THE COURIER J. W. NOELL, Editor and Publisher. ftMbhed Every Wednesday Evening SUBSCRIPTION RATES * 1 Ttnr .... $1.30 ? imnths .75 S months .50 * . Tbe Editor is in no way responsible for views expressed by Correspondents. ADVERTISING RATES Display Ads, 35 Ceilts per Inch. Reading Notices, 10c per line. Entered at the Pofct Office at Roxboro, N. C., as second class matter. THE A>fERICAN? PRESS AS SO. Forehrn Advertising Representative. Wednesday. ?I3ecemb?r 19, 1928* It ain't the guns nor armament, nor funds that they can pay ,.-i Rut the close cooperation that makes them win the day It ain't the individual nor the army as a Whole. ... But the everiastin* team-work of every bloomin' soul. -r-Rudy-ard Kipling. PS^CE. GOOD WILL And there \yere in :he same coun? try ah?phjetts aWdfna in the flQ'.d krfpmg \v&\ch over their Hcck by nieht; .. . ? And. lo. the anerl cf'the Lord came ; upon then*, and- th- ulorv of th?' * ;v;Vlio(pd shone, round Kbout-. them: and. they were sore. -afraid'. *. . ? \ And the angel said, unto them. Fear, .not'; fot. . brho^L. I brin-j you pood . t'id-' ? .nm.s. i'l ? -rcrrt ? ,-y. '?? fti-h . !>?? all people. . For imto, you !? ? born this day- :n . the-, city, fcf David a Saviou/^ which" is Christ the iord. And. this shall lv a ?iyn unto yoti: Ye shall find the . babe wrapped in t waddling ^rlothcs, lying, in.. a uiauyer And suddenly there -'teas wlttr the angel a multitude of ? the* heavenly host praisirtg.Ood. atid Savin?, . Glory to God in the highest, " and v' ?? on earth peace.' good will s toward men?*' Luke 2:8-14. SOME THINGS WJ? MAY NOT KNOW ABOUT CHRISTMAS Christmas is a universal holiday throughout Christendom.. ant! the man ner o t it s observance" his been great - " }y influenced -bv . the traditlojis-.- 'and customs of many lands. Tho dav has not always beoh thought, of as rhe "of 3 oy and gladness; in fact, fov the first four 'hundred, years ?_ of the Christian era It was observed aa a dav c( fostt'ite ?nd">loom The American Christmas' is very cosmopolitan as it .has absorbed ma^y things from Slav. Tutbn and Latin countries. Deaf old Santa Claus is the patron ralnt of Russia, ahct is. * properly ):nvvn as St. Nicholas: but in Ofrmany he is known, as" Kris Krin*Ie; 'in France tif P?re Noel: in Italy as Mr f iier arid ih .Spain and Portfisnl .n ;?c TJiree Kinea? but whaleVei inSv be called ho does not fall *o visit the children and bring them gifts and toysT The custom of usln~ hMly end c5th*r greens in' decorating for Christmas is of considerable antiquity, and In all probability is a survival of the usage rf the -Roman Satoranal*. which fes tival* began December itth. The rare privilege grahtlnsr powers of a *prig .of mistletoe has come to us from the pagan religious ceremonies of ancient Kurope The custom of bflnsrin* in the Yule lpg come* from th?? ancient Nftrsmen. and was always an occasion cf great,, ceremonv and much re:'oiein?. b'tt Originally had no conriectlon with Christmas The practice o f givinr gifts at fh? Chrl/tm&s season (ft not found outside ? ' the Tutonic countries. And is of a dis tinctly Christian oriytti Aft for the use of fireworks at Christmas ?haf 1? distinctly Ameri can. and- \ *rv < h i fn ?fe rt*tlc -Tfre ver - rnt and nolsr. We often find Christmas wrltteTf in the abbreviated form of Xmas which fact has caused a great deai of con *r oversy a* to the jTropriety of such an abbreviation. The WW0 "Chrift mas? literally mearts Christ-mass. As . fi the meanirig of the word "mass** -rhen it; was first compounded with the nrord "Christ" Is uncertain. but It l^u ? Um ? nartictola - form of .the latih verb "mltto" meaning to send Thetf * fore the wort' Christinas really means The Sent Christ." The abbreviated ' rm of Xmas probably dates back ancient causes. The letter X used In the abbreviation is not the letter X of our alphabet, but the Greek letter or" "Chi" which has the phonetic value of "ch" and is the first letter of the Greek name of Christ ? Christ CIS. meaning The Annotated One. The first cause perhaps is to be found in :hs ancient Jewish idea of avoiding the utterance of the word Jehovah ) lest the name of God might be taken in Vain. Then too. there was the per iod of Christian persecution by the Romans, which was so severe that "simply to be known as a Christian meant death, so that it became ne cessary for !h? Christians to hide - ih-lr identity, and they had to resort tb secret signs and symbols. Thus the fish was commonly used as e sign and -vinbo! because- the letter which com p.bwd' the Greek word; lohthgs,. stood , .'for Isasous Christos Theou Hutu. ^otyVrmeariiag ? Jesus ehrist -(Sod's i soii our Saviour. Sometimes they ;u>t drsV the picture of ?> ftsh and its. syinboiiejn was. . understood by theft :eI!'5'5':Chtristians. " Thus we have simie justification 'for origin ? of. the abbreviation ??'of ?Christmas .*:>? Xma? whether :U can-., 'tinued iise. Is- justified of npt; ? NORTH CAROLINA? A GOOD PLACE TO LIVE Doubt !iss Noj-th Carolina ha$ ? pent :rtpney '.vhich has hot ' brought back .value received, but-. \ie believe;, ene of ; che^ neatest and best pleeeS of work' we have *e?n .front any- of :hc depart . "ifihts is thapt of-o.yr good, friend'. Wade . Din>f"v . lie Depart - men:. c 1 Conservation and. DeysJop raent. Under his guidlikg hand there has been^fiuod a baclt 6ciHjri. "rioiili' Carolina? A Gobd Place. To Live." We have all known that. North Carolina was- a good place to live, bu -few of us have ever fully realized the many reasons why North Carolina is a good place ta live., arid this publication will open t'He eyes of many, not bnly North Carolinians.' but to. those who have .never been. this way. yes. -It is , a . worthwhile piece of advertisement and 'vl 11 result in ' hiahy dollars com ing this 'way. _ - -AVe have always had ,-reat : -:v : for' -.the ?pinions hit unions :h->-- .\.i have, them.. -The . fanners fjnom' "'hey Ste'rt on'.' ?ii? ' aedf rs till killing. tjme: ?'?, ? JJiss Mary Winstcad report. V . th'ftt. ! ; . ; . , ? .. - ; ? ' ? \ ? ttvs from' her rtoclt' . ^he last. ten"; ? Tl:? mast of the '/ir? marketed in' New York. Mr. R.' T. \V?hstea?f has a record about ? s .pc>c;i r ivd it is.-'hjpec! :o;ha* e a lull report - from those two. fleck- in the nesr fu ture. California ships eggs to New' York 6y the train load and v.iiy few ::e . 2: PRfCES E EDtT CED? PEC SiX . TRET" F .-atf-.a-.a dranies and o/.btr -.can dafd .Xralts and jWftdmleiitSUs. Qua*- ? b?s* P-operlv a'ro-jCrt. ? Prompt.-' ?hiptrteXlt. . J, B. Wight. Cairo,. Ga. WTLBURN *oy HATS ANT) BOSTONIAN Shoes- for those who care, .at Wil bnrn .& . Satterfleld. BRING T7? YOf'R h :'romMhe mills nt. low prices. Oft. our prices before buvinz. Hugh Woods. Roxboro. N. C. 12-19. 2ts FOR S \T^F ? T WILL SELL AT AUC tion on Saturdav. Dec. 22nd. at mv f i nr. at Providence a lot of farm ? ;ng -rCT?. mil'ftia. .lasulili" 'lit m*? wood sniv. and' other articles. Sale will begin at 1 o'clock. Mrs. W T. Jones. 12-5. 3tp EXCELLENT VALUES IN WOOLEN. .at Wiiburii & Sattcrneld. Everything ' f^or Christmas No matter who you want it for you will find something" here suitable for that Christmas present. This store presents a. pleasing Christmas appearance with merchandise for men, women and children. Mer chandise that is useful as well as beautiful all at ' reasonable prices. Your Christmas shopping (will fa a pleasure- here. Experienced and capable sa*%' \iend tKey must* go. You can't afford to pass the bargain,-. The same will apply to aH ladies hats? HARRIS & BURNS "ROXBORO'S BEST STORE " xyriCi^? i, nmBi< ,-dkbid any one. hiding or harboring . my wile, Martha Crowder. She. left my home without a cause ? was ipov^d when X returned from" SouchJ Bos ton.. Anx. one ;Vioiatmg thi^Jnotlct \yill . be prosecuted according to .. law. Wilson Crowder. ? ltp IP IN NEED OP WATER HAVE A well drilled through rock and be sure of pure, water. E. A. Infold. RoxborO. N. G. 12-3. FOR SALE? WITHOUT A DOUBT we sell the bes" S35.00 sewing ma chine mjde. The Newells. Jewelers. Roxboro. N. C. MaRRTS rt- miPTi^' ? < sell Christina's day. GET YOUr CO.NOOLEUM.' CONOO Icum Rugs and Druggets 'from Wil-i burn & Satterfleld. FARM LOANS. 33 YEAR I.AND Hank loans, payable at option of borrower. 50 per cent value of land can be l;ad by farmers, in need of funds from v. C, Joint Stock Land Bank. See Robert P. Bmm. Atty. PULLET3 FOR PALE ? RHODE 13 :arid Reds and White Leghorns. ? S2.0O and $1.75 . each. Apply to. J. r. Crowder, Virg-.lma. Va . R. 4. box 103. 12-12, 2tp PIGS AND SHOATS FOR SALE? Pi$s frQir. 6 weeks old up to 4 , moiijhs. Prices right. See Dolph Holt. Providence church. 2 miles . from Town. 12-12. it FOR SALE ? ONE JERSEY COW. Jitsh. Priced- right See Claude Mocre. Rqxboro. N. C . Route 5. ltp Make your x>ia$ shopping easy by *. at Wilburn A: . Sat lerfleltf. * '!??'. LOST? 100 POUNDS OF SUGAR. BE Hveen Roxboro and Olive Hill high