Sell Person County TOBACCO In Person County And We AO Will Be Benefitted Wc\t lioxboro Courier ESTABLISHED 1881. PERSON COUNTfS OLDEST AND BEST NEWSPAPER. UNDER SAME MANAGEMENT AND OWNERSHIP FOR 50 YEARS. Sell Your TOBACCO IivRoxboro "No Better Market In TUe State" J. W-. NOELL, EDITOR AND PUBLISHER. _ HOME FIRST, ABROAD NEXT ~ ? $1.50 PER YEAR IN ADVANCE. VOL. LI. ROXBORO, NORTH CAROLINA, WEDNESDAY EVENING, OCTOBER 10, 1934. NO. 41. NEW JERSEY ASKS FOR RIGHT TO TRY GERMAN PRISONER Formal Extradiction Request For Custody of Hauptmann Taken to Gov. Lehman BRONX PROSECUTOR AGREES TO REMOVAL New York, Oct. i9,?Extradiction of Bruno Hauptman nto stand trial for the kidnap-killing of Charles A. Lindbergh, Jr., was asked today by the State of New Jersey. Governor A. Harry Moore, just before signing at Trenton the re ^[uest for the alien ex-convict's Hfeansfer from New York across the ^Pudson, announced his State has a new witness, identity withheld, who scene of the .crime^-the Lindbergh Hopewell home?the night the flier's first-born son was stolen from his crib, March 1, 1932. Notified by Moore over telephone of the extradiction request, Gover Herbert H. Lehman interrupted a luncheon rally for his reelection long enough to remark: "I will act' on the request as quickly as possigle." Speedy Extradiction. Speed was the theme on every hand. The extradiction request came less than 24.hours after Hauptmann was indicted for the baby murder at Flemington ? the Jersey country town where the trial wii be held. After receiving the papers tonight, Lehman planned to return to Al bany and determine early tomorrow if a hearing would be held. James M. Pawcett, defense coun sel, would not comment on the ex tradiction request, but previously he had said he would fight any such attempt. District Attorney Samuel Foley of the Bronx, met Governor Leh man at the luncheon and discussed the extradiction. ? Foley went at once to Trenton, confererd With Governor Moore and Wilentz, was present when the ex tradiction papers were signed and returned to New York with the at torney general. J BEST SALE SO FAR REPORTED ON ANY MARKET Mr. E. L I-on* Sold A Load At The Pioneer For $61.00 Average Averages of $50.00 on the Roxboro market are of so frequent occur rences that It is hardly news any more, but when a farmer sells a barn at an average of $61.00 for the entire curing, well that Is news, and that is what Mr. E. L. Long of the Hurdle Mills community did at the Pioneer last Thursday. This Is the best average we have seen re ported on any market and Mr. Long, course, was highly pleased with ^?e Roxboro market. Good, common ^hr indifferent, there is no better market than Roxboro. and the farmers of this good County are awake to the fact. SUPERIOR COURT HERE NEXT WEEK Person County Superior Court will convene here next Monday morning. October 15, with Judge E. H. Cranmer of South port, presiding. This will be a one week term, the criminal docket being tried the first of the week, and the civil docket taking up the remainder of the time. ENTERTAINS Dr. J. H. Hughes entertained a few of his friends Friday night at a fouf course dinner. It was a stag party, and after enjoying the-ex cellent dinner contract -was played for several hours. o CALLED AWAY Mr. Baxter Mangum was called to the bedside of his father. Mr. Maynard Mangum, In Wendell, N. O., on account of a slight stroke of paralysis suffered by him. At this writing he Is resting easily., ? Brooksdale Circuit , The fourth quarterly conference for Brooksdale circuit will be held at Allensvllle Sunday, Oct. 31st, at 3 o'cloek, p. m. Please keep this In mind and be sure to attend. R. E. Pittman, P. C. o t Steel production at Brdken Hill, Australia, Is breaking all records. BIG TWO OF NEW NRA CHIEFTAINS WASHINGTON . . . -The appointment of these two men by Presi dent Roosevelt in the hnnrdoffiye which make up the New National Industry Recovery Board, is being acclaimed with" great"favor They art: (left), Sidney Hillman, President of the Amalgamated Clothing Workers, and (right), S. Clay Williams, former president of the Rey nolds Tobacco Co. Both rate high in intelligent and progressive busi ness ranks. The board will take over Gen. Johnson's administrative duties, October 15. MISS BARNETTE BREAKS ANKLE Miss Maude Barnette had the misfortune last Thursday while shopping in Miller & Rhoads' stroe In Richmond, Va? to fall and break her ankle. The fracture, while pain ful, Is not thought to be serious. She Is confined to the home of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Woody with her leg in a cast. I HEARING GOSPEL Dr. F. S. Love Preaching Twice Daily At Ix>ng j Memorial Church Dr. P. S. Love of Raleigh Is preaching^ twice dally to ever grow ing congregations at the Methodist Church here. He Is bringing a sound , practical gospel to his hearers, a message taken directly from the Scriptures and apphed to the In dividual and to the churches of Ood. On Tuesday night he com pared the church at Antioch to the modern church, and In the course of his sermon brought out many interesting things that he had ob served In his duties as Presiding Elder of the_ Raleigh District of the North Carolina Conference. His studies with the congregation ate simple, to the point, and couched in such language that the smallest child, or the most Illiterate of his hearers can understand what he is driving at. Rev.. J. P. Herbert, the pastor, is leading the song service, which Is an enjoyable feature of each ser i vice. The choir Is composed of the members of the Long Memorial choir, assisted by members of the choirs of the other churohes here. The hours of service are 10 a. m. and 7:30 p. m dally. , I ,i. .o Attends Woman's Club Meeting of N. C. Mrs B. B Mangum left Tuesday for Salisbury, to attend a meeting of'the Executive Committee of the Womans' Clubs of North Carolina.! Mrs, Mangum Is president of the Womana' Clubs In this district of ; Notrh C^rphna and is very active I in the wbrl of the club. ^ jj Prominent Caswell County Resident Dies After Being Struck By Automobile FUNERAL AT HOME THURSDAY AT 2:30 P. M. Leasburg, Oct. 9.?Samuel P. Newman, one of Caswell county's oldest and best known citizens died at Memorial hospital, Danville, Va? this morning at t o'clock from a fractured skull which he deceived when he jumped ihto the path of an automobile in front of his hojpe here. Twenty minutes after he was ad mitted to .the hospital, Mr. Newman, who was nearing his 74th birthday, succumbed to a bad fracture of the skull. J. E. McFarland, who operates a filling station near the Newman home and who was an eye-witness to the accident drove the injured man to Yanceyvllle in the same car that struck him and there he was transferred to an ambulance and rushed to the hospital. Guy Tripp, a prominent resident of Washington. N. C., was driving the car that struck Mr. Newman. He stopped and assisted in every way possible, but said that he was too nervous to operate the car further, and Mr. McFarland offered to assist. Got Out of Truck. According to ar. eye-witness view of the accident, Mr. Newman and a Negro boy, Walter Elliott, about 16 years of age, left the store which the former operates in Leasburg in a truck loaded with gravel. The boy was driving the truck and stopped in fntet of the Newman home about 100 yards from the store and was headed towards Yanceyvllle. Mr. Newman got out of the truck and picked up a rock with which to scotch the wheel of the truck. He walked in front of the truck start ing for the driveway on the oppo site side of the road when fJDt. Tripp, headed towards Yanceyville, sounded his horn. This seemed to confuse the aged man and he walk ed directly into the right fender of the automobile and was knocked to the tar and gravel pavement.. Mr. Trip, who Is about 60 years old. was cited to appear in Yancey ville this afternoon for preliminary hearing regarding the accident. Mr. Newman was one of Oaswell county's nlost prominent ditlzens. He was born about two miles from Leasburg and for 18 years was con-, nected with the tobacco market in Danville. He has been a merchant in Leasburg for the' past 19 years and was a consistent member of the Methodist church here. His widow, Mrs. Elizabeth New man, was Miss Elizabeth Chandler of Leasburg before her Pnarria^. In addition to his widow, the de ceased leaves: one son, W. J. New man; three daughters. Miss Sallie B. Newman, of .Jackson. Miss., who is supervisor of schools there; Mrs. John B. Qunn. of Yanceyville; and Mrs. John A. Pulliam, of Louisville, Ky.; one brother, C. B. Newman, of Danville, and one sister, Mrs. W. J. Pulliam, of Leasburg Miss Alma Zimmerman, who is a patient in Watts Hospital, is do'ng nicely. Alma "had her appendix and a pin removed. Samuel P. Newman. Fatally njured Wken Struck By Car BOLD THEIVES SACK KIWANIS CLUB A. S. HASSAN'S STORE ELECTS OFFICERS Theft Discovered On Mrihday Morning At Opening Time; Loss About $400 On Monday morning when Mr. A, 8. Hassan's store on Depot Street was opened for business, the glass In the front1 door was shattered. Sens ing that something was amiss an investigation was started and it was soon learned that during the night someone or a party of people had broken into the store and made off with a quantity of goods consisting mostly of wearing apparel. Mr. Hassan estimated his loss at around $400, although a quantity of goods was found at the back door, which, apparently, it had been the Inten tion of the theieves to take, but something either scared them off be fore it was taken out or they couldn't carry it. At any rate It Hassan. No clues as to the iden tity of the theieves have been un covered. ? ROXBORO-SOUTH BOSTON BATTLE TO A 0 TO 0 TIE The Roxboro High Football Team met the South Boston High aggre gation on the local field Monday and they battled to a 0-0 tie. Hie local team, composed mostly of in experienced players, had suffered defeat at the hands of Reidsville by the overwhelming majority of 41-0. the week before. The players showed marked improvement to hold the South Boston boys to a scoreless tie, since it was the first time that South Boston had failed to come out on the long end of the score in several years of playing with Roxboro. Coach Heffner and his boys will, no doubt, give the fans something worthwhile this year, Following is the remaining schedule*as completed to date: Oct. 19, Roxboro vs, Norlina, place pend ing: Oct. 26, Roxboro-Chapel Hill, ifihere; Nov. 2, Roxboro-HUlsboro, here; Nov. 9, Roxboro-Henderson, place pending; Nov. 16, open; Nor. 23, Roxboro-Bethel Hill, here. PREVENT LOSS BY FIRE ! This Is National Fire Prevention Week. No man would intentionally set Are to his own home, but many thoughtlessly leave Are hazards that will sooner or later cause the de struction of the whole. Carelessness Is Inherently human, but you can Insure against loss by Are. We carry all kinds of Are coverage. Invest now In life insurance, the best in vestment for money that you have over the needs of your current ex penses. We represent some of the largest and soundest Insurance com panies in the country. See us today about investment policies. THOMPSON INSURANCE AOY. E. G. Thompson W. G. James W. R. Jones Machine Wash Board We have a limited number of wash boards for sale. We guarantee this' friction reamer roller board to remove the dirt from the fabric in one-fourth to one-half of the time usually required on the laborous boards now in use. A board sub stantial in every detail and part. Saves clothes from that hard fab ric scrubbing. Saves time and la ?bor. We give full directions for the board when sold. These boards manufactured by Joseph P. Whit field and J. H. Rlmmer, at Hurdle Mills, N. a LOOK AT YOUR LABEL? We rejoice with our good farmers and friends at the price they are getting fof their tobacco, they deserve all and more. AnjJ while you are get ting such good prices we ask you to look at the label on your paper. The Courier, and if you' find ydu. ai^. behind please mil an(d flafcr. No better time than when you have the money.- \ ff you are not a subscriber, we will be glad ta place your name on our list. We think we ace publishing the best paper we have ever printed and you will enjoy reading it every week, dome in today and let us give you a receipt. Rev. J. Furman Herbert Chosen As President For Next Year The regular weekly meeting of. ' the Roxboro Kiwanis Club was held Monday night in the Womans' Club with the: ladles of the club serving a delightful steak supper to about thirty-five members and guests. In the absence of the pres ident, Baxter Mangum, the meeting was presided over by the vice-presi dent, J. S. Merritt. After the sup per was disposed of the meeting was turned over to Robert Burns, who was the chairman of the nominating committee, to present the names of the nominees for the officers Of the coming year. The chairman pre sented two names for every office except that of treasurer. For this office he offered*the name of -J. Brodi Riggsbee, who had recently been elected to fill the unexpired term of H. R .Simmons, who moved away from town somd time ago. The .rules were suspended ancT Brodie was elected by a unanimous vote. ..The list of officers elected is as follows: President, J. Furman Herbert: 'vice-president, B. B. Knight; treasurer, J. Brodie Riggs bee: The board of directors: Tj. M. Carlton, D. R. Taylor, C. A. Bowen, H. M. Beam, and O. T. Kirby. One guest was present for the meeting. This was Dr. Franklin'S. Love, who is conducting a series of services' at Long Memorial Church this week. Person U. N. C. Alumni Meeting' The annual meeting of the Per son County Chapter of the Alumni of the University of North Carolina will be held on Friday night, at 7:30 P. M., in the Womans' Club building in Roxboro. Dr. Francis F. Bradshaw, Dean of Students at the j University, will be the guest speak er of the evening. He will be ac r companied by Mr. Jack Poole of ' Raleigh, who is the president of the : Senior Class at the University, who is expected to make a short talk also. All interested alumni are urg ed to get in toueh with Mr. W. D. Merritt, president of the chapter, or members of tho program committee, which is composed of Messrs. Gene Thompson. Sam B. Wlnstead and F, O. Carv,er, Jr. OWNS HOME AND HAS 14 CHILDREN Any man who can own his own home and at the same time provide for 14 children is bound to be "a good farmer and manager; and that is what George Lee.-colored, of Se mora. has done* His neighbors say there are none better tljan George, as he attends to his own business and is an asset to the community. And George reads The Courier every week. IS IMPROVING We enjoyed a most pleasant call from our friend, Mrs. tfewton Ad cock of the Mt. Harmony section Saturday. Mrs. Adcock was accom panied by her little daughter, who has been suffering with Infantile paralysis, but we are glad to know she is very much improved and well on the way to complete recovery. ANOTHER GOOD SALE REPORTED Mr. J. L. Stanfield of Roxboro, R. 1, sold two curings here last Friday and averaged for both curings more than $51.00 'a hundred. Mr. Stan field is one of the best farmers in the county, and he knows where to 'sell tobacco. FISHING TRIP Messrs. Kenneth Oakley and p. R. Taylor spent the past week-end cruising and fishing in Pamlico Sound on a cabin cruiser belonging to Mr. Taylor's brother, Mr. W W. Taylor (ft Robersonville, N. C. They report good trout and croker fish ing. REGISTRATION BOOKS OPEN The county registration books will be open beginning with this Saturday, Oct. 13, and will remain open through Saturday, Oct. 271 On each Saturday in this time the reg istrars will be at the voting, places to register anyone desiring to do so. This is not a new registration. ROXBORO MARKET IS STRONGER EACH DAY AND PRICES GO HIGHER Son Of Hauptmann t?"i i f NEW YORK . . . Here is innocent little Manfred Hauptmann. 10 ?months old, whose father, Bruno Hauptmann, "is held in connection with the Lindbergh case. The only ' breakdown by Hauptmann occurred ? when his little son was brought to see him. CHARGE E. E. BRIDGES WITH SLAYING APPLE Arrest Follows Fatal Shooting Of Jim Apple On Highway Near Gibsonville E. E. Bridges, who said he is a sawmill operator, was lodged in county jail Sunday on a warrant charging him with the slaying of Jim Apple, of Glen Raven, who was fatally shot on the highway near Gibsonville Saturday night. Bridges was arrested by Deputy Sheriff C. C. Shepherd, of Gibson ville, who found the two men in a car near there. Apple vtes critically injured and was rushed to Rainey hospital, Burlington, by - Deputy Sherig Shepherd, but died before ar riving there, it was reported. Officers said that so far as they could learn, Bridges had picked Ap ple up and that the shooting fol lowed a drinking party during which ! an'' "argument developed. Bridges is alleged to have used a German Luger automatic in doing the shooting.' The deputy said he understood Bridges to be from the western part of this state, but was until his ar rest engaged in operating a sawmill east of Greensboro.?Greensboro News. (Mr. Bridges has made his home here for several years where he is engaged in the sawmill business.-Ed) llo MANY RARE AND L Mesdames Morgan And Barn well Have Beautiful Flower , Gardens One of the most prosperous, yea, and Intelligent communities to be found anywhere is that section in and around the Prospent Hill high school In Caswell county. It was our pleasure to visit this commun 1 ity recently and we were amazed ,at the wonderful progress made the past few years; many beautiful new bungalows line the road on Route 14, and we have never seen such a profusion of beautiful flowers. If you want to see something beyond description make a visit to Mrs. W. R. Morgan and also to Mrs. C. v. Barnwell, and if you have any love I fori the beautiful you will be more I than repaid for your trouble. Mr.s Morgan has about 100 of the most beautiful.dahlias we have ever seen; in fact, we did not think it could be equaled anywhere, but she told us be sure and sy the flower^ garden of her nelce. ,We drove over to the home of Mrs. C. V. Barnwell, and shd has in her garden 65 Varie ties?and she can name every one of them, which beggared descrip tion. We were glad we, were not called upcfc to gay whloh of these gardens would be entitled to rank as first. Any community which takes such an interest In flowers is Just natur : ally bound to be cultured and re fined. for the love of the beautiful is a sfgn which can not be disputed .????? ? More than 1,300,000 bags of wool are to be auctioned in Australia. Averagir For. Everything Gn The Floors Monday Was" Above $35.00 Mark SEASON'S AVERAGE TO DATE IS $30.14 Notwithstanding the heavy break here Monday the market averaged above $35.00 for everything on all of the floors, and the farmers were jubilant over their sales. The total sales Monday were over 150,000 pounds and. as stated above, passed the $35.00 ljigh average. Take the market as a whole and the average for the season has been $30.14?and we have seen no market which has done better for the sea son's- sale. For many years_ this market ted the entire belt, but since the 1932 crop, when it was almost a complete failure, we have been sliding and others have been leading, but unless all signs fail the Rox boro market is coiping into its own and this year will be right up at the front. One reason for the market's low average in repent years has been, the fact that the farmers of this county, many of them, have hauled off their better grades and sold the common on their home market, but we are glad to say this year they are bringing their best grades here, for they are receiving jhe best price on all grades. You will find no better warehouse men, no more active buyers, all pull-, ?ing together for your interest, than you will find right here on your-' home market, jind there is no .bet-_ ter place to sell than on the Rox boro market Bring your next load here and see for yourself?one load will convince. o UUMMUINII Y HOUSE ON AC TIVE LIST AGAIN Plans Are To Rush The Building To Completion The Community House, started : some months since, and then, for various reasons, apparently aban doned, is once more the scene of feverish activity, thus adorning the caps of the PERA and of the Wo mans' Club's efficient leader, Mrs. S. B. Davis, with another feather. For there has been no more inter ested party in the finishing of a community center than Mrs. Davis has been, and it has largely been her efforts in behalf of the com munity house with the cooperation of the PERA and other organiza tions that have brought the plans thus far on their way to completion. The whole town will look forward" to the day of decldatory ceremonies in honor of the completion of this cen ter. FINE C. M. GAINEY FOR ASS A U L T Mr. C. M. Gainey of Durham was tried in Recorder's Court here yes terday before Judge W. I. Newton for trying' to run down his wife with an automobile. The evidence ! as brought out in the trial was that , Mr. Gainey lived in Durham and I had been separated from his wife . who was living with her brother, , Mr. Willie Gentry, in the northern | part of this county. Mrs. Gainey | was walking down ' the Roxboro i South Boston highway when her , husband drove up beside her, but ; she continued to walk down the side of the highway. When she stepped back onto the hard surface, he , backed the car into her, bruising her up slightly. Judge Newton fined him' $35.00-and the oests of the court. I o NOTICE /All the new and some of the old w&ter bills should be paid by the ISth. ? Glance at your calendar. It will show how near you are. R. A. Burch. City Mgr. TO BAP. SEMINARY W. J. Howard Young of this cltv (??te*t last week for Louisville, Ky., where he entered the Southern Baptist Seminary. . ?o NOTICE Town, privilege taxes are long past due. What excuse have you? Let me hear It. Thank you. R. A. Burch, City Mgr.

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