GOVERNOR CUTS lis TO TETT YEARS John Freeman will not pay Me for burning a dwelling . In commuting the sentence of the 90-year-old Yadkin 6ountjr white *t"t ri"Vfrn"r fniina-en and rhattered the precedent- He fulluwwi : It when he declined to allow a man's life to be taken for the crime of ar son?it hasn't been don? since the State adopted electrocution as Its lethal method. He shattered it when he commuted the sentence from death to a minimum of ten years In prison. Precedent calls for life Im prisonment in such cases. The prisoner was Informed of the Governor's action by Judge N-- A Townee nd, Executive Counsel. He re ceived the news in his unemotional vein as he had heard the Yadkin County . Jury pronounce him guilty and Judge Harwood sentence him to die. U?ht Hair. Helen and Lois Dodd. 19. students of Chicago University, who were picked aj the "prettiest of co-eds." Judges ot- the National Beauty Survey meant to pick only one girl, but they couldn't decide which of these two was prettier. When they reached a decision it was found that the "prettiest co-ed" was twins. 8?Cial Mrs. A. S. deVlaming entertained the Friday Afternoon Club at. her home on South Main Street Thurs day afternoon. The music room ana, lit iris .'wn woro Thrown ensnitp and beautifully decorated for the occasion with roses and other summer flowers. Boston Rook was played at six tables and many interesting progressions en joyed. The hostess served a delicious' salad course- with punch. Mrs. S. A. Jones entertained In ? honor of Mrs. W. C. Jones of Green ville on Saturday afternoon, at Bridge. The living rocm was most attractive - with bright colored flowers. Two tables were placed tor the game. 1 Af Ivi ? playing jcvcral . houyu the hoot ess served a most appetizing salad 1 course with ice ea. The guest of honor i| was given lovely handkerchiefs and high score was won by Mrs. B. B Mangum. Two dainty handkerchief* was presented for high score. One of the loveliest affairs which the your.g people of Roxboro have ; enjoyed for ssome time was given by Miss ET-izabJth Morris on Thursday ! evening' in complunent to Mrs. Ken neth Oakley, who before her recent marriage was Miss' Frances Long, a popular and attractive young lady of this city. ' The attractive Morris home was > never more beautifully arranged than j on this occasion. A color scheme of , yellow ana white was carried out in , every detail of the decorations and TerresnmeTirr Yellow -and white dais- ' ? i and wnue canaies used throughout the heme was very effective. The j rooms were eruuite and four tables were arranged in the- living room and j sun parlor. Several progressions, of ; bridge were enjoyed during the even ing. Mrs. Landon Harvey made the ( highes: score and was given a lovely linen towel, which she presented to I the honoree. Delicious refreshments, consisting of yellow and white ice cream, top ped with whipped cream and. cake in I like color was served by the hostess assisted by her mother,. Mrs. Sallie | Morris. After the refreshments had been served, the French doors leading to the dining room were thrown open ; and the guests were bade to enter. The dining table was Spread with a \ lovely white cloth and centered with a huge bridn's cake surrounded by Knowing white tapers and mounted ; with a miniature bride and groom. Extending from the cake was a white ribbon at the end of which was a not? addressed to the honoree. the content* of which gave instructions for cutting the cake. When this was done. the cake fell apart and display ed a lovely shower of useful and attractive linen gifts. On Wednesday morning at 19:30 o'clock Mrs I. o. Witkerson was host ess to the Bridge club. The home was artistically decorated with sweetpeas and nasturtiums. Two tables were placed in the living room and for two and a half hours bridge was played, many progrssaions being enjoyed. High acore c'.ub prize, a box of pow der. was presented to Mfs. S. A. Jones and hlzh Score guest prize, a deck of cards, ts Mrs. W. H. Morris A dainty guest prize was' given to Mrs. Walter Jone3. of Oreenvtlie N. C. A delightful two Course luncheon was served. Off?T Nursin ? Full feeii either hv hand or through a self-feeder, on pasture when possible, all the food that the hogs Intended for market will eat every day from the age of four weeks until Guideposts to OVEREATING OR TEMPERANCE | IN EATING Of all the diabolical traditions to [ which modern man is enslaved the j pernicious habit of overeating un- i doubtedlv tops the lot. Sir William ; Oslar. one of the greatest surgeons the world has ever known said: "Ex cessive eating does more damage than excess drinking" ? which can only mean that all the evils of the drink habit taken together, moral, financial i and physical, are surpassed by the | direct results of Immoderate eating, i And yet who has not taken part in \ a conversation like the following: "It's lunchtlme." ? "I don't feel a bit hungry."" ' "But it Is tlm land aim HB ability as an animal husbandman But. Mr. II Shay Insists that he must stick to this system ? not plunge one year and get out the next, but stay In the business year in and year outs and he will b? handsomely rewarded. 1 l Gene Tunney, Author 1 From. -Ital*: comes the rumor that ' Gene Tunney. retired heavyweight 1 champion-* o! the world, who has been I visiting with the world-famous play- i wrlght. George Bernard Shaw, cor.-' templates entering the .literary field. '? George Bernard Shau' "is said to have given Gene Tunney encourage ment In this new ambition. And so the world Is to have a new thrill, see ing a dyed-ln-the-woll pugilist turn j to the gentle art of letters. Of course, a not altogether new | thrill. Almost every successful sports- ' man has written articles on sports, or I had such articles written for him by , ghost writers. However, from Tunney | wc do not expect a story of his ex- ' For Tunney's makfe-up Is different than that of most pugilists. He typl- 1 fles the new School of athletics, whose minds are developed as carefully as their bodies. Tunney reads and under stands Shakespeare and Shaw, and ] has the friendship of such literary ar- ; tlsts as Thornton Wilder. Tunney evidently wants to become one of the world's classics ? and if he should succeed. It will be among the most remarkable phenomena of mod ern times, for who would have dream ed that a hand capabte of delivering tnoclront ? punches could also l>e ?n pluyeil tn the delicate art of penning masterpieces. We have yet to aae -l.T-n.ri I liimpvA irma i..w! r ?flit than hk __ Announ cement -Mr. and -Mis. W. A. Lunsford an r.iunca. the marriage of their daugh ter Nan me Jones, so Mr. Charlie Fogle v*. - ; : ? ~ 0 The barley harvest of Davidson County was held during the first week In June with excellent* yields recorded. There is something so old fashioned about hoaest shop keeping that It suggests a viut here. ? ? Moore's Oblige-o-grams. To provide lor yoijr meat wanti In a manner that "will satisfy ? your ? econgmy .striving without stinting your quality Having ' service. Piy mouth Binder Twine When you begin to cut( your wheat re member that we have plenty of John Deere's Plymouth Binder Twine-^-as good as the best, at reasonable prices. FARMERS ^HARDWARE CO. Hardware For The Home And Farm We stay open till eight o'clock Saturdays We Know How You can be sure that every tire rep -it' .job you bring to us will be done rUht. Slipshod, "get 'em in and vush 'em out" methods don't go here. We got our training at Tire Head quarters?the Goodyear factory at Akron ?and we give you the ben efit of everything that's latest and* best in the business. That's why we guarantee every job to outlast the tire. Out prices are low. Try us next time Crowell Auto Company FORD SALES AND SERVICE Roxboro, N. C. ^ Phone - - 77