Sell Your Tobacco In Roxboro J. W. NOELL, EDITOR AND PUBLISHER. HOME FIRST, ABROAD NEXT $1.50 PER YEAR IN ADVANCE. VOL. XEVI. ROXBORO, NORTH CAROLINA, WEDNESDAY EVENING. OCTOBER 16, 1929. ? - NO. 43. Advised To Take Advantage Of Offer ROXBORO PREPARE FOR BATTLE HERE FRIDAYftFFERNOOH HtlTntr Has All His Charges Set For Clash With Henderson Team - A GOOD GAME EXPECTED The Roxboro team 1? goto? on the Held Friday afternoon at 3:30 o'clock 1or Its first appearance on the local prld-iron They are expectln? to take Henderson's -measures*-, which this high school has riot dont> yet in its history of lootbalt. Tt# Henderson team Is expected to furnish FOjnjv strong ? opposition but the locals ex peet to .present a stubborn defense -and an aggrorsive offense. The team Is going throueh hard workouts each "afternoon . and expect to show inark ?ed improvement ovpr previous feames WfiJiave had a losing team so far us Muie it mneerned thia oeaeon but let's everyone begin nov "and make it a winning team. It is very easy to boost a winnihg team and feel proud j that they represent - you and your, community, but it takes a good sport j *nd a loyal supporter to give the same. *t)pport to a losing team. I believ? that we ba%"e this .community back of j this team. Be on the Held at 3:30 "Friday and show this team that you Mt. That you are doing your part to make a wlhnlng team. Back them Friday until the last whistle blows. The regaining schedule for the sea- j son is ? follows ? Oct. IS?Henderson here. Oct. 25?Hillsboro there. Nov. 1?Allensvilie here. Nov. 8?Chapel Hill htr?. Nov. IS?Burlington there j Nov. 23?Bragtown here. South Bofton Defeats RoxboVo There Friday The hUrh school boys of Roxboro | t?*ain suffered defeat, but they fought[ manfully and did their best. They 'otnmeyed over to 8outh Boston last "Friday and tackled the fast team' of thai g06d city, thf sccre baliia; 20-0. i Ooach Heffner is laboring nndej many disadvantages this year, as h!i team i Is almost entirely new. but prospects *re food for* the coming year, a-, th? hoys will bv then have trained more tn pounds, to say n^thins of learflin? more about the game OxforcJ And Roxboro Paetors Will Exchange On npxt Sunday evening the Pas tor, Rev. E. J. Recs. and his choir, from Oxford will nme here and have charge of the senlcea at th? Melho dlKt church, while Rev. T. A. Slkes. ?and his .choir, will go to Oxford and have chariie of the services there. We doubt If there is a better choir In this section of the State than the Meth ?dlst choir, but our folks will enloy hearing the Oxford folks on this occasion, and will give them a 'good rongregatlon Hurdle Mills Musical On Friday nl?ht. Oct.'S5. there Is V> ? be String Music at Hurdle' Mills -ehool We have arranged to ?sv? ?he .Atlensvllle String Band to make ?he music. Thg following are in th? band: M"?ari!', Jeff and Charll* OTirlant. Arthur Tlncrn. Charlie "Slaughter and Stub Perttlns. ?Tho~ ?ha him hand thee* gen tlemen plav over radio or otherwise need no further Information as to the quality of fthelf music. The proceeds will go for the benefit of the school. Hour 1:30. Ad mission. 15 and as cents. .Joe B. CURRIN Prln. .) ? Blllle Dove and Rod LaRooque m ? Oeo. Fltemaurlce Production "MAN AWD', THE MOMENT" from Elinor /Hm'? famous story, playing Palace "Theatre. Monday at)d Tu'vlay, Oat tober 31-32nd Matinee Monday S.'oo P. M ?J r A Oeorge7 Fltzmaurice Special pro *netlon "MAN AND THE MCJWENT" with B)lllr Dove and, Ro<J ?*Jtocqu*. from Elinor Oman's (kmous sto?, . playing Palace Th#atrr Monday and Tuesday. October 31-?nd Matin?e ^ondav 3:00 P. M. Services At County Home '''?"?""l "f interest and Inspirm tlon to t how who took part, and lo those listening was held Sunday after j noon. Oct. 13th. at the County Home, j when the Epworth League of Brooks 'dale church held devotional exercise? | there. Several of the old familiar i hymns were sung, with Scripture read ing following. Mrs. 8. F, Nicks made t a very interesting'talk on "Prayer." I This preceded the singing of Such j hymns as were requested by the in J mates, and the services were then I closed with prayer? by^ Mrs. Arch Moore. After the inclusion of the | religious services fruits and flowejs .were given both white and colored in Sriat?j> for whom the services were .Kjr. Their appreciation made each one feel they had helped and cheered the day- for them-?L. TOBACCO SHOWS A SUCH I UPWARD IRENI) ? t Sales Continue Light, As Farm ers Are Not At All Pleased With Prices SOI.D 272,008 LBS. AV. 516.65 The farmers very wisely are trot rushing their tobacco on the market. i sttn hoping that very Soon there will | b= a decided advance on all grades. Nearly every tobacco man you talk! witfi says this is likely to be the | rase, and we believe the farmer can j to- tike chance for awhile at any rate. Sales were light on the market last J week, only 272.008 ftoundv being of- j fered. which f-ought ?45.P.81.05. an' average of $16.65.. The prices are not ] at all pleasing to the farmers, which | is p^ifectly natural, for they are be- j low the cost of production, and no ! mat? cares to sell anything at less than crwt. We are still hoping that some- j thing may come of all of the agitation j concerning the matter, but oi|r j faith is not any too strong, for the manufacturers hold the whip hand,; nnd they have never been inclined to j do much for the farmer. JUDGE E. H. CRANMER WILL SPEAK TONIGHT I At Methodist Church; Subject. "Choosing Christ Rather Than Mammon" Judte E. H. Cranmer. who Is her? presiding over this term of Person Superior court, will speak to the praver meeting congregation tonight at T :3ft. Judge Cranmer is an inter esting speaker. He will speak on the ?ublect. "Choosing Christ Rather than Mammftn." The public Is invited to hear the judge. Sunday service? will be h;ld as usual. Sunday school at t:4S: Sermon at 11 and 7:30 and the Epworth Leaeite at 6:45. At the evening hour Rev. E. J. Rees will be the preacher and the,choir of the Oxfprd Methodist church of which Mr. Rees la pastor, will render the music, .giving several elections be 'Ides the hymns. ThK is an exchange fc"tw?en the pastor if the Edgar Long "Memorial and the choir?with the nastor of Oxford and choir. We rarnestly hope that all the members ? nd friend* of .the congregation will try to be present at all the services next- Sunday. There Is only one more Sunday till the meeting of the North i Carolina Confernece in K Ins ton T. A. BIKES. Pastor. ! / ~ Perion Superior Court ' Person County puperlor Court met (Monday with Judge E. H. Cranmer on ! looting after thi- State -docket. The docket was rather light this term, and 'they will probably wirtd It up and get | to work on the civil tdoe^et by Wed nesday morning. We wlli- give full report fit pourt proc^etfngs In our next Issue ' ? H ACK'S ATHLETICS WIN WORLD SEMES WITH 5TB CAME Mack's Dreams Come True In Astonishing Fashions As His Charges Beat Cubs WINNERS GET $6,000 EACH The great world serifs came to a close with the fifth game In Philadel phia last Monday. By winning this series Connie Mack, the great old sport, has set a new .world record by winning four world series. The re- -j suit of the games were as (ollow'j Philadelphia, 1st game; 3-1. Sec ond gamj, Philadelphia. 9-3. Third jitine. Chicago. 3-2. The puj?s then moved to Philadelphia-and-played 2 Barnes. Fourth game, Philadelphia; 10-3. and the fifth went Philadel phia en a score of 3-2. giving Phila delphia four out of. the hip. Aside from arrests during tcng wars and violations of narcotics laws, riminal cases involving" Chinese are ilmost non-existant. NEW LEGION HEAD Major O. L. Bcdenhamer ol El Do rado. t'M M? i:s Louisville. Ky,. as National Comman der of the An-.erlcan Lesion sueccsd in? Paul V. McNutt. R0X60R0 TO HOLD BIG FASHION 31 Largest And Best Event Of Its Kind Ever Seen Here, Fea tured With Living Models; Leading' Merchants Making Preparations. Preliminary, arrangements have bern completed for staging the most ela borate and pretentious display of Fall fashions ever seen in Roxboro. All of the leading merchants are making exteasjye preparations for the great exhibition which will be held at the Palace Theatre on Thursday.' October The local?ftm?- are, picking their choicest specimens of j all types of Fall novelties in wearing ; apparel, attd Selecting the most at- j tractive models who will be furnished with every facility /or displaying the j garments to the best advantage. The Palace Theatre will offer a spe cial scenic setting for the display, and j also build a runaway from the stage: into the audience In order to give 1 every one the best possible view of the clothing number?. The Lewis Beauty Parlor will fur nish each of the models with special treatment and hair dressings the af ternoon preceding the show. The Bridgers F"lorl3t shop from Henderson ?111 decorate the stage and furnish each model with a corsage. Many more added touches will be given to the qicdels as further de tails of the iSsplay are completed. Bvery family In Person County Is to be personalty notified of the show ing and retjuestsd to be present. The folic wing stores have so far ( begun active preparations for this ^ftalr. which bids well to b? the out- j s t j n dir. 2 a' '.ruction in Rjxboro's Fall program: Harris Ar Burns. The .Quality Shoppe. Lewti Beauty Shop. ? With the possibility of the following: ' Ralff's Dept. Store. Leggett's Dept. Stote-. Notice!: This Is to notify ihv friends that I am connected with the New Brick Warehouse in South Boston, and j would be glad to have you try me j wtth a load of your tobacco. . j Your friend. R E PULLIAM. Oct. 18. u4ts. LIST OF CANDIDATES AND VOTES ACCEPTED FOR PUBLICATION EXCITEMENT RUNS HIGH IN COURIER GREATER CIRCULATION DRIVE Hardest tight of entire ('?mptlfn now on aa this 1* (seat Ballot Offer week and last offer on Doable Vote?, t working dar? left and big drop In vote* roming after Katarady, business turned la betwfeen now and Saturday nix h t will more than likely decide who hat best chsIM* at tlv Chrysler .Sedan and Chevif>let^ All workers birty this week. Saturday nl(ht promises t? show b^st "results of big Drive to date. With much Interest being shown from all sections and excitement running at high pitch during this great Ballot Offer of 2.000.000 and 1.000.000 votes which will be awarded to the two candidate? who have turned In the two largest amount.-of money for subscriptions from beginning of campaign to Saturday night. Oct. 10th This week's count finds Mrs. Arch Jones leading the list In votes while Mrs. Ervln Moore is second with Mrs. V. A. Thomas and Miss Jewel Pogleman dead lock?! for third. Mlsa Bula Rlmmer. Mrs B B. Knight. Mr. Irving O'Brlant' Miss Panne Clayton, Miss Onnte whlWWM u.. J 1. Cothran. Miss Corlnne Bowes, and Mrs. J. D. Coates all did fine larft week and changes are taking place rapidly in the lineup as the end draws near. TV winners of the Pilae Balhts will have the better chance at the Chrysler Sedan and Chevrolet. NAME TOWH VOTES Mrs B B. Knight ,.... Roxbofo. H. C. 888,000 Mrs. Ervin Moore ..Roxboro. H. O. . itTtjOOO ? Mrs. V. A. Thorns* ...*. Roxboro. N C m.000 Mrs. Arch Jones Roxboro N. C *7?,000 Miss Fannie Clayton ..Roxboro. N.C.. R 4 (?3.000 Miss J?well Fogleman Morah., N. C f'A 873.000 Mrs. J. D. Coates Remnra N. C, R. .1 190M0 Mrs 3. L. Oethrrn Rougemont, N C, R 1 ??0.000 Mrs. Bla Clayton t .Talons N. C ,*8.000 Miss Eula-Mae JUmmgr^. Hurdle Mll|s. W. O. R. 1 ...?70.000 Miss Onnle E. Whitfield ."".Hurdle Kills. iT tmt. ? 860000 Miss Corlnne Bowm Hurdle Mills, H. C.. R. 1 ...?00.000 Mr. W Irvine,O-BrUnt Tlmberlake, N. C ?84.500 Just a few more working days left, and awe of the above Workers will rWe off In the Chrysler -and another In the Chevrolet. Contest rWses . I Saturday night. Oct. 38th. Hardest Fight-On For Lead Among Candidates Striving To Win Chrysler, Chevrotet Raymond Winstead Wins Many Prizes Mr. Raymond Wlnstead. ot Roxboro. j practically made a clean sweep of the prizes offered at the Danville fair for J Carolina tobacco. For years it' has fjecn customary to award double prizes in the tobacco exhibit, one group for Virginia and the other for North Carolina. Winstead took four out of a possibe seven first prizes, three sec onds and two thirds. His total prize money was $110. S. M. Bumpass. of Oreensbcro: R. L. Paylor. of Roxboro. and S. N Smith, of Prospect Hill, were the other fli-st prize winners. WILL ORGANIZE P. T. flS?MOTILM Program To Be Given At School Building; Light Refreshments Served GOOD MUSIC AND TALKS The patrons and teachers of the immediate vicinity of- the Helena high school wish to extend a- very cordial invitation to all patrons __ and friends of the school'to a program to be given at the Helena high School Monday night, Oct. 21st, at 7:30 c'clKk. The -definite purpose of the meet ing will be to oxganize .a parent teachers' association, and the pro gram will include such numbers as loitow: Some string , music, a read ing, short talks by members of the school district u-t->n the subject of "What a Parent-Teachers Association can do for the children of our school," and one ten minute talk upon the subject of "What a Parent Teacher Association has done for Mia rhllrtrcn nf nnr school " Tl^ls last j talk wil be given by one who has had experience In an active Parent- j Teachers' Association. The program will be followed by a social hour and light refreshments. Come and do your part for the olUlr dren of your schooi. : ] Temporary Program Com. o ' Ben Evan* Made Good Sale Friday Mr. Ben Evans Sold one 4 room ' curing last Friday. Oct. 11th. for ?J01.02' at the Pioneer Warehouse. Bensaysj bring your tobacco to the pioheer; Warehouse and get the best market j prte?. o ? Masonic Banquet The Masons of Roxboro gave a ban quet last night, which was largely at tended and much enjoyed. Judge E. H. Cranmer, and Mr. Johnson of Ox ford. were the out of town 'speakers, and their addresses were greatly en Joy?? Preaching Services At Hurdle Mills Elder E. C. Jones of McCullers. N C.. w<B. preach at the Hurdle Mills high school auditorium the TSur Sunday afternoon at I o'clock. Every-, bodv Is Inrlted. especially the young people?H. Box Party There will be a box party at Cald well on next Saturday night, for the benefit of Caldwell school. Everybody Is cordially Invtted to come out and ?ntor these good eaw. and have some part In the merry-making - Still Feeding: Us ? ? * r ' Our good friend. Mr. A. U Boyd, has ass In placed us under, obligations by leaving with us another f#ur pound sweet potato and a lot of roasting ears. Thinks. With The Two Great Prize Vote Ballots And Last Double Vote Offer At Stake And Time For Finish S6 Near. Every Day From Now To Finish Is* Worth $135.00 To First Prize Winner; Members Of Courier Drive" Realize That Most Of Them Have Chance To Wim High Honors* The Ballot Wit ness Will More Than Likely Be The Winners Of The Twe Valuable Cars; The Supreme Enjoyment Of Ali h To Win Efforts This Week Will Prob ably. Decide The Winner Of . The Chrysler Sedan And LhevroleF Sedan. Which Will It Be?-Victory Or Defeat? ! The double vote schedule will be in eflect again for the week beginning: |Monday, October 14th. and ending | Saturday. October 19th. There is no | time to lose during this week as thep* will be a big drop in votes again next week. Beginning Monday and continuing" through Saturday of this week', the RftrZE BALLOT OFFER will be in MTect. . Z Here Is The Offer. The two prize ballots Wil be of fered to the candidates in the circu lation drive during the week ending October 19th. Thise "Prize VoteSah* lots" will be awarded at the end of (Continued on-last page) Conference Invited The Edgar Long Methodist Church has Invited the North Carolina Con ference of the Methodist Church of the South to hold their annual ses~ slontn 1830 In RoxbDro. This invita tion was extended without a dissent ing vote. Not only has the Methodist "Church invited?ttre Conference. but the entire town has joined in till* Invitation, and if the invite Is ac cepted every one will do their utmost to make their stay pleasant. This 1? a ,big undertaking for a town tho size of Roxboro, but the Methodist? here know no such word as iaU. and witli the town solidly behind them we feel sure there will be no regret* if the Invitation is accepted. P. T. Association The first meeting of the association for the present school year will be held on Friday night, Oct. l?Ui, at seven-thirty o'clock in the Centralr Graded School. Mrs. B. O. Clayton, the president, her supporting officers and committee chairmen, urge the parents of the pupils of the Roxboro schools to at tend the first meeting on Friday night, and receive Information about the plans and oblectives for ttie year. Mrs. O. C. Davidson, See. Tobacco Stolen Some thtef. or thieves, broke Into the o>ck house of Mr. W. D. Yarboro SundEy night and stole two curlnga of tobacco which he had ready for the market, and which he Intended to'seB on Monday. Mr. Yarboro says be yalued this tobacco at M0?. way tobaoco is selling It'IS quite ? loss to hlqt; Ho clue has been found as to who did the stealing. Ai School Opened Al school opened yesterdgv moraine wi'h ?n enrollment of thirty, (tisa Mary Ashley is principal, with HIM Helen Wllkerson In charge of the primary grades. Thette tea-hers are very proud of their new school, which Is being used for the first time - Bftlle ,00*? (thh, Screei^l Bird of Paradise > with pod LaRocque in MAN AND THE MOMENT fiWVUw Story bj- Elinor Olyn. playing Palace Thea tre, Monday and Tuesday, October 2i-2ind. MaUnec Monday 3:0? P. M.

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