Happy New Year A Good Town To Live In. J. \V. NOELL. EDITOR AND PUBLISHER HOME FIRST. ABROAD NEXT VOL. XLV. SI. 50 PER YEAR IN ADVANCE. KOXBORO. NORTH CAROLINA. WEDNESDAY EVENING. DECEMBER 19. 1928. NO. 51. KITTY HAWK SAFE ON MAP OF THE WORLD Returning ftlgrims From The Writfh? jlebration Reach \Va W^"'n^ilon. D*c 18.? The District 1 /f.4y-^bA Wltti its' party .of air pil grimsT^vmo Vent to ;Kitty Hawk ves - .terday. arrived .here at 10:30 o'clock; this morning, and the celebration of Silver . anniversary. of ' the first-: flight "ifr the Wrights, was over. The party of aviators and /notables. . -who went to! Kitty". Hank put it on- the : ? map of the- world.. If. thpre. were/those Who thoiight Elizabeth City or Mkn ). : teo ?jtvonld . b* use-d j?.s' ?a?e' lines' for ? Vfo' 0 1' ? v.'?re disap- ? pointed It is. Kitty Hawk that, g ?" the adyertisjln^ ahd henceforth it - T'tll bo a rhrino nt .r. rj'af i -on.- ' SaVs Transportation' 6. K. Since it was a pilgrimage to' a shrine the members- of. the part:-' were dub bed pilgrim?, who underwent the tra ditional . hardships that ptlgrirris under .?0. Congressman Lindsay Wanv-n yi . .^aid today that the report in the - momjlng papers that .hundreds of air minded citizens failed to get trans portationr across Currituck was incor rect. He praised ' the" excellent \Vork fiono fry State" Highway Commissioner Pa?*4 and others "responsible tor t!\e transportation. - The pilgrimage was the > climax of a two week's meeting of the aviation ' . leaders of the work; including the L International Civil Aeronauticf? Con ference, in Washington last week, KxpHin- I in'iVv \Iwonrc .While keen disappointment is re ported to have been felt by the crowds : at Kitty .Hawlf over the ? failure ? of Lindbergh to attend, it is stated that* the famoii^ traits- Atlantic flyer was advised bv his friends to remain ' a*way, It was their feeling that it was Orville Wright's day. and. they feared that Lindbergh would ? hot - be able to remain in the background Such is .the explanation of his- ab sence, as it -is sajd that Lindbergh be>'n v'-vi to attend'. While the celr brat ion was' in pro gress at Kitty Hawk, the Hou?? of "Representatives took note of. the ?*vent bv allowing Congressman John H. Kerr of North Carolina to place in the Record an article 'from Sun day's News ind Observer bv Ralph Pool, of teli/.aboth City, relative to Kitty Hawk "Mr. Speaker, there is- a notable celebration in my State todays, at which the nation unofficially pays honor to the ingenuity, the adventure and the achievement of our pioneers of aviation, the Wright brothers." Congressman Laguardia. of New York, a distinguished soldier aviatot ' iilso addressed the House on the achievements of aviation. ~ ? . ? ? . . i First Bfipt'pt Church |r-' Bible School 10.00 A M. R t. Wtt lurn Klip' A Christmas- pr Tram "White Olfts For Thr King." will b? given Sunday morning at the eleven o'clock hour. Evrtv - attending It. requested to bring .".omcthlng useful In food, r'.oth in* or money. f?"ch klfis will be dis tributed to any in tin entire nm munltv '?rho may be l?xs fortunate. ? ? ? Uiiil ' o'r-r- en)oy the Christ mas season *? . At the rrtnflar nfTerinj our contri butions In the form of a Free will Offering -'111 to. to our Routh-wlde Mission objects B Y. p. -v/'- 6:15 P. SI Miss Mabel James, Oeneral director The preaching service at 7:30 -will t>" In the form of a Union ervic airi Rev W. L Manes* will preach. A cordial Invitation 1* extended to all W F WEST. Pastor. Stores To Close On Christmas Day The lead In? stores of Roxboro will nil remain closed all day Christmas day so that their employees, as well ns innrtfwvps. may enjoy Chrtstmas iw others do ^ More Hogs Mr* J D. Um of Kurdla Mill*. Route 2. killed one pig 'en month nnd eleven days old which weighed :>M pounds. Mr. Oeorge Tywig of East Royboro killed one weighing 262 pounds ' . ? ? ... ? . Uy. ??? . , ..rti ? ^ ? Tans ? Thrr'e ? F?w*n? Nowl "NE VADA' Vlth. Oar ft Cooper plavlnr.' palace Theatre Monday Christmas Rve- December 24th. Matinee and Night. To Our Readers: A Happy New Year Week after week during, the pasr year we have chronicled your achieve ments and recorded your triumphs, re joiced In your successes and .sor rowed with you in your bereavements* Now we start a New Year together, . and; the best .wish we can make for you is that we may hear such nevr of vdu as it will be a- delight .to pass -on. to others through these ca!umns. A H,appy New Year to -vou Alii ? siwImm 1 IN !NHl'tNZfl CASES More Than .S0.000 Reported In I'. S. Last Week From Twenty States 281 DEATHS ARE REPORTED WoshinetOn, Dec. -18. ? Morr than 8!W)00 new. cases of influenza were re j 1 l rl Hi V *? P'ihV1if Health Ser vlce today from 20 states for the week endin? Dec. 15. This is an increase of nearly 100 per cent, over new eases reported the previous ,w(4k from all states. It probably represents only a fit t.h of the actual number of cases Kansas led in the increase of in fluenza with 68.843 new eases during the" week- Montana reported 3.060 cases, Arizona 2.615. Colorado, - 1..14S. and Illlinois 2.198. For the same week the Bureau of Census reported 379 death from In fluenza as compared to 284 In the we?k eridin? December 8. The greatest number of deaths 58. was reported from Denver. Kansas City had 35 and Chicago 33. Pn'umonift d&alhs U>* last .week to tilled 1.114 the bureau reported Tills Tl ' " rf 1 or, rv.-w the nre-" vious week. New York had the srreat cs! number of pneumonia deaths. 202. Edgar Long Memorial Another Christmas- has come. The | birthday of our Lord is here. Everv heart in this, ahd all other lands, should be thrillled with gladness and Jov. Every Christian should scatter sunshine and happiness. Every one ought ."to show his love to the Father by attending divine services riexUSun jdJ^V and enter into a. heartfelt thanks- j giving to God for His unspeakable J gift; Let. our souls sing anew " Joy | to the World, the Lord is Come." ?The services at this Church will be i held as usual, except the eveninsr ser- ; lien there will be a unitin ser- \ '"hi a^ tlv Firv Baptist Church with preaching . by Rev. \V. I,. Maness. . .Pp*?>r of the Person Charge. We. are hoping tliat all who ran will b? present at the Sunday School and ? the niotnint worship. Strangers and s will be accorded ' a cordial I welcome/ - ? | T A SIKE3. Pactof. Wreck On Hurdle Mill# Road Wednesday A rather unusual nuto wreck oc curred Wednesday* evening iust alter ;c:irk me mile *pi;th of Roxtioro on the Iftirdle Mills road, when a bl? lumber truck driven b? a rplored man ! sm&shed in*?- a or.p hourse wag'Ofl. doing considerable damage to the wasors and caused the horse to run 3 way, resulting in a complete wreck of the wagon. Just behind the one horse wagon fallowed a two horse I wacon driven by Mr X W. Thomas, which alio suffered a complete tear- ; I'D. filling one mule and inflicting minor injuries to Mr. ? Thomas, his Uttle ion and a Mr ^Wilboiyi who wa riding with hull. Ir appear hardly possible to have more com plexly wreeke?>;> the five minute -peech by K>' N. J: Todd was also left off The ijerformance was entirely cred ltabie^hroughout. but the quartet* by Mess O. 0 Davidson J. K Wood Charlie Wade and Olga Riley were exceptionally good. The managers of the station have promised to give the Entertainers r full two hour opporturtlty ' soon and we will have the pleasure of listening to the full program Bethel Hill High School Is Closed On account ef the poor attendance Bethel Hill Hlgn School ha* cloned nnd. .will open again on Wednesday. i*w? 9r?4r 'Owe- amhorltv . derided DvK wn the beat' step, con sidering till things, and the achaol closed Tuesday afternoon i .Colev 3 Mirth : Good Woman Passed . A way Mrs. J'.' D. K. Richmond Dies At A Danville Hospital Sunday Night WAS ACTIVE IN CIVICS Mr.- .!, D,- K. Richmond dtfd Sun , day night at 9:30. in. Edmor.ds hos pital In Danville, Va For several, t months Mrs. Richmond had been 111 iuia crjy recently had -returned homr fi-pm the hospital in Danielle, but ? cniv to remain (or a few days, as her condition grew steadily worse and she was carried back to the hos ? pital. Mrs. Richmond made a brav? fight lor lite. in . fact it was only her strong will power which kept death ' away for several months. Mrs Richmond was Miss Emma Bradsher. before her marriage daugh ter of Judge D W. and Mr>- Mildred Satterfield Bradsher She was a con ? is t ?nt member of- the Edgar Lops Memorial Methodist Church, ahd was an ,ifv. ? ? u orkun K'-mbiT alwi' "ea anNious.to do.'ahythin; luf 'hurch when (Tiled r.pon: she was intensely interested in all civic mat- i tcrs and to things looking to th? b?t-' ? -rment of humanity and the town , i She was in deed and in truth an ap3s- '? ? rl? cf sunshine, for she brought Jay I ana happiness where ever sile hap 1 pened to be. Besides husband and lather there also survives two daughters; Miss Mil dred Richmond, a student at N. C. ' C W.. and little Miss Sue Metfttf Richmond:, one son Dan Richmond I a student at State College. Raleigh: one brother. E. E. Bradsher: thre" half brothers Merritt. Landon. and Guthrie Bradsher; three sisters, Mrs, N. C. Newbold. cf Raleigh. Mrs Frank Hester and Miss Sue Bradsher of Roxbiro: two half sisters, Mrs E. D Morton i : id Mrs R. A Bitflock ? : Roxboro. The funeral services were conducted from the home vesterdav. afternoon p' . 1 o'clock.' where an unusually large crowd had' gathered to pay their last respects, ih# services beint conduced bv her Pastor. R-v T. A Sites, as sisted by Roys W F. West, of th Baptist Church and Rev P. Car': t Adams, of the RrAsby.tefian Church. The floral offerings were unusually beautiful, showtn?" the gren! love th? lieople had for this really gpod wo man Burial was made in Burchwood ccfnetery Mr. Long Now Kentucky Colonel Kin?u>n. Dm?. 14? F. G. Flanagan nncl M. R. LoVig. Oteenvilk men. ar-* Kentucky colonels now. Thev have been appointed to the ^tafT of Lieut, Governor James Breathitt." Jr.. ftctlhg governor of the BlnC Grass State The covernor and Long wdft In the ? M^vv together during the World Wa-, j Th#y wm ftufc friend*. ' During th* r?cenr campaign the Kentucky exe cutive toured North Carolina in the interest of Smith's candidacy, and he traveled in Lomr* airplane with the latter ~aa pilot.. . j FlanagaA madjj^ th? K*?nfu<"ician'? irquaintaqce at Washington some time :ieo. and . they became very i friefidlv ^ , , ?jpnummmm iq ? k Correction The . following have paid their taxe* and should not be advertised this v TTv notice came 1ft too Tltc W ? >K* mir- J T winter." Sr.. D. W. Oakley. Smith Boater icht Jesse Bailey. S. J? Bjifrriift. Wm E Barnett. HSUST** Hayes * and George Stntth. S. C. TEAM WILL PLAY ROXBORO QUINTET AT : WAREHOUSE TONIGHT | Is Expected To Be One Of The Hardest Fouifht Games Ever Staged On l.ofal Court ROXBORO IN FINE SHAPE On \Vedhesdav and Thursday 'nights. Dec. I9th and 20th, at 7:30, there wlii be a basketball game which promises $o be of more thati ordinary"' interest These -ei mei? will. be between Travel-. ej^.VRect -of jvftr- Greenville. ?. , C.S and-. Rcsbr.rn/..' The Traveler', Rest team ; won' the- State Chartiplohship- ii\ ?3^7 w^iie ?rrf-' E. E. c 7achin? Them. He is -naw ' coachin ?l>e Rdxbnrp team and will show what lie has beer, Abie - to. ' accbmt>f;slv.;-v-*ith.' ?cut hom* team.-- ? . _ _ ,? . ;; .i.Ccm'e our..?nd leh$' .sour support to . ' : ' team-. - ^ ? OUR SCHOOLS AND INFLUENZA Acco'rdin'g ? to a careful ; check-up or/ attendance ?. in' the Rdxboio ;Cit> ????hools cn;Tuesday. there '.'is .no cau1. n a n u ; t <>ii uv. v. ft;'. ? V . ? H'i irtar'lK''' number of children are suffering with .colds' and a few pupils. /have in fluenza. but the conditioni afe. not st all alarming:- Furthermore- the phy sic! ana of Roxboro state/ tha* the : number of influenza cases is not large. and that practically all are rather ' mild. : ..." . There were more pupils present in the Central - School on l^egday than on Monday; and only a few were ab sent ?t East Roxboro Absentees at the .high school numbered less than .10:".. rind several of that number Were working in stores ?or markets. In th? colored school there was or.iy: a normal. absentee re.port/ It . is; highly important that we . com plete this, ou/fifteenth week of'-school work jfl the test manner possible. By ?.mjAIiW this w""!; imn?' piii pUs who will have to- drop out for farm work in the F.priri? will receive several days of schooling that other wise they would miss; and also we shall b? able, barring interrupt lien in the spring term, to finish our -school year by the end of May. Re nectful!-. i O. C Davidjon, // M^I. >?)! ; Dec. 18 1923 Christmas Seal Sale Mrs. J. D. Mterrif. Christmas Seal Chairman and her committee, in ask ing citizens to purchase their quota of the familiar penny Seals, are basing their campaign upon actual results as measured in years of life and dol lars' saved; In the past 10 year* in North Caro lina the death rate from tuberculosis hap been lowered to the extent whicn means in this state alona: 3 paving _ of 15.000 Ijlve< and a money savin? to the community of millions of dollar In the' past (hrtt years In the North Carolina school? where healtn habits have, beer, tauaht eace arid friendship . This u'9S the year when "sound" and talking motion pictures grew out of their infancy, when the invention of the robot or mechanical man gave promise bf p. future lessening of the labor of hien when new machines Hike the combine harvester were In dented to lighten the strenuous tack* of the farmer ' ' In this year radio was used to an extent never before even approached -as In the vast nation-wide Hook-ups of political utterances The advances in radio science, trans portation medicine, social welfare and Intellectual fields during the past ? ear have been many and varied The gains mad" in every department of human activity makes ti< envision 1929 as a twelvemonth of still greater pro gress. We confidently look forward to a year in which mankind will make jrcmendou# strides. Occupying New Home Mrs. E B. Poufthe*. who has Juat completed her beautiful mpw home to Northeast Roxboro moved in taut week. - - ? , -