Fourth Installment j WHAT HAPPENED BEFORE The Sheridan Dramatic Club, ol -which Tom Bllbeck. the narrator! -Maryella. the frtrl he cares for and Jim CooDsr his rival, are membersjh ?re to Blve Pvemalion and Oalatea at -the OW Soldiers' Home. Mr.Hemmlns -wav. husband of one of the actresses, thinks Bilbct It is In love with his wife. | The escaoe of Drlsoners from the local penitentiary keens Bllbeck busv at his newsnaner work so that he "?tj *w ?v from the dramatic group. But =r3XszsEtH ? nKhmrim htm and -stam telllne th? storv oi 1 Dollvuiii'a" win believes that evervtWnff that happens turns out to be for the best. v NOW OO ON WITH THE STORY "She Is a sweet child." I said ad- ' mir!r.g!\ . 1 "But she doesn't die. so It Is all ? right." Maryelta hastened t-o reassure] me. "There is a great lesion In the ? "book though and If every one would take It to heart this world would be a ?better place to live In. Don't you think so?" I looked at Maryella's eyes sharply. ? T never can tell from the rest of her face whether she Is In earnest or not j She was perfectly serious. "Yes." I admitted cautlonsly. "All we can do." she went on. "Is j to make a beginning: but maybe others -when they see how beautifully it works ?will follow our example." ? "TJs?" I questioned in alarm. "'Whom do mean, mean by 'us'?" "Why, the Sheridan Dramatic Club \ of course! All the members whom > -we have asked so far have agreed to j ?do It. Jim Cooper Started tt: ? He just finished reading the book to me scheme and also very practical. I ? -wanted you to be one of the first to come In. Mrs. Hemmlngv-ay and Jim ; -and I are the only ones so far. but if ?you'll try it we'll >bring It up before the club and maybe change the name of the organization to the Optimists or something like that." "Ouch!" exclaimed Mrs. Hemming- j -way. who had been sewing away in- ; -dustriously while Maryella and I were talking. ?What's the matter dear?*' Mary- { ?ella Inquired. "I Just stuck the needle In my fln- i Iter about an inch, darn It." mur- i mured Mrs. Hemmingway feelingly, j "You mustn't say 'dam it'," re- . proved Maryella. "The fact that you I ? rrtrtl"' yourself is all for the best. | 'You ought to be glad. "Why?" , Mrs. Hemmingway was a trifle ; petulant. "Because" ? Maryella paused and thought a moment ? "because If the -needle wasn't sharp enough to prick j you, you couldn't sew with it So you see It. is all for the best. She turned to me triumphantly! "You see how It works out. don't you, ' Tom? Isn't it lovely?" "It would be even a better example If It had been your finger." Mrs , Hem test. because if it wasn't for the curve you would probably be so tall that your head would bump the celling. After we got that one everything else was easy.". What was the use of being angry with her? She evidently regarded my 'curves Impersonally, as if they were, same freak of nature impossible , to j explain, like the Grand Canon or Nia- i gara Falls. It was more fun being ! with Maryella than against her In a discussion, so I willingly let the sub- i 1?rt drop. Adopting our new code. [ ? It n-?% nil for th? |)-st. ' "How long before you'U be through] with that?" Maryella asked Mrs. Hem mlniway. who was pinnin; ruffles on ? a curious-looking garment. "Then. Tom." Maryella went on. | taking charge of me and the expe- | dltion with her customary eye ior ae tail, "let's get started for the Old Sol- j diers' Home right after lunch. Is the j car running all right today?" . | "I don't know. Are we- going out in S the car?" "Can't we?. It will be much nicer. | Besides, there is no train back late I at night and we don't want to sleep j there-; I called up Mrs. Llllelove and . she says we can use their "bus, as there is no funeral In town this afternoon. That holds twelve and If you'll take me and three others that will be all we need. Fred Merry weather went out On the train with the scenery and properties this mqrn lng." I agreed to this arrangement. I had Grandmother Page would negotiate the thirty miles out to the Home and back without making any *fuss about It. but I kept them _to- myself . The prospect of the long drive with Mary ella on the front seat beside me was so roseate that I overlooked all the blue goops that might be hovering lit the background. As a justifiable precaution, however. I went to the garage to Inspect the car as soon as I left Maryella 's house. Grandmother rattled with joy when she saw me coming, as she always does: I gave her a lump of hard grease and patted her on the radia tor. As far as I could see she looked as If* she would last twenty-four hours longer. Just ta be on the safe side, however. 1 put a hank Ot UHllim-'wUe and aoum babbitt metal In the tool-box and bought a package of chewing gum in case the acetylene-gas system should leak anywhere. When I called at Maryella's house I found that my load consisted of Maryella herself. Mrs. Hemmingway, Mrs. Llllelove and Jim Cooper!. "I don't like to take' my car out in bad weather." he explained In ans wer to my look of surprise. "It's all for the best anywaT^because this way we can all be together." I hastily smothered the reply that rose to my Hps and busied myself ad "I think I can finish in hour, she answered. ' to -whether. 1 mlngway pouted, kissin? her own in jured digit in the absence of her husband. . "* totaryella disregarded the comment and continued t-o me: "Even our afflictions will make uj happy If we look far enough back or lar enough ahead. There Is always some blessing disguised in every ill. , All we have to do is hunt for it and j If we look hard enough we'll forget ! all about the misfortune Itself and I see only the benefit." Maryella in a moment of enthusiasm Is a glowing magnet. I could no more have resisted her then as she stood before me ilk* a little saint fairly alive -with the spirit of optimism than an rmotlonal sinner can stand against an old-fashioned revivalist. I knew there would come moments of doubt later when I would kick myself for a sen- 1 tlmental fool, but now t was carried ?way by her belief In her propaganda 80 I promised to Join the cheer-up movement and to seek for the kernel of good In every husk of hardship. "I knew you'd do it." Maryella con gratulated. "You'll find It make-, ?everything look so different! "Some problems are harder than others, of course. One of the very first things that struck me this morn ing was remembering about your be in; bowlegged I couldn't figure out any way that It could be all for the beet, but finally I got it. Jim Cooper helped me." "Oh. he did." 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