J. W. NOELL, EDITOR AND PUBLISHER. HOME FIRST, ABROAD NEXT $1.50 PER YEAR IN ADVANCK. VOL. XLVI. / ROXBQRO. NORTH CAROLINA, WEDNESDAY EVENING, AUGUST 28, 1929. NO. 35. - - f Big "Circulation Drive" Is Launched ROXBORO SCHOOLS WILL OPEN THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 5th CLASS WORK BEGINS FOLLOW1TPIONOAY "Every Student .Expecting T? Attend School Is Urged To Be Present VACCINATION COMPULSORY The public schools of Roxboro will open pn Thursday morning. Septem ber 5th. tor the registration and classification of pupils. Book lists will be given to the pupils by the teach ers, and on Friday. September 6th. all j pupils will return to their teachers tor the assignment of lessons and other Instructions preparatory to tile regular class work for the following Monday. High school students should not buy second-hand books, except American history, until the new book lists are "distributed. The new adoption of ?hipi, -lenvi^ off several of the former text books, and In their plaoes calls for new books. Primary and grammar grade chil dren will be nsafe in buying the same books that were used last year. Quite a saving may be effected inT>Uyirig sec ond-hand books, provided they are not so badly worn and soiled as to be I partially useless or totally objectionable ? for sanitary reasons. Attention is called again to the re quirement for compulsory vaccination i i good, clear sopr from previous vaccl ? , .nation. that will satisfy the school authorities. Children coming from other schools Into- IhE . Roxboro schools must pre sent the records of their school work before such pupils can be properly ] classified or admitted to classes here This Is an- important* 'matter and . should have the attgntion of parents j before the opening Say of school In order to avoid confusion and delay. Very' respectfully O. C. Davidson. Supt. Roxboro Schools, j August 26. 1929. Car* Collide On South Boston Road Sunday 1 At a point on highway number 13.1 near Bakers Mill, two automobiles had a head-on collision last Saturday afternoon doing considerable damage to both oars. Mr. Kenneth Long and | , his small son occupied one of the! cars while Mr. and Mrs, Clarence' Wrenner occupied the other one. The little Long boy suffered an ugly gash I across his forehead and Mrs Wrenner | received a painful cut on her head. ' The other occupants of the two cars" escaped Injury. The lnlured parties were brought to Roxboro and given treatment. Wreck On Main Street Mr. Samuel M. Murray and children were driving down Main 8treet Tues dav evening and met another auto mobile almost In front of Jackson's Barrage The glaring head lights on the approaching car blinded Mr Mur- ! ray to the extent that he did not see the truck that was parked to his right and smashed Into the truck bracking his windshield and Inflicting mwral, minor euts about his hand "either of the children were hurt. The Sord I was considerably bent up a??~other- ] wise damaged. Notice! On Friday of this **ek. August 30. i we will, Jiave our county son* meeting at Hefeha Methodist church, at He lena We are expecting several of our. Conference officers to be here to speak to us about the Missionary work. The program will begin at 11:00 a. m. We are asking for a* many women from each of our Methodist ehurctees M can come Come and.bring a little lunch Let's be ' especially interested In putting forwap# the work of our ,, church Visitors of other denomina tions ar? .invited. County Zone Leader. ' ' ?< ? o Thrilling as pi magaslne serial?a sensation as a Motion Picture. THE BELLAMY TRIAL with Lea trice Joy and Betty Bronson at Palace Theatre Monday Ac Tuesday. Sept. i-3rd Mat inee Monday 3:00 B, m. First Series Of Roxboro Building And Loan Matures Many Homes Freed From Debt; Thousands Of Dollars Paid ./ Out In Cash $106,200 WILL BE PAID OUT Six years ago last April, after many efforts, the Roxboro Building & Loan Association was organfsed and after adopting rules- and regulations Mr. J. j S. Walker was elected secretary and treasurer. Mr. Walkei* has held this office continuously since Its organtza -Uon. and -wo nro eare that wo more (althtul. energetic and enthusiastic officer has ever directed the affairs of any association. On September lit the first series will mature and $106, 200 00 will be paid to its stockholders. We do not believe anything has ever happened in Roxboro which meant more for its citizens than the '? organization ot thfc biiliaiUlJ mill lunn association, for it has taught many the value of systematic savings. Scores of citizens' here will own their own homes, free from any,and all Incum brances who otherwise would not have been able to buy a home, and many fContinued on last page) flfclOWN TAIL RATE WILL BE INCREASED School Deficit Of Nine Thousand i Dollars Will Require Thirty Cents Raise Tentative Tax Rate. Town Of Rox boro IKS. School Bonds . . . . . .04: Street & Water Bonds . . . .05 j Street Bonds No. 1 . .' . . .03 Street Bonds No. 2 . . . . . .151 Water Bonds No. 2 34 Sewer Bonds . . . . . . . .07: Refunding Bonds ..... .10 Water and Sewer . Bonds . . , .201 High School Bonds ..... .18 | General Fund .... . g . . .51 j General Special Fund 05 School Operating Fund ... 30 ?2 00 School Deficit Fund .... 30 Total Rate for 1829 .... *230 Above will be ngted what will In all probability be the levy of ad valorem tax for the town of Roxboro for the year 1929. The Board of Commission ers of the town has for a number of years set their faces like, flint against levying a' tax in excess of $2.00. but it now looks as If necessity will com pel them to violate their rtile. This ? (Continued on last page) Bethel Hill Wedding Creates Much Interest On Saturday night. August 3ist, 8:00 p. m. there will be a Womanless Wedding at Bethel HU1 high school avidltorlum. Jt bids fair to being one 1 of the most colorful events of the fall J season. Why shouldn't It be? Just j listen Mr. C. M. Ranes. the beloved j preacher, will Join In marriage Mr. B E. Mitchell, the "bride" to Mr. R B OrlfBn the "groom." The following are some of the at tendants: Dame of honor, O. W. Joyner, Jr.; Maid of- honor. Bernloe Wilborn; Bridesmaids. Clyde Woody: Bruce Woody. j6hn Woody. Claude Woody,. Ring bearer. Marvin Clayton Flower girls, Bryan Boswell. Newton Day. Oeorge Wilborn. Cecil Humphries, j Pianist. John Fontaine Soloist. E L Wehrenburg f. J There will bf a host of friends and relatives Including the a?ed grand parneta and Negro Mammy.. If you don't enjoy the wedding you'll get some timely hints on the new Fall styles. Admission 10 and 16c. Mrs. Sanders In Hospital Frlenda of Mrs. H K. Sanders will) regret to learn that she has been 111 for "Tfle past few days and was car ried to Rock Hill. S. O., last Sunday, where she enter?? a hospital for treatment. . * . .4 .V w. ikvim; obwi,?\t Of Timberlake, N. C.. magazine subscription specialist. He -will be glad to_ have your order for any mag azine published, and will guarantee to get It for you. save you all bother and worry, and see that It comes regularly. Write him for any magazine you are interested in. TEMPORARY CITY _ manager NAMED A temporary vacancy in the office of city manager brought about by the resignation o f B. B. Mangum. who has faithfully discharged the duties of this office for the pa?t three years. hs? been Ailed by the appointment of Ty B. Dawes, Mayor and former Prin cipal of the city high school. The appointment is temporary and will be ?rtn on the first day of September and last ^30 day?. Mr. Mangum has ac cepted a responsible position with the Colllns-Aikman corporation At the j expiration of the short term the town ! commissioners will make a selection j from the growing list of applications. Final Settlement Mr. -N. V. Brooks made his final settlement as sheriff and tax collector j with the County, Co.mmisison^rs at' their meeting in August *nd received receipt In full for all taxes collected.' nr ir nm ?1^ rha-?:ihlp tn him. Mr Brooks not only received his final dis- j charge from any and all obligations but the Commissioner* took occasion i to compliment htm upon the faithful? discharge of hi? duties while aftlng as sheriff and to commend him for the j splendid manner in which hc kept his accounts. The Courier Will Buy New ? Presses and Enlarge Home Automobile Crashes Into Big Window James Deshazo. colored farmer Uv- i in? on Roxboro Route 2. parked his j Vord touring car in front of T. W , Pass' Furniture Store this morning I and -yhen he cranked up. to leave for j home, his Ford headed directly into | one of the heavy glass windows of | the Pass furniture Store, crashing It' Into triousands of pieces. The accident | seems to be purely unavoidable. Edgar Long Memorial After a ninth's vacation services will be resumed in this church next Sunday. The rest, we are sure, has been beneficial to all of us, and we are now In fine shape for the last two months of the conference year. We are hoping to be greeted by a large congregation at both services Sunday. All regular services will be held: Sunday School at ? 45; Sermon and communion at 11 and 7:30. The reg ular meeting of the Epworth League will be held at 6:43. Please make note of the fact that' the evening services will begin at 7:30' .Instead of 8:00. The public Is cordially . Invited to all services here. Gome and worship' wlthr Us. T. A S IKES, Pastor. ! Mrs. Long In Hospital j Mrs W. D. Long of Hurdle Mills j has been on the sick list for several , weeks and upon- her failure to sue-, cesafully respond to medical treatment J ?It was decided best to tarry her to. Watts hospital Tuesday morning, where she will receive treatment and undergo an operation if deemed ne cessary. I . o * Person Electric Co. Messrs J. T Bradsber and Charley : Clayton have formed a partnership land opened the Person Electric Com pany. and are In position to estimate [on any.Job you may have In the elec i trie lloe. Mr Clayton la at) electrician with an enviable reputation and In cites an opportunity to bid on your ,work. ? O: Off For Canada The following young rrien left' here Tuesday morning at 8:00 o'clock for Canada, where they will be engaged in curing tobacco for the next tew weeks: Messrs. W C. Humphries. W. W. Frederick. ' Luolus Mangum James McCann. and Earle Humphries. The trip was made by pftvat? auto. i This Slove Is Necessary To Take Care Of Our Growing Business PAPER WILL BE LARGER Our faith was never stronger In the future of Roxboro than today, and as an evidence of this faith we will let contract next week for an addition to our building which will enable us to properly house the two new presses which we will buy and install within the next few weeks, which we are already negotiating for. For some time we have realized that It was necessary to enlarge The Cour ier go that we might give our readers the amount of reading matter they were entitled to and at the same time care for the growing list of adver tisers. The merchants of Roxboro have patronized us liberally, for they realized the cheapest way to reach the people of this good County was through the columns of The Courier By far The Corrier goes into more homes than anv other publication in this section, and for more than forty vears It has been a welcome visitor, in these homes, chronicling the birth of the child and publishing the 'mem orial of those who passed away, giv ing all of the news of the County and the prominent doings of the world at large. Yes. It has been your paper and It has been our earnest desire to make It worthy of your patronage, and our aim Is to give you the very best paper that can be nublished in Roxboro With this end In view we are buying this new equipment and enlarging the paper and will give you the very best we have, and all at the old price Received Her Diploma Miss LucUe Oliver has relumed home from Oreensboro wljere she has been attending a business school for the past several months. Mis* Oliver received her diploma and Is now ready to consider work In soiro well regtf ulated office or business firm. Birth Announcement Born.* to Mr an<5 Mr*. Merle Allen Stewart, at Watts hospital last Sat urday afternoon. Augurft 24th, a son. Merle Allen. Jr. Mother and son are both doing well, and friends are con gratulating Mr. Stewart. B. Y. P. U'l In Camp The B. Y. P. Us. chaperoned by Mrs Anna Bradaher and Miss Sue Bradsher were in camp at Loch Lily last week The young (oiks report a most delightful ilme^vftoile'afr the lake Fifty Rounded Up In Greenville Dry Agent Raid? Gretnville, S. C? Aug. 27.? More than 50 persons had been arrested early today as alleged prohibition law ifcuUUwn in?3" serles of raids late yesterday and last night by federal prohibition officers under the direction of J. A. Clifton, deputy adminis trator. The offers had lrf! warrants to serve when they began the raids* The warrants were sworn out on evidence collected by under-cover agents who spent the past several weeks "buying evidence." . ? . RALEIGH Ji MED IN AUTO ACCIDENT NEAR HERE SUNDAY Uncontrolled Car Plunges Across Highwa.vi Striking Ditch And * Big Boulder OTHER OCCUPANTS ESCAPE John R.- Coley, age 34. barber, of Raleigh, sustained injuries in an automo"bile wreck near Barton's Mitl. Sunday morning at 8:00 which proved fatal to hjra- a few hours later. Mr. Coley in company with his wife and , M r ?NlVb .?H+tf !" 1' * !..)[,): 11 TTTTu ; Miss Emily Purcell. all of Raleigh were on their way to South Boston. Va. and making a curve in the road. Miss Purcell. who was driving the car lost control, of It and owing to the wet condition of the cement. "TTnrcar crossed the hard surface and crashed into a large boulder turned over on its side, completely pinning Coley under the car. with most of the weight resting on his body. Mr. Lip ford was thrown clear of the car but came out of the wreck without in jury other than a severe jolt.. The car being too heavy for the unin jured parties to lift from the dying body of Mr. Cole*, the women were compelled to leave the tragical scene, to seek assistance from near neigh bors. Coley was brought to Roxboro and given first aid and later ' was re moved In an ambulance to Watt's hospital, where the fight between life and death was ended, death being the victor. Coley remained conscious throughout his intense suffering un til after the hospital was reached, and warned his attendants on the way that ha was injured Internally and wis bleeding rapidly. After his death at 11:30 his body was given ov*r to Hall, Wynne and White, funeral di rectors, who prepared it for burial and forwarded It to the home of E. B. Oarrti, Mrs. Coley'? brother, who lives 111' Ooldsboro. It will be recalled that Mr. Llpford at one time was a resident of Rox boro. being connected with the Comer Barber Shop and his friend? will be >glad to know that he escaped lnjuiy m this deplorable wreck that brought death to one and sorrow to many. The funeral was held Monday afternoon and Interment made In a LaOrange cemetery. ? :'y? >' ?. , ! Three Other Farmers Lc?e Tobacco Barns I Mr Willie H. Yarboro, whose farm U j located on the South Boston road, and?! who suffered heavy lose In the recent hall storm. lo?t one of his barns by fire a few days ago. This barn con tained most of the crop that was not damaged by hall. Joe Allen also lost one of his barns by fire,Monday even ing. Maxle Fox lost one by Are sev eral days ago. making the total num ber reported for the county, so far. four Still Other Losers In reporting damages from the hall storm last week we were informed that th? storm did not go farther than .lulling, but our good Irlend. Mr Ben Evans Informs us that we were mis taken. as ti damaged hind to the ?x-1 tent of at least ?1.000: Mr. A. IE. Jack son also reports the low ef ?3,000 to his crop. The damag* was really greater than j at flr?{ thought, and will probably run) cjose to a hundred thousand dollars ALLURING LIST OF i PRIZES IN BIG L flMinUMF [Greatest Prize Event In Local? History Is Offered To Those Who Will Do A Little Local Work In Their Different Com munities' For The Courier With a more stupendous prl?e Ust ? j than has ever been offered In this vicinity in a similar undertaking the i Roxboro Courier makes a formal an nouncement of a circulation drive In | which thousands of dollars .of big re wards and cash commissions will be gften away. A two-page announce ment in this issue gives the details of t hi?? - gigantic enterprise. The automo I biles are the most popular models, and the list consists of some of the most alluring and attractive prizes j Imaginable. I The object .of this circulation drive 1 is two-fold. It will increase the al ready wide and highly creditable cir culation -of this newspaper to even greater proportions* It will also In 'mduff i i?many n? w Ihjuh'a?Peisuu . ?County's leading" publication. This paper is going to pay its friends haijfl somely for helping to introduce the i publication * to other friends and j neighbors. ?. * _ . A prize- list Is headed with two of 'the latest model automobiles, and cash commissions will be paid to those who do not win one of the prizes. The plan adopted by The Roxbor^ Irmirip- is i?nw ?1 mta,?Tin. paper "could reach thousands of new readers i by employing scores of solicitors to cover this section, but if would take I quite a long time to do the work thoroughly. In inaugurating the cir 7? (Continued on last page) Four Million Pounds Sold In Sixteen Days Mr. H. W. Winstead, who ran a. warehouse for the sale of leaf to ? bacco in Georgia, probably hung up a record. In 16 sales days he sold 4.117.000 pounds, and not only made this wonderful record, but his house was sec< nd. with a possibility of be ing first, in high prices paid in the State this season. As a warehouseman Mr. Winstead has few equals afid no peers. Mr. Satterfjeld Passes Exam Successfully Mr. B. I. Satterfleld, one of Rox boro's best known and moat brilliant citizens, successfully passed his exam ination for law license last week, and Is now a full fledged lawyer. The ex amination 1? said to have been very hard and quite a number fell by the wayside. We congratulate Mr. Satter lleld. our only regret being that he la to leave us and take up the practice of his profeaalon In another city. Announcement Oood bye. Hoot, we are sorry to nee you leave, but we pledge ourselves to give your friends and patrons, the same satisfactory battery and elec trical service you have rendered in the years you have tftwl in our town. We wish to announ ? to the motor ing public that we have purchased the equipment of the Lunsford Battery ft Electric Co. Mr. JoffS. Pentecost, who is thoroughly competent In battery and auto electrical repairing, will have charge of this department. CENTRAL SERVICE CORP. ? ? ? ' o . Motorcycles Wreck Mess. Oarland Denny and Paul Solomon, two young motorcycle motor-, 1st?, were speeding along highway Wo. 57 near Surl church Sunday after noon and for some cause did not op erate their vehicles far enough apart to be safe, resulting In a ml imp that proved hurtful to yoiirig Denny, he sustaining painful bruises on one kg and arm. Both motorcycles were slightly damaged WOMA NLKS8 WEDDIMO AT ROTHS* Hill Saturday night.. Cornel Monta Bell's Production "The I.AMY TRIAL" with LeaHl'oe Joy and Betty Bronson. playlrv? Palace Thea tre Monday Ac Tuead*./, 8ept. Matinee Monday 3:00 p. m. I A

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