Question Of Repeal "Be not drunk on wine wherein Is excess'but be filled with the spirit," ? Eph. 5:18. My references are from the word ; of God. Isiah 28:1, S, 7; Prov. 14:34; j II Thess. 5:7; Daniel 5. People of Roxboro and Person County. I give the following rea- 1 sons for voting again the repeal of the 18th Amendment. My flrsth reason is Prov. 14:34.' Righteousness exalteth a nation but sin is a reproach to any people.; Drunkenness is, I will say, a sin that is ruining the people as a; whole, from the president to the ; poor beggar. The people that onoej were living well, because of a drunken father and sorry to say, lots of mothers are drinking the rotten: junk and bring sorrow and sick ness to many homes, and wrecking j lives of many boys and girls. Right-! eousness brings Joy and peace to any people. My econd reason is Isaiah 28:1. j Woe to the crown of pride to the drunkard of Ephraim, whose glor ious beauty is a fading flower, which are on the heads of the fat valley of them that are overcome with wine. I believe we could put U. 8. ln sfead of Ephralm. It certainly is a Mplty that the head men of U. S. Bouldn't think of anything else than ^^he devil's trash can to aid the| country which is supposed to be a Christian nation. People, let us go to our knees! Isaiah 28:3. The crown of pride the drunkenness of Ephraim shall be trodden under foot I am afraid that U. S. will be trodden under foot bv her enemies if we are not careful. Isaiah 18:7. But thev also have erred through wine and through sh-ong drink, are out of the way, the priest and the prophet have err ed through many drinks they are swolled up of wine. They are out of the way through strong drink. They err in vision, they stumble in judg ment. Wine and strong drink will make any one err; ti causes accidents and nine times out of ten brings death, and that brings widows and or phans. and sometimes cripples for life, Jails and prisons full of men, women, boys and girls. The preacher and the prophet have erred through strong drink. I am sorry to say many preachers wait till after elec tion to preach temperance. They are afraid of the people and especially the paying members and official board. Preachers preach it without ? fear or favor. Please God, not man, for your own soul's sake. My third reason is read Daniel 5th chapter. Remember Belshazzer had a feast and Invited all his wives, princes and concubines and drank wine before his thousands and wor shipped or praised idols of gold, silver and stone, and took the sa cred things out of the temple and had a night of revelry, and the Lord our God showed them by the hand writing on the wall that the end had come of their pleasure and sin. The writing on the wall by in terpretation was "Thou art weigh ed In the balances and found wanting." Wanting for what? Wor ship of true and living God and righteousness which is very neces sary in any nation, state, county and city. I am afraid U. 8. White House will find the same thing some day. Everybody that loves God and ^man, vote dry by the grace and help ?of God. ^ I Thes. 5:7. For they that sleep sleep in the night and that be drunken are drunken in the night People, don't sleep awake and see the condition of the country, go to praying for the Lord is coming soon. My fourth reason is Eph. 5:18: And be not drunk on wine wherein is excess but be filled with the spirit. Let us as a people of a nation, be real citizens, not only ol the U. S? but of the Kingdom ol Jesus Christ our Lord, and live foi Him. Help the Lord to spread th< Gospel. o THE PRESENT TOBACCC SITUATION The tobacco growers of Persot County have signed the Oovernmen acreage reduction agreement so fa as I can learn about ninety or nine ty- three or four percent. I thlnl the growers have done their part si far as this is concrened. But thi question is, is this going to hel] the prices of this year's crop? Nox is the time that the growers nee* help as I see it from this stand point. Some people say the companle have too great a sum of tobacc that is the reason they are not pay ing more for the tobacco than the; are. Others say we do not raise a good tobacco as we did some year back. That may be true, but I se they have not stopped taking i yet. Well, as for me, I do no know what their reason Is for no paying more for the tobacco. There Is one thing the grower can do If they will do it. That is to cooperate. I believe in coopera tion. I think the best kind of or ganization the growers can have Is cne of their own. For instance, the Jones plan of Danville. I think that is a good organization. If Mr. Jcnes could get every tobacco grow er in the flue-cured tobacco belt to sign up and pay their ten dollar membership fee he would havte quite a large sum of money. Very likely he would have eilbugh money to do( a large business on if they would join and put a part of their tobacco in this organization. This is the only chance I see for the growers at this time, is to organize and set up a business of their own, to co operate and work together and notl see how far from one another they can stand. If the farmers have ever received anything but a promise I don't know what it was. The f&rmers feed I the world. Why shouldn't they re ceive a living price for their pro ducts? GLENN BURCH. o ' Short Sermons' By J. B. Currin A SAMPLE OF LIFE One day I called attention to a few peaches on a tree, and spoke of them as a sample of what we would have if the tree were only well loaded. x Is It possible thus to get a sample of what a life would be if it were given more opportunities? How often have we heard some one sav, "If I had a million dollars I would help that cause for it is worthy." Would those people thus act if a million dollars were placed at their disposal? Perhaps some of them would: certainly some of them would not. If it is possible to form fairly correct opinions of people as regards such matters how shall we do so? Can we say that a man who is selfish with fifty dollars would be selfish with fifty thousand? Can we say that a boy who will cheat in or der to make a run on the baseball field will cheat in a business deal? If I should make such statements some would call my statements too j broad; some would call them un just; whie others would call them untrue. Furthermore it would be unpleas ant on my part to make such statements ungrounded. Therefore I shall allow another whose knowledge and truthfulness are unquestioned to do the speaking. He teaches us that life is to be judged by what it is doing with | present opportunities, and not by ; the imagination as to what would be done were conditions different l His own words are: "He that is faithful in that which is least is faithful also in much; and he that is unjust in the least | is unjust also in much." ? Luke 16:10. STOMACH and NERVES BAD? Mrs. ai. L- race or li: Winter St., Hagerstown Md., ?ays: "I felt worr out? suffered from stomacl complaint and was awfull; nervous. I used Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discover} and it helped me in every way? gave me a fine ap peine, BUCll&Lll auu CUC IJW, UlU vliC 9UM1UIU] distress disappeared." Sold by druggists everywhere. New size, tablets SO cts. : liquid $1.00. Large size, tablets or liquid, *1.35. "W. Do Our Part." CRUMPLING OF HINDENBURG LINE By W. F. Marshall Raleigh, Oct 23. ? Continued crumpling up of the Hindenburg Line of the repeal cause in North Carolina has forced the directors of wet strategy to hurl their last re serves into the breach. Former Gov ernor Gardner has issued from Washington a statement in favor of repeal; Senator Reynolds Is to make a hurried dash into some of the western counties and one or two eastern counties; and in addition to previous announcements in the way of sponsorship of Mr. Farley's forth coming visit to this state Senator Bailey is scheduled to issue shortly a statement In favor of repeal of the 18th Amendment, with sugges tions as to North Carolina's proper policy in liquor control after repeal. "Hie Dry forces are chuckling over the re-entrance of Senator Reynolds into the arena. As to the effect of the Reynolds campaign, the Dry re call a story William Jennings Bryan used to tell. A big husky man was the victim of occasional scoldings and animated assaults by his dimi nutive wife. When his friends chid ed him for being so hen-pecked and enduring so submissively the assault and battery of the little queen of his home, he replied: "Well, why not? It seems to do her a whole lot of good and doesn't hurt me at all." The view is taken by some of the Drys that North Carolina's Junior Senator has set at least one example worthy of emulation by his fellow citizens back home. The most con spicuous official act of his Senatorial career, they point out, was his graceful and complete apology one day last June to his fellow-Senators, and to the country, for a most un fortunate mistake perpretated by him the day before. The Dry sug gest that, taking the cue from the Junior Senator's graceful apology in the Senate, the people of North Carolina from one end of the state to the other go to the polls Novem ber 7 and show to the world how gracefully, completely and eloquent- j ly they can apologize for their mis- j Extra-Fast Relief ? ' Demand and Get GENUINE BAYER ASPIRIN BECAUSE of a unique process in manufacture. Genuine Bayer Aspirin Tablets are made to dis integrate ? or dissolve ? INSTANT LY you take them. Thus they start to work instantly. Start ' taking hold" of even a severe headache, neuralgia, neuritis or rheumatic pain a few minutes after taking. And they provide SAFE relief ? for Genuine BAYER ASPIRIN does not harm the heart. So if you want QUICK and SAFE relief see that you set the real Bayer article. Look for the Bayer cross on every tablet as shown above and for the words GENUINE BAYER ASPIRIN on every bottle or package you buy. Member N. R. A. GENUINE BAYER ASPIRIN DOES NOT HARM THE HEART THE THRIFTY STILL THRIVE MAKE SAVINGS EARN! The truly thrifty knew months tfo that regardless of rates sayings most be kept earning. They accepted the new order of business and turned again to safe and sound institutions Bind today are enjoying uninterrupted incomes from savings. Come in some day soon and let us explain the different saving plans and the yields they will pay. Yon can also be a "thrifty" and thrive. WE PAT FIVE PER CENT ON SAVINGS ACCOUNTS DURHAM INDUSTRIAL BANK OF ROXBORO There Is No Substitute for the meats we are serving every day. We cook for the entire family. Regular Dinner 35c We serve any kind of drink, hot or ooML Beer on tap or m bottles. Sandwiches, delicious and appetising, 6c and lie. If yon like oar cpffee, have a second cop on ns, or if we faB to thank yeu, ask for yoar money back. Feed well Cafe Court Street Roxboro, N. C. VllllllllllllliiillllllllllllUiiiiiiiiiiiliiiiiiiaiiaiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitiiiaiiiiittfliaiii take in having sent him to the'i Senate. , I Nor do the Drys seem to be tak- 1 Ing on much worry over the parti- | cipatlon of lormer Governor Qard- I oer In the festivities of the cam- 1 paign. There has been some specu- i lation as to what influence his po- f sltion and prestige would have upon i the voters; but no alarm discern- < Ible on that account. A certain re- < mark of former Governor Gardner 1 made at the State College Alumni luncheon last June is recalled. , 'State College," the quotation runs, 'will always remain the North Car olina State College of Agriculture ind Engineering and will always be located in Raleigh, if I have any in fluence left ? and something happen ed Saturday to make me think I , tiave." The something that hap- , pened Saturday was the handsome , lead in the primaries of more than , 47,000 votes scored by the Ex-Gover- , nor's favorite candidate, Mr. Eh ringhaus, over the highest of his , two opponents. The "Influence left" seems however to have pretty near , ruined his favorite candidate, who won the nomination in the second ( primary, Indeed, but only by the narrow margin of a bare 13,084 votes over his single competitor. Note is also taken of the fact that when Ex-Governor McLean and Ex -Governor Morrison completed their official terms and retired to private life, they very properly re frained from any further efforts to govern the State, generously leav ing that function exclusively to their successors In office. In con nection with Ex-Governor Gard ner's entry into the current cam paign a number of newspapers car ried the following comment by their Raleigh correspondent : "There is also reason to believe that while he (Ex-Governor Gard ner) was gratified at the manner in which Governor J. C. fi. Ehring haus followed out many of his pol icies as governor and re-appointed el number of officials he had origi nally appointed, he was not so well pleased with some of the political generalship or lack of it dlspayed by Governor Ehringhaus in some of tils other appointments and official acts." All of these things are lodging Into the th ink-works of the average Independent North Carolinian; and there is no doubt of the fact that quite a number of them are coming to regard the approaching election is likely to remove from Mr. Gard ner's mind the apparent halluci nation that he is still Governor of North Carolina. o TREAT WHEAT TO PREVENT SMUT (By A. G. Bollard) Low yields of wheat due to dam age caused by smut may be correct ed by a simple treatment of the seed with Copper Carbonate. This method of treatment only costs about 8c per bushel and is superior to the blue stone treatment as the seed are not soaked in a solution. The treatment is as follows: Se cure a barrel that has both ends at tached. Cut an of?enlng in one end and make a door to fit this opening. Place several slats per pendicular to the sides of the bar rel and nail in place. Pour one bu shel of wheat in the barrel and add two ounces of Copper Carbonate. Roll the barrel around the yard un til thorughly mixed. The seed may be sown Immediately or kept until a later date. Care should be taken to keep the treated seed away from animals. The Bethel Hill Young Tar Heel Farmers have a machine at the high school for treating. wheat and will be glad to treat anyone's wheat. A charge of 8c per bushel will be made to cover the cost of 6 6 6 LIQUID, TABLETS. SALVE, NOSE DROPS Checks Malaria In 3 days. Colds first day. Headaches or Neuralgia In 30 minutes, FINE LAXATIVE AND TONIC Most Speedy Remedies Known. Copper Carbonate. DANCING COW Music may hare charms to soothe the savage beast ? but when the beast happens to be a perfectly contented cow, the effect is some thing else again. That's what was discovered at the Radio pictures studio while they were trying to find a cow who would submit to be Build Up Health and Pains Go Away WOMEN who suffer from weak ness often have many aches and palna which a stronger state of health would prevent. Women In this condition should take Cardul, a purely vegetable tonic that has been In use (or over 60 years. Take Cardul to Improve the general ^ tone of the system In cases of run down health and "tired nerves." Women have found, in such cases, that Cafdul helps them to overcome pains and make the monthly periods easier. CARDUI is safe and whole some for women of all ages. Try it I tag milked to music. Four cows were tested in turn. And each was placid u could be until the music started. Then each became suddenly mad and did every thing except tear down the huge stage upon which the tests were being made. And they're still looking for a cow who will remain quiet while the orchestra is at work. They might try a deaf cow. ? o Long* Speeches Taboo Elizabeth City.? If Judge W. O. Morse, Jr., of Pasquotank county's Recorder's court, has his way about it, there will be no long winded spjeeche? and other procrastinat ing methods practiced in his court. Judge Morse recently delivered himself of the opinion that there was altogether too much time wast ed needlessly in the trial of cases, and declared his intention of bear tag down upon those he thought guilty of such methods. YOU CAN PROVE THIS YOURSELF I i've /oumd that camels are MILDER.THEY HAVE A BETTER FLAVOR. AND DO NOT INTERFERE WITH HEALTHY NERVES. CAMEL'S COSTLIER TOBACCOS m tOcr yet dm i|mr1lnv(i?/KMer1>K ijour laite "T | there's One n Sure Way to Compare Tobacco Fertilizer" ? * ? ? , .V'* ? k-JEE if this doesn't sound like common sense to you. Look at the tobacco on the warehouse floor,. Pick out the finest qual ity ? the highest priced. Then ask which fertilizer was used. When you find that Royster fertilized tobacco is of superior quality and brings a higher price ? then it stands to reason that Royster is the tobacco fertilizer for you to use. We ask you to make this fair comparison because it is the one sure way to judge fertilizer?* by results . And Royster results speak for themselves from the warehouse floor. Remember this: Royster Tobacco Fer tilizer is made in one quality only ? the best that money can buy at any price. That high standard is maintained by Royster experts who are constantly study ing the tobacco plant ? finding out all there is to know about its plant food needs ? from the time the plant beds are sown until the crop is in the barn. These men of long experience locate, test and refine all materials to make sure that only the best obtainable go into Royster sacks. Year after year they check up through actual field tests ? to make certain that every sack of Royster Tobacco Fertilizer contains the correct combination of ma terials to produce the finest quality leaf. After nearly fifty years of successful results, no wonder we ask you to compare Royster fertilized tobacco with the rest of the tobacco on the warehouse floor. This easy test is the best salesman we have. F. S. R OYSTER GUANO COMPANY - NORFOLK, VIRGINIA cv ^