%- & . W > mhfi You wl Save Money |>y Reading The Ad ^ ' t vertisements. All Best Merchant LW Them. f - " <L . ? x. ? ? ^ v - ' . ?i - : r I " > ' V * .. ? v < - j'M ! * v \ ? -v D.ii ? . ESTABLISHED 1881. PERSON COl'NTVS OLDEST AND BEST NEWSPAPER BNDER i^AME MANAGEMENT AND OWNERSHIP FOE 46 YEARS. Beit Good C Schools; lere And v I - .1 Optimism Rules 1 J. W. NOEI L, EDITOR- AN p PUBLISHER. HOME FIRST, ABROAD NE?T $1.50 PER YEAR IN ADVANCE. VOL. XLVI1L ROXBORO. NORTH CAROLINA, WEDNESDAY fevENING, MARCH 11. 1931. NO. 8. V il Stockholders of Building And Loan Association Hold Annual Meeting ;N*ecretar\ 's Report Shi wed Profits Paid Stockholder^ a. Were SI l.'l59.9fe RATK KAI5NK!) I OK 7 r,i; pfen ( K \ I ' ' j The stock! i;-Tb ol th<- li Building a:.-: 3 -n Associa . m in l- "k oflK'^ i'f i.tp Seen .?< ' Satu: *vn?crnirm / Thf : Walkfr ?.ibrrii,.'< ' In L in a m<<- " K".i."s i^g eiin:vf*d fin * JUDGE PATTON WILL SPEAK TO LEGIONAIRES N. ' t r-. i i r: u n. o.f Person coun: . Y-" tygL' Marc :'. : 4* : V . . (ire-.- h- Judr*- J H Par i. < : r a whit:.. ? v. - $ ' "'A * ' ' ? r* - - ' ' ' ?> ' 1 k.- '? "v v I ? ? ?; ; ?? ??*} Attend Sales Tax Hearing In Raleiyh HONING :lr Hj'l .;!V\T|!f:ii! \ THESE ARE THE NEWEST THINGS TN THE AIR . v . the new. imentlon of Albert Ad itns Merrill, which proved its ability to come to earth ? '.QVfi hand off the control:- The sm t' : i.< the new -folding plane of the L". S Navj 111 ' i- r- an B-: . ? - .it> on The derk uf a submarine. WHAT THE NATIONAL RED CROSS IS DOING c i\n -t . Kepi e^entifi j , } h?* IN I < 'i'h-m. Here Twi? ii?ns I ,1-1 Week ???: ? ; ? i Now f iiv ii'L h't'u-I ! n n"': i nntu*^ In 1 S DREAM TRUE \V a - hrn^fiin h In. ? Thr <T r ? .ii3! <>: r-.< r\ bridj:? plavrr ha* ? <????? trm* tor Mr^ Iih4'ph !' Kalph. *?lu' j?t< k>-<l tiji h.nul laM u hi t r i ?J I "Unci 1 h?*art> I i 'aright tin r? must f*- i Irti'u hut sjn- -Ar.l t < ? iv fir i iin?im*nl I hi mLUmI I <1 :? Mil i?J j> ?j>l making ifl U r j ; i -t ik.-- ? lib |H rU-rt mils I f s- ? t taking mv iuiH-ffc \1 ' 1 d ? ? \ t tJ h- j ' t>* ? ? "t i ' ?? r } W M \ ' !J \ KM'rHI i SAFE OF COCA COLA COMPANY IS FOBBED >afe Hrnken Open \nd Monei And \ tltmhlc Capers Taken Sunda\ \itrhl IDI-ATl'n ill NIK in ij(,i \ !;> i \h\n\v\ I ? n M,' \f;< Oi ? ? r DON"! MIS,'- ! T ' Cake Sale Mr; \i > ? Tf .n ?" k. t , i ?, ' ? ~ Tr-r ' "w r ' i i 'tr-1 I.i ? i ' vj .i iv n i -vi.tt1 t ROXBORO TOBACCO ! MARKET CLOSED FOR THE SEASON Sales For The Season Were - More Than isix Million | Pounds AVERAGE FOR THE, SEASON WAS $12.35 T h e Roxborn tobacco market ?i *ed !ast Fr:dav. and we doubt ii there has ever been a season which *Vas nr>re trying on all. the pro ducer. rhe buyer and the warehouse' ?j-'i: There was discontent, grumb ling and dissatisfaction every day. ' * v v : ? ? being such that the : ti. 'ii:.:]it he was not getting ' " and the warehousemen ! 1 r^-rlt*et frenvv trying tft satisfy U 'I,-- b i vers rla:med the ? uv/ rffered were unsatisfao- . ? ? r ? v ' re dojng verr ' : 1-d '>1 :i v Where the hirt i.^ u far' 'bat ? ? 'i tu d;,v a::"' it v ? ?' e m i rk ' v' de-J : f'7. : ? JwdL' ? I ? , 7 :i ' : b- id'-iv: . ?lte BASKFTBA! I FANS pi Mi WANT TOI RF AT RFTHF! Hi! I 1 l.i, i ? t I "in iia ninit \1 si.U IB! Ii i :?> .< i\ \* i\ r\r (111 I 0\ f N < . ( { t > ron r. 00 JV M N. C \y-rH Wr.r Wf-r ) r A; : ' ?" ? > rv v vr fr.f of ilu Cuar ? h ir'-au ? i ? ? ?? ' ! . 't'Tiins tn ? />, i ' i ,k iuJvaiv ' f ? ), , i iitii ?; Diem to bor Op ? rrnt -of fh" fncf 1 1 ' 'c " th* ir certificate. A^ptii ??TT?nr^mjnit^ to po"- into! mro without a l?t up, hr said '? ' ?nn- ii ; tha' 2^,000 alrradv had , 'von received WHAT DOES THE PARENT-TEACHER ASSOCIATION DO?! The President Answers This Question By Toiling- What It Has Done YOr ARE INVITED TO - BECOME A MEMBER..; y So many times have I been ask?<f the question "What does the Par ent Teachers Association do any way9 What good is it?" To those who have a?ked this question' of me or anyone else. I want to ask them to do one thins?. Plea?;e tafce/ a walk by the building of the Cen tral Graded School, and notice the improvement to the grounds, which :s being done bv the P T A. For vf-ars the Grounds of 'he Graded Schonrt-have been an eves ore to us 1) Thi^ vcar the P. T. A decided ?hat they wanted something bet 't>\ ind they set to work to ?et In a few year s time, when the hrubber. has trrown up. I -believe i hat \vr - be able to paint with pride ?> ? j r ehpot il 3 - ?? in si'-ad of be in? ashamed of r A* 5 vf sent our A.-socia'ion nuin -? ?fi: We hnv .i i;i>rn\;ii:.>telv ?0i> n'prcsen'id -ri oitr T.' wh# -.vi'ijM t . ? ? r . ?v ? ? .id - in Tf dsn- are ? . - r 1 ' ? . ' r r ! ?r :\u wli"lf ? ? .? :r i :? i : ' wh-jitl ? m i.rv thir.> n'h:-, 1 at RH FV OAKtEY ON ;hu w- m.f'J'Mu I hin -rl;i\ T i:!' 'A In n v, v vnrvr . v. \ : rs uo.-n r.vL ? i t-; 1 : hands 'V ?. l-i h.mrV' Hi. \y rj* The ? i ' i ? i 1 1 f it w ? : i> ? hut if ",I I hit ' rvi'l lw TV"' ? :n ? IT r?"w ? fcsn f n Mi ? in^ir"cJ ] .r\ i ; ? 1 ;'i i >r< b'lt/ ^ Mr i^iaklev if)'- uronrn t :*rv \ Hill"* St'rvr - ? ? r- ? f- u*r on ' . urf S'r* t. 'A i* h' rn ? i S'rtnc k1 p-wr ofr whkll. -iiUv Wiw., flushing a oranketve bec:r.ie knifed f.-ym p rhsinro- '^pnrk The a-.u-t.nn"> ? bile was bftdlv dnrftaged by thr fire, but other men nf thf mraife ex tinguished the blaz^ befr .* it rnnld ??'WMd fur' h< r Mr O'k-v v#;i.s iriven medical a t ten f ion at his h'?me, \ and was t.h?n taken 4*> WhWs hos pital in- Durham . ? A now machine: the invention of a Pacific Coast en^ine^r. combines the ? pork of the plow, harrow, disk and / oiler. ,?

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