The Family News paper, with some thing for every member of the family. 3i?oxbaro (? turner ESTABLISHED 1881. PERSON COUNTY'S OLDEST AND BEST NEWSPAPER. UNDER SAME MANAGEMENT AND OWNERSHIP FOR 50 YEARS. J. W. NOELL, EDITOR AND PUBLISHER. HOME FIRST, ABROAD NEXT ? #> $1.50 PER YEAR IN ADVANCE. V0L L1 ROXBORO, NORTH CAROLINA, WEDNESDAY EVENING, JULY 18, 1934. ' NO. 29. CARY ADAMS IS NAMED HEAD OF 1 P.],MY BOARD Wilmington Pastor Elected President Of Presbyterian College At Maston Maxtor, nT C.. July M.-One of Ore South* P?? -J* of presbvterian Junior College Merf^ocated here, according to ? announcement made pubLc th j week by Mr. E. Hervey Evans, chair man of the board of trustees. Mr Adams is expected to assume "his new duties next week. He isnow grinding up matters in connection Kith his pastorate at the Immanuel *Church of Wilmington. Known as one of the most successful directors cf young peoples work in the South, the trsutees of P. J- C. are highly I elated over securing him as sue- j 'cessor to Mr. R. Gordort Mathesomj Jr., who resigned at the end of present school year. The new president is a native Roanoke. Va.. where he received | hir preparatory education in the city schools. He entered Hampden- j Sidney College. At the completion of his sophomore year he went o, work for the Shehan Construction; Co. with whom he remained until 1918 when he enlisted in the Med - car Corps of the Army for over seas duty. He saw service in th. actions at Chateau-Thierry and In .the Argonne Forest, and was later with the Army of Occupation. While in France he studied at the Univer sitv of Grenoble. Upon his discharge he re-entered Hampden-Sidney from which he received his bachelor of arts degree with the class of 1921. While there he was a member of the varsity football team for three years and was captain his Junior year. During his senior year he acted ak ass.Stant pastor of the First Presbyterian! church of Roanoke. After a year as principal of the high ^ool .?t Heathville. Va.. he fntered Urnonj Theological Seminary where he re ceived his bachelor of divinity de-, gree In 1925. \ His first pastorate was the Rox bc-o N. C.. Presbyterian church, which he served from 1925 untl 1930. He was called to the Imm"\ uel Church at Wilmington in that year - During the past ^ven years he has served as teacher at the Massanetta. Va., young peoples con ferences. For eight years he has done similar work at Davidson Col lege conferences. For three yearn he was director of the conferences in Granvtt* Presbytery and has as sisted in the direction of xonfer ences in Wilmington for three yeara He has also done summer work with young people at Winchester. V .. and wi Western Canada. All Unemployed Must Re-Register Mr. Harry C Evans, district representative of the National Reemployment Service will be in Roxboro at the Court House on Monday, July 23rd, from 9 A. M. to 1 P. M to re-register, re new, or make new applications of all Unemployed in Person County. Those seeking .employ ment will be interviewed on this date, and thereatfer* -the First Monday of each month unless otherwise notified through the local news agencies. SEMORA HOME DESTROYED BY FIRE THURSDAY The residence of Mrs. Le]ia Jones at Semora was completely destroyed by a fire of undetermined origin late Thursday afternoon. Mrs. Jones was in the house alone at the-time Of the fire. She was asleep, and when she awakened the house was enveloped in flames. Mrs. Jones call ed for help, and some folks who were nearby came to help her rescue the household belongings from the flam ing house. The radio was saved and the piano was brought halfway out, but it was impossible for it to be salvaged on account of the heat. Mrs. Jones' loss yas partly coveted by insurance. 5-MONTHS-OLD CHILD PASSES The five-months-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Carver of East Roxboro died Tuesday, July 10. The cause of death was given as stomach trouble. She had been sick for sev eral weeks prior to her passing. Funeral services , for the child were held from the home of her parents, Wednesday, July 11 at 3 P. M. Elder Roy Monk of Roxboro was the officiating minister. Pall bearers were: Messrs. Floyd Carver, Fred Carver, Otha Carver and Elmer Morris. Floral-bearers were: Misses Ruby and Lottie Carver, Dorothy Pergerson, Thelma Cozart, Rosa Morris, Edna Tuck, Florence Hamlet. Louise and Elizabeth Owens and Margaret Green. After the funeral service the child was buried in Burchwood Cemetery. _ ..o BEING REPAINTED The Palace Theatre is receiving a new coat of paint on its woodwork this week. Prom all indications it will be even more attractive than before. The proprietors are also having the building redecorated on the inside. This includes some beau tifying of the stage effects and draperies of red plush on the side walls. All Dogs Off Premises Ordered To Be Muzzled Peace Officers Of County Au thorized To Kill All Dogs I Running At Large BEGINNING ON JULY 23 The following regulation was pass ed by the County Board of Health! in special session July 16th, 1934, relative to dogs 'running at large in Person County, as a public health regulation. 1. That all dogs off the premises of the owner are required to" be' muzzled or under leash accompanied by the owner or his agent. 2, That Peace Officers of Person County are authorized to Mil any dog found running at large without muzzle or leash as aforesaid. "3. That this regulation is eflec- ] tive beginning Monday. July 33. j 1934. and will continue in effect for! a period^ of four months from date. | The County Board of Health calls, attention to the public laws govern- j ipg dogs as follows: "If the owner of any dog shall' know, or have good reason to be-j Ueve. that his dog, or any dog be-' longing^ to any person under his qbglitol.'has been bitten by a mad. dog."'and shall neglect or refuse to immediately fcilL^be ,sameT~he shall forfait and pay the sum of $30 00 to him who will sue therefor; and the offender shall be liable 5? P?y a" damages which may be sustained by any one. in hW property or person, by the bite of any such dog. afid dial! be guilty of a ^iisdemeanor, and fined not more than "fifty dol - -i* - ? ' ;v \ CAMPING TRIP Messrs. Spencer Woody and Mar shall Spencer left here this morning for Lynchburg. Va. Prom there they planned to get a canoe and row up the James river to some favorable camping and fishing site and stay a few days. They said the length of their stay depended entirely on how well the fish bit and the mosquitoes didnt, but if the mosquitoes got to biting faster than the fish they were going in hunt civilization again MASONIC NOTICE Jrly 24th, .at 7:30 o'clock P M.. Person Lodge No. 113 A F & A. M. wil convene in a Regular Communi cation. Masonic matters of Importance will receive attention at thiji meet ing. All M. M. invited. Wm. W. Moriffl, Master. J. B Rlggsbee. Secretary. Undergoes Operation Miss Leo!a Long, who lives with her brother. Mr. H. O. Long, on Depot street, was operated on for appqrtdlcttls a t Wntts hospital Monday morning. The operation was successful and Miss LOng is doing as well as could be expected. lars or Imprisoned not more than thirty days."' Signed. Person county Board of Health. ALL SLOT MACHINES MUST GO Hie Judge of the County Court and the Prosecuting At torney have ordered me to see that all slot machines in Per son County are' discontinued. With the co-operation" of the merchants this can be done without any undue delay. So* aU slot machines must cease operation-by July 25, or one week froh today. Unless this is done, stronger methods wUl be used. M. .T. Clayton, Sheriff. ALABAMA TEXTILE MILLS CLOSE AS STRIKE BEGINS Labor Leaders Claim Mor< Than 20 Mills And 15,000 Workers Now Idle MINOR DISTURBANCE AT HUNTSVILLE MILL Huntsville-. Ala., July 17.?Rioting at one mill and threats of violent* at another today marked the be ginning of an announced state-wldf strike of textile mill workers, which found more than 20 mills idle anc an estimated 15,000 away fromtheii jobs a few-hetmrafter the dead-lint hgd been reached. r* Angry strikers swarmed about the Fletcher Cott&n Mill, last qi Huntsville's six plants to remain *r operation, and Brandished clubs anc sticks until the plant was closed. Police reserves and special depu ties who went, to the liftl] with a machine gun and rifles found a thrcngj in the yard of the plant, but the tension had been slackened bj the shutdown. Fear Violence. At Florence, where three mills are out, officials of the Gardiner Waring -knitting mill said theh plant wits closed, although only 75 of their 500 employes were on strike Fear of violence, which had beer threatened, was blamed for the shutdown. As the deadline of 10 a. m., ap proached. mill workers in scattered sections of the state walked out John Dean, international represen tative of the United Textile Work ers cf America and head of the str'.kt bureau established here, said th< strike "was progressing satisfac torily." Dean again asserted confident that 40 plants would be closed anc that 22.000 would be on strike be fore midnight. Mills are closed at Huntsville Florence. Anniston, Gadsden. Birm ingham. Jasper. Cordova. Gunters ville, Albertville and Piedmont. JEFFRESS TUCK BREAKS ARMS T. J. Tuck. 20-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Tuck of Roxboro, received two broken arms about 8:30 o'clock yesterday morning when he fell from a scaffold while at work at the Cunningham high school. His left arm was fractured at the wrist, while his right arm was broken a: the elbow. ~~ The youth was painting while seated on a scaffold about 18 feet from the ground when the accident occurred. He was,carried to Watts hospital for treatment. Attaches say his condition is favorable. A REAL TREAT We return thanks to our good friend. Mr. J. E. Bass of Lewis burk, W. Va., Tor some of the fin est ioe cream we have ever tasted Mr. Bass brought this cream from , his home where it was manufacture ed. and notwithstanding the long distance it was still hard and firm. Mt. Bass is visiting his sister. Mrs. H. 8. Morton, where he will spend several weeks taking a much needed rest. I'm a law-abiding cittsen, but 1f i anybody comes around looking for trouble I sort of helps htan divide IL* ?Jack Johnson, fatr^fts ix-pugilLs! . - . ?* PROMINENT PERSON COUNTY CITIZEN PASSES MONDAY Ed T. Gentry Died At Duke Hospital Monday Afternoon At 6:00 O'clock WAS USEFUL CITIZEN Mr. Ed T. Gentry, age 51, died at Duke hospital on Monday afternoon at 6 o'clock, death following an op eration for ruptured appendix. Mr. Gentry was a native of the County, having lived all of his life near his present home, near Aliens-' ville high school. He was a useful man, being intensely interested in his church and school work, and his neighbors speak in the highest terms of his noble life. He is survived by his wife, Mrs. Rosa Belle Gentry j and ten children, five sons and five daughters. His sons are: Thos. O., Bradsher, Fred, Ed Jr., all of Rox boro, and Roger Gentry of Laurin-: burg, N. C. .The daughters are: Mary, Ella. Edna, Katie and Huldah Gentry, all of Roxboro, R. 2; also 11 brothers and four sisters. Funeral services were conducted at Allensville church, of which he had been a member since early boy hood. yesterday afternoon at .four o'clock by Rev. R. E. Pittpian. his pastor, and Rev. S. F. Nicks of Cedar Grove, a former pastor. In terment was made in the Allens ville church cemetery. Active pall beares were: T. B. Davis, B. G Crumpton, Dr. B. A. Thaxton, David Brooks, Earl Brad sher, George Walker. ^ Honorary pall bearers: W. T. Pass. W. R. Jones, R. L. Harris, R H. Oakley. Dr. G. W. Gentry, G. L Allen. Geo. Fox. M. H. Hicks. S. P. Slaughter, Dr. G. C. Vickers, W. H. Gentry. W. T. Kirby, M. T. Clay-J ton, W. R. Woody. T. D. Winstead, S. G. Winstead, Rev. N. J. Todd. Rev. J. B. Currin, Landon Brad sher. S. A. West. John Ellington, R. B. Smith, W. D. Brandon. Floral bearers were: Cleo Rogers.' Cornelia Thompson, Mary Elizabetlj Gentry. Helen Slaughter, Julia Chandler. Enos Slaughter. Howard Slaughter. Daniel Slaughter, Carl ton Slaughter. Clyde Gentry. Thel ma Gentry, Mrs. Guthrie Gentry. Guthrie Gentry. Polly Gentry. Daisy Gentry. Mary O'Briant. Mr. and Mrs. Herman Gentry. Marjorie Crumpton. Billie Crumpton, Patty i Daniel, Polly Vickers. ESTEEMED LADY DIES SATURDAY Mrs. Fannie Yarborough Died Saturday Night In MePher son's Hospital Mrs. Fannie Yarborough. 76, died Saturday night at McPherson's Hos pital in Durham after a critical ill ness of only a few days. Mrs. Yar borough had been in feeble health for about two months but it was not deemed necessary to remove her to the hospital until a few days| before she died. She suffered from throat and heart trouble and other cc mplications, she leaves to mourn her loss two sons: Messrs. J. W. Yarborough and R. O. Yarborough of Roxboro; two daughters. Mrs. Joe Burton of Milton and Mrs. Leroy Jones of Roxboro. and one brother. Mr. B. W. Tlngen of Bunn Level. N. C. Funeral services were conducted from the graveside in the Dave Yar borough family cemetery Monday afternoon at 2:00. with; Elder Lex Chandler, her pastor, in charge. Fall-bearers were: Messrs. Samuel S. Burton. Joseph R. Burton. Jessie : W. Burton. Thomas D. Burton, and Andrew Yarborough. Floral- i bearers were: Frances Burton. Irene Jones. Gertrude Yarborough, Ruby Yarborough, Ada Gravitt, Nannie < Qravitt. Mebane Yarborough. Maude 1 Yarborough, Melba Yarborough. < Bedford Jones, Lawrence Jones, i John JOnes, Margaret Day. Bettte < Dap," Hattie Flora MOrris and Hu- 1 bflft Yarborough TONSIL CLINIC Dr. B. W. Fassett of Durham, | will conduct a tonsil clinic for ] adults and children at. the New , Hotel Jones on Friday. July 27. Hc'| will be there all day Friday. Any- , rt?n rinciriiw art onnninfmnnf ic i one desiring an appointment Is re- , quested to get in touch with Mr. E.' 3..Long, manager of the New Hotel Jones. ) TO BE FALL BRIDE NEW YORK . . . Miss Mary French (above), daughter of Mr and Mrs. John French of New York and Greenwich, is to be the Fall bride of Lauranee S. Rockefeller, grandson of John D. Rockefeller. MRS. WILLIAM G. MCADOO OBTAINS DIVORCE DECREE Daughter Of Woodrow Wilson Gets Separation Because Of Incompatability CLIMATE AT CAPITAL ALSO IN COMPLAINT Los Angeles, July 17.?Mrs. Elea nor Wilson McAdoo. daughter of thoj late President Wilson, obtained a divorce from William Gibbs Mc Adoo, Democratic Junior Senator from California; In Superior court here today. Within twenty minutes after she had filed a suit complaining of in compatability and of the climate at Washington, where her husband spends so much time, she was grant ed a decree and Joint custody of the coyple's two children. A prop erty settlement, which was not made public, was approved and then with drawn from the record by her law yer. Their children, daughters, are Eleanor. 19. and Faith. 14. Senator McAdoo. who will be 71 years of age October 31. did not ccme to the courtroom. T?hrough his lawyers, he merely filed a formal general denial of the charges of "mental cruelty." The entire testi- 1 moriy required only slightly more than five minutes. It was reported unofficially that Mrs. McAdoo. whose complaint said she and the Senator had been sep arated since last December, will re ceive *6.000 a year and certain real property from him. Divergent Interests. Mrs. McAdoo. who is 43 years of age. told of being made unhappy by divergent interests of herself and husband. She said he was mainly i interested in politics and insisted on remaining in Washington, where sh could not stay because of the effect of the climate on her health. She said her main Interests were in ar tistic pursuits, such as painting and sculpture. YOUNG JALONG MAN SUCCUMBS Henry Berkely Moorfefleld, aged 17, died at Watts Hospital Wednes day night about 9:30. He bad been ill for about two weeks with a com plication of diseases, and had been removed to the hospital Just a few days prior to his death. He is survived by his mother. Mrs. Fan nie Moore field, three sisters, Mrs. Neta Solomon, Mrs. Ora Hughes, Miss Ella Moore field, one brother. Elred Moorefleld. one half-sister, Mrs. Mary Morefield. and two half-j brothers. Johnnie and Jesse Lloyd, all of Jaking. N. C. Funeral services were conducted from the Longhurst Methodist Church Thursday at 4 P. M., with Rev. Burns of Duke University in charge. After the funeral services the fuenral party moyed to Provt- i lence Church cemetery where the < body was Interred. 'i MOVED Mr. and Mrs. D. T. Chandler have moved to Durham where they will be located from now on. Mr. Chand-! ler 1* going into business over I there. For the past several years i they have made their home here, 1 and have made many friends who i ?rill hear of their going with regret, j Or* In making pip cushions, try us- ] ng flour. Union Labor Takes First Step Toward Settlement ~ Of San Francisco Strike PALACE THEATRE ? THURSDAY, JULY 19TH World's Heavyweight Cham pionship Fight Baer vs. Camera (A complete ringside account of the greatest fight of the Century). Morning matinee 10:30 Afternoon 3:15-3:45 Evening 7:30-9:15 Admissions 10-25c S. S. CLASS STEW The Sunday school class taught by Mr. R. L. Harlrs and Rev. J. F. Her bert of the Long Memorial Church held a stew on the farm belonging to M. A. Stewart on Route 144 yes terday afternoon. About one hun dred and fifteen members and In vited guests were present. The stew and other things to eat and drink were declared to be of the best and were enjoyed by all pres ent. The occasion was the climax of a membership campaign, where- | in the losing side of the class had to entertain the ? winning side, but the final score was so close that it i was called a tie. and the entertain- , ment was furnished jointly. j o A CORRECTION In our last issue we published an . article from Charity and Children J complimenting a quartette from i here for the splendid singing at the Thomasville. N. C.. Baptist church. Just how our. proof reader could make a quartette out of three we can | not understand, but such was the way it was reported. Mr. J. Howard < Young, decidedly one of the best leaders and instructors in church I singing, and who is responsible for < the splendid work done by this < quartette, was left out of the no- j tioe. We regret this omission and j assure Mr. Young that it was sim- i ply one of those' errors which will 1 slip in occasionally. i ELECTION BOARD REFUSES RECOUNT i i At a hearing before the County, Election Board, composed of Mr. R. , B. Dawes, chairman, and Messrs. , Henry-O'Briant and O. Y. Clayton, , petitioning for a recount of the bal- , lots cast for Clerk of the Superior! Court, the petition was declined. An ? appeal was taken to the State j Election .Board, where the matter i rests for the present. General Strike Committee Votes to Advise Arbitration Of All Disputes Involved in Great Walkout APPARENT BREAK IN STRIKE FRONT COMES AT STORMY MEETING San Francisco, July 17.?Union la bor tonight took definite steps to end the great San Francisco gen eral strike. The strike executive committee of 25, "brains" of the greatest tie up in West Coast history, submit ted a recommendation to both sides in the maritime dispute providing for immediate arbitration. The general strike committee, after a wild and stormy session."?^ dorsed and accepted ?he recommen dation. The vote was 207 to 180. Text of Resolution. The resolution read: "Resolved, that all waterfront employers and recognized organiza tions of employes be requested im mediately to submit to arbitration all "questions, involved in the dispute between them which 40r months have remained unsolved to the President's longshoremen's board, and that their decision shall be accepted by all parties. "That the governors of the states of Washington, Oregon and Cali fornia, and the mayors of the cities of San Francisco and Berkeley, Los Angles. Portland, Tocamo and Se attle and other affected ports be asked immediately to appeal to the President of the United States to act in this emergency to the follow ing end; "That this proposal is entirely contingent upon acceptance by the employers of each group of the em ployes involved in the dispute. Signed, Edward Vandeleur, president, George Kidwell. secretary, the gen eral strike committee." Needs Endorsement. While the resolution did not so state, committeemen said it would have to bfe endorsed by the mari time unions involved before it could become effective. It seemed certain that Harry Bridges, leader of the striking longshoremen, would urge his men at least to reject the proposal. The action represented the at tempt of the leaders of the labor council to end the general strike through the same procedure by svhich it was called. , Last week the majority of San Francisco's labor unions voted to follow the recommendations of the (Continued on page four) TOBACCO ACREAGE TO BE MEASURED SOON CURE FOR RABIES Pineville, Ky? July 12.?Apparent recovery of Ralph King. 7, from a virulent case of rabies has led Dr. Pierce Martin and Dr. John 8. Parrott, his attending physicians, to believe they have discovered a cure i for the malady. !l Tire boy has had as many as 60 , i convulsions a day but the case lsji now In its forty-fifth day and Ralph, < hasn't had a convulsion in two I days. I discuss the nature of the treatment, l it is believed to be in the form of e intravenous injections of a germi-fs cide. Dr. Martin said he would t make a full report for the benefit of t the medical profession upon Ralph's 1 complete recovery. !r f BREAKS LEG < Maude Ann, little daughter of Mr. |r and Mrs. Hubert OBriant, who liver an Leasburg St.. fell from a porch ! swing Tuesday breaking her leg. ii She is being treated, at home and e is doing as well as may be expected. I b Returns from Hospital Mr. Pat H. Clay, who was carried to Duke hospital for treatment tbout ten days ago. has returned lome. His condition is about the tame as before entering the hospital. |? Mian Eugenia Bradsker, of & Durkann-is visiting Mrs. F. J. h ilester. 1 . Acres In Tobacco And Rented Acres Both To Be Measured By H. K. SANDERS Each farm in Person County that s under a tobacco contract with :he Secretary of Agriculture will be rtsited Just as soon as possible by i Supervisor who will assist the rwner in measuring the acres in to ?cco and the rented acres. The department of Agriculture Is send ng to each tobacco county steel wire ines to be used in measuring these teres accurately. Each contract igner has estimated these acres as ?est he could by counting hills of to ?acco, or by stepping off the land, tow he can take advantage of this nethod of accurate measurement of ered by the government. This is lone in order that each landowner nay certify to the Secretary of Ag lQilture that he has fulfilled his ?art of the contract. The government has carried out Is agreement to see that the farm rs should get better prices for to acco, and has. sent rental payments o each contract signer . for each ractlon of an acre of rented land, low the landowners will certify that hey are doing their part.' Only one supervisor goes to each arm. The landowner or his repre sntatlve? will go-with the supervisor nd furnish any assistance neces ary in measuring the fields. There hould be at least two people to elp^the supervisor. The supervisor (Continued on page four)

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