Better Tobacco Beds Control Flea Beetle Raleigh. N. C ? Preparing the plant bed so that tobacco flea bet ties can . not enter to attack the young plant* is one means of successfully controll ing the pest to the extent faa* strong er plants are ' obtained lor setting in. *he field. *Pirst the plant be^ should bs made tight." says C H. Braanon, .extension entomologist at State College. "This can b? done by using boards about ibe: bed- instead of -pojesi ' " Poles' can not be so placed tha; the small flea beetles may not enter. Then 50J! should be banked atiout the boards to. prevent the insects crawling 'under. .. Hav.t the --board." P.*. at . each cerner, Next., use new cheese cloth that ha?* at- least 25 strands to the . fr'nrh This- : hduid ba "well aewn and ? '< hatched t > the margin boards by wooden strips. J: ' or nailing the", cloth ttx the boards will usually tfull "hqlpi in it." The next .'sir p. says tlv, BrannonY is - to plant an area of a few feet around tfte bed- ; ?Me* ? an? y' surround this bed and .o ifr >-cloth Used, to- cover it This i's a. bed en which the fleu -? "fir.-. yjV- ate and where ?hey mav . easil' with a mix-. . ' tire of one pound ot parts* green to . "rive pounds of ""arsenate' -61 lead.' -Us thK.^UsV at the raif o( oTj'f-hjlf pouif* to I each ^9? y ard? of ttap bed.' ?; tnus : h' v \] covered with . the dust and ih^ ;? ^plications made . frequently, especially if .tjiere.'.is much-' rain. ' . I Mr. Br'ann-in . at ? t e*. tb|it ' the ' to- ? a ? to flic' - crop each \iv>r . The j#e'st'r r - niy ; about . oa Mi-i ten -control-;- fe.* practiced at "tK$T] .p)aft.t beds... th*rc- are fewer 'insects to; hurt th? tobacco cr.. > in i he field uni. ; .sironseV 'plaiV. i - v?ri irt>d ?- f -\t v-r-i . v ? Deajth O: Georgia A. Winotead (col.) . 'jG,^orgia: .A W'hstead departed' this : life 'NDvcinb'"' ' l.M.'\ l <*$8. ;aV '-the.-acn1 r-.y ;>;? y-nT>; 17 -v ?% tc rjiouril -their 'Ichss "h. hysband .. Vohn \yanstead. . five . 1 :? ; L y.v.iri- , ".v.mTTi I ?!>??'??* ? brr-jher? ":.r.d- three . ?jsteVs, ahti , a host c? . relatives ' I survive. siv i* wed '? -th* '? church.-i ?:n -)x-y vouth nnd 'has< been ;a" metri bci' of . She, : Mill Hilt arid Hyco Zion { - fiapUst ,t:)r.a;-.'-lVcw . sing? . ? She was" a j true and faithful ' wife and, christian. \\ ? She. ?ook. lier . Mckne^.v patleiitly,. ?' Vujuwihv' it t>ie ? liojrd s will ; She ' liiiVM'd a wAv VqttM.iou--' -and peaceful, j We want to extend', our \ Prcfesionai Cards Dr. J, D. BRADSHF.R J >?? i: t-i - 1 1 ' ' ?" ?-?t.ii-n .V ldV SMre. Bulging J. J. WOODY Mienvtl Fmbnlmor ? ftoxboi t. N. C.. DR. E. I. TUCKER flrntfrt Office iu Hptet Jones DR. E. C. RROWN rmBo^RAnoii Cotnpiefj- X-Ray L^ftojrktory Lady Aitpfidant PhOM?x : X.-5324, Of L--4351 ' '_)\ < r ftfffcsfi pru? Storti "Dt'RHAM. VJV0. "dr. J. H HUGHES DrptM Cfflcr in HiV'l .Jonea. door ; lo ,Oi yuciwr's O'Stce DR. O. G. DAVIS \>>(inarlhn rifT^T"; W ' t(V P.cixb-n-o a?l '? .nnundin; rpnSnlunity Phone tn R. E DAWES \ttorneyat-t.?w ? omc? Ad L M Carlton N. C. N. LUNSFORD Mtorncval-I.a* Office over O-arrett* 5*tore Roxboro. N. C. DR. G. C. VICKERS Office li? Wlllvirn ?and SatterfleM Store HutldlnK on Main Street, lip stair* corner rooms ROBERT P. RURNS Attorney DR. B. B. BEALOCK OptometrM , Booth Boston. V* Eye* examined and Rlasse* fitted by up-to-date ^lentinc methods satisfaction guaranteed. W. T. BUCHANAN Sorvetor Roxboro. N. C . "Route ft thanks to everyone, both ' white and colored, for -every visit and kindness shown her in her hour of affliction. I also want to extend thanks to the ? Doctors who so faithfully attended her. Dr. Bryce of Roxboro, and our , faithful, untiring family doctor, B. E Love, of Roxboro. When each of yott hive crossed the river and gone tb the great judgment seat of Christ, you may hear his voice; saying. "When I was sick you ?ninistered unto mc: when I was hungry you gave me meat." Then you will say, lord, when did I do this unta v->u? Then He will say. Sa much ? a : yen done unto the least rn" that belie w, on me: you did unto .me Since, you have |?en faithful ever 'a few things'. I will make you ruler ever many. Enter, into ?he Joys Of eternal rest prepared for .you Amen; John T. W instead i'.ird Children. Sale Of Valuable Farm Land On Monday, December 31. 1928. it 43 ^o'clock, noon, at the Courthouse door tn- Roxboro. North Carolina, the undersigned will -sell, at public sale to. the highest bidder of' bidders for cash the Xollowmiz. described tract of. land. Lying m Cunningham Township. Person County North Carolina, ad joining ' lands of Miss Belle V. Cox - ingtori*. T. T Adams Mrs,. George T. Larif?dell. Jr . Alex Glass and others, containing 186 acre^ more or less and . being land formerly owned by the Tate Mrs. Bettie S. Wmstead. having been assigned to her in the d ivi^ion -of j land owned .by her and the *late Miss Luta A. Oliver ai tenant in common. - The right is resened to- offer the-i yaidf " tract- .either- as a whole , -or in subdivisions. Any persoft. desiring further infor- ? tfiti-jn concerning Either >he land ; or.:, ?l'." .^a1? tlimeui' iiMied in 'U either, .nf the Undersmfled. This December 1. 1928. . ? ? j. M. Brewer. Agent and Attorney In Fact of the heirs at law of Mrs. Bet tie S. W instead F. O. Carver. Attorney. Notice Sale Of Land Under and by virtue of the author ity conferred upon me by a certain Deed of Trust executed by John Davis on the 10th day of February. 1926. and duly recorded in the ofllcc of the Register of Deeds of Person County in Book No. 3 at page 342, de fault having been made in the pay ment of the note securcd by said Deed of Trust, and at the request bf the holder of the note. I will on Sat . urday. December 22. 1928. at 12 o'clock m.. in frcnt of the courthouse door in Roxbaro. North Carolina, sell to the highest bidder for cash the lands conveyed in said Deed of Trust. to-w!t; Adjoining the lands of J. H. Gar rett and others and bounded as fol . lows; ' Beginning at pai titers. C- G. Reade's . corner, in Dry Branch: thence South 37 degrees East with Reade's line 1465 chains to painters. Reade's cor ner: thence North 3 degrees East with Jine of Speed place and Nannie Day place 'now John Garrett t 27 chains to R J. -Anderson & Company (nbw JT. C. . Pass) : thence with this lino North 87 degrees West' 12 chains to? pointers in Dry Branch: theu;e with- the meanders of said branch to the beginning, containing forty- <401 acres, mbre or loss. ?This November SO. 192B. N. Lansford. TVustce. . NOTICE OF FORE CLOSURE SALE cjnder and by virtue op THE POWER SALE- contained" in to Carol 1 n a Mortgage Companv. ? jappa'oi trust made by Eii;'.^ B. .Bawlvs and Husbands L. TV Bowies. Truster*-. dated the 1st day jrrjfv. ? 1836. and reeorrieti in Book No. 1. . IF VOU COULD SEE how Ihbrnuehlv nr an- in ocr - .cleaning of. and woinen'ii ? tfarnicnts. von woulrf never* try to have them cleaned in any other fc?y. H'e haw the latest machinery and methods and the result k perfcrt.. spot less tTwrk. J. E. LATTA & CO. Phone 61 - Roxboro. N, Ci. Christmas AND A m .NEW YEAR ' Is our most sincere wish for every farmer in this and ad joining Counties. We appre ciate most highly your splendid support, and your libe patronage this season. And we are especially happy that we have been able to secure for many of you more than you expected for your to i r sjco. May you enjoy the Happiest Christmas possible, and after the merry-making i3 over we cordially invite you to bring U3 what tobacco you may have on hand, and we will do our very best for you. . '.j i * Sincerely your ? friends, W. T. PASS & COMPANY | Hyco? Warehouse < Roxboro, N. C. page 296. In the ofOce of the R*gt^ter ! of Deeds of Person County, default having been made in the payment of the notes thereby subscribed "and the holder thereof having directed that the deed of trust .'be foreclosed, the undersigned Trustee will offer for sale at the court house; door in the City of Roxboro. at twelve o'clock noon on ' Saturday, the 5th day of January. 2929. and will sell to the highest bid der for cash or at least one-half clash and the balance upon such credit as the Trustee may determine, the fol- . lowing described real estate in the Town of Roxboro. Roxboro Township. State of North Carolina, more par ticularly described as follows: That lot of'luid lying and being in ' tie Town r'f Rxboro on the corner of Lamar ami. Ivoy Streets, being.' on the Northeast side ol said Ivey Street, and the Northwest side of Lama".' Street, and beginning at a fence post on the inner edge of the sidewalk, the Southeast comer of said lot. run ning thence, with Lamar Street North 39 degrees and 21" East .167.6 ft. t> an iron stab?." corner of S. R- Wade SEE L'S AND SEE BETTER . Ejws SricnUflraflj Examined 207 West .Main .Street SORE Could Not Rest ~ Mrs. H. lucholsy who lives at 513 Elm Tree Lane, Lexington, Ky., sayB: "Some few years agrj, my health was bad. I had very severe pains in my sides. My nerireS were in a terrible condition. I could, not rest. 'The l iwcr part of my body was very s6r>. X d>4 no* feel like eating, and did nofciSleep well at -all at uighla. ~ frien i of mine recommend ed Car^ui. I began taking it and saw quite an improvement in my condition. I kept it up until 1 felt strong and well." About a fear ago, Mrs. Nichols says, she found herself in a ner vous, run-down condition. "I took Cardui again," she add*, "and it helped me wonderfully. It is a splendid tonic." Cardui i* a mild, medicinal tonic, made from purely vegeta ble ingredients. At all druggists. WOMEN FM OKSMYEfJIS lot. formerly, owned by Eliza Bowles: thence with said S R Wade lot North 80 degrees and 29' West 122.8 It. to a stake, corner of s: R: Wade and Jim Johnson: thence with the line of said Johnson South 30 degrees and 33' East, 166.8 It. to a fence post on the' inner edge of sidewalk on said Ivey Street: thence '"tth the inner edge of the sidewalk on Jvey Street South 59 degrees and 30' East 804 ft. to a fence i?st. the beginning, upon which . Is located a two-story frame, dwelling, it being n part of the lot conveyed to Eliza B. Bowles by W p. Overby and wife on June 30th. 1921. recorded fn 3ool: No. 30.. page 352. Register's Of fice of Person County. See also deed ? of -T. 'C.-' Brook*. Trustee, to W. D Overby. dated February .19. 1916. re corded in Book 23. page 495. said Registers office This proper! v will be sold subject to ! Ctly and County taxes (or 192d\?nd any inatal^nt ol paving assessment which is not now due. Dated this 4th day ol December. 1928. i CAROLINA MORTGAGE COMPANY. TRUSTEE. WE SEU GLASSES THAT PLEASE THE EYE Best Wishes FOR A MERRY CHRISTMAS AND A HAPPY NEW YEAR V The Roxboro and Person County Cham ber of Commerce wa3 established primar ily fcr the benefit of the farmers of this and adjoining Counties. The merchants and business men of Roxboro put up the money necessary and employed an all-time secre tary to look after your business, and we are happy that he has been of service to you. May your lot Ik? a happy one, ?nd-*nay the Chamber of Commerce still be of ser vice to you, is the sincere wish of the .(? . ' v " ? ... Chamber of -JComjaaerce C. H. HUNTER, Sec. Merry Christmas Our heartfelt wishes for a Very Merry Christmas, plus our thanks for your' con tinued patronage and friendship. The First National Bank ? THE FRIENDLY BANK" Under Supervision U. S. Government