by Bernarr Ahcfadden THINGS THAT MAKE IOO GROW OLD Everybody hates to grow old. Yet. became the march of Time leave? its Inevitable traces on the (ace and form of man, most people are resigned to that tact. But we should not blame Time If we grow old in thought and Spirit. That is our own fault. Age is, lor tne most part, a state of mind. With the approach of mld de.age. most people think it is time to "settle down." They fear to do any thing that might be called undigni-. fled and so- they give up everything in the nature of exercise or sports. They take a back seat and watch the world go by. They lose their interest in other people. They become careless of personal appearance. They coddle themselves if the weather is incle ment or take, to their beds with every twinge of pain or digestive dis turbance. They refuse to accept any ""hew or radical idea, believing that "the old way is best." They often give up some lifelong ambition, saying, "It's too late now?I'm getting old." Then they begin to indulge in self pity. And those are the things that make people grow old before their time. Those things also bring ori many of the ailments associated with age. "The minute a man or woman begins to. let tip, deterioration sets in. Our bodies are wonderful machines, and as such they must be cared for, properly fuel ed and kept In first class running, con dition. The way to Stay young in spirit and thought Is to regard life as a thrill ing adventure with who-knows-what Just around the corner. . If you have children, try to see their point' of view and make them glad to nave you arilUlld Instead ul waiting until your back is turned to really enjoy themselves. Let them Help you stay young. Read the new books, listen to new Ideas and don't hesitate to do some things simply because you have never done such a thing before. Make a hobby of some sport or ex ercise?whether it be golf or pitch ing horseshoes or Just walking. Do anything and think anything that will .;aii anH mabo Ynu glad to j be alive. Make up your mind to get the most out or life until the day! you die. If you have cared for your health | and kept your body up to par during ! * your youth, many of these things will come naturally to vou But even if you save committed some of the roT-j lies of youth, it is tieVer too late to start building again. You may not look young until the day you die, but It IS certainly within your power to keep young and vital in i spirit. Farmers of Jackson County sold three oars of Irish potatoes recently ?t $1.10 a bushel delivered at the car door. '] y; How To Save Gasoline . Detroit. Sept. 26? Millions of dol lars could be saved annually by thr automobile-owning public through a more strict observance of the factors that control the gasoline mileage of fered by the average .automobile. It was revealed In a Survey of fuel econo my completed today by the Chevro let Motor Company. A gain of from two to five miles on the gallon of gas qpuld be effected, on the average. It was~shown. If the motorist paid strict attention to the elements that govern fuel consump tion. The matter of economy has always been a factor of the uppermost Im portance with Chevrolet In the de signing of its cars. Having brought the mileage to the highest point ever offered In a six cylinder car, Chevro let sought to corral In this survey, the maiiy seemingly unimportant de tails. which through carelessness or indifference on the part of the driver, cut down the mileage that might be obtained through more intelligent handling of the car. SICK AT HIS STOMACH "I WAS safbrtac from stomach trouble. In 1917," am Mr. C. K. Nelson, a railroad engi neer living In Pulaski, Va. T had a tightness |n my cheat, a shortness or trroath.?There seemed to be a heavy weight in the pit of my stomach, and quite a bit of nausea, yet I couldn't vomit. I tried different, remedies, yet ?offered on fust the same. "When in West Virginia on ? work train, I was in such a condition that I Just gave up and came noiiw. I'ixmldn't trt and to work, in my condition. Some one told me about Black-Draught. I started taking it in small d ones after meals. It helped me, and I went back to WOMEN who need ? tone kWd take ( AKDUL *? m *vw 60 ym You'll be delighted with the Enamel- Kote Decorating Set. Get Yours Today?Save *1.2$ One unfinished wall shelf,'knocked down) t'.irce matched stencils, one individual stencil? wor;h at lia?? $1.2">?free with the purchase of a half pint can or more of Acme Quality LjiamelKote (Rapid l li ving). This special offer is mad? to demonstrate .Itow easy it is to do your own decorating with Ac nic Quality Enamel-Kote. ACME QUALITY FLOOR-ROC VAfcNISH Acme Quality Floor-Hoc Var nlthiaaUatlng protection for your toon. It dries hard and ? moot h and will not dntt heel or water , mark*. W M ~ GEO. W. THOMAS HARDWARE ?THE ?avli OF COLOR" Manufacturers hart tten (Join* their utmost to make galas In the direction of greater nUeaff* and nov it la felt that with gerater cooperation from the driver, motorista may ride millions of miles yearly at no extra fuel cost If the matter of watchfulness can make a Sufficiently strong appeal-, Just how this attention to fuel econo-! my brings its reward is illustrated In records of performances coming in to the company's offices, which show that although the Chevrolet six is expected to run approximately 30 miles to the gallon, motorists in various sections of the country are getting 23 . 24 and 25 miles through Just a little added attention to the matter. Tke majority of items to be watch ed are rather obvious to the average automobile owner, but through an in adequate appreciation of tlfeir impor tance. are commoply overlooked. -The survey sets down specifically a number of factors, which, if observed, should Increase your mileage two to ?five miles to the gallon. They are: 1. When standing or waiting for the light to change, don't race your motor. 2. When you are to make a stop of more than a minute, turn off your motor. S. Don't drive at excessive speeds unless the occasion demands. High spfeed travelling burns more gas. 4. Remember that the faster you drive the more gas you consume. So when you find that you are about out of gas and are heading for a gas sta tion. take it slowly and your -chances for negotiating this distance' will be greater. 5. When starting watch the choke. Don't drive with the choke out a mom ent-more than necessary. - ------ 6. Be sure that yourjbrakes are not dragging. This cuts down your mile age. Get your brakes inspected fre quently. T 7. your valves ground when they need it. 8. See that the idling adjustment on your carburetor is set at the proper- point so that the mixture is not too rich. If it is not at the proper point it gives you inefficient idling performance and wastes gas. ?. Don t Ml your |X tank full to the cap, some will escape through the Test is the cap. it. Don't ride the clutch. 11. Watch gas line tor leaks -at joints Check It periodically to see that fittings are tight. 12. Be sure th?t ?p?Tk is in fully advanced position. 13. Avoid excessive use of brakes i traffic. Observanoe of these suggestions, the survey points out, will save money for the motorist and add considerable mileage to your driving and reduce the number of necessary stops at the gasoline station. 0 t There is a "Death Chamber" in the FLY-TOX factory. This chamber Is about the room slse. It Is used to test the quality of FLY-TOX as a spray to kill file*, mosquitoes, bedbugs, roaches, etc. During a test a large number of young, healthy Insects are placed in side the cabinet. These Insects are raised In incubators for testing pur ooses. While the insects are flying and crawling around In the "Chamber of Death." FLY-TOX is sprayed inside Less than a teaspoonful Is 'iised. In-1 Stantly there is a change. Wtthin flye minutes not a buzz is heard. All in sects are dead. To make sure they are really dead, the Insects are carefully removed from the "Chamber of Death" and placed In incubators in an effort to revive them. If a wing flutters, the FLY-TOX tested never leaves the tao tory. This test Is your guarantee of FLY-TOX quality. It does what you want It to do?kill Insects in-and about your home. Yet, FLY-TOX is posi tively harmless to people. FLY-TOX was developed at- Mellon Institute of Industrial Research by-Re* Research Fellowship. It will not stain. Has a delightful perfume-like fragranoe. There Js. only one FLY-TOX?Insist upon the geunine In bottles with blue labels.?Adv. The West Indies sent nearly $387, 000,000 worth of sugar to the United States last year. In Paris a Arm uses robots to pass out circulars. t> Truest??1* Sale Of Land Under jtdd by virtue of the power contained Tn a certain deed ol trust.1 executed on the 14th day of Decem ber. 1925. by Sidney Pettlford. and i wife Blanche Petttford. of record In' Hegtotcr Deeds Office ..ol_ Person County. In Deed -ef Trust Book No. 3. page 444. the bond secured thereby having been not paid at iraturity and the holder having requested that the power of sale be exercised, the under signed trustee will on Monday?. October 28th. 1929. at 12 o'clock noon at the Courthouse door in.Roxboro. N. C.. sell at public sale to the highest bidder for cash the tract ol land conveyed by said Deed of Trust, and described as fol low*; to-wlt: Lying and being in Plat River Town ship. Person County. North Carolina, and described as follows, vis: Be ginning at a rock. It being the South rock Noctlnmt corner ?( T. L tlford's lot in R thence vttb add containing 1UO and being kit Mo. S at the of Emily Pettifard land, a by W. R. Gates. Don't Fear Winter's Blow 1 Our coal protects you though ha3 and storm pome, and ice and frost do their worst ?for our coal produces more heat, requires less attention, burns more completely and leaves less ash. Order our coal right away if you want to learn how much more economical and efficient GOOD coal is than ordinary coal. Phone 137 Central Service Station Roxboro, N. C. HAPPINESS d For The Entire Family! HARVEST SALE OF Universal Electric Ranges Liberal Trade-In Allowance $10 Down 18 Months To Pay Balance FOR LIMITED TIME ONLY BEGINNING MONDAY ? MAKE YOUR SELEC ? ? 1 In I ? ? ? ? . I ' -L.- . " TION EARLYAWD ENJOY IT'S CONVENIENCES FOR A LIFETIME. c A R O LI N A Power & Light Company