LETTERS TO SANTA BY THE CHILDREN Roxtaoro. N. C. Dec. 10 .1928.1 Dear Santa Claus: Please bring me a wrist watch, a ! big doll, some apples, negro toes. Bmgtiah walnuts, raisins and some ; candy. I must close. Dorothy Ann Snipes. Roxbzoro. N. 6.1 Dec 10 .1928. Dear Santa Claus: I am a little boy in the fourth grade. I want a watch and chain, a harp. ! a little wagon full of blocks, also -oranges, apples, negro toes, and candy. Plea* don't forget my little sister Eleanor. Bring her a doll that can; -*? to sleep and say mama, also some ?oranges, apples and chocolate dandy, because she loves chocolate candy. WeHr I must close. With love. Stedman Snipes. Roxboro. N. C. Dec. 15. 1928! Dear Santa Claus: I will write to you and tell you what to bring me. I want you to bring me a little fiddle; a set of banjo strings for my little banjo which you brought melast year. a little lantern and some conieclionaries,' I guess that is enough. If- 1., ask .-for. too much ?he other little boys and Mills will licit get anything 1 sun> appreciate what you brought last ^erir Yo hj- loving little l?T. . , Basse 1 Averette. Roxborp. N. C . ? Dec,. 13. 1928, Dear Santa Clan;: Wonder what you are doing ... the?.' days,.- Packing tip all those pretty things to. brine to us little-, children Christmas. I have been real. - smart when mama would mention vour Jiame to me and teU me ..if ? J didn : smart Santa wasn't going, to brings me anything- ? But. Santa, sometimes' I foiriget I am a little, boy :four vears -old. I do n?t go 'i .' lioQl. Now I -must tell you what I want "you to bring me and clow. I want a little tricycle and a little gun. little .school truck and lots of good things to eat. lie sure and bring me a . little sack of Negro toes. Well; I must close for tonight if I do not I will ask you for tod much I am afraid I might ask ror more than yop can bring. With much love to Santa^ Paul Bradshser Tihgen.. Roxboro N. C. - Dec. 13. 192S. Dear Santa Claus : 1 am going to tell you what I want you to bring- me. I am a " little . girl two years old. but I arn trying to bo real smart so you will bring me some liiing very nice Now i want you ? to bring me a doll that can say "mama '. #nd Can open and sliut her. ryes, also a little bed for her t,o" sleep' in. for \ nm afraid, for her to sleep With me..' because I inn-h' !i.:t.,h-.h r .mrf.'-I ??. niv you to bring me a little rocking ' chair 4 to rdck her in. But. please don't for-: : brin^ my ? w? : -jfe hers . and little sister something -too. 'Plertse ?? bring- me" lots, of l'r'kUU:. Wt-Il. I ?\ieSS ? I better close tor ' tonight.. .Tor I am . getting jfli^py'ftndguesS you, -are too/' Much love ?:> : Santa CtflQ'. Dorothy-. V. ? Tihtren. : Virginia, y i . Dsr. 13. 192?. r**r Santa (-'tails : J wonde.r what you are'dolm;. Pack in? up your jrfetty things u> brin; nt smart children? I iim ft little btv i seven years old and I ro to school. ' My teacher's jnmf Ls Mrs. Thrlma Oentrv. and 1 like hfr fine I am li) the flirt i R1 to school at AlienavJIle Raw^k h?ve tried to li as Kmart as^UBP' f- vou wltl dltif In nee me. My littlp brothers. Har rie and Earllo have bepn smart too. : for tliev are looking for you Christ mas Snntu ' I want vou to bring mr i m ttttle beta. eMe. knt f?: little "** watrli. and Santa. I want a pencil ?nd tabl"t jo I will havp a n*w pen ril and tablet to start baric to school after Christmas Bring mv two ! i 1 1 1 - brothers a horn, pistol and some caps to shoo* a knife and Utile ?tthOM truck Well. I will not ask vou for not more, but you can brlnz us some thing etw If you want to. I Just wanted to tell you some of the things T wanted Well I will close for I am looklnt for vou Ctirlstmas Hop In* you a merry Christmas and a tiappy new year Milton Stone. FUreboro N G Dec 13. 1938. fHiar Santa clans: ? I wonder what you are doing. Pack ing up for Christmas' I guess Santa Claua I have been going to school this year. 1 am si* years old and I am in the first (trade. My teacher's narrie is Mrs Thelma Gentry! ani I like h"r fin*, r (ro to school at A'!e~ svlll ? Wrtl; Aanta Clans. I have tried to be smart so yon will come to w ? me 1 and rov little brothers and little sla ter Now I am going to tell vou- what I want you to bring me I want a W? do'1 arlth wrrty hair and will 1 iy ?mama", a rocktn? rhnlr t > ri?k 'ier ? hi. a sewing machine "to make her" rtreaaea on. and a bed for her to sleep fn. alao a rarrlafe lo ride her In. and 1 want a IltUe piano, and. Santa. I want a pencil, a tablet, and a Red lien book, and' bring me some fruit and nuts. Well I am afraid 1 will ask firr too much this time Hope yoti will Have a good time Christmas With much love to Ranta CUus. from Ruey Lort Tlruien. Vtrftltna. Va.. Dec. 10. 1938. Roxboro. N. C I have been smart this year and I want you to come to see me. Please bring me a doll carriage, a doll bed. | and all kinds of fruits. Lila Young. ! Virgilina, Va.. , Dec. 10. 1928.1 Dear Santa Claus: I am seven years old and in the | first grade. 1 want you to bring me ? a doll carriage, doll bed and some thing to eat. Lela Young. } Dear Santa Claus: I I want to tell you what 1 want this j Christmas. I have tried to be good ! this year. I want a great big doll, that can walk and talk and - some i nice things to eat. Please bring my little brother something nice too. ! That will be all. Thank you Elizabeth Horton. i Hurdle Mills. N. C. Dec, 10. 1928. Dear. Santa Claus: Please bring me a little axe. so I can help daddy cut wood, a pair ot gloves and a real watch that will run. and bring my little brother something nice, and remember daddy, mother, and all my bjg brothers and sisters. Please don't forget my teacher. Miss: Cook, at Hurdle Mills, and bring her a real doll. Bye. bye. Santa. C: \V. Holeman. Prospect Hlil. N. C.. Dec/ 9. 1928. Dear Santa: Please bring me a big doll that cries and opens her eyes and calls mania, -and. all .OX the liood things to cat. I wtll Clpse and let you go to see other little Jrirls and boys. With love. .. / . MarthgL Kirby Prospect, Hill N\ C.. D c.r. 9. 1928. bear Santa; ? I want ' you to. br^lng me a horn, knife, and . all kinds of things-, ? arid don't foKget co bribsj my . little sister something nice, for we both have tried ito be -.godd.. ' . /v v- ' ? ?? ;?/ '? 1 With Jove. James Sada Kirby. Prospect. HU1. N. C.. Dec. 9; 1928. Dear Santa; ? ? : : t ? ? - ? ? Please bring me a little box of hand kerchiefs and all things to eat and a wrist watch, and please don't forget my little baby brother. He wants a rubber doll. . With love. Mildred Kirby. Dear Santa: . 1 I am a little girl two years old. I have a few things I want you io bring me.' I .want you to. bring me vt rist watch and sosmething good to eat. I liaVe some more sisters and brothers. Do not forget them. Bring mama .arid papa something nice. I dpivt , thi^sk thev want any toys' this time. We; all have tried to bo . good. ii/i; h ; /.>? , . . ?- i ? v Esther Kirby, Pfospeiet Hill. -NT.? C.. Dor-. :? "Dear '"":i i i lit ( Jan.- : .. ? > ,1 am little boy eight year of age. I want you io bring me a watch, isiiife 2i nd all kincjs of gbpd things to eat;.' t have been a good little boy. . Yours truly. Franklin Kirby. Roxboro. N. C. i Dec. 12. 1928. Dear Santa Claus. I want you to "bring me a steel "body wagon and a car. a watch anad kinfe. also 1 wanp a tricycle and ( a dump bed truck that I can ride in. Dear Santa Claus I love you With love. George Harris. Roxboro. N C. Dee 12. 1938. Dear Santa Claus: _ _ I want you to bring roe a car and a steel body w11 been very good children V) please dont (orcet us. And I'd like a coaster If poMbta Thefe are so many little children that will be looking (or you. and I hope you'll be so good as to remem ber them too. Wishing you and Mrs. Claus a very merry Christmas. I am. as ever your friend. ^ lobe Pass Chambers. P. S. ? I am goinsr to leave some cake on the table in front of the tree for you. Woodsdale. N. C? Dec. IS. 1938. Dear Santa : You were sd good to me last year that I am writing you a letter to let you know what I want. I want an automobile I can ride in, a coaster wagon, and good things to eat; Yours truly. William Humphries. WoodsdaJe. N. C..I Dec. IS, 1938. 1 Dear Santa: You were so" food as to come to see 1 last year land year before) that 1 1 had to write and tell you what I want i you to bring me. Brintflmy brother < Joe Jr.. a tricycle', knife.- train, toy ' pistol, and good things to eat I want :i knife, sweater, harp, some twenty ! two rifle balls and good thinsg to eat. ! Prom your friend. Karl D. Humphries LAND SALE By virtue of a Trust executed to ; me by Jesse Harris and wtfe, recorded I in Book 3, "page 437. and by request J 'of Jesse. I will, on Saturday, tha ] 7th day of Jan. 1929. sell at the court | house door S.G.itands for that "Dependable 'Standard Gasoline'' . . . or r ion again R6. stands for luhilue Sin ter f.Kcn .but y.ou can nluttx < huy ".Standard"' ("i snhnf %*ith the knot ted re i nut u nntefprihffsennrthc r6(\t{ ifnivsisk n f bvafor motor, yon 7/ torn* Aafefy through tvith t hi < itrpeuiiahle poUt r . . . no ?failing .with " Standard " jJroiiui'ts . . . anywhere . . . ? ...off tlie bar the windYs whipping from the soirar and the channel bass are on the feed . . . time to up-anchor and catch the tide just right . . ? slowly you nose your cruiser in and there's old George smiling at > ou from the wha?*f . . . and before you know it your tank's fu?i of ? *D. S. G. and the old engine sings its sweet smooth song . . ? proper fuel and proper oil . . . and qs you luru the further bend beyond the cove you wave back at Friend Wife, sitting id the car, and you only hope and pray she'll put some air in the right hind tire and let George fill the lank with "Standard'* Caso \ line., . . because then you know she'll get home safe and sound . . . ins! like yourself when the: day's catch is over . . . . . . lnck .hr tho city wlielj the .beat ami i:me w no down.to ihewa %rti?re cool brrcifj blow ?trai(dit. "ff the blue and ing water . .. . but wher ever you go . . along the Coast.- down the Jersey the hoi winds < oine, then i- the hcachev past the Virginia i ape*-, by the many nulff of arouna > wand* . . . you 11 find <*??? familiar red "Standard", pump' Midi the "Standard" globe !? >erviee you by land or by tea . . day and night . . . always dependable. STANDARD" GASOLINE jl he only thing -like it is another Coca-Cola Since Coca-Coin liad its beginning, more thun 4,000 other soft drinks have been registered at the Govern ment Patent Ofiice in Washington. Yet eoch year tho outstanding popu- f > larity of (Joca-Cola has kept rfght on / increasing. Hccause? 1 he only thing like (x>ca-Cola is another Coca-Cola. This refreshing drink is a pure drink of natural flavors ? prepared with an """ ' art tlint comes only from a lifetime of practice, under scientific supervision that permits no error. When thirst calls or a happy impulse v urges a minute's rest, pause for an ice-cold bottle and refresh yourself. \ . 'A Coca-Cola Bottling Work* Roxboro, N. C. ?t V, O o O T? to ?ET Willi IT I r