-S - ? ? T J J. W. NOELL, EDITOR AM) PUBLISHER. 7v r - HOME FIRST, ABROAD NJ6XT $1.50 PER YEAR IN ADVA NO. VOL. XLVI. ' ROXBORO, NORTH CAROLINA, WEDNESDAY EVENING. OCTOBER 9. 1929. * NO. 42. $ 1OO Cash Offer Ends Saturday PRICES CONSIDERABLE HIGHER THIS WEEK Sales Light Liu " ;J'eek, Owing To Bad Wealh 1j?c3.830 Pounds AVERAFE FOR WEEK $14.03 Last week was a bad. week for the farmer, the weather was bad and pfices were worse, but things look a decided change for the better on Monday, and Tuesday's sales were equally as satisfying. Some of the louses averaged better than $17.00 for sales the first of the week. Last week sales' amounted to only 353 830 pounds, anjj-made an average of $14.03. Of course, this is'too low, but if you noticed reports from, thf other mar kets you saw that prides were even lower on a number of them than in Koxboro. The offerings have been of the poorer grades and you really can not tell Just what good tobacco is going to do. but the general opinion is that prices are going to get better right along now. Any way, you can rest ; n ????? [..i.!... ??? p'rliify ?o Ji.ct OW good here as they are on any of the markets,* and offr word for it. when! they are not we will tell you about it., > Notice For Hurdle Mills Co^rimunity At 7:30 p. m.. Friday. Oct. 11th. I there will be a *ftieetlng at Hurdle j Mills School In "tlje. Interest of a! Parent-Teacher Association. Prof. G C. Davidson will talk on the purpose.' of the association. There 'will "be a sj-lf'rt? bee by some of the high , rfhool students and a reading by a; visiting girl. Let all the parents, es- ! rwcially. come that wc may do 'nisi for the good of our community and school. I Joe B. Currin. .Prlhelpal Mr. E. Y. Pleasant Dead Mr, K. Y. Pleasants was car-; fled to the hospital last week at his "home in Rocky Mount, N. C., wher" h# died last Sunday mornlns. He had been ill for i-imt .time, tho-lgh his condition was not thought to be so lerlom. Mr. Pleasants was a native of Rox^ horo. where he was well and favor ably Known. He had been living in Rocky Mount for a number of years. Jvhere he was engaged in the under taking business. He is survived by bis wife, who ire marriage was Miss Hall, and six children. Fun eral services were conducted from the home on Monday afternoon. Olive Hill P. T. As to. The regular monthlv meet in? of ' Olive Hill Parent-Teacher Association ?wilt be held Thursday afternoon. Oct. nth, at 2:30 o'clock in the school auditorium. "It is requested that all who are In terested in the School and Its achieve ments will attend this meeting/ and help make plans and discuss the work of the Association for the coming year The officers of the Association are rs follows: President. Miss Luna Sat "?rfleld; Vice President. Mrs. Maurice Oanlel; Secretary, Mrs. Et J. Dickens: Program Committee, Mrs. T. C Wag Pitt Win? From Duke The foot ball fans here were very much surprised ?t the showing made i TV Duke In th* Duke^Pitt game last Saturday. While few of the ardent T>uke followers really expected Duke to win. they Were quite sufe there uould be no runaway proposition "The new stadium wa3 opened with this game, and It was almost filled to rapacity. that b'lng 35.000 It Is said this stadium is one of the very best In the country, and this game shows that It Is yon? too large for when Duke gets going In athletics, as It will In ? very few years. It will b? taxed to its utmost to care for the oowds. The score wa< 52-7 ih' favor of Pitt St. Murks Enisconal Services at 8t. Mark?* Episcopal Church next RutlUar -miSTJIIng at 11 o'clock by the Rev. E W, (Worst Come, and worship with us. Has Y cur Sub- ^ scription Expired? Look at your label, for quit? a number have allowed their subscriptions to The Courier to expire, and many more will ex pire during* this month. Octo ber. We trust eveq^one will re new promptly?fite your sub scriptions to one of the contes tants, but do it at once, for we will have to cut off every delin quent just as soon || we can get to the list?which will be very ?oon after the close of the month. . Renew today, and. So not miss # single issue of our splendid serial story now running. BETHEL Hill FAIR GOES OVER FINE " ?* ? Over 1.000 Visitors View Ex hibits; Community Booth Far State Fair SCHOOL EXHIBITS GOOD Weather conditions were very threatening the first of the week but j the day of the fair was fine and! around 1.000 or more people saw the! exhibits. Many thought the Pair ex- j hiblts to have improved in quality, and' arrangement. There was much evi- j dence of Improved selection and grad enj cf produce. The work of the! school children was of high quality, j neat and attractive. Every depart- j ment was- good and the conduct' on the grounds was excellent so fas' as the writer knows. 1 If there is any one who has not j received his or her premium or is' dissatisfied in any respect please no tify Fair officials and proper adjust- i ment will be made. The people of Roxboro and -sur rounding territory have shown splen- : ;dld .co-operation. The choice materials will be .se lected and taken to Raleigh for ex hibit next week in the S'ate Fair. Roxboro Presbyterian Church Services October 13. 1929'. S S. at 9:45 a m. Communion service and sermon J hv the Pastor at 11 a. m. Youn< Perole's service at 7:30. Sunday School ""at 2 p. m. -. ondn prearhlhg service at 3 p. m. at Mlt i chell Chapel. Preaching service at 7 30 p. m. at Bushy Pork. P. Cary Adams. Pastor. Fir^t Baptist Church i ' I will hot doubt, though all my ships J at sea | Ccme drifting home with broken j masts and sails; I shall believe the hand that never | falls From seeming evil worketh good for , me.. And though I weep because the sails 1 ' are tattered. "I trust in Thee " .? j Still will I cr#./while my last hopes i WrUhatWfir 1 I ?Marvin J. Nichols. I Bible School 10:00 a. m. R L. Wll bum. Supt. Preaching 11:00 a m. Subject: Re llTllfi Needs A Tonic. 1 Preaching 7:30 p. m. Subject: Way- , side Christianity. I B Y. P. U> 8:15 p. m p. A. Buck- j ! ner. Oeneral Director. ! A cordial Invitation la extended to all W. F. WEST. Pastor ? ?0 Mr. Barnett Has Moved His Office Mr. W. C. Barnett. Mjo has had his Insurance office in Mr. Hugh Wood's ftore. has moved and can now b* found In one of thtjooms over the, Peoptea Bank.' If Its" Insurance he will be glad to talk with you. .r o ? V YaljJma QUHLtL&K. World's CHhm . plon Cowboy) In CAPTAIN COW BOY. planin? palace Theatre Satur day. Oct'ttjer lltfi Matinee anjl night ATHLETICS DEFEAT CHICAGO CUBS IN SERIES OPENER ' ' ? . i Howard Khmk'e Twirls Himself t nt cffitlfOT Fame By "Win* nins; Series Opener 2 50,000 FANS WITNESS GAME Wrigley Field, Chicago. Oct. 8.? Ehmke.- regarded as a victim ot &ge and headed on downward path, mov ed down 13 Chicago batsmen, includ- j ing Hornsby and Wilson, with his j strike-out scythe; blow from batted \ ball and error by Dykes in ninth' frame prevented him from emerging! with a shut-out over the National j Leaguers: home run by Foxx brought j first blood in initial game and gave < Atheltlcs edge; Charley Root pitched : effectively for Cubs until he made way for a pinch hitter: more than 50,- ] 000 fans crowded Wrigley Park to see thrilling and dramatic coiftest. With a twirling masterpiece that: astonished the baseball world In gen- j cral and the Chicago Cubs in par llium. Him?;rl?Ehmke.?lnn<.?lean right-hander, slow bailed the Phtla-" delphia Athletics to victory over th" | National champions today, 3 to 1, In! the opening game of the World's j Series. At the ag^of 35. when "he was sup-' posed to be well on' the downward path and a second string man at best \ in the A's cast of stars. Ehmke baf fled the battling Bruins, Justified the unexpected faith of the veteran Con- ( nle Mack and brought his triumph ? to a climax by ^mashing the, World's Series records for strike-outs. When the -towering, angular Ehmke. in an exciting ninth Inning finish-, j fanned Pinch Hitter Charley Tolson1 for the third out with two men on bases, he choked off the last of three ] Cub threats in dramatic fashion with his thirteenth strike out victim of.the! game. ! Masons Will Have Banquet Win Be Held At Lodge Room Next Tuesday Night At 7:30 O'clock On Tuesday night, Oct. 15, 1929. the members of Roxboro Lodge A. F. j & A. M\ will give a banquet, and all ' visiting Masons In Person County are cordially Invited to attend. There will j be work in the third degree, and some good speakers have been In- | vited. Every member is expected to j be present. ?''' I Results of- variety tests with wheat during the past Six years are given In Agronomy -Information Circular 30 which may be had free of charge on application to _C. B. Williams.' "Hate ; College, Raleigh . I LIST OF CANDIDATES AND VOTES ACCEPTED FOR PUBLICATION With Kiritrimnt Running Higher And Higher In Courier ?3,500 Cir culation Campaign The Drtirmliwd Worker* Are Scouring Huh war* And Byway* For All RabwrtpUons Possible Thta Wftk A* The Last Cadi OfTrr F.nds Saturday And TV End Of The Bit Orlve Only A Few Day* OtT With Ma jority Of Worker* Running Close Race With ?owr?l bi? worker* almost tied for. first place and all work- ? ers going strong this week, excitement runs high as close of ?100 cash oiler draws near. Miss Eula Rlmmer regained first place In votes this week whllo Miss Jewell Fogleman has mounted to second place closely followed bv MUCs Onntr Whitfield. Saturday may see many more rhanges In the line-up. for there Is a real fight on among the determined worker? for that Cash Prize and Chrysler "66" Sedan. NAME . TOWN VOTES Mrs. B B. Knight Roxboro. N. C . ,.532jOOO Mrs. Ervln Moore Roxboro. N. O. i.......M3.880 Mrs V. A. Thomas Roxboro. N. C 534.900 Mrs. Arch Jones Roxboro, N C ?34X100 Mis* Fannie Clayton. ......t Roxbnro. N C? R 4 532 000 Miss Jewell Foreman Mortah. N. C ?37,?00 Mr*. J. D. 9oate* ..Semora. N. C . R. 1 ?32,500 Mrs. J. L. tfethran RougemoiU N, C? R 1 535,800 Mrs. Ella Clayton ..?along, N. 0, 399 000 Miss BuM Mar Rlmmer Hurdle Mills. N O.. R 1 ...539.000 lilss Onnle F, Whitfield /...Hurdlo Mills. N. C. R 3 ...536.000 Ml?? Corlnne Bowpa Hurdle MIUs. S. C R. 3 ...?38.500, Mr. W Irvliw OTBr^fiV Tlmfoerlel^. JT.XT. 533.000 Mr. J. B. Dlxosr .felon*. N. 79 900 Mrs. Charles Allen Roxboro, N. C.,, R. 4 57.500 SIM Cash to Candidate turning In mn*t Money for subscription? from Monday. September 3#th, In Saturday nlghl. October 12th CANDIDATES: There I? more than ?90.00 per day for the vomaln tng fifteen working days for too winner In r r?r?m> arr mcmst TurkJsh Beauty Miss Ferlha Tewflk. winner of first rfrtze in beauty contest at Angora, Tilrkey. iu which beauties from '?11 parts of Turkey competed. 1 Living Well Just Now Through thet courtesy of our good friend. Mr. A. L. Boyd, we are living well this week. He presented us with a sweet, potato weighing four pounds and a quantity of roasting ears. Yes. we are living at home this week. IKEA 1 PEACH TREES FOR BORERS AT ONCE Notice! I have notified the polio* to arrest any one knocking pecans off of the trees tn my front yard. This prac tice must 'be stopped and the police | will see that you are properly pun-. ished when caught. W. T, Pass. Will Move To Virgilina ? Mr. A P. Daniel, who has been connected with this office 'for some time will move, to Virginila where he will start a new paper. Mr. Daniel is an able worker and will, no doubt, give the people of Virgilina a good paper. C cur t Next Week Person County, Superior Court will meet next M-.nday morning. The Clerk. Mr. A C. Gentry. Informs us that the SUte docket is very light and quite a number of cases on the civil docket have been set for trial. Notice! To Juniors of Roxboro Council No. 121: Important business comes before us on cur meeting night. Try to attend. | we meet every Mondays night at T:30 (-'clock. F. H. Wilson, Coun.. R. W. Lunsford. R. 8.1 Bradly Kings story THE SQUALL, with Alice, Joyce, Richard Tucker ] and Mrinn Luy- playing at Palace Theatre Monday & Tuesday, Oct. 14 18th. Matinee Monday 3:M p. m. If You Expect Good Fruit You Must .Give The Tree Close Attention LAST CHANCE TO USE PARADICHLOROBENZINE By H. K. Sanders Peach trees should be treated at once for borers. Oct. 16th Is the latent date recommended by the Ex periment stalion for using paradichlo rcbenzliie around the trees. This lens named chemical when properly applied according to directions will kill the borers, thus preventing them from eventually killing the tree. Thes? borers at the base of the tree will kill a tree in about three years unless they are destroyed twice a year... Thf - borers can',be dug out by a careful hatid who will take pains and look for the places carefully, but this chemical will do the work easier and by far better. Level the ground around the base of the tree and make a" small fing about an inch wide and an inch from the bark of the tree. APP'y one ounce per tree four years old or older, and for young trees three years old, ap ply about half an ounce per tree. On two yea*, old trees, do not try to use ; this medicine as it will likely kill fh'e tree. Pile dirt on the medicine Ave inches high, gently tamp the dirt so. as not to force the medtcJne against the bark of the tree, and in. sflx weeks take a hoe and tear down the mound level with the ground. Next April, repeat the treatment. Mrs. M. D. Giles Dies Mr*. M. D. Olles of Reldsvllle. N 0? died at Leaksville hospital Sep tember 7th. Mrs. Olies was formerly Miss Lula Royster of Northern part of Oranvllle County, and was from one the best families In the coun ty. She leave* three brothers. H. A. Royster of Oranvllle: R. W. Royster, of Reldrfvllle. and E. M. Royster, of Ooldsboro. In Durham Hosiptal Mrs. R. O. Cole was carried to the hospital In Durham last week and underwent an operation for appen dicitis Her condition Was such that It would not permit them to admin ister an anaesthetic. We ?re glad to know her condition is favorable and that ?he is getting on very well. Called To Loch Haven Mrs. Z. V. Owynn and Mrs. J. A Loot were called to Loch Haven. Pa., their former horiW. on account of the death of an Aunt. Oh account of high water they e&uld not reach South Boston and had to retorfi and go by way of Henderson. It took many rabbis mahv yearn to write- the Talmud, explaining In de tail the laws of the Bible. #. Subscriptions Have Double^ ~ Vahte4n Votes And Apply On $100 Gash Prize Also IT IS HERE We want to announce that the new Chrysler 66 Sedan, for the Courier Campaign Is here and is on exhi bition at our garage. We want to congratulate the lucky winner of this car, for, no matter how much work you have put in on this- contest you are tndeed fortunate, for' It is worth Jnenths cf hard work. Come in and we it. and then you will work Just a little harder. Money can not buy a better car?some are higher, but none I are better. It will be given the First i Prize winner in COURIER ?3.500 '?Greater Circulation Campaign On the I night of October 26th. j We take pleasure In congratulating i in advance, the winner of this beau | tiful prize. JACKSON MOTOR CO. Strong Finish Of^Big Prize Race Is Predicted And Big, Week Is Indicated By Drive Mem bers Activity?Members Who Mean To Win Big Car Are Leaving No Stone Unturned In Their Quest For Subscrip tions?Big. Race Ends TVw Weeks After Present Offer Expires?-Get The Winning Votes Now! "They are going, to finish strong." Here's why we think so: Reports from the outside sections are to the effect that the communities and towns are getting behind their favorites tills week, and urging them on to'greater efforts and giving encouragement with the support of their subscrip tions. Again 'the added Cash Prize for extra effort put forth this weeK ls a great' inducement iilltl ID ttWJW-? ciated by one and all alike. All are anxious to come in for the Casta Prize. Not alone for'the prize lWelf, but for the knowledge that the extra votes that will be secured on the business turned in this week will go a long ways toward placing their names in the . ginning column when the big count takes place. S100 Extra Cash Priw. If $100 in extra Cash Prize for twelve day's extra effort isn't sufficient inducement for one to. put one'? best effort for a period twelve days noth ing is. And remember if you were the lucky Candidate on last week's Extra Cash Prize of $30.00 given for the Candidate who turned in the most money for subscriptions for that week. You" will have all the better chanc? this week on winning the $100.00 Casta Prize, if you put forth every effort this week it is possible to win the <100 Cash Prize in on? week's work. One of the earn"st virkers will re ceive that much for the shtort period -f twelve days for securing the larg est amount of imney for both new' and old subscriptions. Not so bad Is it? That Isn't a 11 either. Double 'he regular schedule of votes will be credited upon all subscriptions that are turned In this week, subscrip tions hav-e^ two-fat-one value this week. Double Voles. While the nuipbe*? of evtra votes credited upon subscriptions is not a? great as the preceding extra vote of fers. tt is such that if a member exert* himself or herself to the fullest ex tent getting subscriptions and haw them apply under the present Gtf&h and Double Vote Offer, the additional votes will place him right In line for some of the very best things on the list. One thing Is certain, with the value of the prize I lift at such a high figure and with the extra prise to spur one on. it is needless to say that one and all will make a determined effort to outdistance all com petition this week. 8ome perhaps have not cared to show their real capacity for getting subscriptions up. to this time. These will leave no stojp unturned in their quest for subscription* now while their efforts will be rewarded so bountifully. , s End ?rawing -Near. After this present week. Just two weeks remain until the race ends and the votes ?111 be counted. Then the victors will receive the rewArds for their efforts. Two big handsome new automobiles will be presented their new owners. Just who these fortu nate members will be m^y be decid ed by the votes obtained now 'inder the big Cash offer. Oo tg* It. mem bers. good and strong this week, and secure enough extra votes on your subscriptions to land the prise for which you have been striving so va liantly. Oet that "gasoline" money now! This week I ? . , ? ? ... BIRTH ANNOUNCEMENT Born, to Mr. and Mrs. Toble Stone, a daughter, on October 8th. Mother and baby getting on nleely. j ? o Alice Joyce in TKB-SQUALL. with Myrna - Loy and Rlchrai Tucker, playing Palace Theatre Mondfcy tk Tuesday. Oct. 14-1 Sth. Matinee " day m. ,

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