We Welcome New Comers. J, W. NOELL. EDITOR AND PUBLISHER. HOME FIRST, ABROAD NEXT - $1.50 PER YEAR IN ADVANCE. VOL. XLVI. ROXBORO. NORTH CAROLINA. WEDNESDAY EVENING. AUGUST 14. 1929. "?? NO. 33 THE SUPERIOR COURT CLOSED BUSY TERM HERE LAST THURSDAY Heavy Fines And Lengthy Road Sentences Handed Out To Law 'Breakers JUDGE CRANMER PRESIDED A heavy docket was disposed of In Person Superior court which was In sesaton last week, beginning Monday morning and adjourning late Thursday afternoon Judge E. H. Cranmer pre sided In an able manner over court. while Solicitor William B Umstead prosecuted for the State, The follow ing cases were tried during the week and disposed of: Irving Day, charged with driving *nd wrecking an automobile while under the Influence of liquor, nol j pros with leave. The William Newbold manslaughter case was continued for the next term: Walter Yellock drew a four month; sentence Tor illegal pcsspssimr?of whiskey. Joe Allen, charged with assault with deadly weapon. Judgment sus pended upon navment of cost. 8cott Barnett. larceny, four month5 ] on the roads. "WllUe Carver "was fined $100.00 and the cost for driving. an automobile while intoxicated. He will not b? ' permitted to drive an automobile for a iwiluil uf U! IB JICUI. | Willie Lyon, carrying concealed weapon, nol pros with leave. John Trotter, false pretense, nol pros with leave. Bill Oentrv. charged with drinking ?and disorderly conduct, nol pros with leave Irvin Welch. Doasle Duke and Stephen Moore, charged with asasult. judgment suspended upon the pay ?iiihiii of iliu oist ?? James Powell was given njne month* r "* OTT the "Toads for'?Illegal?possession i and tran for illegal possession of whiskev. OHIe Johnson drew a ? sentence of thlrtv davs nn the. roads for attempted assault on female. J^hn R. Faulkner, charged with as sault with deadly weapon and curs ing female, nol pros with leave Lena Crisp. Jack Crisp and Raloh Crisp -ver? all charged with assault with deadlv weaoon. Judgment sus pended upon payment of the cost. John L Cri assault with rock ?udnment suspended rtpon navment nt the cost and payment of *10 to Calvin Johnson. No true bill was found against Cal vin Johnson, .charged with - assault with deadly weapon Howard Williams, charged with! wreckless driving will not be permit ted to drive an automobile In the state for a oerlod of four months. He ?vas also charged with th? cost In the case and placed under a bond of <100 C V. Vanhook charged with forgery. Judgment Suspended upon the pay ment of the Coat and the amount of the check. Marv Barnett. larceny. Judgment suspended on the payment of cost. Walter Bradaher drew a |lne of ?V and coat for carrying concealed weapon Rufus Moore was given an addition al two month* sentence after com? pletlng his nine month* sentence. The two months sentence wa* for drlr i Continued on page eight) Elder Monk At Home mends of Elder W. Ft. Monk will be triad to- know that he stood hla operation for appendicitis nicely and Birth Announcement Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Wllktns are re r-iv1n? congratulations on the birth of a daughter. Mary {Cathleen. Night Baseball Something Entirely New For This Section; Large Crowds Will Witness Night Baseball For First Tune; Strong Male Batteries Used To Make Game Fast And Snappy $20,000 ELECTRIC PLANT TO FURNISH LIGHT FOR FIELD The Southern Beauties boys and girls baseball club will play two games here on Thursday. August 22, the first "game at 3:30 p. m., and the second game will be played at 8 p. m. The field will be illuminated by a $20,000 electric plant. Strong male batteries will be used to make the game snappy. You have never seen a night baseball game, come out. * " '? ? . Prices Of Tobacco May Be . Stabilized By The Buyers ?? I Agreement Has Been Reached Between Tobacco Association And Buying Corporation CREATES INTEREST HERE Announcement that the Tobacco Association of the ITr.Unr1C--.-nr ?? ?? r?.rhpJ an J?TIV mcnt. with a number o( the largest buyers to stabilize the price of to bacco throughout the buying season is received by local tobacco men with some degree of inU*st. it was stated yesterday. According bo the reported agree ment. the large buying corporations will maintain the prices for the grades they handle throughout the entire season^-whieil?nrill tgnrl tfi riimtflUh the effects of glut periods and at the same?time?asstire the farmer- of a reasonable price for his weed. For in stance. if a buyer is in the market for a certain Krade of tobaclo he will set the price at the beginning of the season and maintain this price throughout. . This. It is said, will make it. un necessary for farmers to glut the market at any given time, especially when the peak price is reached and will cut down the tendency to trans fer tobacco from one warehouse to another in an attempt to gain a bet ter price. It is suggested that this also might result in a longer market season. Many of the Durham tobacco men are now out of tha city attending the South Qarolina tobacco markets. Those who remained here, however, are di vided in opinion on the proposed stabilizing scheme. "I wouldn't tike to form any definite opinion on the matter until I learn ?omething more about 1ft" on?- ware houseman said last night, adding that there are many things to be con sidered. "It might be a good thing If there could be any definite assurance "that [t will work out in a practical man ner." said another warehouseman If was pointed out yesterday' that If the prices are stabilized and fixed throughout the selling season. then a farmer has little to choose between in marketing his tobacco. He might ?3 well take his product* to one town as another, or to the nearest ware house. It would make no difference. It was also pointed .out that buyers at the present time usually maintain a price that is pretty well fixed, as apposed to haphazard buying ?Herald. Painful Accident Mr. A. E. Jackson suffered a very painful accident Saturday afternoon when In stepping up on a. piece of timber he punctured his right foot on a twenty penny wire nail. The nail penetrated his shoe and caused htm to have to make the second ef fort to pull hi? foot clear of the nail. He was given medical aid by a local physician, and although It I? stilt giving him , considerable pain, he is qettinj along very nicely. Baseball Friday The Rnxboro bawbtll l?wn will rrowi btU with Erwtn Auditorium. Prida; tlttraton mi Uie local diamond. If ^ want to ?cfc(?ects about their cars, most ly concerning lights.. The service Sta tions did a land office business so long as the officers remained in town. Partolman D. T. Lamberth. R.' R. Glover and J. F. Shaw, accompanied by Lieut. O. O. Oodwln composed the personnel of the officers, and ere they had been in town many hours had rounded up 104 automobiles for var ious violations of the law. Only pne arrest was made, that being becauSr one automobile had no lights at all This cost the owner $10 ?nd coets. Enjoyable Reunion Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Wifburn and family of Roxboro. and Mr. and Mm. W C. Ttmberlako and famllv of Dur ham. attended a family reunion Sun day at the home of Mrs. Elisabeth Hendricks, at Cedar Forest. Va. The trip wa* < made by automobile and a lame number of the family were pres ent. It was a very enloyable occasion, there being seventy-flve or more of the WUburn relatives preeont and at the noon hour a real dinner was served and every ohe enjoyed the day to the fulleat. Fct The Motorist If every motorist would memorize the following, )t would be a fine piece of .accident prevention work: "When I am driving on a street Where little folks I'm apt to meet Who dash arrow the street to paly? I hope 111 drive tn lust the way I That i would drive If mine were there I Upon that crowded thoroughfare." Mrs. Clayton In Hospital Mrs. WUlle M Clayton was carried to Watts hospital on July 39th for an appendicitis operation. She left her three weeks old son. Bernard Carlyle, with her mother Mrs. J. M. Clayton. After undergoing the, sec ond operation the doctors think her condition li very good. Joins Farm Board Former Governor Samuel R. Mc Kelvie of Nebraska has accepted mem bership on the Federal Farm Board, completing the personnel of that body. He was endorsed by literally scores of farm organizations as the "wheat and grain" man the Board has been look ing for. , \ v ' ? I Dr. Long Hurt In Auto Accident Last Sunday afternoon as Dr.~BTR. Long was returning ' here from Greensboro his car skidded and turn ed over. .Inst a t*r> hundred yards South of Prospect Hill he was driving along at the usual speed when., for some unknown reason, his car skidded, and before he could right it had turn ed over. ?nrh.n?t?l? Jrrr IK. rtr,i-t/Jr he was only slightly hurt, a few cuts about the face and some minor bruises an ll\i uutly. Hut Lliw t;ai .^ulTfied a worse fate, as it was badly torn up. and had to be towed in. FUNERAL RITES FOR WILLIAM ]. DENNIS F ii n > r a 1 Services Conducted From Home Of Parents On Second Street WAS LOCAL ELECTRICIAN Funeral services for William Joseph Dermis, 37. who died at Watts hospital yesterday morning at 8:45 o'clock, will be conducted this afternoon at 4:30 o'clock at the home of his par ents.' Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Dennis on Second street. Rev. John William Smith will be in charge of the ser vices. Interment will be made In Maplewood cemetery. Death resulted from burns which Mr. Denni3 received in an automo bile Are at his home in Roxboro Mon day. He was brought to the hos oital here Wednesday night in a se rious condition, and at that time lit tle hope was held for "his recovery. Surviving in addition to his parents and wife. Mrs. Beatrice Oole Dennis, are four children. Claiborn. Billy. Es telle and Coleen; Ave brothers. N. B. Dennis, Brook Mill, Va.: J. S. Dennis. Roxboro: H. J. Dennis. L, C Dennis and E. J. Dennis of this city; two sisters. Mrs O. A. Houston, and Mrs. Louise DeMoll. of Alexandria. Va. The pallbearers will be brothers of the deceased. Nieces will serve as floral bearers. Mr Denni3 was well known here and In Roxboro. He was an electrician by t rad?.^Durham Herald, Thursday. August 8th. Returns From Plea^n* Trip In Western N. C. Mr. W. R Hambrlck and grand son. Rilev Satterfleld, have returned from a pleasant trio to Boone. N. C.. and other places of interest In .West ern North Carolina. While at Boone. Rilev had the painful misfortune to sprain hts right ..ankle, which has caused him to employ the help of crutches In walking Privilege License Notice Privilege License Tax on all per sons doing business in the Town of Roxboro Is now due and must be paid dtfrUw the month ? of August Be ginning Sept. 1st a pentty of 30% will be added B B. Mangum, Mgr. Presbyterian Church Sunday School at 9:411. a. m , H. L Crowell, Supt. Morning service at 11:00 a. ra . sermon by the Pastor. Sunday School at Mitchell Chapel at 2:00 p. m . W L. Kin*. 8upt Services at Warren's Orov* school houjfe at 4.00 p. m. Every one invited to" all services. P. Cary Adams. Pastor, o John Oilbert with Marv Nolan and Ernest Torrence in DESERT NIOHT8 playing Palace Theatre Monday and Tuesday 3:00 p. m. Mrs. Rosa Smith Killed Instantly At Bakers Mill Report Heavy Sales On Georgia Market Atlanta. Oa . Aug. 12,?Georgia's bright leaf tobacco crop has estab lished a new record for returns in three weeks of sales and is ploughing on toward a new mark that may ex ceed ?18.000.000.-* - - Official figures for the third week of sales compiled by the Department oi Agriculture today showed a total of 25,776.283 pounds for a total of ?4,812, 644.07. bringing the' season's total of 70.622,054. returning ?14.125.654.47 to growers. This exceeds the 1927 money record by nearly ?3.000.000 as that year 59.088.000 pounds brought -11 463.000. ? LITTLE BERNARD iLEMAN KILLED -RUw?. Broken When, eavv Ice Truck Passes Over His Body Funeral held Monday Little Bernard Brown Coleman. 20 -??latn'if r>iH mn \Tr and Mrs: .Tames E. Coleman, residing at 1801 Lake wood Avenue. Durham, was almost 1 instantly 1:U1M III Jn alli> iuar hio parent's home Saturday afternoon, when a heavy ice truck, property of : the Murdock Company and driven by Tom Phipps. young white man., whose I home is located near the scene of ! the fatal accident, passed over -his body. The young child in the company of two or three older children were playing in the alley when the' ice truck arrived for the rinlnrarv nf 1 rr His companions V ing old enough to ? understand the * danger of the truck moved to a place of safety while little Bernard attempt ed to follow the other children and not being seen by the driver of the truck was knocked down and the right rear wheel of the truck passed over his body whHe the truck was be ing backed out of the alley. He was immediately rushed to Watts hospital where jnedlcal attention was adminis tered but his condition was such that i he could not rally and died at 2:15. Young Phipps has a reputation of , being a very careful driver and of 1 fared every assistance to the child and its famllv. _ phipps was placed under a $500 bond. This was a very deplorable i accident, as the little fellow was Just old jnough to run around the horfie an1 was an active, live, healthv child. The funeral was conducted from the horns of his grand-father. Dr. J. I. Coleman. 1119 Eighth street. Durham. Monday afternoon. Rev. H. L. Davis. I pastor of the Lakewood Methodist ! church, assisted by Rev. L. L. Cog ; gins, pastor of Clement Baptist church ! near Hurdle Mills, and not Jar from fh?? childhood home of his father. ; Interment was made In the family (lot in the ? Clement cemetery. Pall 1 bearers were: J. J. Lawson. J. L. Har ris. W. A. Carr. Jr.. and Joe Moss. (.Honorary pallbearers were: Dr. W. B. Mccutcheon. L. B. Wilson. H. R. San ; derford. O.. R. Rose. J. P. Rose and John Cole Rose. Floral bearers'. Haz [?1 Lee Warren, Blllle Sims Warren. Pauline Woods, Marlon Coleman. .Edna Jame3 LawSon. Marv Francis Kellam. j Elizabeth Dennis. Harris Lawson and Zeb Coleman. Charter Granted Roxboro People A charter was granted Ralff's. In j corporated, Canton. Monday, to main tain and operate a retail mercantile business. Authorized capital stock 1 <20.000. subscribed (2.000. by George L Ralff. R V. Dlckerston and Mist 1 Blossom Ralff. Mr Oeo L. Ralff Is j a brother of. Mr. Harry Ralff. while the other two charter members are of Roxboro. Returns from Long Trip The Baraca class composed of a . number of young men. hare returned from a two week's trio to New York and other northern cities of interest .Many places of Interest were visited and It would require a long article to relate the numerous Interesting experiences as engaged In by these young men. ' > Wayne County Sales Sales of Ford cars and trucks led all other makes In- Wayne County. Michigan. In which Detroit I* lo cated. during June. Ford car regis trations totaled 7.471 as against 1,917 for the ' next highest. Truoka were: Ford. 873. next highest, 312. Head Was Struck By Moving Lever Rendering Victim Unconscious DEATH CAME INSTANTLY Mrs. Rosa Belle Smith, aged 22. wife of Willie Smith, was instantly killed Monday evening at 7:45 while operating a loom In the plant of Col lins-Alkman Corporation. Just north of Roxboro. It appears that for some .reason the thread in the machine was ! not running correctly and In an at tempt to adjust it. while in a bend in? position, her head was struck by a lever running in . a parallel position with a heavy metal bar that moves in a back and forth manner. This blow probably rendered her uncon scious and her head was caught be tween the two heavy pieces, causing a fracture of the skull, death, followine j instantly. An ambulance was called but it was found that life was extinct, j Her body was removed to a local fun j eral home and preoared for burial. ! A large amount of blood Was Spilled i frojn__the fractured skull and after ! the body was preoared for burial It was found that other than the head, | her bodv sufTered verv little abrasions, most of the iniurv being Internal. The Collins-Alkman Corporations Is j a large manufacturing olant and em : ploys a large number of people Much caution and care in the operation of the machinery seem to be in f .ldeiiut*. 1 end from all indications this acci dent seems to 1>? one of thofe. un I fortunate tragedies that crosses the human path anv way sometimes. | The deceased is survived by a hus ' band and three small children. The funeral was conducted by Rev. J. C. McGregor fron^he home at 3:30 Tuesday and iff^rment was made In 1 the church cemetery at Providence. Helens*. Defeats East ?Roxboro In Fast Game Helena defeated East Roxboro In a hard and fast game with a score of 6?1. Alfred Blalock pitched a shut out (tame all the way through, though East'Roxboro scored one on hLs team mate's errors. Blalock had the oppos ing batters at hLs mercy all the way ! through the game. Lunsford. Pearce C. and Pearce O . Orev ?Qd A. Bla j lock led the batting with two hits each: Lunsford contributed the best hit of the .game tor three bases. The 1 two teams will meet on East Roxboro diamond next Saturday, and a good :'game is exoected. Batteries: Helena: i Blalock and Hall. East Roxboro: King and Hobgood.?L. Highway Commission Aksed For Convicts The Person County Highway Cam mission asked for some of the road | convicts sent' up at the last term of | court, but for some cause the CJounty j Commissioners failed to acqulese In ! this request and It was not granted. I The Highway Commission only asked [ for the best of the convicts, that Is. those who might be termed trusties, and thought they could work them to advantage and at quite a saving to the County. Mr.. Adams Led Ticket The friends of Mr. Sam'l L. Adams j will be interested to know that, in the primary held In Virginia last Tues day he led the ticket and was again I nominated, foe the House of Dele I gates. Mr. Adams gays that Demo cracy In Halifax w even stronger than \ heretofore and the threatened ! "stiff fight" to ry> put up by the Re i publicans and so-called "Anti-Smith [ Democrats" this fall will fall to make : any headway In this stronghold of j Democracy. Boy Scout Notice Afl boys wishing to come before the Court of Honor for merit badge or promotion, please give your name to the Scout Master. This court of honor will be held the first week In Sep tember. P. Cary Adama. Field Meeting A field meeting will be held at the farm of Mr. John T. Horton. near Mr j J. C. Horner, on road 144. Bushy Porte OommigUty. Thursday. August 1Mb, 1 at ten o'clock to Inspect corn growing ! In the six foot row with soy beam 'growing through the middle of the corn rows. A picture ? of Desert love and ad venture. John Ollbert in DEBKHT NfOHTS. with Mary Nolan and Krneat Torrence playing Palaee Theatre Mon day and Tuesday. ? August 19-30U1. I Matinee Monday 3:00 p. m.