IF YOU HAVE A MESSAGE FOB ALL OF THE PEOPLE PI T IT IN THE COURIER WHICH, BEACHES HOST OF THE PEOPLE ESTABLISHED IML PERSON COUNTY'S OLDEST AND BEST NEWSPAPER. UNDER SAME MANAGEMENT AND OWNERSHIP FOR 46 YEARS. Best People On Earth; Good Churches And Schools; Where Optimism Rules J. W. NOELL, EDITOR AND PUBLISHER. HOME FIRST, ABROAD NEXT S1.50 PER YEAR IN ADVANCE. " vrn VI VTTT -j ROXBORO. NORTH CAROLINA. WEDNESDAY EVENING, DECEMBER 2, 1931. NO. 48. Rev. James F. Herbert Preached His First ' Sermon Here Sunday New Pastor At Edgar Long Methodist Church Delights A Large Audience WILL MOVE THURSDAY 1 Vrooably no pastor has been as signed to the Methodist Church here who was less known by the congregation than Rev. James Pur man Herbert, who preached his first sermon as pastor last Sunday morning, and to say the congrega tion was delighted would be ex pressing it mildly In a private letter from Mr John editor of the Raleigh Times. T have had a Tun during the part year or two being mistaken on various occa sions for a lat red headed preacher here in the community by the name of J. P. Herbert. This fel low Hert>ert has made a lot of friends in Raleigh as Pastor of Central Methodist Church Now, by action of the Greenville Confer ence, he is going to Roxboro. I want to say in advance that Her bert is a pretty good fellow in spite of his resemblance to an or dinary newspaper man, and I think your folks will learn to become as fond of him aa Raleigh people have done." Mr. Herbert was born in Flor ence, 8. C., on July 2, 1895, son of Dr. Walter I. Herbert, who is now Pastor of the Methodist Church at BifihopviUe. Bi C. His sister, Miss Anne Herbert, is a missionary sta tioned in Shanghai, China. Mr. Herbert is from a family of Meth odist preachers. There are now seven of his immediate family, in cluding two uncles and two first cousins, in Methodist pulpits in North and South Carolina. Rev. James P. Herbert is a grad uate of Woflord College, Spartan burg, 8. C.. 1917 (A. B.) Graduate Emory University School of Theo logy. Atlanta. Ga Graduate Gar rett Biblical Institute, Northwest em University, fci Chicago, 111- B. D. degree, 1923. Graduate stiident, dept. of English Literature. Univer sity of Chicago, 1923-24. Served as officer in U. 8. Navy during World War. 'Has held only two pastorates since leaving the University of Chicago in 1923. Served for five years as pasfor of the Austin Meth cdist Church, Chicago, 111. For the past three years has been pastor of the Central Methodist Church, Raleigh. The Chicago church was organized while he was serving as pastor in 1925; a very complete and beautiful church was built while he still pastor in' 1927 at a cost ?^?tegPMiK>?ille Pas?or at Ra] ^^R^^rfnost 300 people have been added to the church roll, and the church completely brought out of property debt. His family consists of wife and two children. Mrs. Herbert before marriage being Miss Ruth Attiger, of Beloit. Wisconsin. Their children are Constance, age 5. and David, age 1 The people of Roxboro, regard less of demomination. welcome Mr. * and Mrs. Herbert, and their chil dren; and h&pe for them a con tinuance of the splendid success which has attended them In their former homes. BASKETBALL TEAMS COMING Ob Monday night. Dec. 7th, a * team composed at former college stars, who are now working on the Pilot Life Home Office force, will play Coach Knight's fast stepping team. We want to have a big crowd out. AUsnSville high school boy* and girls will play Aycock high schocfl boys and girls at the Pioneer ware house Tuesday. December 8th. Apcock was the first to beat EI land in several years, and Efland won championship for two yearn Allensvtlle has a fast gltl team. IT you want to see a good game, come out Tuesday, Dec. 8, at 7 p, m. v '"*r " Mr. Kane Gets Large Contract Mr Oca W. Kane, who main tains an office in Oreensboro as well as Roxboro. received a contract to build a plant for the Coca-Ctela Company in Oreensboro la?t week the sum being given as $77,000. The work la to ba completed in five months. REV. J. FURMAN HERBERT REV. I. A. SIKES VISITS SCHOOL Beloved Methodist Pastor Makes Farewell Visit Be Leaving For New Charge Rev. T. A. Sikes paid bis last visit to the Central Grammar School Tuesday morning, before leaving Roxboro this week to make his home in LouMmrg. Mr. 8H"* bas been a real friend to the cli~rrfr#n and the teachers of the Roxboro schools. He has la ways brought good cheer and good ad vice to the pupils and the teach ers and book of his humor and wit there has always been a spirit of genuine appreciation and esteem for the young people in the schools. His attitude has been reflected in the respect and esteem manifested by the majority of the pupils to ward him. Those who have known him longest love him most. The school children and the teachers wish for Mr. Sikes and his family a pleasant situation in his new pastorate and assure him of a continuous welcome in the Roxboro schools in the years ahead. : l.ie Roxboro high school library ? wttl receive a considerable number of des'rable books as a donation from Rev. T. A. Sikes. The books include Action, classics, history, and biography. The gift is thoroughly appreciated? D. ? , o Soon Out Of Date The matority of insurance com panies will by the first of the year stop Issuing disability insurance along with the same policy of life insurance One of my companies has already discontinued selling this form of insurance. The Mu tual Life of New York will discon tinue MSulng It after the first of the year. The Pilot will continue for a short while except for women who will only be able to get the waiver of premium. After the 10th of this month, women will discontinue to get dis ability in connection with their life Insurance. This Is a radical change and for your own good. I want to appeal t6 you; if you do not have a suffi cient guaranteed Income in case of dtaMHty for life, to buy at once KNIGHTS INSURANCE AGENCY Rev. Mr. Sikes And Family Leave Her. T. A Bikes and family will leave tomorrow for Louisburg. where he will begin his services as Pastor of the Methodist Church He will preach his first sermon there on next Sunday. The best wishes of every one here go with these good people, and trust he may have the best wort of his life with ; his new charge. o ? ' ^ammond? Why does Mrs. Meek y continue to live with her hus band when he beats her so often? Oabfaageo? She want* a divorce and her lawyer advised her to get u many beatings la her credit a* possible before going to court WOMAN'S CLUB WAS CHOSEN A WORTHY OBJECTIVE Will Establish Reading Room For Citizens Of Town And County HOPE IT IS BEGINNING OF PUBLIC LIBRARY The Woman's Club of Roxboro has chosen for Its objective this year the establishment of a reading room In the club quarters for the people of Person County. Thia reading room will belong to every individual in the county, but par ticularly to the club trying to reach those who have access to the use i of few or perhaps no other books. The riadlng room will be under state supervision and open after Jan. "1st. Miss Frieda Hiller, of the State Library Commission, will catalogue, index and start the room functioning. Some time during the month the citizens of the town will be called on for discarded books. Only thoee of a high standard will be accepted. J The name of,the donor will be past 1 ed In the book -and this will stand j as your contribution to this work. The club expects to make only a very small beginning this year, but should it sueceed in making the town library-conscious it will feel that it has had a highly success ful year. No worthwhile achievement is accomplished in a day or perhaps a year. Realizing this the elub looks j to the future for the culmination , of its efforts this year, the next and the next should It tak? ' that long? a library in Roxboro. No or ganization alone, no individual alone can accomplish this, but it call be done with the combined effort of every citizen hi this town. Conditions have been investigated and there is a vital need for books to use and read throughout the , county. May this project have your support. Gov. Gardner has said: "I regard the Citizens' Library Movement, tojjjovide good county wide library service fbf rs.r;: coun ty in North Carolina, as one of "the" most profoundly Important and . far-reaching developments in pub lic education in this State since { the Introduction of the compulsory 1 school law." Mrs. M. J. Carver, Pres. Teaching Mission At St. Mark's j % - Teaching Mission will be held at j St. Mark's Episcopal Church, De cember 3rd and 4th by the Rev. E. W. Hurst and Rev. 8. 8. Bost of I>urham. The order of services will be as follows: Holy Communion Thursday 10:00 A. M Services and sermon by Rev. Bost ! Thursday 7:30 P. M. Conference Friday 4:00 P. M. Services and sermon by Rev. Bost Friday 7:30 P. M Regular Meeting Of Woman'* Club The Woman's Club will hold !?? regular meeting for the month Monday. Dec. 7th, at 3 o'clock In the club room. Miss Draper and Miss McCollum will appear on the program. Miss Starling will give several musical , numbers during the afternoon. | Christmas plans are to be dis cussed and ever; member of the ; club is Invited and urged to be j present.? Pres.' ^ ? t Big Furniture Sale Just at this time many aw think - : ing of Christinas, and of the things are going to give as presents for the occasion. Nothing i is . mote appropriate than fumi tore, and now Is your opportunity^ i for T. W. Pass & Sen are giving i you the chance to cave from 28 ? to 80% on your purchases. Read ? their advertisement. i ? I At Pioneer Warehouse i ? i ? 1 We have had heavy sales every day this week and are gUd to say 1 the market opened Just a* wel> i after the holidays as before. Of i course, you know we cannot offer 1 you big prices, but we do say wfe I will get you Just as much as you I can get anywhere. Bring us your ] next load I Hunter. Perkins Sc Long. I Chance to Fly Free Offered Skyway Flying Service Will Drop Couriers From Plane; Some Contain Tickets The local people oi this sect ion win have a chance to get a free ride in an airplane Satur day, Dec. 5th, when the 'plane of the Skyway Flying Service will fly over Main Street and drop free tickets from the sky. Copies ot The Courier will be dropped from the speeding ship at about two o'clock Saturday afternoon as it will pass over Main Street, and in some of these copies of The Courier will be tickets which wfll entitle the lucky captors of the sheets tq ride free in the fine TraveUr machine of the Skyway Flying Service. The ship Is at the A. M. Mer ritt flytng fiefd on South Ros ton-Roxboro road. Route 55, and win be there on Friday, Saturday and Sunday, Dec. 4, 5 and 6th, ready for business. There will be free stunting exhibition* and parachute jumps; free parking space has been arranged for alT motorists who wish to attend o Tobacco Sales Open With Break Monday The market opened Monday with all of the houses practically full. Hie prices were Just about as they have been for the past Several weeks. The farmer who is fortu nate enough to have some extra good tobacco gets a fairly satisfac tory price, while ^the lower and common grades are practically worthless'. All hopes of this crop bringing the farmer a living price have van ished and the majority have decid- j ed there is nothing to do but let it go. Sales will likely be heavy from now until the market close* for Christmas. BIG FIVE CHARITY v WALL GAME r y I Stars Of Five Leading Teams Will Play At Durham On Saturday, Dec. 5 FOR BENEFIT OF NEEDY Raleigh. N. C., Nov. 30.? (Special) ?Interest to the Big "Five charity football game, to be staged at the Duke University Stadium. Durham, at 2:00 o'clock on December 5th, la increasing rapidly. Tickets, placed on sale the last of this week, are selling nicely, and there ia every indication that the game will be a sell-out. The Carolina and Duke squads will be combined to make up one team; and the State, Davidson and Wake Forest elevens will supply the players for the opposition. Various cobinations may be used during the game, such as the Carolina line backed up by the Duke backfteld; the reverse of this arrangement; or a mixture of players of the two in stitutions so as to get the beet pos sible alignment. It U juat possible that the Carolina team may play as a unit for a few minutes; and that the Duke team may Hollow suit. The possibilities as far as the , other team is concerned are equally as divergent. Johnny Branch. Kid Brewer, | Carolina and Duke stars, will be (Continued on page seven) Miss Rosa Thomas v Weds Mr. Foushee The marl rage of Miss Rosa Thorn - u and Mr. Emery Foushee will be read by their many friehds here ?nd to the County with Much in terest. They were married on Thanksgiving day at South Boston/ Va. Immediately after the cere mony the happy couple left for a bridal trip to New York and other points. Upon their return they irill make their home to Roxboro Mrs. Foushee Is the daughter of ktrs. Luna Thomas She was edu ;a ted to the City schools and has nade her home here ftoce child Mod. She was very popular with die younger set and Is well known lor her activities in church work, kir. Foushee is the son of Mr. O. 3. Foushee, and is a well known ind popular young man. ANGRY TOBACCO j PLANTERS HALT SALE IN KENTUCKY ; Hurl Apples At Auctioneers, And Threaten To Wreck Warehouses STAGE MASS MEETING Owensboro, Ky., Dec. 1. ? Incensed because of low prices offered them, approximately 3,000 farmers at tending the opening tobacco sale of the season here today broke up the bidding after hurling apples at auctioneers. Then the farmers unanimously adopted a resolution not to raise any tobacco next year. Approximately 78,000 pounds of dark leaf tobacco had been sold at two warehouses for an average of $4.8 a hundred, compared with an average of )8.47 on the opening day last year, when close to SdO.OOO ! pounds were sold. As the auction continued and | rejections became more numerous, the farmers .began voicing dissaSt j lsfactlon. Shouts of "You can't take our tobacco that way!" Inter - ! rupted the auctioneers. Threats to i wreck the warehouses unless the ! , sale was stopped were heard. THE PILOT LIFE LOVING CUP Mr. B. B. Knight, the local man- I ager of the Pilot Life Insurance ' | Company Is again offering a loving j cup to the school of the County I system that wins out in a vocal music contest. Any school of the county System may enter the contest. A teacher or any one whom the . students may desire may play for them, but no one shal be eligible to participate in the staging except the students who have been regu larly enrolled In the school *tpre sented, for at least two months. Mr. Knight or some one appoint- ' ed by him will preside over the program. The number of selections allowed each .school will depend on the number schools entering. More will be said regarding that later. The time of the- contest has not been determined, but it Is desired that It be sufficiently early not to conflict with preparation for com mencements. The committee appointed to make a list of songs from which selec tions will be taken will be heard from later. I Bank Committee Still At Work ! 1 1 The mass meeting held last Frl- , day night In' the Interest of open- { tag tbe First National Bank was ptetty well attended. The crowd was polled and every one of the stockholders present had signed the pledge to contribute one-third of the value of stock held by them. and all save one of the depositors present had signed the pledge asked. , The committee was urged to con- , ttaue their efforts ? and ' get the ] bank opened Just as soon as pos- , sible. Hurdle Mills School Has First Aid Class . _ The teachers of Hurdle Mills school recently gave the school a Red CroSs First Aid Kit. A class in first aid haa been organised with j. Miss R. McOollum as nistructor. i . The purpose of instruction in first I aid is to train the boys and girls to administer treatment promptly and Intelligently when emergency de mands It. First aid treatment Is ( not Intended to take the place or a ? physician's services. The students f are doing splendid work in their B new class. ? o ? q Annual Methodist ? Dinner Saturday ? Fricea Reduced? 30 and 40 Cento t A Plato ll Dinner wffl be Mrved by the r< Edgar Loaf Memorial Metho dist Church In Qm baaemedt of the church on Saturday, Dee. 5th. mi. tram 11:10 A M. to t:JC F. M. P S S <3f eajay a good dinner. - a- It 30MPLETE RANS MADE FOR LOOKING AFTER THE NEEDY Mr. W. H. Harris, who has been In business here for fifty years, un der the same roof, Still as active els the day he began clerking for Mr. J. A. Long. One of Roxboro's most valuable citizens. 50 YEARSUNDER THE SAME ROOF Mr. W. H. Harris, Senior Member of Harris & Burns In Business 50 Years It is not often a man has the pleasure of Serving his community tor fifty years, and In the same building, Including the enlarging, ?ut that is what Mr. W. H. Han-is, jf the firm of Harris sue telling of the addition, and uotlng prices. Under the manage - ifnt of Mr. V. A. Thomas this tore has built up a business to be iroud of and they hope to serve you i?t ps faithfully and satisfactorily i their new line. They have added lost complete and modern fixtures, pfrigerators. etc.. and cordially ln Ite you to come In and see what My have done. "A Kentucky Belle" The young people of the Leasburg f rissionary Society will give the ti lay "A Kentucky Belle" it the , olotnon Lea school at Leasburg, n aturday night, Dec. 8th, at 7:M ti clock Admission 10 and 18c. n he public is cordially invited. ii Mr. H. L. Crowell Is Again Chosen As Chairman Of Committees MUCH WILL BE NEEDED An eager response Is being mani fested in every part of the County to the urgent appeal for supplies of clothing, food, and funds to meet the unprecedented need which Js and will be experienced among the victims of unemployment and de pressed market conditions. The gravity of the conditions to be faced this winter are fulljr realized both by those who will be compell ed to call to the community for help and by those who are In a po sition to render that help. The conditions which will prevail this winter are neither minimized nor exagerrated but frankly faced. It is realized that this winter there will in all probability be more des perate demands for food and cloth ing than ever before. This frank facing of facts with the determina tion on the part of every one to have his share in meeting the de mands of this situation and ans wering the appeals which are made is the basis for a real confidence that the people of Person County ^ be able to care for their less for tunate neighbors Last week a committee met in the office of Mr. S. O. Winsttad crn?tdpr the stepS to be taken in the relief work in the county this winter. This committee chose Mr. H. L. Crowell to be the Chairman and to have general oversight and direction of the relief work. Plans were outlined for the mobilization of all the resources available in the county. The school districts were decided upon as the moat reasonable division of the county into smaller working units and committees were named for each one of these dis tricts which will function as com mittees for the collection of food and clothing and money and also as committees to discover the cases* of greatest need and to investigate the actual conditions where appli cation has been made for help. For Roxboro a soliciting committee was appointed to make and to execute the plans for soliciting the citizens of Roxboro and to add to their committee as many people as were necessary to make the campaign complete. A committee of three was appointed to visit the schools of the county with Mr. S. O. Winstead presenting the appeal to the faculties and student (bodies. Every school In the county has been visited by this comrilittee and an eager and enthusiastic response has , been shown by the faculties and students in each case and a gener ous return of supplies assured. The schools will b? used as collection oolnts. Supplies so' collected will be Inventoried and calssifled and sent In to the central distributing ooint'ln Roxboro. Prom Roxboro . these supplies will be distributed to those in need upon the advlo- and recommendation of the committees of the several school districts The community of Brooksdale has been Included with Roxboro in making plans for the work of soliciting. Mrs Mamie Merritt is the chair man of this committee. Circular* ire to be distributed before the ac tual solicitation is made. A com mittee has been appointed to can fms them business diatrlct and a lumber of sub committees to cover he entire territory of Roxboro and Sr^oksdale. The people will be ?shed to contribute all the food. :lothin? ?r money possible and the rllectlon iH planned for next Wed lesday. Those who have been Interested n putting these plans Into effect iav(K faund that the taSk Is not so nuch In making the appeal for this rork. The finest poeslWe spirit ta hown by every one to whom the natter Is mentioned. Every one eems to be fully conscious of the iced ready to make some ron ributlcn. The main task which he relief oommlttee has to per orm Is present the opportunity or these contributions to be given. ,nd then the greater and Jnore Hfflcult problem? to see that f the ontrlbutlons are wisely and ef eotivrlv dltsrlbuted. For U|is dlf ribution the central committee rishes It understood that thev ,u*t of neeeeslty oonflne the dta rlbutlon to tho* who have been ?commended by the committee* i the dtotrtcti to which they live.