TRY THIS O.VE NEXT TIME YOU HAVE A COLD ; Much has been said and written on the subject of colds and yet most people are pitifully Ignorant about their cause and cure. There are. several raoss-grown theories as to how we catch cold: wet feet, draughts, insufficient clothing, and so oil. The orthodox physician will tell , you that: "Whenever the surface of the body is suddenly chilled, the skin-vessels are contracted and those of Internal parts are flexly dilated: hence the internal organs tend to become congested, and If excessive. Inflammation sets in. constitute what Is called a cold." That is all very true? so far as It goes. A cold is also caused by improper breathing, plus certain other conditions. It must be remembered that we are constantly putting into ouF body fuel, in the lorm ol liXMl. and ate usually putting In more than we can burn up. Even the exact quanity needed by the system calls for oxygen to create combustion. When food particles remain unburned, certain materials that should have been eliminated remain In the blood And' the person whose system is loaded with those materials Is extremely susceptible to colds. The poison-laden blood fills the capillaries of the Respiratory membranes, and not meeting the required oxygen to burn It up. It is retained, causing con : gestion. ~ t nai is w-ny a cold usually appears In the lun^s. ' So much fori the cause of colds. Having "caught a cold," what Is the first thing a person does? He usually flees to a warm place, whereas he should do Just the opposite. Should he flee to a cold place he would at once begin to breathe deeply. - Deep breathing would increase the Supply of oxygen and help to eliminate the above mentioned poisonous material in the blood. Since a cold Implies Impurities in the system, the cure must be in the ?' direction of elimination. Plenty of fluids Is an excellent means. Both- hot .s^and cold baths are good in some cases. - The shock of the cold bath causes profound dee|> breathing, which continues as long as the body is parting . with an unusual amount of heat. The hot bath, on the other hand, has an entirely different effect on the system. It causes perspiration and the filling of the surface capllliartes with blood, thus relieving the central portion of the body from congestion. It has been said by many physicians that a cold Is caused by some in " vadim; germ taking advantage of 11 I Uii-dumi -cmidltiuii. ? According ta thi.i theory then a strong^ person should be immune to" colils. uldle the -weak - person would have one contihual cold. And yet every day we see husky, ro bust men and women suffering from colds. So far the, much discussed "cold germ!' has eluded science: even If it, were isolated, it would not destroy the above theory. . i But the truly wise person will take a greater interest in cold prevention, which is best achieved by remembering that when we take into the body more lood than the body can burn up. we are adding poisons to the blood which must be eliminated. Her cheeks like apple* which the' sun had reddeucrd. ? Spenser. How. many women realize the need 1 lor a nefr type of makeup in the spring and summer? Not many, I rear. And yet the need ls? indeed im portant. Just as one's wardrobe re quires freshening, a change of color scheme, a new tone and plan, one's complexion needs a difTerent style in makeup. The mood of spring is difTerent from the mood of. winter. Deep shades in rouge and lipstick; fair shades of powder that have made light skins seem 'dazzllngly white under the bright indoor lights? of a winter's social sea son look out of place tn the informal rutdoor tvpe of entertainment that characterizes the spring and summer reason. Clottyes become less formal now. . The atmosphere of home and country* side takes on a less artificial, more natural, freer, gayer tone. An Interest in outdoor athletic activities Is re rewed. and wMh it comes again* a vogue for snort* clothes in pastel col rrs. not only for the women who uar 4iHnal? -in games, hut. for th* fash i nnble feminine onlooker. With these olothes an average winter makeup; veins either cfiid? and glaring or delicately doll-like and artificial in j ton* I The stfring and summer makeup; should be natural? adhering closely 'o one's nrn complnxjpn tones. Th-* powder. however r;htrtild b? darker J than she may have wrurn during the " inter, to carry out nature's own idea In turning the skin dnjiker through r*<nnsure to the run. i Bright, light shades ij? rouge should le worn with these dfn?^fr . powders. Ovan?e or vermillion tohes aje good. 7?ed ra^Dberry Is becoming t? some tvpes. but the d<*ep rouges -with a ' fuschla or purplish tint, are very much to be avoided. Likewise the barker lipsticks. Mascara has little place In the spring and. summer make up except for occasional formal even in* functions. Instead the fashion able modern uses a dark eyebrow and ? , evelash cream, one that softens and promotes the growth of lashes and brow* while it darkens them and also r**rmlts them to be trained to their milkiest of natural conditions when V rushed frequently with a little eye brow brush. Cream eye shadow is brown, green rr blue, according to the color of the rye. may be used effectively on' the eyelids. And a lipstick or cream Up -rouge In bright light shades to match Tfte cheek rouge ir.^iu?t only permis sible but desirable, with the dark, out door shades* in powder. Pigskin/ boots are now manufac tured fflr pet dogs. , v ? / Gave a Plenty (The old farmer was angry- "What're yr comin' home with your milk pall cmptv ?er? Didn't the old cow give anything" "Yes." replied hla ion: "nine quarts and one kick."? -The Pathfinder. Serious Shooting Occurs In Orange Hillsboro. May 19. ? Jim Hunt. 30 year-old white man of Little River township, is dead and Thomas Home, -24'. is in the county jail charged with the fatal shooting, which is said to have occurred in a near-drunken brawl about 12 miles from here this afternoon. Home was cut by a knife in the hands of Hunt, witnesses told Sheriff W T. Sloan. Sheriff Sloan has the names of the several witnesses who saw jhe shoot in? and he vfill have them ready for j the coroner's investigation Monday afternoon at 2 o'clock. The weapon used, the sheriff learned, was a shot gun. ? I Both men are members of well known families of this section. It was said that both' had been drink ing spirituous liquors this afternoon, but it was thought that neither was drunk. Hunt is iiatd to have served an 18 months road term for illicit manufac turing and Illegal possession of whis ky. TAX SALES On Monday. June 3. 1929. the tfanv bflng the first Monday In June, at 13 o'clock, noon, at the court house door In Roxboro. North Carolina, the under signed will sell at public sale to the highest bidder or bidders for cuh the lands whose owners are delinquent In the payment of taxes due the County of Person for the year 1928. a list of the lands w be sold, the names of the owners thereof, and the amount of taxes due by each of them being as follows, to- wit: Allensfllle Township? White Mrs. J. T. Averette. 56 acres . 13.55 A. O. Adcock. 82 acres 52.88 T. L. it R B. Clayton. 128 acres 40.03 B. C. Clayton. 47 acres 10, 5S ,B. L. Duke. 80 acres 11.70 L. E. Day. 152 acres 37.08 j Mrs. Susie Oentry, 26 acres 12.85 M. D. Oentry. 50 acres 33.85 H. 8, Hughes. 165 acres 38.23 S M. Morris Estate. 52 acres 39.55 0"B riant Brothers. 19k acres . . 87.05 Mrs O. L. Parham. 55 acres 4.83 J. P. Tlngen. 184 acres 42.05 Luclnda Woods. 340 acres 54.05 J J. T. Walker. 65 acres i.. 40.98' R. J. Yancey. 49 acres 15.20 Allensvlll* Township ? Colored Cy Bamett. 41 acres ^ . 14 85 I Jane Day. 250 acres 11 V> 1 J. W. Day, 17 acres 11.43 Joe OlIHs, 11 acres 535 Robert Olllls. 11 acres 535 T. H. JefTerles Estate. 210 acres 8235 Oeorge Lawson. 100 acres 34 06 O. H. TUley. 97 acres 32.7? jJosh Tapp; 75 acres 22,62 ' 1 Anjelette Thorpe. 107 acre* . . . 19.55 Mary L. Toran. 11 icrn ...... 5.15 T. H. Townsend. 30 acres ....... 13.07 Ksaw Yancey. 12 acres 5.16 z>ee Ya ncej. 8 acres 15.82 Olhr* Hill Township ? While H. P. Allen. 73 acres ......... 49.55 C. H. Dunkley. 80 acres ...... 74.95 R. L. Paylor, 121 acres 59.61 Mrs. T. J. Stephens, 410 acres . 559.85' Olive Hill Township? Colored Lloyd Graves. 42 acres ........ 36.13 Richard Winstead Est. 238 acres 98.57 Sam WinStead. 76 acres 30.25 Tom Winstead. 36 acres 18.04 Bushy Fork Township ? White Puss Brown. 71 acres 26.75 Mrs. D. A. niller. 95 acres 51.05 Mrs. M. H. Garrett. 40 acres .. 67.07 N. H. Hester. 60 acres ........ 28.03 J. B. Jones, 188 acres 119.91 R. D. Newton. 76 acres 45..75 C. M- Webster. 6 acres 1.. 425 -Bushy Fork Township ? Colored W. K Mftls. 99 atfWS bl!.9i Frank Pettlford. 64 acres 71.13 Paul Ross. 50 acres .... : 8.55 Cunningham Township? White T. T. Adams. 652 acres ....... 2.05 George L. Cunningham. 841 acres 319.30 R. N. & J. W. Featherston. "350 acres, one-halt due by R. N. Featherston V3.V1 D. C. Bavault. 4 acres i. 7.23 Margaret E. Foster. 66 acres .. 21.80 J. H. Lockhart and wltc. 446 acres 168.80 Mrs. G. E. McSherry, 200 acres 76.55 R. J. Oliver Heirs. 48 acres 16.05 D. W. Owen. 220 acres ........ 44.08 R. L. Paylor. 100 acres 158.42 Mrs. R. L. Phifer. 310 acres . 14330 Jacob Thompson. 140 acres .... 94.17 Mrs. Betty S. Winstead. 186 acres 43 40 Cunningham Township ? Colored Lilv Dickerson. 130 acres ...... .40.55 Drumwright & Williams. 81 acres 3 68 Eddie Glass. 50 acres 16.55 Marceilous Trvin. 22 acres 9.20 Ciiry Royster, 85 acres ....... 28.03 Sandy Terrell. 189 acres , 72.43 Meoi' Wii>3tead. 00 ncres ' 24 3> Flat River Township? White .. Joe N. Allen. 100 acres 37.55 W. D. Bl'aloCk. 1 lot 45.31 E. E. Carver. 30 acres .15.05 E. Cothran Estate.. 52 acres . . , 16.85 Lee Cothran. 4 lots 8.75 Mrs. C. H. Garrett, 310 acres . 142.10 Mrs. C. Harris. 20 acres 17.68 Mrs. S. F. Laws. 33 acres 12.27 T. A. Noell Estate. 200 acres . . . 149.05 F W. dj W. T. Rogers. 40 acres 23.15 J. W. Ya'rboro. 38 acres ....... 50.29 A. J. Dixon. 23 acres ?-.80.54 B. W. Wilson, 30 acres 12.75 Flat Rive* Township ? Colored Norwood Clayton. 52 acres 12.45 Wllburn Day. 32 acres 1262 George Leathers. 58 acres 12.45 Holloway Township ? Whit* T. M. Angle. 175 acres 27 80 G. A. Bailey Estate. 211 acres. . . 30.05 Marion Hasklns. 152 acres 24.05 W. N. Haskins. 71 acres 13 .55 Mm. Ellen Humphries. 84 acres . 30 05i E. P. Jones. 156 acres 10.21 Lee Link. 93 acres 25.30 Mrs. Nannie Ramsey. 112 acres 30.05 Joe Roberson. 154 acres ?4.05 Bob Wiley. 104 arras, 1196 Mrs. Nannie Bet Young. 42 acres 8.75 Holloway Township? Colored J. M. Martin. 29 acrc3 : 11.05 Mary Beard Estate. 30 acres . . . 3.55 Dave Hill. 38 acres 17.36, Ada Jordan. 30 acres 9.15 Haywood Jordan. 2 acres 580 Leona JefTeries. 76 acres 12.01 Lee Royster. 30 acres 6.30 Mrs. L. B. Smith, 50 acres . . . 9 00 J. H. Smith. 50 acres 1065 Mrs I. B. Smith. 137 acres . . 15.00 Bettle Sanford. 6 acres 3.15 Willie Tucker. 20 acres 5.30 Sallie Bet Tuck. 6 acres 2.90 Charles Woody. "TO acres 27.87 John Warren. 50 acres 21 .52 ML Tiria.ii Township ? White John S. Allen. 50 acres ...... 12.58 W. M. Bowling. 46 acres 14.41 R. A Burton. Estate, 140 acres 38 68 C. W. Fuller. 218 acre? fii27 Mrs. J. M. Hicks. ,63 acres 11.38 R. A Jackson. 1S9 acfles ?0.33 L. M. Loft!*. 100 -acres 27.9) Sim Meadows, 160 acr?s 27:35 George Miller & Ron. 100 acres 13.55 S. A Oliver. 44 acres ? 6 20 C. Parker. 180 acres 31.55 Mrs. L. S. Russell. 104 acres ... 22.70 Mrs. Suite Suite. 29 acres 5 60 Mrs Emma Tatum. 132 acres . . 24.20 Mt. Tlroah Township? Colored Baney Bass. 27 acres 16.93 William Olenn. 18 acres 665 Sarah Hayes. 47 acres 1685 Amos Currin Estate. 50 acres 46.55 Wood-dale Township? White Cleve Bowes. 10 acres ... 2.75 E. E. Garver: 26 acres 23.15 Mrs* Elizabeth Duncan, 30 acres 15.95 John D. Easley. 229 acres 79.47 Jim Long. 3 acres 4.97 R. J. Winstead. 85 acres 17.03 J. H Zimmerman. 88 acres 72 69 Woodsdale Township ? Colored Fllza Drumwrlght. 58 acres . . . 4.00 Robert Faulkner. 95 acres .... .27.43 John Mitchell, 44 acres 11.57 Henry Sergeant Estate. Ill acres 30 54 Thomas T Travh?m 95 acres 37.58 < ' Roibrteo Township? White Hal Allen. 6 acres 865 Mrs Sue Ashley. 76 acres 47.00 J. L. Adklnrf. 9 acres 6.80 Carver Real Estate Co.. 29 lots 13.09 W. A. Carver. 1 lot . . 40.55 P H Clay, 1 lot 80 13 'L. H Clayton. 30 acres 41.13 Mrs W. A Clayton. 1 lot ..28,55 Mrs J. 8. Clayton. 67 acres .. 4? 48 A. L. Clayton, 83 acre,} 69.90 j O. B Crowell. 1 lot 31.65 J. B Davis, 1 lot . .... 34 08 D. E. Dickerson. 1 lot 17.05 O. W Duncan. 50 acres 23.38 Mr? R 1 Featherston. 1 lot .. M?t M. H Oarrett. 1 lot 230 Mrs. C H Garrett. 1 lot 3 43 James A Oentry. 2 lot* 4.55 D. H. Holt. 3 lots 17.00 A. V. Huggfns. 12 acre* ..t 52.15 R. A. Jackson. 2 lots 80 JO J. W. Johnson. 1 lot'- "...? 31.55 Ktrby And Long, 78 acres 56 00 Mrs. Alice Loy. 1 lot 28.55 Mrs. H D. Long, 2 lota 80.30 L. R. Long. 15 acres 10.55 B. R. Long. 2 lota 194 45 ] R. P. Michaels. 3 lots v 44.80 W. J. O'Briant. 41 acres 30.08 S. A. Oliver, 4 lota 28.00 Curry Pointer. 31 tcra 27.18 J. L. Perkins & Son, 25 acres , 40:18 W. J. Pettigrew. 1 lot 4155 1 O W. Pulliam. 1 lot .......... 3250 R. R. Satterfleld, 63 acres 46.23 John SatterfUld. 73 acres 83.88 H. M. Thaxton, 10 acres 14.10 J. T. Walker. 15 lots . .... 121.85 Jtm Westbrooks, 23 acres 1150 R. W. Wilkerson. 49 acres 99.05 Mrs. Effiie Woodall, 2 lots .... 355 W. J. Yarboro. 2# acres 17.61 R. O. Yarboro. 102 acres' ..... 48.80 A. O. Yarboro. 50 acres 5355 J. W. Younger. 446 acres 42.20 Roxboro Township? Colored Lee Alien, 1 lot . ...v . 4.55, Jessie Bailey, 1 lot 8.05 Gene Bailey. 1 lot i. ' 1750 Stephen Barriett. 1 lot 7.70 S.-J, Barnett. 1 lot . . 1558 J W A Rlnrl^u^ll i w 11.88 i Lottie Blackwell. 2 lots 3755 Magnolia Blackwell, 15 acres . . 33.05 J. W. Brandon Estate, 4 lots . 76.55 Cennetta. Carver, 1- lot ...... . 4.05 Ed Chism Estate. 2 lots 12.05 Zan Clay, 45 acres '4558 Martha Coleman. 5 acres ...... 7.55 West Coley. 2 lots "..... 3.66 j Simon Day. 1 lot 125IT E, t. Farley. 1 lot 4.97 William Gentry. 3 lots.,.,,,.. 22.25 Abner Hamlet. 1 lot 3^05 William Harris. 1 lot 13.75 Richard Harris. 1 lot 35.45 Andrew Hayes. 1 tot v 19.55 W. T. Haysell. 1 lot 16.30 D. Y. Hester. 1 lot ... 25:58 A. & T. Holloway. 1 lot 4.10 Dallas Jones. 1 lot ........... 455 There is something so old fashioned about honest shop keeping that it suggests a visit here. ?Moore's Oblig^e-o-grams. To provide tor your meat wants in a manner that will satisfy^ your economy-striving ? without stinting your quality craving is our practical idea of service. Ernest Johnson. 1 lot . . 230 Louisa Johnson. 2 lots 10.55 Ellen Lawson, 1 lot "... 16.55 Robert King. 1 lot : 14.05 Ed Lunsford, 18 sens 10 JO A. M. Pleasant. 1 lot 41.03 Wash Mangum. 1 lot 2.30 Hubert Mangum. 1 lot .... 4.55 Hez Mitchell. 1 lot ...v....... 6J0 -Margaret Mitchell. 1 Jot 13.85 Esther Moore. 1 lot 12.35 Thad Noell, 1 lot 11.91 Llnsey Peace. 4 lots 10X18 Louts Ragland, 1 lot 17.50 John Bay. 58 acre* 42.35 j Robert Ray, 1 lot 12.05; John Bob Reade. 1 lot ........ 4.66 James Royster. 1 lot ...... 12.05 George Smith, 2 lots .... 24.73 Forrest Smith, 1 lot ........... 18.75 Obey Springfield. 1 lot 12.551 John Stanfleld Estate, 1 lot 16.55 Sam Stanfleld Estate, 22 acres . 17.80 H. E, Thorpe. 1 lot 12,05 Sam Thaxton. 158 acres . ? "87 jfr Dallas Wntlrins V lntr l Mollle Williams, 1 lot 14.05 Ben Williams. 1 lot ........... 11.30 Matthew Wright. 1 lot . 9.65 Anderson Torlan. 10 acres 5.30 N. V. BROOKS. Cuilecto* Por Person County. Got Up In The Morning Feeling DIZZY "I began to suffer with headache and bilious* ness," says Mr. John C. Malone, of Buena V i?t-a, Ohio. "I had a hurting through the middle part of my body which seem* ed to come from indiges -twm ? I would get 'con etipated, and then feel all out of aorta. I would get up in the morning feeling dizzy, and everything 1 ate would diaagree with me. "Someone aaked me why I did not try Black-Draught. I found it to be just the medicine I needed. When I feel a spell coming on, I begin by taking a dose of Black-Draught, dry, at night. I continue to take ft for several days, and in a short while I am feeling fine. It is all the medicine I need." Costs only 1 cant a doaaw THKD FORD'S Black Ijrdugitt For CONSTIPATION , INDIGESTION. BILIOUSNESS / WOMEN who need a tonic should take CarduL In uao oy?r 60 years. .Professional Cards Dr. J. D. BRADSHER Dentist Office over Wlburn <Sc Satterflelds Store Binding J. J. WOODY Licensed Embalmcr Roxboro, N. o. DR. E. J. TUCKER Dentist Office In Hotel Jones DR. E. C. BROWN' CHIROPRACTOR Complete X-Ray Laboratory T''i 'I'trninnt Phones: Res. L-5224, of. L-4351 Over Rogers Drug Store DURHAM. N. C. DR. J. H. HUGHES Dentist Office 1n Hotel Jones, next door to Dr. Tucker's Office DR. O. G. DAVIS Veterinarian Offers hls_ service to Roxboro and surrounding community Phone 87 R. B. DAWES Attorney- at- Law Office Adjoinins L. M. Carlton Roxboro, N. C. N. LUNSFORD Office over Garrett's Store Roxboro, N. C. DR. G. C. VIC'KERS Dentist Office in Wllburn and Satterfleld Store Building on Main Street, up stairs, corner rooms ROBERT P. BURNS Attorney-at-L*w Office in Old Post Oulce Building DR. B. B. BLALOCK Optometrist South Boston. Va. Eyes examined and glasses fitted by up-to-date scientific methods. Satisfaction guaranteed. In New Hotel John Randolph. W. T. BUCHANAN Sarveyor Roxboro. N. C.. Route 0 I PATRONIZE OUR ADVERTISERS P lenty of room for my long legs -AND I'M SIX- FOOT -THREE" WHIPPET 6 SKDAN Down ^aymcnr only ?295.00 Balance tn 12 eat? monthly payment i. I an* tndthinj'.oupe, C.Ourh, Dt Imx? ' k'y St Jan, RoaJsttr WHIPPET 4 COACH . Down payment only S224.00 It mn V l*i t-,h.4?. tmft, VI** f>? tmr* W4H k?Jnr*. T-fj-f I . n 4U /.*.%. f / ,/r? v-/.?. m tksnet vA r* <? i Never before has there been offered sfich big -car comfort at such a low price. Longer wheelbase and larger bodies give the new Superior Whippet - ? Fours and Sixes ? the roominess of costlier cars. The form-fitting scats are broader and heavily upholstered, en abling passengers to enjoy ' restful, relaxed positions at all times. Exceptionally wide doors ' afford easy entrance and exit. No other low-priced car has tf//thesc vital advantages: Full force-feed lubrication, silent timing chain, "Finger -Tip Control," oversize balloon tirea, invar-strut pistons, extra big four-jvheel brakes, higher compression engine giving more speed,, pick-up and power? and, in the Six, a heavy ?even-bearing crankshaft. WILLYS - OVERLAND, INC., TOLBDO, OHIO NEW SUPERIOR J/f fkibpet f [? FOURS^/ / SIXES 5 BLAYLOCK MOTOR CO. COURT STREET ROXBORO, N. C. ?* ' ? ? - -

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