? .ii )i -.JJijUif! - Sell Your TOBACCO In Roxboro, "No Belter Market In The State" ESTABLISHED 1ML PEBSON COUNTY'S OLDEST AND BE ST NEWSPAPER. UNDER SAME MANAGEMENT AND OWNERSHIP FOR 50 YEARS. > V Sell Person County TOBACCO In Person County And We All WO! Be Benefitted J. W. NOELL, EDITOR AND PUBLISHER. HOME FIRST, ABROAD NEXT S1.50 per year in advance. ?r VOL. LI. ROXBOR0, NORTH CAROLINA, WEDNESDAY EVENING, SEPTEMBER 12, 1934. - NO. 37. SERIOUS ACCIDENT ON ( Two Carp Collide Resulting In Serious Injury To Several People There was a serious wreck out on the Durham-Roxboro highway this afternoon at 1:30. Two cars, one driven by Mr: Pope Of Coats, a lum ber man, occupied by himself and two boys and one girl, the other car contained three la dies, Mrs. Johnson, mother of Mrs, W. G. Bradsher, and two jother ladies who had been visiting in the home of Mrs. ] W. G. Bradsher. The fortner j car was headed towards Rax-j boro and the latter towards [ Durham. Several of those in the two: cars were seriously injured, not expected to live; two am- j bulances were summoned im-j mediately and the patients taken to Durham. Further i particulars could not be got ten before going to press. OFF TO COLLEGE At least sixteen students of the Bethel Hill school have left or soon will leave for the various colleges. Others are making plans and may get off before all the colleges open. The names of the students and schools to enroll them are listed: Evelyn Crutchfleld, Meredith Col lege; Madeline Hall. Meredith; Ellen .Sue Oravitte, Meredith; Emma Dean Rogers. Flora McDonald; Mary Elizabeth Merrltt, Flora McDonald; Elma Joyner, East Carolina Teach er's; Ophelia Mbntague,-E. C. T. C.; Evelyn Mitchell. Woman's College D. N. C.; Frances Featherstone, W. C. of D. N. C-: Helen Hall, Queens Chicora; William Smith Humph ries, Wake Forest; John Day Joy ner. Wake Forest; Jack Crutch field. Wake Forest; John Hamlet Merrltt. U. N. C.; James Day, Elon College; Robert PuUy, Industrial Institute of S. C. BERNARD TERRY BURIED HERE Mr. Bernard Terry, 52, who died at his home in Maysrille, S. C., Thursday morning following a para lytic stroke suffered late Wednes day afternoon, was burled in Burch wood Cemetery Saturday morning at 8:3Und RUiity 01 both slxt^f WBS ^ntenced to serve the seeonrf 0n ?f ^ ""into. he second sentence to start at the conclusion of the first, in otw jwds he wUl serve one hundred and twenty davs for shoplifting of^'? !*** ?f fl0ur *nd ten pounds t?k? to h8vl' b"" ttavL, ^ firm of Sergeant & yton on the same night, but w n<>t ** identified as who walked out with the ^r. Jones Goes With Chevrolet Firm h.*frt8 Arch Jones' ?ne of the Uds automobile salesmen In tZ w^'ik" fOTmPd ? connec n with the Joyner Chevrolet M?Sny' ft cordla,ly invites his see h? p ubUc ?#aerally to a ? e buylng any kind of wTot thWhrn ^u ride in th?f new knee-actions you wlt,^nytwng STA-KLEEiNf STORE One of the oldest, yes, ^ one toblUh^" P?PUlar morc?ntile es ?r^TlU'n !"* Clty L< Messrs. Sto^i. ? , ayt?n- 8*?-Kleen ny ?dver In these columns each Mid believe us they Hve^f that motto rn 7eep^ th? motto and their past^C tK ctaT^tn^ rmP'Pt<,d a thorough sr?,?:?r? *???? ROXBORG COCA-COLA BOTTLING PLANT % There May Be Larger Bottling Plants But None More Sanitary PLANT JUST OVER HAULED AND PAINTED Yesterday .we had the pleasure of looking over the plant of the Rox boro Coca-Cola Bottling .Works, and It was Indeed a revelation, for we had no idea It was possible to do - some of the things the new machin ery is doing. For Instance after the operator places the bottles In the bin for washing and cleansing no hand touches that bottle again un til it comes out at the other end of the machine thoroughly washed, tilled and capped. We can not conceive how It would be possible for anything to be more sanitary than the bottling of this popular drink by this company. The machines turn out 24 bottles a minute, 60 cases an hour, and before the bottles are placed on the racks for delivery each bottle is in spected by the operator to see that no forign substance has slipped through; the bottles are placed over an electric light, and all carefully and closely examined, and it could hardly be possible for any foreign substance to have found its way In to one of the bottles. As said at the outset, there may be larger plants, but there are no more sanitary or cleaner plants anywhere. Mr. Mc Broom, the owner, has just over hauled the entire establishment and everything is bright with a fresh coat of paint. Like a certain auto mobile, when better coca-cola Is possible, McBroom will make it. GRADS LEAVING FOR COLLEGES The following named graduates of Roxboro are entering college or unl iversity this month: Davidson College?Billy Harris. East Carolina Teachers' College Frances Chandler, Margie Stanfield C33), Louise Warren C33). Elon College?James Abbltt, Rob ert Hester, James Brooks, Joseph IpolBter. Greensboro College for Women? Cornelia Satterfleld C33). Loulsburg College?Cleo Fox, Mar garet Perkins, Ernestine Wilkerson C33). Mars Hill College?Annie Long Bradsher, Reade Gentry. * Meredith College?Emily Brad sher, Jean Morton. Peace Junior College ? Isadore I Long, Montine Warmack. University of North Carolinay-Ed win Hamlin (33), Billy Miller. Woman's College of U. N. C.? Helen Pointer. Helen Thompson will enter Gar field Memorial Hospital Nursing School, Washington, D. C. Bickford Long will attend Wood berry Forest. Margaret Hannah Crltcher will complete her senior year's work at Salem Academy in Winston-Salem o MRS. FRED DAY DIES IN WINSTON Word was received here yester day afternoon that Mrs. Fred Day, Sr., died In Winston-Salem early - Tuesday morning. Both Mr. and Mrs. Day arc widely known through out North Carolina, Mr. Day being a Jeweler In Winston and also prom inently connected with Campbell College at Butes Creek. Funeral ser vices will be conducted this after noon at 3:30 .in Winston-8alem. ii?o Teachers Arriving Most of the* teachers who will teach in the Roxboro schools and who live out of town, had arrived today. Following Is a partial list: Miss Marie Garland. L T. HefTner, Frank B Nlms, L. J. Davis, Miss Grace Evelyn Buchanan, Mlss,Inda Collins, Miss MolBe Lewis Whitted. Miss Carrie Sue Vernon and* |*lse Texys Morris. REVIVAL FOR LONG MEMORIAL - ' On Sunday. October 7th. the an nual revival meeting will begin at Long Memorial Methodist Church. Rev. F. S. Love presiding elder 9f the Raleigh district, N. C. con rerence. will preach for this meet ing, which will continue for about ten days.