FINAL INSTALLMENT could hepr the rending,! sound of Maggie sobbing bitterly, deeply, as a child sobs and as If her heart wouM break. Hie three exchanfed glances, and presently. OJiabeth said slowly: "It seems like we have the worst luck of any famly In this city-" Her mother took the theme up readily. {Pop, up to this point, had been silent, as Pop generally was. Wow, suddenly, he rose th his feet and dashed to the ground the striped tea cloth he had been us ing as a napkin. ' "Maggie!" he shouted. , Immediately she wa< In the kitchen. "Maggie, we've .had enough of this!" said Leonard Johnson, in a loud, authoritative voice. "I can t stand no more of It, and I alnt ( a-goin' to I You take that towel there and wash your eyes and fix your hair. And, Liz. you pack your f sister some clothes! She's got seven fecn minutes? if that clock's right to catch the steamer, and she's ^oln' to catch It! She's goln' to Het married on board today, or may bes in San Francisco or Los Angeles tomorrow or next day ? you help her out there. Ma. Quick, now? whU? I phone for a taxi!" "Len, are you crazy?" Ma began royally. But Pop, crazy or not, was vat least unafraid. "You quit talking, Minnie," he said sharply, "and get up and stir yourself." Pop staid tenderly soli citously. to Maggie, guiding her to the sink, switching on the cold water, the furious glare in his eyes as he looked at the other women In courlous contrast to the gentle ness of his voice when he addressed her. "In this envelope is my half-"! month's pay, dearie," he said? "You keep your mouth closed, Tilzabcth, till I give you leave to sp^k!" Pop Interpolated fiercely ? *^d you can* get yourself s?me clothe* first place you stop. Hurry ' up there. Ma? the taxi's li'ble to get here any minute." "Len? it seems like I'm going to faint," said Mrs. Johnson, pausing pathetically in the act of rushing Maggie's black silk dres and her new clothes into a suitcase and adding 'Lizabeth'S best nightgown and the Chinese wrapper she her self had won at a fair. "Well, you faint, then, but let roe get Maggie off first!" Len said - briskly and heartlessly. "Len, don't yell that way!" Ma said, weeping as she put on her black-veiled hat. "And we ain't going to miss you. * Maggie, and we ain't going to; slump," Len Interrupted the fright ened chorus to say loudly. "Now. ? you come on out ? put your gloves on In the taxi? we ain't got but fourteen minutes." Laughing, crying, but always clinging tight to this newly found and amazing parent, Mary Mar garet had only time to leave a hys terlcl goodbye with the dog, and the t&t, and the beloved, despised, ^hhabby kitchen, with its cooling H>ffee and congealing sausages and ^lmp dish towels and greasy sink. Then Ihey were all four jammed Into a taxi, and racketing through the Saturday morning streets, past the church, and the market, down the Schoclhouse way ? among the - warehouses Their tajk was Incoherent? Incon sequential? monosyllabic. "Can he make It?" "He says he doesn't know. De pends on the traffic on River Street "This ain't exactly an ideel wed dih', dearie." "Ah, don't. Pop. You 11 make me cry!" "Driver, we goln' to make it?" "How much time have we? ? Lean forward there, "Pop, and see can you see the clock at Rubenstein's?" And then, down outside the big free-market, suddenly the agony of a'halt. An officer's imperative whistle and a blue-coated figure approaching. But Ma. even though speechless, was not entirely without resources She dismounted from the taxi, met - the policeman, and as an interested little crowd gathered, and before that offloer could speak, fainted from sheer emotion, heavily, into his arms. "She's an right? go on." Pop 4atd in an undertone. Maggie sat back on the seat, holding LI* '5. hand, beginning to breathe again. f ' "Pop. can we make it?" "We could, dearie, if nothing -happens," Pop was beginning doubt fully. when another wlstle, this time a toothing long breath, as of relief, Interrupted him, and the driver, muttering something unintelligible that sounded like a prayer. turAed In to a curb, stopped the car, and uttered aloud the single disgusted word. 'TtaV' TJiabeUi Johnson had sprang from the machine, hailed another taxi, pushed her fattier and lister into it. and shouted feverishly: To the. Allegria. Dock Seventeen. Quick, now! IH stay here and pay j this man. Pop," she said, hurrying them on. "Good-bye, Maggie, dad- 1 in g, forgive me if I've been mean, to you, and have a good time, and don't worry." Thfn Maggie and her father were rushfng on again; they had reached the piers at last, Pier Eleven, Pier" Thirteen? still so far to go! And they could see the big clock saying that the hour bad come and gone. It was three min utes past eleven. Maggie turned deadly white, but she managed an agonized smile of reassurance for her father. "That's all right, Pop. We did our best!" "Maybe they dldnt sail on the minute," said the new driver en couragingly. "I've seen 'em twen- ' ty minutes late!" , , "Oh, go on, then-r?o ah!" the girl said- feverishly. "I cant go no faster than this, lady!" the driver said, hurt. .'There ain't many of these cars can jump ove*~ or under trucks, you know. You'd do better to take your little suitcase and run for it." pathetically. ^ The girl did not stir. Her pjta fixed on the Allegria, her hands clasped. , : , Somebody touched her arm, and she looked up and saw It was Joe's fatter. With him was Joe's moth er; die had teen crying, and his father's face looked grave, and his lashes were wet, too. But Maggie did not cry. She gulped, and her wan little face twisted into a smile as she Aid simply: - "I was going with him. I couldn't ? I couldnt tear it. But It seems ? he's gone." "You were going with him!" his father said, sharply. - "Here! Where are the launches, boy? ? Mayne's launches ? they're somewhere around here! This girt and boy arent going to be any use apart, Lillian," he said to his wife, smiling, yet blinking tears from his eyes. "Let 'em both go off to Japan and console each other!" He was hurrying them along the dock, and Maggie found her hands filled with big green bills from Joe's father, and found herself kissing him, and liking the firm, fatherly embrace, and ? much more amaz ing!? received a perfumed, powdery, half -crying kiss from Joe's magnifi There was a double scream of "Maggie!" and "Joe!" and the two young things were iiu each other's arms. "Do that, Maggie!" said the new ly authoritative and decisive man who was her father. "Ill stay with him, dear. Look out where you go ? ah, God bless you, my- darling!" "Ood bless you ? and thank yofi, Pop deareit!" she whispered. Then Maggie was' running? run ning like mad toward the big arched tntrance that said, "Ffer Seventeen." A baggage boy had caught her bag and coat, and was running along beside her. "The Davenport Line, miss?" "No? the Allegria!" "Oh " And his feet stopped, and hers, too, and they stared blankly at each other. "She's sailed, miss: she went out on time, this morning," the boy rfaid. "Thatls her? out there in the bay." As in a dream, Maggie stood still, on the rough, thick, splintery boards of the dock, and lookfe^ through the great arched opening, and saw the vessel, balanced like a beauti ful great swan, not moving now, but far out on the blue water. "The pilot's going to drop her any minute, now, miss. Ain't that a shame!" said the baggage boy, sym Restless, could not sleep MTHERE were" days when I felt like I could not get my work done. I would get so nervous and 'trembly' I would have to lie down. I was very rest less, and could not sleep at night. My mother advised me to ' take Cardul, and I certainly am glad she did. It la the first thing that seemed to give me any strength. I felt better after the first bottle. I kept It up and am now feel ing fine."? mi* t. R. Qlboon, Port 2VW. Ala. * Black-Draught tot Omtlpatton, Indication, Ma Blllouroww. cent mother, too. She was helped Into a dancing little launch, the dirty surface of the water was bubbling close be side her. They were cleaving a straight track toward the big liner, and Maggie, leaning over the bow of the launch, was straining toward It, was clapping her two hands over her head to attract its attention, to hold It one minute? one half- min ut? more! The pilot's tug was alongside, ready to cast o B from the sheer great side of the steamer; a rope ladder dangled from the high ateer- 1 age deck at the one, to curl loosely among the hatches and marlinapUtea of the other. And everyone who could find a j place by the long rail*, first cabin, tourist cabin, steerage alike, saw a r launch racing ?out from the city, and a small girl standing bare headed? in the launch, an aureole of gold bloving about her bead, and her hands clasped high above it, like the han/in of s martyr at the stake. ~ And suddenly, in their own ranks on the steamer's decks, there was a corresponding commotion, and a tall, lean boy, with a dftsperav* and anxious look upon his fa