4. W. NOELL, EDITOR AND PUBLISHER. VOL. XL-V4.- ROXBORO. NORTH CAROLINA, WEDNESDAY EVENING. OCTOBER 2. 192?. ?? EDA $150.00 IN CASH PRIZES ARE OFFERED CANDIDATES ANNOUNCEMENT OF EXTRA CASH PRIZES CAUSE WAVE OF INTENSE ENTHUSIASM Extra ^150.00 In Cash Prizes Offered Candidates. Special Effort Of Workers Will Mean Something. Offer Meets With Shout Of Enthusiasm From Participants. HARDEST WORKER WINS With the announcement today of the DOUBLE VOTE PERIOD, the Catnpairn of the Roxboro Courier swings into the fourth lap of one of the most Interesting Campaigns ever undertaken in this see t Ion of North Carolina. Many representative people of this 'Community have entered the Campaign for the valuable and costly prtaes. Much effort Is being put forth by those -who have 'entered the race, with the result that the outcome Is more in doubt thsn eyer before. No time Is being lost bv the work-"! ers to make this present week the biggest of the entire Campaign. From early morplng until late at night they j are on the go for all important, sub scriptions which means the winning of the Chrysler "66" 4-door Sedan.; the CJievrolet 2-door Sedan, or one or ?*i? nfhnr prWcc u?teli ?-111 hp awnrripri October 26th. Extra $150.00 In Cash Prizes?Cash ; Prize No. 1 For One Week Only. Fifty dollars in cash will be awarded to the Candidate who turns in the 1 largest amount of money for both new and old subscriptions from Monday.' September 30th,\ to Saturday, October! 5th. Cash Priae No. Z For Two Weeks Only. One hundred dollars in cash will b? awarded to the Candidate who turns in the largest ? amount of money for bath new and old subscriptions from . Monday. September 30th to Saturday October 12th. a period of?two weeks IT IS POSSIBLE FOR ONE CAN DIDATE TO WIN BOTH CASH PRIZES. These cash prizes are for -One And two weeks only, and any one ( Candidate winning both Cash Prl7.es will earn $12.50 per day for the twelve day period, in addition to any other prize he or she may win at the clos" of the Campaign. These extra prizes will be awarded at the close of the Campaign along with the other prizes Remittance that bears Saturday's ?postmark will be accepted to apply on the extra $50.00 Cash Prize for thfc week Double Votes. ' Beginning Monday. September 30th. and ending.October,5th, the double vote schedule will be In effect. . While this schedule Is less than any other schedule up to the present time. It is such that those who are actively .at work for one of the automobiles or other prizes cannot afford to lose one minute's time during the present week. Briefly the offer "Is this: Each and; every subscription -will be credited with just twice as many votes as are print- i ed on the back of receipt books. In other words. Just twice th-> number of i votes will be allowed on every sub- I scrlpUon turned In between September | 30th and' Saturday. October 5th. Ptjnful Accident Mr. James Smith of Hurdle Mills.] suffered a ve/y painful accident last! Thursday evening, when he and his j little son were engaged In hauling' wood. In some manner Mr. Smith! lost hi* balance from top of the load of wood and fell head foremost to | the ground, and In the tangle his left ear was almost completely torn! from his head. He was rushed to Roxboro where first aid was given. He | was then carried to Watts hospital, where the wound was dressed. He has been carried back home and is get ting along very nicely, although he is i still suffering much pain. Duke v?. Pitt From all indications If you have business with any Roxboro cltlsen Saturday -you will have to go to Dur- j ham to transact that l|istne?a. for they are all going to attend the great game between Duke and Pitt. It will doubtless be a grfat game, with more than ttilrty-flvil' thousand viewing It. Here's hoping Duke will win and the North CtaroUna fans will have every reason to cheer their loudest The Opening Show of the Season. nafr OARDKN REVUE, with 12r PEOPLE-12. Including Jazz Band and Orchestra, playing Palace Theatre Wednesday an4 Thursday. Oct. J-Jrd s v i rhomasville Girl Asleep 3 Months Thomuville. Sept. 3?.?Min J nan i ta Everhart, 19, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Erer hart of Salem street, (his city, went to sleep 93 days ago and has never awakened. She has been fed by artificial means and It is learned that she has had her life prolonged by this meth od through this lengthy peripd* Within the pot few days, ac cording to information here. It appeared that her system is failing to appropriate the food. She is in a hospital at Morgan ton, where the best treatment available has been provided. TWO LOCAL BOYS HURT IN WRECK Car Almost Demolished When It . Ceaves Road And Hits Large Rock Bedford! Stinfleld IS confined to -hi* J home with painful lacerations about j his head imtl face mid otherwise cut4 and bruised and Algv Jackson. Jr.. is I minus four of his front teeth and has | an ugly gash on hts lower lig, a? a i result of an aut-mobile wreck on the Olivi Hill rbad near the residence of Mr. Steve Dickens last Friday night. The cause of the wreck has been a little difficult to determine, but the best explanation the Lboys could give, was that something went wrong with the lights causing the driver to lose control of the car which left the road and headed out through, a field rwaltv turning ovjr and tf?s almost completely demolished. Witnesses at the scene of the wreck "state that the remarkable thing ab"mt the ?reck Is that both of the boys were not killed. BETHEL HILL ALL SET FOR ROXBORO SQUAD Bet h elites Have Been Training Hard For The Affray; Second Game Of Season The classic of school football in Person County will come ofT Friday. Fair Day. between Roxboro and Bethel Hill. The game will be played at Bethel Hill at 3 p. m., and admission will be twenty-flve cents. There are no scores with which to ompare the teams. Bethel Hill has won one game from t) lchsville by 20-0. while Roxboro haS lost to the strong Oxford eleven by a one-sided score. Scores mean little however, when these two teams meet as each team plays against the other as th6ugh it were the only game of the season. Coach Parrish nor Heflner have given any indication of the starting team, but it Is probable that each will vtart about the same teams as started tn the first game. First Baptist Church "Think truly, and thy thoughts Shall the world's famine feed. 8p?ak truly, and each *ord of thtne 8hall be a fruitful seed; A great and noble creed." Bible 8chool 10:00 a. m. R. L. Wll burn, Supt. Preaching 11:00 a. m. Spbject. See ing The Invisible. Preaching 7:10 p. m. Subject. The Jtlght To Judge. B Y. P, U's 6:18 p. m. Mr. H. A Buckner. Oeneral Director. The ordinance of the Lord's Sup per will be observed Immediately after the morning worship. A cordial welcome is extended to all. W. r. W1?T. Pastor Notice! This is to let my friends know that I have connected myself with the Big ? Warehouse In Durham, and will give them tha same personal service that I have in thi paqt. When In Durham make that your headquarters. W. Calvin Warren. Ramon Novarro (The Great Star of Ben Hur> in THE PAOAN with Rene* Adoree playing Palace Theatre "Mon day and Tuesday. October 7-?th. Mat inee Monday 3:(0 p. m. Bethel Hill Fair Friday October 4th Third Annual Fair To Be Held In School Building; Large Crowd Expected BALL GAME IS FEATURE The third annual Bethel H1U Fair at the Bethel Hill High School wilh be held Friday, October 4th. Farmer? are busy selecting and preparing (arm produce! while the women are pre paring canned fruits, fancy work, cooking, flowers, etc.. for exhibit. The children are also preparing their work and -everything is pointing to ward a successful f|iir this fall. The large gymnasium in the high school will probably be tilled Thursday as crops In this section are better than last year. These putting articles on exhibit should bring, them Thursday afternoon T niffht. as nothing will b" netered -n Friday morning. The fair is open rr night, as nothing will be entered 'ies who wish to exhibit and compe tent and Impartial judges will be fur nishe