We . Welcome New Comers. J. W. NOE^L, EDITORANI) PUBLISHER. HOME FIRST, ABROAD NEXT VOL. XL VI. ROXBORO, NORTH CAROLINA, WEDNESDAY EVENING, FEBRUARY 6, 1929. Good Town To Live In. *1.50 T?ER YEAR IN ADVANCE. NO. (. SENATE NOW HAS COMPROMISE. ON AUSTRALIAN BILL Sob-Committee .Finally Repofts Bill Considered Satisfactory "On The Whqle" IS BETTER THAN EXPECTED 1 . A Raleigh. Feb. 6.? The now famous | ?Hb-commlttee of the Senate Com- | mltter oft Election Laws yesterday re parted Its compromise subeitltote for the Brodghton- Johnston Austrralian ballot.' bill. The committee as a whole, i j 1n turn, favorably reported the bill to j ; Senate iichere it Was set as a sp? r ? "er" fof TrTOty: ? If. Hie"1 turn- ; does ndt mHt the wishes, demands, of those favoring ? I cent secret? ballot law. It Is at least better than the majority of Senators expected. , Tr> one feature of the substitute bill. ; making It optional with the county board of elections whether the proposed ballot is to apply to the lo cal,.. tickets In 'primaries. Governor Gardner Strenouslv objected. "That. If enacted, would be the most Incon sistent. IncongruoUs. e'ontradictory and absurd legislation I ever heard of," declared the Governor. " ~ t. ? Senators Broup hton of Wake . and Johnson "bf Robeson, authors of the bill and both me*nb?rv of . 'he whole ) committee, while Senator Johnscn led tK proponent's fight in the erst-while antagonistic sub-committee, are also . very doubtful about allowing counties ' to hold at the sStae time one sort of primary for. -county officers . and., an other for State officers. < ' (. another for State officers. Both re served the' right to flght this feature on the floor of the Senate. A feature of the committee bill which is expected to meet with oppo- . sition from the Republicans is that, though it provides that each party shall be represented among the mark ers appointed by the chairman of the county- board of elections ami-assented to by the registrar of the precinct. IS dees not call for an equal- number" from each party. The committee re ported that this provision was not* only more suitable to most of the De mficrats but was also practical In thai in some sections the Republicans are fTTeatly outnumbered by the Demo crate, in others, the' Democrats by the Republicans . /? Debts and Debtors Tttietner sub-committee change -in the bill Is that which provides- that anyone may call for the service of a ( Continued on page ten) First Baptist Church "Do you wish to be great? Then begin by being little. Do you desire to Construct a vast and' lofty fabric? Think first about the foundations of humility. The higher your structure is to be, the deeper must be its foun dations. Modest humility Is beauty's cro^n." fet. Augustine. School 10:00 A. M. R. L. Wll Supt. jbhine 11:00 A. M. Subject: The ? Of Triumph. Whlflg 7:30 P M. Subject : Oo ' Down To Your House. 'B. Y. P. U's 6:15 B, M. /Miss Mabel James. General Doctor/ "And I saw as It were a sea of AtasS mingled with flryand them that hajL gotten the victor^? and they sing the' sorv; of Moses the servant M God. and the sdng cf the Lamb." ? Rev. 18:3-4. A cordial welcome Is extended to all. > W. F. WEST. Pastor. S. S. Honor Roll The following Is the honor roll fOT the Young Men's class of Rock Orove Sunday SefcBol fer-Jtrmiary for g6od lessons: Sam Klnton Oscar Buchanan. I Clarence Averett. Ed MeCann. Sylori Solomon. Melgum Hicks. Oaddle Slaughter. Arvln Day. Only four boys misled getting on the honor roll.. The number of chapter read In (lie Bible bv this dsn and teacher. 300 ? S. I Olive Hill P. T. Amo. The Parent-Teacher Association of Olive Hill school will meet at th? school Thursday afternoon. Feb. 14th. at 3:30 o'clock. Mr. J. B. Robertson cf Itarllngton. 9 former school super lhtendent of Cabarrus county, will be the speaker. A program will be given bjr the pupils of Miss Rosa Bailey's ! second and third grades.. It Is earn estly desired that all imrents and friends of the school will attend this meeting? Sec. -o~. -,{ miss "The first Kiss." -with , Wray and Oary Cooper, playing , ? Theatre Monday it "Tuesday, 1 Ty ll-12th. Mat'nee Monday H. Cbcplm Love? Georgia Half.' ifollywood _ actfess, who appeared wfth Chaplin "in -"The Gold Rush." Friends say there Is a' possibility of an-engagement between Miss Hale and Chaplin, but Miss Hale says they are "just good mends.'* R0XB0R0 DEFEATS BETHEL HILL 17-8 Boxboro Boys ' Play Brilliant Ball Thr,oghout The Eriire Game The Wblte Flash boys looked good Monday night. Every man modern science snow Is very helpful In more ways than one to the proper develop ment .tit the winter crop. The young sters are always glad to see the pretty snow and likewise (tonic of the olcjer ones have not forgotten that bpst of all winter 'time sport, - sleigh riding. hoVSver the present snow 1$ hardly deep enough for this fine sport, but since It has started old man ground hog may send as ft nice deep dite." Income Tax Returns A representative of the U. 8. In ternal Revenuatf-Oepartmcnt will be at Roxboro on Friday. Feb. 16th. td assist taxpayers In filing Federal in come Tax Returns. Otlllam Orlssom, t U. 8, Collector. ? ? ? o ? Returned Home ' ______ ! Mr. Wheeler Newejl, who has been i In ' the hospital fcr an, operation re- I turned home. He sUxxf the operation all right and1 hla friends are glad to see him to much Improved. , , '! a i ? * j Small Blaze Monday Monday morning at 8 o'clock the I siren sounded, and the fire, was dls , covered to be Mrs J, H. Whltfs hom/v | It was only a small blaze and volun teer firemen soonohad It under con^fol, ? / ?_ ? ' Carnes Pleads Guilty To Charge of Embezzlement Miss Connie Dafy Passes: ? Miss Connie Day. a native of this County, and long a resident of Rox boro, died at her Home on North Main Street. Sunday night at 11 o'clock. About- two weeks ago she suffered a stroke of pStalysis from which she .never recovered. Miss. .Connie was a loVeable character, always having a cheerful word for all with whom she | came in contact, and reached the ripe old age of 72. shedding cheer and ?u6od will all along the way during the ' long spap of iife. * She Is survived by j two listers. Miss Maggie Day and Mrs. 1 W. A. Mills; ' one brother, Mr. Ellis j Day, of Rqberts, Ky. Funeral services were conducted J -from (lie . an informal program will t* given. This program- will consist . of a short speech, string bind music and songs. There wty be no admis sion fee charged, but oBfreshrrvents will be sold. Come out and enjoy yourself. , " " ' ? . Former Mission ' Board Trea? ( urer Gets Five To Seven - Years In Prison 19 OTHER INDICTMENTS Atlanta, Feb. 5.^CUnto S. Carnes. who rose from ex -convict to a po sition of prominence as treasurer of the Southern Baptist Home' Misi-fcm. Board, and decamped after nine yeirs. leaving an alleged shortage of neatly $1,000,000, pleaded guilty to embezzle ment here today andwas given ary indeterminate sentence of Ave w seven, years imprisonment. His plea was accepted oh recom mendation of -board ofBcials. who said Carries had turned over all his re sources for restitution, that it would save the State a long, expensive trial and that Justice would be served by the sentehsse, due . to his age. It was added that Carnes had agreed to aid in untangling .the board's accounts, on which auditors have been working since he disappeared last Sumrr.er. Only one of the 20 indictments re turned against hT several private business enterprises here and gener ally was regarded as a shrwd business man and successful financier. _ OtT August 15. last, he mysteriously disappeared and 10 days later a search was instituted for him bv his church colleagues and family ii\ the belief he had met with foul play. When days passed without a trace of him. audi- > tors were set to work on his books. Prisoner Before. Co-incident with the discovery of a shoi'tage placed by the examiner^ at $935,000, It developed that Carnes had a record of two prison sentences, on? of which he Served in a Missouri prison and the other in the Federal Penitentiary^ here for using the malls to defraud sortie five years before he becahie connected with the mission board. Diving Into a private file kept bv Carnes in one of his private business offices, the auditors reported that a great part of the defalcations were carried , out )jy a systematic pyramid ing of loans Carnes was said to have Negotiated with various Southern banks, ostensibly In behalf of the mission board. He had carte blanche authority by virtue of hi* office . to make such toans. and his speculations were said to have extended over a. period of several years. Receivers appointed for Carnes' per sonal properties later reported .vthat this private file also revealed that Oames had been the financial bene factor of two girls .seeking careers In the motion pictures. He wa* 'shown by this reaord to have sent several thousand dollars .to* maintain them and a companion lit Hollywood Painful Accident Mr. Floyd H Hfiwklns of Hurdle Mills, suffered a very painful accident last "riitfrsday. when In the prepara tion of a tobacco plant bed a glanc ing blow with an axe held In his own hand entered the top side of one of his Wet making a very painful wound. Dr. Xfivt attended him and stated that, although very painful, the wbund wm nqi M s (UiMwrom nature I ? A