 was the result of the bazaar., and the ladles cordially thank each one who helped the mmake It such a decided success Edgar Long: Memorial Ws bid you welcome to participate In and enjoy the services ot the Saw tuary with us next Sunday. Yon will find a comfortable place to womMp. the music noal-etlrrtng. and we will have a good hour together Regular serviced: Sunday School B:4& ' Sermon 11 and 7:30. KponrUk league <1:46. ? "Oome thou with ils and- we vttl do thee good?' T. A. Brian. Fartm

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