MANY TAKING STANDARD FIRST AID COURSE During this week the North Caro lina Industrial Commission through the cooperation ' of the Roxboro Chapter of The American Red Cross Is offering the Standard First Aid and Safety Course to the local in dustries. classes are being held from 8:30 to 11:30 A. M, and 3:30 to 6:30 P. M. In the farmer's room at the courthouse and the community hall. _ Fli^t aid does not take the place of a'doctor; but In .some instances a trained first aider may save a life " Wore the arrival of a physician or the patient can come under his care. What NOT TO DO as well as what TO txj is stressed.. Special em-' phasis Is put on the following: (1) The control of arterial bleeding; (2) Artificial respiration; (3) Care of shock; (4) Proper transportation of an injured or wounded victim; (5) Care and treatment of minor wounds, scratches, and abrasions. The following Industries and re presentatives are taking advantage of the course: Roxboro Mills, Long hurst Plant: J. S. Beaver, B. T. Bumgardner, A. J. Chester, O. L. Rhew, W. W. . Morrell; Roxboro Mills: Henry Carver, E W. Corin, J. H. Cozart, J. B. Dunn, W. E. Oakley, Dewey Shelton, P. M. White, R. R. Yarboro;' Roxboro Broom Works: Miss Ruth Harris; John Watts Sons Co.: Miss Emma' Whitfield, Miss Virginia Whitfield, R. C. Lee, Jr., Roy Oakley; Wil liam McKeitham Lumber Com- J pany: H. E. Ritchie, R. F. Huddles- 1 ton; Collins & Aikman: Henry E. | O'Briant, Hal Allen. <&foctduNot&. HONORED WITH PARTY ON FIFTH BIRTHDAY I Mrs. Collin Abbitt was hostess at a birthday party for her little daughter, Jacqueline Abbitt, on Fri day afternoon at 4:00 o'clock. Hie little guests enjoyed games on the lawn under the direction of Mrs. Abbitt, after which they entered the dining room for refreshments., Hie table was decorated with a large white birthday cake with five lighted candles. After the candles j were blown out, ice cream and lit tle fancy cakes were served to the following: Babby Ann and Arline Hall, Marion Winstead, Nancy Lee Timberlake, Eloise 0"Briant, Janle Murphy, Jane and Jessie Winstead, Annie Mae and John McWhorter, Mack Abbitt. Mary Lee Wade, and Jacqueline Abbitt, honoree. HAPPY BIRTHDAY PARTY On Sunday, Sept. 9, Mrs. Will Carver was made happy when her sons and daughters gathered at her home near Hurdle Mills and gave her a big dinner. The table was put out under the trees in the cool shade. Everybody just walked around the table and laughed and talked as they helped themselves to what they liked best. Meats and sandwiches were the main courses served. Egg and potato custards and cake were served for dessert. Fifty-four were present. The children: Arthur and Ella Carver, of Woodsdale, and their nine chil dren; Walter Long, of Stony Moun tain, Va., and six children; Tom Irby aii ALL KNOW: "Camalt arc made from finer, Mora -Turkish and Do mestic ? than any other papular brand.'' iri: Copyrtfht, IBM. B. J. BwUl Tobacco Companj Men and women in every walk of life report that smoking a Camel offers an immediate and enjoyable way to defeat fatigue and irritability. It is an important fact to all that Camels do "turn on" one's natural energy. You have doubtless ob served this in others. yourself, if you are a Camel smoker. It is a wholesome and natural "energizing effect," fully confirmed by scientific research. You'll alio find in Camels: mildness...delicacy of flavor... costlier tobaccos! Smoke as many as you ^ want'. Camels never get on your nerves. Camel's Costlier Tobaccos never get on your Nerves! SPORTS MAM. Rex Beach says: "When I light a Camel, I (eel as good as new. A Camel quickly gives me a sense well being and renewed energy. As a steady smoker l1 learned that Camels don't interfere with my nerves.' eel m ? RIDGE IIPIIT. Shepard Barclay says; "I can smoke Camels steadily without jangled nerves." FlTia. Roscoe Turner says: "I watch my oerres as care fully as I do my plane. That's why I smoke Camels." STAR MTCHIR. Gil)' Bush, pitching ace of the Chicago Cubs, says: "When 1 come out of a game after nine hard innings, there's nothing that lifts up my energy the way a Camel does. I feel freshened up in no time at all." Off SUA 01VI*. Frank Crilley says: "I smoke Camels and have smoked them for years. Camels taste bet ter and never upset my nerves." OLYMPIC CHAMPION DIVtlt. Milt Georgia Coleman: "When I'm tired and need a 'lift' I smoke a Camel. 'Soon I feel like my real *elf again." imtm goifib Miss Helen Hicks, U. S. Champion: "I can always quickly restore my energy, with a Camel ?you do get a "lift" with a Camel." MOD DIMON. "After a championship speed-boat race," say* Bill Horn, Gold Cup winner, ?I Tbreak out* my pack of Camels quickly, and in no time at all I get a 'lilt' '? energy. It's a (well feeling, any time when tired or low.