PRAY YE THE LORD OF HARVEST (By Th*d K. Jones) Jesus said to his disciples, pray ye the Lord of harvest that He will send forth laborers unto His har vest for the harvest Is great and the laborers are few. It Seems to me this is applicable to His true dis- j ciples today. We need to lift up our eyes and look on the fields for' they are white already to harvest. Will we look and consider the great need of workers in the Lord's vine yards and harvest? I want to bej a worker brave and true. I want to j be a worker every day and leadj the erring in tne way. If this desire is strong enough to move you to action we do not have to go to the foreign country to work for the Master. Often there is work in our own home, in our church and community. Truly some one has said if you want a field of labor you can find it anywhere. In II Chronicles 7:13 we read, If I shut Heaven that there be no rain, or if I command the locusts to devour the land, or if I send pes tilence among my people. If my people which are called by my name shall humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways then will I hear from Heaven and will forgive their sin and will heal their land. The drought is broken, the Lord is -sending the copious reviving Rowers from above. Tokens of His Pe. And there are no locusts to vour the land, but the pestilence of sin and wickedness prevails and abounds with all their dangers, dis grace and destruction. This is worse j than some form of pestilence which ! weakens or kills the body. Jesus said .fear not that which kills the : body and can do no more, but fear j him which *s able to destroy both ; ' soul and body in hell. Let us consider the conditions on which the Lord promises to heal a | smitten land or country. If my people that are called by my name shall humble themselves and pray. Humility. What a precious jewel ftnd a great essential to every true christian. Humility is the spirit of Jesus who humbled Himself and -became -obedient unto death ev?n_ the death of the cross, and He said, I am among you as one that serveth. He that is great among you shall be servant. Wherefore Ood hath highly exalted him and given him a name which is above every other name. He that humb leth himself shall be exalted. He that exalte th himself ^hall be abased. But, oh, how many peo ple hate humility. The thought is revolting and their soul recoils at the idea. But we will all have to: be humble some time and it is far j better to be humble, loyal, loving christians, following Jesus through this life than go at the end of this short life to an eternity of humil ity and suffering. We are com manded to pray for each other, pray for our enemies, pray for rulers and all who are in authority, that wei live a life of Godliness and hon esty. This is sadly needed and is something every christian should work and pray earnestly and fer vently for. And the Lord said, Seek my face and turn from their wick ed ways. But this is so hard for some people to do. Some have continued so long in sin they will not give it up. They prefer the fleeting and destructive (pleasures of sin for a Jittle while to eternal t>liss and happiness. Not for a crown will the poor worlding pause, but keeps gathering sticks and straws. Will we use the remedy and obey ?tiie Lord's command to overcome He pestilence of wickedness that Hs degrading, weakening and de stroying our beloved country? Crime IS getting more rampant, the forces of sin and satan are waxing strong er it seems to me. The forces of righteousness are weakening, but we must not give up or lay our armor down. The eternal God is our re fuge and underneath are the ever lasting arms. Soldiers of the cross, arise and gird your armor on. Hu mility, prayer, and turning from wicked ways is the Divine com mand. See II Chron. 13:14. Dear people, we are facing a crisis which demands our profound, consideration and serious, sober, second thought and prompt, power ful and prompt prayerful and de cisive action. Stand fast in the faith, quit you like men, be strong in the Lord and the power of His might. Destructive as well as con structive forces are at work. Nation after nation in their history have proved that there may be retrogres sion in morals, religion and civili zation. Religion has been overcome in lands where it, onc^, existed and was effective before the passing of the apostolic founders of the chris tian churches of Asia. There was marked decline and needful warn ings that were not heeded, and the light was removed from many places. Eternal vigilance is not only the price of liberty but it is the price also of effective and ag gressive Christianity, and it is the price of most all great important achievements of virtue, religion and wordly Success and financial achievement. Work Is the ordained law of life. We cannot wish and dream our self into honesty, vir tue, good charaoten or worldly suc cess. The way Jl true sucecss is straight and ngAow. It is dill Irish Beauty Queen Chicago 'a combined Iriah Alliances held their annual beauty contest amid the beautiful flowers at the World Fair horticultural exhibit . . . and ? there selected Miss Mae Murphy as ?' Queen 'i^or 1933. cult. Sometimes it is hard and tough. Will you pay the price? It is costly but failure is far more costly. . Again I say a crisis is on. Our Lord Jesus met His crisis with prayer in the wilderness when tempted by Satan, before Selecting the Twelve, and in Gethsemane. When He confronted the culmina tion of His career on the Cross, and Jesus said, if two of you shall agree on earth as touching anything they shall ask, it shall be done for them of my Father which is in Heaven. In view of the crisis which is now on it seems to me every true chris tian could see the .need of true, humble, importunate prayer. Many things are wrought by prayer than the world is aware of. Another cause for which every christian should pray faithfully is peace, nationally and internationlaly. When nation would not lift up Sword against na tion, neither will they learn war any more. War which has been The balnT TSlIght and disgrace- "Of mankind all down the ages will be forever a thing of the past. Let us work. and pray for peace on earth and good will to man, and may the time soon come when love to God and humanity will over come all hatred, strife, discord and fear. Either we must new at long length acknowledge God in all our ways so He can direct our paths into al truistic human progress and pos terity, or our boasted civilization is now as definitely dead and done for us the perished glories of As syria, Babylon. Egypt, Greece or Rome. The only cure is a change of heart. Dethrone satan. Enthrone love and trust instead of fear and hate. The tremendous volume of un ited praver would be the mightiest f~rce this world has eveT witnessed. The sincere turning to God together of nations and races of men in Sin cere Heading for forgiveness, clean sing, healing, helping, leading bless ing. would release perfectly novel and immeasurably infinite resources of divine power and life. Why does not a chastened and suffering Christ endom call an international prayer j meeting of the peoDle and repre sentatives of all nations? I believe [great, grand, glorious and perma nent would be the result and effect of such action. The inspired writer tells us to pray without ceasing and in all things give thanks. Pray ye the Lord of harvest that he would send laborers into his harvest. o NEW RULES (Editorial from Rotarian Magazine) The United States* National Re covery Act is a bold stroke. Over night, it brands as outlaws those Darasitic interests which have long fringed legitimate business and numbed the hands of men who would plav the game by rules bas ed on fairness to employee, man agement, and consumer. It stamps with approval the policy of indus tries and concerns tijat operate on the principle that business was made to serve man. Business and professional men who have convcitions on the sub ject of commercial bribery, fair prices, honest products, and living waffes for workers, now have their innings. Whether their cause is to be vindicated and a new deal per manently written into economics depends, in a large measure, on their response to the challenge. Codes of practice and ethics are to be written bv someone. By whom if not them? o Mrs. Oliver C. Orinnell, of New York for 20 hours, from shortly after 9 o'clock on Thursday morn ing until just after 5 o'clock Friday | morning, battled a 450-pound broadbill sword fish. Mrs. Orinnell turned her rod over to her captain, Wally Baker, after 10 hours of bat tling. The fish was landed It the end of 20 hours. And al almost {within {Routing distance of New York. ? o The word salary means "salt money." NEW RULINGS TO STOP ALL RELIEF WORK Acting Director * Wilson Advises Counties And Cities To Stop Relief Work THIRTY CENTS AN HOUR AHEAD OF FARM WAGES New rulings from Washington to the effect that all relief workers murft hereafter be paid 30 cents an hour or $2.40 for an eight-hour day are expected to end relief work in North Carolina, in which 35,896 per sons were engaged in June, with re ports for July not yet available. These workers have been paid from 50 cents to one dolalr a day (or work days ranging from eight to 10 hours. Ronald B. Wilson, acting direc tor of relief, yesterday . instructed heads of relief agencies in all cities and counties that the new scale of wages must be paid next week. At the same time, Mr. Wilson advised that relief work be ended. "The State Itself pays laborers as low as 13^ cents an hour and the highest price paid on any farm is one dollar