THE HOST OARiNG STORY IN YEARS Will Appear In This Newspaper Beginning With Issue Of Aug. 1 4 Does a girt bare to "Pay the Price" In order to achieve success? 1 This question Is answered In "Souls For Sale." by Rupert Hushes, a new serial to appear In this paper start ing Aug. 14th. The author of this daring novel, bom at Lancaster. Pa., spent the early part of his U/e as a soldier. After leaving array life he became ?interested^ in musie. -and?Uis?many books and compilations on this sub ject are still standard works. Later his attention turned to Action, and he wrote many famous novels. Includ ing "What Will People Say?" "Empty Pockets". "Ttv Unpardonable Sin".' and "What's The World Coming To?" .The work of Rupert Hughes is ex ceedingly valuable as social criticism and commrnU Besides his fiction, he is'antlTOr of n life of Oe?r<e Washing ton whlel> mused considerable con troversy. nn* has wrl'ten the scenarios and title "( many ver;,' popular motion picture plov What J-,- has learned about th* movie r-'-i'-.l (whHe engaged in th? latter pursuit, is s'l told entertalnln; " ly In "Souls For Ssle." Chevrolet ^'mpuneg?i ? 2 New C'^rnd Mode's Rounding oul Its line of six cylinder valve-in-head cars. the Chevrolet Motor Or m nan v todav announces two new closed . mod^'r ? the Imperial ? Sedan and tho Snort Coupe. Officials, point out tTuH it^pife th? ?scores of; improvement.?; incorporated *n th?'*? i -non- , .w?^v , ? , I,,.,. >??-, *...??? within th"1 ' ?*" ncir? ran??, the Imrprla^ Svlaii listing at $/.95 and the Spqrt r. ?,>>???? "e4 *543. both f. o. b. factory. Mi"b Thp new -.^fcerlal S?*dm is- Intro-? duced because of a widespread dr^ mand for p slvle ear in th? low priced fleld. On this" mode! the fa-* mous Fisher Body designers have lav- 1 i.?hed their skill vit h very noticeable success. It. has* smart concave front ri)K?r. with a ^ roliinhlv nnlded ? ;-~" rtvlishlv fitted with Landau* bows The interior Is' nnartlv upholstered in deep'tufted plush. and th* ca- Is eouJoped with an adjustable driver's fat. and other items commonly f^nnd in smart cars of this tvre such ' ns completely quipped instrument r.anel. smoking set. etc. It is finished in lustrous Mack v/ith mV.din? in Saginaw green and . strinin* in tflsk fvnrv. Fxterior bright worfc. such as radiator, head lamps. an'l Intidau bows rre chromium plated. The new Short Coupe n'.so offered in response to a demand for a stvle car for two passengers. and include?! a comfovtab,r* r??mhle s ?a t in the rear and a rear windr?w. that is easily rais ed and lowe-<vl bv means' of a con-! renient Ternsterft regulator. Introduction of th?se ?wo models ccmes simultaneous!** with th? an nouncement that n^re than 9V),000 of the n*w sfa** hi-* already b-sn delivered into th~ hinds of owners and that Chevrolet fo^tories are op erating on the bl??est summe** pro duction level bi' tte history of the companv. Produrtinn of the new m6dels has "been under wav for several weeltrf. Meanwhile thousands of the new cars have been shipped to dealers. Of ficials predict that the entire nation wide dealer organization will be samp led with the new cars in two weeks r-r lcrv in manv of the larg?r cen ters. thr new cars are already on dis play. As a result o/ the introduction of these two new models, the Chevrolet rassen^er car line embraces seven cars, five closcd and two open models Past Records Brnlken By Cub Meeting , Rt lWifh ?Wlith *n enrollment of | 4M girls onrt 201 bovn from all parts ri rural North Caroltna, the annual 4-H short course nt State College last week broke oast record* for attendance end for distribution of the delegates from dlfTerent counties tike the State Farmers' Convention of the previous week, the club short course was also one of the best. The ?program had bwn ?yell organised, in structors and chaperons secured, and provision made for the games, recrea tion. stght-aeeing and other accom panying features. At the assembly periods each dav at noon the *00 club members and leaders heard messages of inspiration and education fnm the agricultural leaders of the state and from thetr | own group. Among Ihoae on the pro ?ram were lir E C. Brooks. Hon. Joaephtu Dar'Hs. Dean I. O Ichaub Mr?. Jane s. ?frKimmon M lis Mav Swan. : Miss MtHr?d Ives. Edmund Aveock. jVank Raymond, Dr F S Lov?, Dr. T1. W. Hill. Dr Robert Foster and others Especially did the speak er? ?tress the need of self-reliance helpfulness to others, qualities of ru- j r*.l leadership, and courtesy in daily Hfe. The cluh members nt tended. clMb--, each Blnrnlnir, held a general assem Boy Eats 2 Pounds ~~OfPcrk, 18 Rolls Raleigh. Au;. 2.?Advocate? of the famed IS-dar dlet miftat tind ? pro#jKvt la jroutf George W. B'i ley. 17-year-old farmer, who went into a local cafe iMt nifht to ret a "bite to cat** be fore going to bed. While waiter* marveled, the ?o?n| farmer romumrd two poanlx ot port chops and 18 roll*, while drink ing IS k law? of wtlw. "What are yon r^ng to give mr for dweiert?" he aoked the waiter And while the startled individual tried to think np a proper deseart for ?ach a meal. th? young farmer- made up hh mm mind and ate a large bar bef e ?Iwtek. ?:? b'.y at r.oon; went slght-'seetng and played games tu the afternoon and attended vespers and motion picture shows at night. The yoQng ladies present were Stylishly dr?3?d. lovely In aQpejrance and in^Pref * i In thftr swi The bv.-s al?a we-e o( the finest tvpe of young manhocd to be? found In the Stste. All Tin visited the short course > *:-iarke<i upon the fine appearance of the yooing people some savin? that It would b- difiCtttt to find a finer group assembled at one time ar.ywher.o lr. the State. The short course began on Mcndav. July 29. when the club memberr reg :.-:"red and -vere assigned to roomi. Tin1 ill."?it:1 I'.'I i an Fr. dav night and the group returned to 'T-.-ir hrr.ies Saturday mcmlni. Aug ust 3. MufV business Dene At Farm Convention Raleigh ?Governor Gardner's agr? ?::'urg! Program vas "ndor^d. a ?'.'."-"?iti" Dlan for a-ricultural de velopment adopted and a start mad? 'n promoting the plan fcr pure bred rrop r?eds and pure bred livestock -t the 27th annual session o( the State Farmers' Convention meeting at State College. July 22 to 26. The work ih preparing a state-wide "j-ogram for agriculture was said to h1 th? most outstanding pie^e of work done by the Convention. At the sec ? r-' 1 v?;;n<-. the ri--lejate? worked ?n i v.'iru m ^tua-Trni^m?- neem rf the State and the best solution of ts ai.-irultural problems. The result ? f this labor vas embodied in a series r:f reports made on the las' dav and adopted bv .sections. The?" reports "1 h-> ernden?*d in a publ'.catlcn of the Agricultural Extension Service and published as soon as V. can be made I r;ndy. Tn the resolutions, the farmers call ed for a further study of rural tax o'lon. encouraged the work of the Federal Farm Board, endorsed the rvH:nty government advisor-* commis rion. asked again for further financial old in securing an eight-months term for public schools, recommended bet ter'research facilities for agricultural iioblems. and called for more respect for law. The ladies also endorsed the Governor's agricultural program and out forward Mrs. Jane S. McKimmon to receive national hon:r because of her work. Officers of the Convention for the coming year are B B. Everett. Pal myra. president: -D. J. Lybrook Ad vance. first vice-president: O. J. Hol ler. Riitherfordton. second vice-presi dent: I. O. Schaub. State College, sec retarv and treasurer: C. A. Sheffield, Assistant secretary and treasurer and F. H Jeter, editorial manager Officers for the State Federation of Home Demonstration Clubs are: Mrs. W. C. Pou. Iredell County, president; Mrs. Dud!?v Bailey. Currituck Coun ty. first vice-president: Mrs. Paul Oli ver. Robeson Countv. second vice president; Mr*. Charl's L. Coble. Ala mance Countv. Secretary, and Mrs, D A. McCormlck. Robeson County. Treasurer. Ruth Coleman of Alamance Couiltv and Bnyce Brooks of Duplin Countv were pronounced the chamolon health club members of North Carolina at the recent 4-H short course. These two yotinc folks came op from coun tv and district contest? and are said to be almost perfect specimens of phy sical perfection. Fires on Saturdav are 5 p?r cent "tore .numerous than on any other day In London. Father Lost and Hungry; Son Drowns and Wife 111 Washington. July 31.?falter RoSs. 35-year-old StatesvUle carpenter came to Washington looking for a Job. His wife was 111 and his six-year-old boy needed clothes. The bit "city beckoned and he bor rowed money enough to buy gasoline (or his small automobile. He landed In Washington yesterday morning with six cents In his pockets. All day long he walked the hot ^pavements in Search of work Plenty 'of buildings were going ufc. but every where he found plenty of carpenters. Then he was lost and didn't know how to find his car. He found a police station agd lliere told his sad story. Two policemen took him in a police patrol car for a search of the city streets. At last they found the little automobile. not I far from the police station. ! Ross", went back to the police sta tion to* thank the desk sergtapt for : his kindness. There he found a mes-<* sage telling of the drowning of his In 5 Million Homfs Tonight A host of liabiea will enjoy souud alec| jonight. And their purent? will have unbroken rent. Castona ia the can ?o <rt~ this contentment in a multitude ol homes. Good old (Jastoria! Children cry fot j it. Mother* swear by it. Not a house hold where there is an infant should 1 ever lie without it, A few drops of Caa torin quiet Baby in a perfeetly innocent 'manner. It is natural slumber thai fol i lows. Castorin is a purely% vegetable |>rodtirt. N't. opiates. No narcotics. 01 : anylcTmfr . ? Now you know why trained nurse? give ? Cantoria aa often as an infant if ailing, or e veriest lesa. And why doctori tell mothers? it ia the first and only home romftf/ when Baby has constipa^ tion, colic, diarrhea, or other upset. It is -made fc>r babies, and saf? to give babies, and other things ar?? not. Fletcher's Castoria is "old-fash ionedr if you count ita fifty years, but it's an old-fashioned mother, nowadays, who worries along without it. Twenty-five million ^bottles bought last year! Think of the number of mother* who rely on Castoria! All these* mothers can t b# wrong!. To keep a bottle in the house is a precaution you owe your little one W? LL HtLf ^OU PLAM voui MENUS There is a difference between being .smooth and being ser viceable. ?Moore's Oblisp-o-graim. In this service we want you to And a service that wilt assist you in selecting the meats you need to round ou* th; proper menus for your weekly food test. QUALITY AND VALUE THESE ARE OUR WATCHWORDS ' The woman who shop? here find* that nht ran obtain more and better food for le*a money, and fet the best and mmt ounu'tnmu? Our groterj U up-to-date?we do hndm ? In the modern, effi cient manner. No waiting. Prompt fcUwrtw of orders taken over the phone. No mistake*. Every dar we have aatotUshlac speriakt?real bargain* for the K oman who nth to bar the beat at the lowest price. We handle no merchandise that has not the highest reputation for merit, parity and wMesomen~r. J.Y. BLANKS "Guaranteed Products" Phone 25 Roxbnro, N. C. boy. Walter Jr.. who had been in need1 of clothes. | It was the last straw. The States- | ville carpenter broke d"wtt. His sobs j touched th? hearts of the brawn; po- ' licemen. who are familiar with hard luck stories. The acting chief parsed around the hat and handed Ross til. The po licemen had a heart for htmj It was to pay for the gasoline to carry him bicte to Carolina. And this morning the Washington Post featured his story on the front page. The advertising will Insure a job, but it won't bring back his boy. Tourist taster taking deep breath on car platfarm)?Isn't this air ex humating? Porter?No. sah. This air Jackson ville. There is nothing quite lilce i the new Z Ford ? ' anywhere in ? deskgti* 43 3 * ciality and pri /?p iW NEW FORD ROAD5TE3 *450 (P. O. B. Detroit, pint charge for freight anJ deliver y, Bumper? jn</ t pare ! ire exira.) THE new Ford is a realty fine car selling at?? a low pricc". That's the whole story of it3 un u.'.ual speed, power, ac celeration, comfort, safety, reliability, and low up-keep cost. Come in and let us tell you of the quality that has been built into this car and of .the new 'manufacturing meth? odj that enable the Ford Motor Company to -cl! it at such a low price. Crow ell t Auto Co. ftOXBQKO. N. C. 1000 HEN ARE J FIGHTING FIRES Thoownda Of Acre* Of Timber Now Total Low - .?One thous and men were lighting fire today'In Idaho. Montana and Washington under conditions that were made acute by the lack of rains. Probably the most danjerous flre in the region was on Schwartz creek In the Missoula National Forest, which roared out of control before heavy winds after fighters had sub dued it and part of their force had b?n shifted trt new battle lines. Sev eral thousand acres had been burned Spokane. Wash.. Au?. 1 over. Flrea were burning also in the Lolo. Butt? and Black Feet Forests In lint slate. In north Idaho several of them confined to sections a lew hundred- acres In area were burning ; In the Nez Perce and Selway Forest. ' In South Idaho the C hal Us fire which had burned over 1,400 acre?, jumped {from control lines yesterday, but the i Salmon forest blaze, which had de i vastated 8.000 acres In ten days was j believed to have been subdued. Ob ; server* in the Boise forest reported ; that a conflagration that had run for .ten days had been controlled, j In Washington the forest were (smaller.' An obstinate blase near Mar | cus which had been controlled twice, i broke loose, and after burning several ' hundred acres of grain and menacing j much farm land, was brought under control again last night. Another i blaze on the Naches river, 35 miles j from Takima, also was suoauea. AT FAIR GROUNDS Tuesday, "1 ^ August A O CREATE D IN 1824 EVERLASTINGLY GOOD THE TEST OF TIME Time Is the fina! standard upon v? Jich 1? judged the worth of all thine*. Thr wortji of Spencers' Funeral Ser vice has been proved by the test of time. It has been years since this firm was'established. And all this time the people of Roxboco and vicinity have exprmifd a (rowing confidence in the efficiency and honesty of this firm. PnoNE47-M RaXQORQMC Next Winter's COAL It is not one bit too early to start thinking about next winter's coal. Your order placed now will be delivered order it de livered, and we are certain that prices will be satisfactory to you. .. Let Ui Fill Your Bin Now. Phone 137 r . . , Central Service Station Roxboro, N. C.

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