IVB A MESSAGE FOB PEOPLE PUT IT IN WHICH REACHES OF .AE PEOPLE. ' ^ * V ESTABLISHED 1M1. PERSON COUNTTS OLDEST AND BEST NEWSPAPER. UNDI MANAGEMENT AND OWNERSHIP FOR 46 YEARS Best People On Good Churches And Schools; Where Optimism Rules 40ELL, EDITOR AND PUBLISHER. HOME FIRST, ABROAD NEXT. $1.50 PER YEAR IN ADVANCE. = LVIII. ROXBORO, NORTH CAROLINA. WEDNESDAY EVENING, DECEMBER 9, 1931. NO. 49. ||J!p Sons, of Person County - iff At Wake Forest College Delegation Making t Contribution To College Life LVE FROM ROXBORO sons of Person County among the 800 students this session at Wake For :lve are from Rox from Jalongand are si* fresh lores, two juniors, "Three are study two law and nine are for the Bachelor or Arts nty delegation is at contribution to on the Bafcttst campus. . Davis, Jr., for instance, of Rox boro, is a member of the Pan-Hel lenic Council. M. M. Hicks,* also of Roxboro, plays tackle on the Demon Deacon football team. The county duet is made up of J. E. Morrell, a first year medical student, *>n of Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Morrell, of Jalong; M. H. Clayton, a freshman, son of Mr. and Mrs. W. Q. Clayton, qf Woodsdale. The one dozen students from Hox-, boro are J. W. Allgood. Jr.,. in sec ond year law, son of Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Allgood; D. 8. Brooks, Jr., a sophomore, son of Mr. and Mrs. D. 8. Brooks; the Davis brothers, 8. B? Jr. (a sophomore) and T. P. (a senior), sons of Mr. and Mrs. 8. B. Davis; M. M. Kicks, a junior, son of Mr. and Mrs. M. H. Hicks; A. E. Jackson, Jr., in first year med icine, son of Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Jackson; T. B. Perkins, a sopho more, son of -Mrs. J. E. Perkins; L. B. 8tanftsld, in first year medi cine, son of Mr. and Mrs. L. G. Stanfleld ; , O. W. Thomas, Jr., in first year law, son of Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Thomas; E. P. Walker, a junior, son of Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Walker; P. 8. Woody, a freshman, son of Mrs.T. A. Woody; Richard Young, a freshman, son of Mr. and Mrs. 8. M. Young. Wake Forest has students enroll ed from 95 of the 100 counties in North Carolina. It enjoys the dis tinction of . being the oldest and largest Baptist institution for men in the United States. Don't Waint Unitil After Christmas Probably sixty or seventy per cent of the tobacco in the section has been marketed .and we urge 'you to get what you have on hand ready and sell before the holidays, is no chance for the .prices .be less l have we A Worth While Christmas Present ! Of course, every one is going to be sensible and cut down on the ' cost of Christmas presents this ! year; some from necessity, others because it is good business judg ment. You can be sane and sen sible this Christmas by giving pres ents which are of service, and yet will be appreciated. What could be more sensible, or useful, than to give that good partner of yours, she who has been primarily the cause of so much happiness all during the j year, a beautiful piece of furniture; you know what she has been want ing so long, and now you have the opportunity to give her her heart's desire for almost a song. If you doubt this, just read the advertise ! ment of T. W. Pass & Son, who are advertising everything at from j 25 to 50 per cent reduction. Death Of Well Known Person County Citizen Mr. Will J. Lunsford, one of the best known and valuable citizens of the County died last Wednesday morning in the h06pital in Bur lington, where he was receiving treatment. The body was brought here and funeral services held at the home on Thursday, interment being in the family burying ground near his hom#. Besides his widow the deceased Is survived by two daughters. Mrs. Early Gill of Roxboro,- and Miss Edith' Lunsford; six sons, John, Walter, Jess, Floyd, Daniel and Er vin Lunsford, all of Roxboro; three brothers, Tom, John and Wallace Lunsford, and one sister. We Stand Corrected Miss Norma Maynard, after visit ing relatives here, has returned to her home in Salisbury. Miss Mar garet Hannah Critcher accompan ied her to that place for a brief visit. Miss Norma Maynard has been a teacher in the Centred graded school since September, 1930. - She is a niece of Mrs. F. O. Carver and of Mrs. A. W. Clayton, and makes her home with the latter during the school year. Miss Maynard 's par ents live in Salisbury, and she went to visit them during the Thanksgiv ing holidays. We hope it will be a long while before she is simply an occasional visitor to Roxboro. ? O.. C. D. LADIES SUCCESSFUL WITH THEIR DINNER culated On "Old Man sion" And Sold Out SENATOR BAILEY j7*> Senator Josiah William Bailey was sworn in Monday in the pres ence of. jl large party of relatives and friends; no attempt was made to prevent him from taking his seat. Loses Dwelling by Fire Last Sunday night at about 7 o'clock the dwelling belonging to Mr. J. J. Barnett, situated near Hurdle Mills, was destroyed by fire. About a month ago Mr. and Mrs. Barnett moved to Roxboro and the family living in the home were all away from home when the fire originated. When the fire was dis covered it was too far gone to' Save, and the loss was complete. Mr. Barnett states that he carried no insurance, and his loss is about $1500. NEW CHEVROLET CAR A THING OF BEAUTY Hundreds Of Visitors Call At Stewart Chevrolet Co. To See It MANY V ITAL CHANGES Probably no more wide spread advertising effort ha4 been shown than that of the Chevrolet people i in announcing the new Chevrolet car which was put on exhibition for the first time last Saturday. Hie dealers here, the Stewart Chevrolet Company, had the car on exhibi tion- and all day Saturday throngs were on hand' to take a look And without exception It was pronounc ed the most wonderful cai" ever made by the Chevrolet manufac turers. The car is different in many ways, too many for us to attempt to describe, but a look will convince that it is a wonderful car, espe cially when price 1* considered. When you see this new car you will wonder why any one, regardless of how much he may be worth, should spend more money (or a car than the price of this new car. It has all of the commences of the higher priced cars, will do any and all things the higher priced cars ? do, and while doing it will save many gallons of gas. WARNS HITLER OF MARTIAL RULE TO E Chancellor Bruening Makes Sharp Reply T