, J W. NOELL, EDITOR AND PUBLISHER. HOME FIRST, ABROAD $EXT - $1.50 PER YEAB IN ADVANCK. VOL. XLVL ROXBORO, NORTH CAROLINA, WEDNESDAY EVENING, NOVEMBER 20, 1929. ? > ' NO. 48. ^ ?J I u | ? ' ?> > SECRETARY GOOD DIES IN HOSPITAL I - JIT WASHINGTON Head ?Of?War Departments Succumbs After Making Valiant Fight Washington. Nov. 17.?James W 'Good. Secretary .of War. died tonight after blood-poisoning Anally over whelmed his courageous resistance. ?-JPhe'cabinet member died at Waiter Reed Ifoapttal. where last Wednesday Tie underwent an emergency 'operation lor appendicitis? Since then- he had wavered! seldom conscious. He was unconscious throughout the day and hope had been abandoned hourse before death occurred at 8:37 p. m Attending physicians were surprls-' ?ed, in view of Mr. Good'* 63 years, by ' the vitality which enabled him to sur vive so long while Infection permeated his system. Several times this even ing it was thought he had taken* his last breath, but the doctors bent over htm and discerned a faint "life. Just before lapsing into the Anal unconsciousness, the Secretary of War had turned to one of his physicians and said feebly: "I have "Sever lost a fight jn my life, and I am not going to lose this one." . Toward the end opiates and oxy geil were -administered regularly to ease his pain and re-enfore his strength. The stubborn determination to live persisted, but weakness from poisoned blood slowly ov^rcakne his tenacity. " ? > Mrs. Good arid their two sons Were new the bedside when death came. I Secretary Adams and Secretary Davis also were at the hospital tonight. President Hoover was among the first to learn of the passing. He and .Mrs. , Hoover left Jthe White House at onoe to go to the military hospital and com fort the widow of their friend. County Nurses Report 3723 Vaccination? The Person County .Health Depart ment has made a', great move forward In vaccina Won against diseases. If the good citizens lopk back ten years. - from now .and compare 1929 to 1939 they will See great results. When we no longer have typhoid fever, diph theria,. or smallpox, our death rate will be reduced considerably. . More than half the population of the county have been emunlzed against typhoid and dlptherta and 3723 school children have taken smallpox vacci nation . ~ Some of our schools are 100 per cent -limallpox vaccinated, and others are"' toflowlng close behind?Health Nurse. Person 'Circuit v ? ' ' ? | Our first quarterly conference will be ! .held at Oak Grove next Sunday motp ing. following the preaching servicc at the eleven o'clock hour. Since the | quarterly conference will be held on Sunday morning 1 think It best to omit the Sacrament until our next regular preaching servloe and I also think ; It best -not to haV^'dlnoer on the . grounds. This applies not only to Oak. Orovc. but to any cbnrch on the charge, where we may have 'a Sun day confrcnece. at the only service for the day. In each instance I am sure representatives of other churches of the charge wll find a cordial welcome into the homes of the church enter taining the conference. Let all our ofllcitls be present ex pecting a great conference W. L MANW5S, Pastor. . In New Offices Mr. B. B. Knight has-moved Into new quarter*, inow having his oflloe in the front rooms over. Pendert store, on Main Street, entfanoe ifom the First National Bant building corner You will find him well equipped to take care at your insurance wants In e*ery way. and he cordially invjles every one Interested In insurance rl see him. Road racing U becoming more and .piHjre popular In Argentina. Several ,/^uto races irt staged there every 1 Cruse'?r jJir-dsl nrodMotloci "A MrtN B MA.v'nrtth William Haines - and/joseptiWr iVunn. playing Palace ThHftfe, MhtyUgfan- <?tasday. Nor. 3S-MUi MatlneC Monday ?0? P M. ~ v / '? ? ?I . I ' SPECIAL . NOTICE! II there Is anything w ronj with the addre? of your paper, If you subscribed - during oar diltt' aiul are faHinx Co let It, please nottfjr us and we ' will make U>e correction. We are ex ceedingly anxious tor erary sub scriber ,10 get The "Courier r?t ularly and ye? can materially help m If you vtyl advise u! of wrong abbess. TOBACCO CO-OP MAY BE ORGANIZED SOON Dean Schaub, Of State College, Calls Meeting December 18 At Raleigh FARM BOARD HEAD COMING Raleigh. Nay. 1#.?A mass meeting of tobacco farmers -from all parts of North Carolina has "been called by pean Schaub, head of the agricultural extension service, tp meet In Ptillen hall at 8tate college December 18_*t II o'clock to dclde whethy or not a co-operative tobacco ""association shin be organised In this state , "* *")' James C. Stone vice chairman of i the federal farm board, and tobacco re-1 preventative on the board has agr<fcd ! -to attend the meeting set for Satur a(ty morning, but wire today that he1 could not tome. He will outline the j policy of the government in aiding tobacco farmers. Dean Schaub Wired Mr. Stone yesterday U to the date vpf meeting, "having previously secured his consent to attend by a personal con ference In Washington^ r HARRY F. SINCLAIR ENDS TERM TONIGHT Millionaire Oil Man Completes Six Months And Half Term In Jail SERVED AS JAIL DRUGGIST" Washington, Nov. 19.?Harry F. Sin- | clalr tonight was obtaining. his last' sleep on the not-too-comfortable Iron i rot assigned to him since his commit- | ment to the District of Columbia jail! o^May #. Only one more day of work as. jalll druggist and physician's assistant i remains for the millionaire oil man,' who6e confinrment of six months and ?i half on chains of refusing to an*- ' wer questions of '? Seriate committee ! and ?shadowing jurors ends at mid- j night tomorrow night. His- plans coulU not be learned, but! It was ""believed he would say good bye to Maj. William L Peak, warden of the institution, and depart imme diately for hi? Long Island home. District Chm. Meet Mr. B. B. Knight, chairman of dls ttrct 3 girls backet ball, attended a meeting of the chairman of North Carolina. In Oreensboro, Saturday. The president of theteague, Mr. Phil Hp*. presided. He called the chairmen for the purpose of making plans for this season. The purpose of . the league Is to give the girls a game that will develop them physically, mentally nnd morally. The right kind of ath letics Is the purpose of the league. Mr. Knight called a meeting of all the roaches to be held In Durham. Friday night. Nov. Mnd.at 7 o'clock In the WaAhlngton-Duke hot^J.. He hope* thir county will be well repre s?pt?d * e /, House Destroyed By Fire Mr. O. B Riley, whd live* out on the Allerurvllle road, naar Rock Orore church, had the misfortune to loss his dwelling this morning by tir? An oil stove exploded, and the house and all of hi* furhlture was destroyed. Wt did not learn whether he carried any Insurance. .. i ' t ^ "She said so was oyr engagement." i Husband' (testily," after going down badly at bridge): "Yon might have guessed I had no heart." '? ' 1 Wtf?; "Quits: bnt- I thought you had a b^aln, darling!" ' -? ?? ? , A ' v As Alike As Pess Four queen.-* in the same hand as*.; left to right. June, "Joan, jfrinne and Jane Offlnartin. local society girl? of 1*1? Oakland. Oal^r 7whq~fa'e??aid to be Xtt Xiaal beaotlfuf uuadi uyfcu In America. -They are to-go to Parte tor a theatrical engagement, and the making of passport photos showing distinct difference of each will be difficult. Blocked Sales During The Past Several Days Roxboro Market Had Biggest Sales Last Week For This Season SOLD 760.912 LBS. AV. $24.72 At the beginning of the season the warehousemen and the buyers set the goal tjf this year (or ten million pounds, and now It looks as If this mark will be passed easily, as Just about half way has already been met. Last .week was the biggest week the market has .had this-"season, belting 760.912 pouafis -for $188,164.94. averag ing, for the week?and Friday's sales were included when a large portion of the tobacco offered was so soft that the buyers could hardly handle It? (34.72. Considering Friday's sale this was decidedly the .bast week of-the seaosn. and the prices were highly! satisfactory." In fact very few markets reporting, have made such ? showing The season's sates have been 3.543.800 pounds, for $742JS1.43. averaging Jot the entire season $21.66 . In comparison with one year ago to. this date the market Is considerably ahead, both?In price and pounds. One year ago the market sold, during the week nearly 500,000 pounds at an average of $21.12. This season the Sales were fifty per cent more and j the price about twenty per cent high - er. ... It Is most gratifying to' everv one the manner in which the farmer?1 have been standing by their home | market, and they realise that-there is no real reason why they should not1 patronize the home market and thus j help build up the County, the town j and every business entrprlse in the ] County by dealing with their oWn friends and home folks. Wilburii-Clayton ? .1 The marriage of MUs Louise Wil- . burn aod Mr. Maynard Clayton came as quite" * sltrprtse to their friends Only a tew friends witnessed the. cere-! monv. after. which they left for a trip to the Northern oftles. <? Mrs. Clayton is the daughter of Mr. I and Mrs. R. L. Wllburn. and la one] of pie most popular of the yotfngcr set. She was educated at Meredith j College, also spent some time in Bal- ! i,more studying art. Mr. Clayton is; n young man of promise, being bust- < npfs manager of Ujs Times. They [ have the b.it wishes of a host, of friends. o Notice, Fur* Wanted I will pay the highest market price tor ?11 fun I ant thi' only licensed fur dealer In Roxboro, and I want your furs Remambr, I will pay the highest marbt price for all kinds of turs. J. T. Wade.' At Joe Blanks Store. Preaching Service? At Warren'# Crove Elder Monk will preach trt Warrens o/ove on the first Sunday night In December at 7 o'clock. The public Is cordially Invited to hear him. Death Of Mr?. Hicks Mrs. J. A. {tick*, age 72, died a: her home near Bushy Fork "this morning at S o'clock. She will be buried at this old home burying ground tomorrow afternoon, at 3 . o'clock, the funeral services w|ll be conducted by Rev. p. Gary Adams. Mr*. Jtlck*. was preced ed to the gratv.hy her husband about a year ago, and lefvr* only two cloee relatives, one brother, Mr. Jame* Elijah Whitfield, and one sister. Ml?? Bettle Elliott Whitfield. mM an THE CHURCH OF GOD "Like tUr shad?** of a rock 1b a weary bind standa the Church of the Living God." ?* . ? The Church offers to struggling humanity the peace that passeth all understanding. When the waters of sorrow threaten to engulf us; when the disappointments of life seem too great to be borne; it is to the Church that we may turn for comfort and inspiration. The Roxboto Churches open wide their doors and invite you to worship with them next Sunday. Here you will receive a cordial welcome and an inspiration that will lighten the burdens of everyday life. Won't you accept the invitation extended you here? Let us all go to church next Sunday. , RED CROSS DRIVE IS ON THIS WEEK Water Notice All water users are requested to make immediate payment of rent, due since October 1st, or water will be dis continued. Payment may be made at the Town Office. . T onight The Oxford Orphanage singing class will give one of their concert? in the Orammv school ^uditorium to night. ' These concerts J'are always worth-the price,??ad you will miss a tlreat if you fall to hear them tonight. Heme Coming i? Let us again remind you of the spir itual feast that we are praying for at Providence Sunday, Kov. -34th, begin ning at.'ten o'clock. The program has been- planned with care. Music appropriate for the occasion will be given. Among the speaker? some of tbe former pastors have consented to be with us and discuss assigned top ics as follows: Home Coming, N. J. Todd; History of the church. Rev. J. H. Gordon; Sermon, by the pastor, Rev. J. O. McGregor. < Strung Band Coming To Olive Hill School The AUensvllle String Band will give a program at Olive Hill School Friday evening," Nov. 22nd. at 7:30 o'clock. Admission 36c and lie. Home made candy will be sold during the evening, the proceeds of which will go to tbe achool. - pome out and.enjoy the occasion. ; ?, dosed On Thanksgiving Our store will be closed oft Thanks giving Day and we hope all of our friends and customer? will bear this In mind and let us have their orders for the Thanksgiving dinner, a lean nothing cart for the last minute. TUspffltfully. Sergeant h Clayton. Services At St. MarVs There will be service?^ next Sunday morning at 11; o'clock at St. Mar^s Church, by tbe Rev. I W. Hurst Come and worship with us jyilliam ftalpe* witfi Joae'phlne Dunn In-q*. MAN'S MAN" playlh? Palaoft Theatre Monday and Tuesday, Nov. 25-26th. Mfatiuee Monday S;W P. >M I Solicitors Are Canvassing Every | Section Of Town; Receiving j Much Encouragement SOME DISTRICTS NEAR 100* Prof. O. C. Davidson and his able corps of aslstants have be?^ giving almost every one an opportunity to join the Red Cross this week. If they have not seen you, rest assured you will be given the opportunity to Join, and we believe you will hand over your dollar with pteMure. I The American Red Cross is not sim ply a local organization, but it takes in the world whenever any -part of it is In distress. The? npopie of the South have estpecial cause to. be proud qf It and It? work. On April 25. 1929, a series of .small but violent torandoes Interspersed with hailstorms, left a trail of death, Injury and devastation "7>f such serious proportions that the American Red Cross was asked to pro vide relief. On Aprlf 30, Governor' Hardman broadcast over, the radio a gen eral appeal for contributions based on the best available estimates of the great tosses* that had been incurred and. at the same time, announced that The American National Red Cross would administer the relief fund. Every Red Crocs Chapter in the South Atlantic SUM* was directed to aocept contributions for -the relief of the tornado .sufferers but* Itobably be cause many of the Chapters had just completed their campaigns for the StrattWMWm Flood Relief Fund, ttip total collections amounted to only *31. ?02 89. To this the National Organ ization added- a contribution of $10, ?47 0? in order to meet the,, needs of the situation in Georgia add South Carolina, arising from Jhls aeries of destructive storms. The statistical table putvldeir the to talled Information by which the finan cial statement Can' be Interpreted. In brief, the figures ?how that 1.233 per ?tons were given emergency relief m the form of food, clothing, shelter or medical care and 304 families received rehabilitation aid. Klghty-one dwell ings and 52 other buildings were com pletely rebuilt by the Red Cross and 38 homes and X other buildings re ctfyed more or lea extensive repairs r ? ' (Continued on last page)'- ' Mr. Pass Entertains Mf,' T- 'Pass gave a turkey dln rwtf last night In honor of the tobacco briyers on the Roxboro market. After' dinner the time was plearfanMr spent in animated dbnvefvat^on, Urgely dis cussing the pros fend con. of the to bacco <mufttl0fl. * .1 .. k . H. C.-VA. TO REVNE OLD GRID FEUD i MHMNG CMt University Making Full Pre parations To Handle Large Crowd Expected IS ANNUAL 37-YEAR GAMB Chapel Hill, N. C. Nov. 19,??bat ball fans are alreariv cirr-ftng "Jforem ber 38" on their calendars, for ttiat day will see written another, chapter in the thrilling 37-year North Caro? ' Una-Virginia football rivalry. . This year's Thanksgiving classic i? to be played in Kenfcn Stadium liae. and fine showing by both teams gt*? promise ot one of the greatest Thanks giving Day battles In the Southland. ' The University is already perparlng to accommodate a record crowri. Kenan Stadium seats 24.000 in com fort. and extra bleachers can be built: if needed. The new Raleigh-Greensboro high i way through Chapel; Hill will be re 1 opened, to combine with highway* la ; from Durham and Sanford to make i entrance to and exit from Chapel HiU easy in all directions. | All approaches to the stadium are 1 being put in tip-top shape. and_ new | ones are being made." ?Provision ha* i already been made for a record squad ! ron of police to. handle the traffic and | keep things moving so that the fana | can make the game and get bock I home in time for the turkey suppers, Carolina beat Davidson 26-7 last: ; Saturday to run -its season scoring to .257. or an average of 32 points a game, which places Carolina just 13 points below Tennessee, the Southern Con ference leader. The Tar Heels have won .seven cames and lost only one. 9 hard fought 19-12 game to Oeorgw. Jfcft Magner and Pete Wyrick. backflHd stars, are to be back In shaped to give virtually full strength against Vir ginia. Virginia has had a creditable seas on record also and has, been improv ing every game. The Virginia team has a line of Sen iors averaging 190, and a fine crew of backs headed by Johnny Solan, one of the best quarterbacks in the South. The Tar Heels ? hold an edge in vic tories since the war, with five .victories to three losses arfd two ties, but Vir ginia has had the better of the 37 year rivalry. Close games generally mark the meetings. No team has won oje as much as 14 points but once since the war, and the average difference In score has been but 4.2 points. Caro lina won 14-13 in 1927 and 24-20 last year. P. T. A. Meeting r ^ The Pnrent-TfacliPr Association will meet Friday even.it>? at 7:30 in the Central Graded school.,' A Thanksgiving program Is to be given by tlie gradu" pupils. A prize 61 one dollar wil be given tk> the room having most parent? present The presence a father will count twice of that of a mother. Co-oper ate with your child that his room may win. Please bring your due? which is twenty-five cents for the year ??4c. _ j?'" . Did Not Get Cattle Mr. H. K Sandfly was unable M get the car of pureb red heifers In the West, but he Is not discouraged, and left yesterday morning for tte Valley of Virginia Where he hope* to find |ust the kind he U looking for and will buy a car load which 1* being financed by the Peoples Bank, and will be placed with the fanners who want to Invest In such cattle. A Beautiful Bungalow Mr. Wheeler Newell Is just pom pie tin? one the :nost attractive and well arranged bungalows 'tb be found, on his lot on Lamarr Street. Since the "town has done some mocti needed work on this street It la farft becoming one of the moat residential districts. Visited Pittsburg, Pa. several days last week visiting son, Mr. John Hikes, In PlttxfoMr*, /P? Thsy made the lit:) it? Mr. Hike?, ear. and were accompanied by MV. and Mrs - N H. Street, Who visited, M* Street* t?futliei?*Wr 3 ; . - I A M ' r:-."-' Hi

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