We Welcome New Comers J. W. NOELL, EDITOR AND PUBLISHER. HOME FIRST, ABROAD NEXT $1.50 PE^t YEAR IN ADVANCE. VOL. XLVI. ROXBORO, NORTH CAROLINA, WEDNESDAY EVENING. SEPTEMBER 25, 1929. NO. 4?. Get Your Winning Votes Now-Last $30 Club Offer EVERYTHING IS READY FOR BTfEirW Let's All Pull Together For .i- A Bigger and Better Market Your Friends In Roxboro Have Made Every Preparation For You TEN MILLION IS THE GOAL We do not believe we have ever seen such a friendly and goodly spir it as there exists today between the people of Person county and Roxboro. Of course, the two organizations here, the Merchants Association and the Rotary Club have had much to do with this _ good feeling, for the mem ber? of "both organizations have been on their toes trying to show that each and every one was Interested In anything and everything which would add to the welfare of the County and the town. And this Is as It should be. for we are all dependent upon the nthcr fellow?the farmer can not prosper without the help of the busi ness man. and the business man can not succeed without the help and co- j operation of the farmer. Roxboro and Person county is large ly dependent upon tobacco?we would all be better off if it was not so. and when the farmer gets a good price for his tobacco, everyone is happy. This season the tobacco crop in this County is good, and we all hope the ?price will be tn fceeptny -with the quality of the crop, but regardless of what the manufacturer pays for the crop, you may rest assured that your friends here, those who are interested ! in the warehouse business, as well as j every man who is InNiuslness of anv J end all kinds; are making every ef-1 Tort to see that there will be no ex-' j cuse for hauling your trhacpo else- [ where. Whatever may b? the limit placed upon the prices by the various companies, that pricc will be jnaln- j tained here, and you will get just as j much for your tobacco on the home | market as you will get arywhere. Bring vour tobacco to Roxboro. and [ i our friends will see that you go i home satisfied if it is possibly in their -power. t ? An Appeal Tfc*Parents This Is a further appeal and warn- j ing to the parents of school children ; attending the Roxboro schools to use their (Influence and their authority j to prevent their children from riding i on the running boards and fenders of I automobiles travelling to and from i the school buildings. Sooner or later j child will be crippled or killed j while taking the risk mentioned, and ; then the entire community will say j that the practice should have been; stopped and that the price paid has j been too dear. The school authorities j can not prevent a practice that be-: gins at the pupil's front door with 1 his parent's spoken or tacit consent. ? nor can we keep a watch over the ac- ; tlons of pupils during every minuto j of the time they are going to or re- . turning from school. We are teach-! ing safety and health In the schools, but unless our teaching can be trans-1 lated Into action that accords with j the teaching, then our work 1? uKr Ifss. We need the positive co-opera tion of the homes In putting principles of health and rules of physical wel fare Into dally practice on the .part of school children. The children are yours: we are your servants charged with the men tal and physical well-being Of the young; and we want to do our full duty. Will you help us? Respectfully. O. O. Davidson. 8upt. Roxboro Schools. Roxboro Football Team Plays Oxford Friday The Roxboro High School boys *111 play their flrrt foot ball game In Ox foTd Prldsv Coach HefTner has been working his boys pretty hard and they are expected to make a good showing In their tint game. It is hoped many of the Roxboro cltlxenp will go over and root for the boys. i Oeirge Bancroft with Pay Wrgy in THUNDERBOLT playing t>alace' Theatre. Monday and Tuesday. Sept 30th-Oct 1st. Matinee Monday 3:00 p. m. First Baptist Church "Ne'er was the sky so deep a hue But that . the sun came breaking through: There never was a" night so dark But wakened to the singing lark; Nor was there ever a lane so long. It had ho turn for the weary throng: No heart so sad that sometime after There cam? no sound of lilting laugh- ! ter: And Death's not the end?'neath the cold black sod? "Tls the Inn by the rq?d on our way to God." Bible School 10:00 a. m. ft. L.1 Wilburn, Supt. Preaching 11:00 a. m. Subject "Hu man Shipwrecks." Preaching 7:30 p. m. Subject "Con quering The World." B V. P, IT'r fi-n p m Mr H A ' Buckner, General Director. "For whosoever is born of God overcometh the worm ~ ana this is the victory that overcometh the world, even our faith. Who is lie that'over cometh the world, but he^ 'hat be lieveth.that Jesus is the Son of God?" ?I Jno. 5:4-5. . A cordial welcome is extended to all. W. F. WEST. Pastor. " George Bauuuft's.' Oreulest Charac terization "THUNDERBOLT"., with Fay Wray and Richard Arlen (Sttying Palace Theatre Monday and Tuesday.' Sept. 30th-0ct. 1st. Matinee Monday j 3:00 p. m. TOBACCO CONFERENCE SET FOR OCTOBER 1ST1 TO STIMULATE PRICES North Carolina Delegation Plans Session In Senate Committee Room BUYERS WILL ATTEND Washington. Sept. .24.?Members of the North Carolina delegation of Con gress. now in the city, conferred for some time today in the office of Sen ator Simmons relative to the trag ically low prices being paid to the growers for current tobacco crop. Statesmen and growers alike are con vinced that the situation is one that calls for emergency action, and. after an exchange of messages with persons actively interested in the state, It was determined to hold a general confer ence In thU ctty on Tuesday, October 1. 10 o'clock, the meeting to be par ticipated In, It Is confidently expected, by representatives of the growers, the great manufacturing and buying In terests! such as the American, the British American, the Imperltl. the Lorlllard. and perhaps a dozen of the Independents, as well as by member? of Congress representing the south eastern. States. Attention Ex-Soldier* It Is Important thSt the name of everv ex-service man and his ad