The; Family News paper, with some thing for every member of the family. ESTABLISHED 1881. PERSON COUNTY'S OLDEST AND BEST NEWSPAPER. UNDER SAME MANAGEMENT AND OWNERSHIP FOR 48 YE\RS *, ??=^^======^^===^=======^^^^=====^=====r^=========:=^=^==^===============^===================^=================^==================i^^ - J. W. NOELL, EDITOR AND PUBLISHER. HOME FIRST, ABROAD NEXT $1.50 PER YEAR IN ADVANCE. VOL. LI. ROXBORO, NORTH CAROLINA, WEDNESDAY EVENING, APRIL 4, 1964. NO. 14. Local Folks 1 Of Roxfa o Stories In Golden Jubilee De velopment Edition Will Be Authentic Presentation Of Opportunities The following prominent. citizens business leaders, city and county of ficials are invited by The Courier to contribute special news stories on the subjects set forth opposite their names for the Courier's Golden Ju t pilee Development Edition: "Person county's Educational Progress," Prof. G. C. Davidson. "Roxboro Adapted for More In dustries," Mr. R. L. Harris. "What Roxboro Needs Now Prom Woman's Viewpoint," Mrs. S. B. be Ne^d For All To Pull To ller Now," Mr. D. S. BTOOk. "A History of Masonry Around Here," Mr. N. Lunsford. "Greater Agricultural Possibili ties," County Agent, H. K. Sanders. "Colonial and Indian Days," MiSj Bessie Heath Daniel. "Future of the Tobacco Planters," Mr. H. W. Winstead. "Industries Suited to Roxboro,? Col. Geo. Claiborne Simms. "Rotary Club's Development Pro gram," Mr. J. S. Walker. "Person County's Efficient Public Officials," F. J. Hulcher. "Kiwanians Vision Greater Things," F. O. Carver, Jr. "What Interests the Tourist Here," Mrs. Geo. c. Simms. "Activities of the American Le gion," Mr. C. C. Garrett . .. "City Administration Friendly To ward Industries," Mayor R. B. Dawes. * "Roxboro for Health, Ambition and Pulchritude,'* Mrs. Ruth Me Collum CBriant. "Sketch of Methodist Church," Rev. J. F. Herbert. "Short History of Baptist Church". Rev. W. F. West. "Outline of Presbyterian Church |i Here." Mr. H. L. Crowell. "Review of the Primitive Baptist:, Church," A. P. Clayton. "Historical Resume of Episcopal Church," Mrs. N. Lunsford. I "RoxborO Ten Years From Now,"! Mr. E. G. Thompson. "Better Jerseys and Gtlern*ys in County," W. R. Wilkerson. "Roxboro Woman's Club Boosts City." Mrs. B. fl. Mangum. "Among Our Doctors and Law yers," Dr. B. E. Love and R. P. Burns. "Roxboro as a Shopping Center," Mr. A. M. Burns. "New Highway Projects," Mr,. R. A. Burch. "Opportunity to Revive Mineral Mining Here," Dr. E. J. Tucker. "Splendid Financial Strength of County," County Treasurer, Mr. S. B. Davis. "After Fifty Years The Courier Grows Young Again," J. W. Noell. "Noted Men of Bygone Days and Builders of Roxboro" Mr. W. H Lnho's Who Among Our Big ? Bners." Miss Helen Oraves. ^^HtoXboro's Golden Opportunity. Col. Geo. Clajborne Slmms "What the CWA Has Done for Roxboro," Mr. Anderson Ttmberlakf "N. R. A., a Local Benefit," How ard Btrang. "Lumber Industry's Importance," Mr. W. C. Bullock "Grocery Stores Today and Ten Years Ago," W. A. Sergeant. "Roxboro's Hospitality and Home Life," Mrs. A. F. Nichols. j "What the' Tobacco Market Means I to Roxboro." Mr. J. ID. Mangum. I "Unlimited Electric Power," Mr. W. B. Bourne "Our Freight FfUilllties," Mr. Geo. C. Duncan. "From Mud and Mules to Mil lions." Mrs. Elizabeth Noell Master . These manuscripts should run anywhere from 300 to 1000 words and tt is the wish of the Courier that all parties named above notify Editor Noell of their acceptance of the request to co-operate thus to put Roxboro .before the nation.. We would like to have these manuscripts within 15 days. o NOT JUST ENOUGH !1 [ TO G E T BY WITH ? "The farm hand that does only as i much as he must do and no more ] Is not a profitable man," 1( the | way It Is expressed In the adver-11 tlsement of ACREES TOBACCO Fertilizer. The same thing, this ad vertisement says, applies to fer_ tlllzer. Look up the advertisement and read it. for it ts Interesting and may be of profit to you. These fertilizers are sold by Messrs. W T. Pass. W. R. Jones and F. J. Hester at the Hyco Warehouse ro Tell ?ro Offerings SOMETIMES here and there a merchant gets discouraged on account of poor business and thinks per haps something is wrong with the goods he wants to selL Many times the faul is his own because he does not advertise his wares so people may know what he has to selL These merchants must