J. W. NOELL, EDITOR AND PUBLISHER. . VOL. XLVI. HOME FIRST, ABROAD NEXT r $1.50 PER YEAR IN ADVANCE. ROXBORO, NORTH CAROLINA, WEDNESDAY EVENING. MARCH 13, 1929. NO. 1L "LIGHTHOUSE NAN" Hi h. s. auditorium FRIDAY NIGHT, 8 P.M. Interesting Play To Be Pr# sented By The Junior Baraca Class A PLAY FULL OF COMEDY On Friday night of this week the Jtmlor Baraca Class of the Roxboro "Baptist Church will present an. en joyable comedy. "Lighthouse Nan", at the High School auditorium at 8 o'clock. The scenc of the play Is laid on the ?coast of North Carolina 1111(1 tin; play opens with a scene at an old light house. Here lives Nan? the little 'roustabout ? w 1th her grandfather, Tchabod Buzzer, and "the gentle an telope". Moll Buzzer? and January! "We couldn't forget old mule January, ?who "gets more skittish every day of "his life." Mere Ned Blake spends the summer and falls In love with Njm; "here Injun -Jim. the bad man. tries to steal from Moll and Is arrested; ( "here Mr. Enlow and his daughter. Hor tense, with her "stuck up airs and tjotfsy manners", come on a visit and Hortense's pride Is "taken down a peg or two" by Injun Jim. With Mr. En low are, also. Sir Arthur Choke, "a real live speckled tater" and his sis ter. Sarah, who must have k. "room with a tiawlli " ? But eornc and oco the play. It will be worth 50c to see Cov Day as Ichabod and his antics -with January ? to see Nan and Sir Arthur "bapsouslng" a hen; to see In tun Jim. And there will be the ?added attraction of a "beauty chSrus" of fflxteen and a six-piece orchestra. The cast of characters is as follows: Mow, Pres. of the Coastal Banking j Co.. Mr. Billy Montague: Ned Blake, "his private secretary. Mr.. Dick Woody: Ichabod Buzzer, the keeper of the old lishthouse, Mr. Coy Day; Sir. Arthur Choke, an English nobelman. Mr Clyde Hall; Injun Jim. a bad man. "Mr. Dollan Long: Lighthouse Nan, Mrs. BUI Minor; Moll Buzzer, the gen tle antelope. Miss Mabel Montague; Sarah Chumley Choke, Sir Arthur's "lster, MisS Mary Riley: Hortense En low. a city belle. Miss Neva Lunsford. The chorus Is oomposed of Frances Allen. Jane Carver, Helen Morton. TCathrlne Nicks. ',Bernice IVUff, Su- ! v. an np W instead, Frances Wood, Rose Ellen "Woods, BUI Moore, Spencer "Woody / Barksdale Smith, Elmer Wal ter, H?jppong resulted in a painful cut ever Harris* left eye. The final score was 30 and 34 in favor of the All Stars. The moa, largest of birds, native of New Zealand, lived 400 years ago. Roxboro Hi School Baseball Team Report For Training Another Addition At the Rotary meeting last Thursday night Mr. Peight of the Colllns-Alkman Corporation, was a y 1st tor and gave 1 the splendid news that the Company had contracted for another section to be added to the mill at once. When this addition is completed the mill | will have sixty thousand Square feet j of floor space, piaklng it one of the | large manufacturing [Hants in the plush industry. He stated that a | large part of the new addition would be devoted to finishing the product. 1 and that shipments would be made I direct from the factory to the buyer. He further stated that It was the In tention of the Company to greatly add to this large plant within the next", twelve months. It Will Happen Often ^ One of my very best friends and [ customers had a full coverage policy j on his sedan. The collision part he i said was too high and cut it out. The | tenth day after he dropped it. his j car turned over two or three times. ! broke his arm In two places, demol- ! ished his car. worth 11600,00 anymore, put him In the hospital six to eight weeks at a tremendous expense, los ing his valuable time. If It was flg u mil fine.- thts ram ? tort ? st ? least $2*00.00 trying to save, say, *50 00 Take my word, don't drop any In surance. take more and be safe. Satterfield Insurance Agency "Old and Tried" Roxboro, N. C? March 11, 193#. New Members County Board Of Education The following members will con stitute the County Board of education for the next two years: Mr. W. R Wllkerson and Dr. O O. Davis, re appointed. and Me*. E E. Bradsher. Oeo. W. Walker and Ralph Cole. The former members. Mess. C. O. Reade. ?D. 8. Brooks and Robert P. Bums, declined to serve, hence the new -numbers ? Here From Wicon*in Dr. David T. \S> ng. wife and Uttle rjftyid of Whitehall. Wlschnsln, arrived In-DiAham Friday evening. and Is at his old home In Hurdle Mills attending the bedside of his mother. Mrs. Pattle Long, who Is seriously ill. Dr. 1/?k Ktated that Hfhen he left Whitehall (they Mad af&ind a two foot snow and zero wtafner. Raspberry culture will be started In Avery Opunty this year bp Boys be longing to the 4-H club*. ? j-V 3* dfe; ; i? A '3$ Coach Heffner Is Working The Boys Hard And Promises A Winning Team MANY GAMES SCHEDULED As the warm rays of balmy spring time sun begin to shed their friendly influence in winter's departure, the Roxboro boys, under the training and leadership of Coach Heffner. are very burfy preparing for the finest baseball scftedule In the history of the school. There is a fine sportsman spirit alive and active among the entire group and prospects 'are flattering for a strong winning nine. With possibly a few changes the team will be com posed largely of the same players that played la?t~ season, When' com pleted the "Roxttes" will give the lovers arid fans of this fine sport a schedule that will be In keeping with the very best. If you want to see our boys put things across in a real way. give them your undivided support. It Is almost impossible to measure ,the strength that come* to a team of base ball players when they know they have the support of the ftome' folks/ ' o Civil Service Exam ination Announced The Civil Service Commission at Washington has announced an exam ination to b? held In Roxboro for the purpose of establishing an eligible register Date of examination will be announced later, however the date on which applications for the examina tion will close has been set for April 5th. ? ftecy. Box Pawty There will be a box party held in the W. O. W hall in East Roxboro School. Saturday night, March 16th? at 7:30 o'clock. The proceeds will go for the benefit of the church. Mr. O. Hugh Day. the singing auctioneer, will be present. Every body Invited. Notice There will be a meeting of the white teachers Saturday. March 18. at 16 I o'clock In the graded school building. | B I. Satterfleld. Nearly UJOOO has accrued to farm - i rrs of Uncoln County from three sales of poultry held during the paat st* weeks. I Make your reservation* early at Mites PHWmacy for Jnd. VanAmman's MinM-i-eK playing rnl?er Theatre one night only. Thursday, March 21st SCREEN VERSION WORLD FAMOUS STAGE PLAY HERE Anne Nichol's "Abie's Irish Rose" Filmed. By Para mount, At Local Theatre MON. & TUBS. MARCH 18-19 "ABIE'S IRISH ROSE" it mignt k MUWei uf mine kind, but to the- devotees of the theatre, and this means nearly every citizen in this world, that title means much " Abie's Irish Rose" has been hailed as the world's rpost successful play. Five and a half years of continuous performance on -Broadway. New York, and record engagements In every city, town, hamlet, state and nation In the world have made "Able" the outstand ing theatrical event In centuries. It has now gone Into the movies, and the film version, made by Para mount. is being exhibited on (he screen at the Palace Theatre Monday & Tuesday, March 18-19th. "Able" has been given an unusual t. production, according to all reports. While it Is a comedy, no hint of slap stick Is. allowed to appear. ? Anne Nichols, creator of "Abie's Irish Rose." personally supervised the production, and saw to It that her story became a poignant comedy-drama of love and tolerance, showing the wrong done by raqlal mlstunderstandlng and bigotry. And. ? anile ? dramatic ? momenta ? fill the story, the lighter incidents have not been forgotten, by any means. Most (of the comedy rests on the shoulders of three players, those es saying the roles of Sarah the deaf housekeeper, and Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Cohen. Playing Palace Theatre Monday '& Tuesday. Marcli 18- 18th, with matinee on Monday at 3:00 P. M. Evening performances at 7:15-9:00 P.' M. U. D. C. Scholarships As Chairman of Education of the N. C, Division U. D. C.. I wish to state there will be- the follqwing D. D. C. scholarships available tor next fall : For girl*? Un?al descendents of Confederate Veterans: Three at If. C. C. W? Greensboro. One at East Carolina College. Greenville, i- ? ** One at ? High Point College, High Point. , ? ? , All are valued at $130.00 each. For boys? Lineal descendents of Confederate Veterans: One at University of N. C? value , $200.00, N. C. Division Scholarship. One at University of Virginia, value $135 00. General Organization Schol arship. One at Washington and Lee. value $80.00. a Wo a Oeneral Organization Scholarship. For a girl or boy (not necessarily descendents of Veterans). Remem ber the Jefferson Davis Essay ' Prize scholarship, to be given to the girl or boy writing the best essay on "The Ufe of Jefferson Davis," value $20000. If won by a girl, she can use the scholarship either at N. C. C. W. ori East , Carolina College. A boy may ; select either the University of tf. C. or N C. State College. The Essay must l>e typewritten and , must be In the hands of the Educa tional Chairman' not later than June 1st. For fiyther Information write Mrs. j J. 8. Welborn. Chm. Education Di vision U. D. C.. High Point, h l$-l#U> Matinee Monday 3 00 P. M. Major Segrave Travels At Phenomenal Rate Of 231 Miles In Motor Car Murderer's Gun Found Neat Roxboro An echo of the murder ol the chief of police of Bethel, N. C. was heard in Roxboro yesterday when Chief Oliver located a gun which had been used by the murderer. Tog Pulley was accused 51 1111A UlHidLi . wliluh> took place In Martin County in De cember. since which time he has been sought "far and wide. Last Saturday he was arrested in Henderson and. re turned to Greenville for trial. In his flight from North Carolina, which 1 took htm as tar As Uroklyn, N. ?.. lie passed through Roxboro. At the home of Poster Mason, about four miles from town, he stopped and left an ugly-looking shotgun of the pump va riety' and it was this weapon which was recovered by Chief Oliver yester day. Reports from Pitt County stated that the gun was among some ar ticles stolen from ltQiston. and It was at once returned to Pitt County officials. o Program To Be Given At Helena High School The Grammar Grades of Helena School will present Pandora, an op eretta in three acts Friday evening. the one program the grammar grade pupils have looked forward. tcL present. The proceeds of this program will go to ~pay for the new library recently bought for the grammar grades. The admission charge will be only 15 cents and 25 cents. The public Is cordially invited to come and enjoy 1 this program . R. C. Garrison. COCA-COLA FOUNDER PASSES IN ATLANTA AFTER LONG ILLNESS He Rose Rapidly, From Obscure 1 . Drug. Clerk To A Man Of Enormous Wealth WAS A LIBERAL GIVER Atlanta, Ga? March 12. ? Asa G. Candler. Atlanta capitalist and foun ; der of the Coca-Cola Company, died at Wesley Memorial Hospital here to j day atfer a lengthy Illness. ! He was 78 years of' age. ' The soft drink magnate "had been j in poor health for several yfears, the last two and m half of which-he spent in the hospital which he endowed. Known widely for his philanthro pies and public benefactions. Mr. Candler retired as active head of the Coca-Cola Company 18 years ago and was succeeded by a son, Charles .H. Candler. The business .was sold ten years agQ to the ' present operating concern, the Coca-Cola Company, of Dele ware, for 125,000,000 Death occurred at 4:07 p. m Mr. Candler was a brother of War ren A. Candler. Senior Bishop of the Methodist Episcopal Chuqph. South, ?and Judge John 8. Candler, disting uished Georgia barrister. ? M?. th?TT? hn In imrvivjg b?_hts wife by a second marriage. Ave chll dren: Howard, Asa Jr., William and Walter Candler, and Mrs. Henry Heinz all of Atlanta, and two step-children. Mrs. Heinz was at the bedside when he died. Mr. Clapton Improving \(r W. W. Clayton, who has been confined to hla home with rheuma tism for the past several morith*. was a welcome visitor last Saturday. Mr. Clayton Is easily one of the moet liked citizens of the County, for every one know* 'Spulre William Martin, as he la familiarly called, and all will be (|ad to know that he is improving, and will wish for him a complete and *peedy recovery. In accordance with Article 4. Sec tion 43. of the school law at North Carolina, the County Board of Edu cation will elect a County Superin tendent of Schools on the first Mon day in April, IBM. or as n Se grave ellipsed by 23.81 miles an hour the former, record of 207.55 Set here last year by Ray Keech, of Philadel phia., in the 38<>cyltnder Triplex qwned by \J. M. White. The new mark also surpassed by 28 miles an hour the re cord of 203 which Segrave set here in 1927 with his Sunbeam Special. Amazing Speed On his first official run north Major i Segrave negotiated the measured mile In 15.55 seconds for the amazing speed of 231.51135 miles an hour. His sec ond trial made southward over the course was clocked at 15.57 seconds for a speed of 231.21387 miles an hour. | His average two way speed was 231.38248 miles an hour. The two trials, which were timed j and sanctioned by the American Auto | mobile Association, were without in 1 cident and were staked under only I fairly good weather conditions before thousands of spectators, who lined the | sand dunes for miles parallel to the course. Visibility Vas hot perfect, however, and the beach bourse was a. | little rough In spots. A brisk east ; wind, was blowing directly off the i ocean, which tended to help Segrave i keep his machine from running too far out on the course traveling at such a tremendous 'speed. ( Electing to make his first official run north over the course, Major Se grave drove his powerful car south ward over the beach at a clip of 177 miles an hour to make sure that the -machine was working perfectly. Me chanics made a hasty, last-minute check of the giant creation, filled the cooling system with Ice and pronotme ed It ready for the official trials. Ready To Go. A moifient later the telephone In the Judges' stand Jingled and the voice of the track attendant at th* starting 'point announced that the youthful driver was set for his fast and dangerous ride down the hard pack sands which the receding tide had leveled out to an adamant hard ness. "O. O., let him go," iald Odls Por ter, official timer, who htfd taken his position at the timing instruments to witli I. E. "Pop" Mycin, head. Judge, and Warren Baker, assistant timer. Yal ? Hprenapo. secretary of the contest board ol the automobile association, was stationed In the pita at the edge of the course. When ? word was received that Se grave was rsady to start his trials, the spectators were on their feet in an Instant, tense with excitement and craning their necks to catch the tint glimpse of the powerful car. Paf down the course the roar bf four miles away So fast was It goftig that It virtually wa.4 impossible to distinguish the, driver In the ooehplt. * /, Johnny Bozo Matt.lse with hlK rJTXIK DARLING OOMPAHY of 14 i*-opt?- - Including beauty chorus, playing Pal ace Theatre Wednesday and Ttnns n-mfc. ~?t ? ?