SALE OF FARM LAND Under the authority conferred upon'me by that deed of trust exe cuted by Richard Bailey and wife,' Louisa Bailey, to me as Trustee on February 20th, 1924, and recorded in the Person County Registry In Book S, Page 221, default having been made In the payment of the bonds secured thereby and at the request of the holder thereof, I will on Monday, October 8th, 1934 sell at public auction to the high est bidder for cash at twelve (12) o'clock noon, at the courthouse door In Roxboro, N. C.. -the following land conveyed by said deed of trust to-^lt; One tract containing fifteen ac rfes, more or less, situatd to the North of the Roxboro and Allens ville road, about three miles from the town of Roxboro. Said tract of land is bounded on the North by lands of John Ed Perkins, on the East by lands of Sam Wilson, on the South by lands of Jordan Bailey, and on the West by lands of Sam Wilson. This Is that tract of land deeded to Richard Bailey by J. C. Pass by deed recorded In the office of the Register of Deeds of Person County In Book 21, page 369, reference to which is hereby made for full and accurate descrip tion of sa'd tract of land. Also one tract of land containing ^ifty-four acres, more or less, si Kiate. lying and being to the North Pcf the Roxboro-AllensvUle road, about three miles from the town of Roxboro, in Roxboro Township, county of Person, the same being the place on which Richard Bailey now lives, and being bounded on the North by lands of Sam Wilson, on the East by E. E. Bradsher and A. A. Burch, formerly Mon Robertson place on the South by Jordan Bai ley, and on the West by Sam Wil son. On this tract there is a prior mortgage, same being executed to thf North Carolina Joint Stock Land Batik of Durham, recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds of Person County ir> Farm Loan Book 1.. ' Said sale will be made subject to a first deed of trust on tract No 2 and subject to any unpaid taxes. Purchaser will be required to de posite 10 per cent of bid price as an evidence of good faith. This September 5th, 1934. I R. P. Burns, Trustee. I NOTICE SALE OF LAND Under and by virtue of the au thority conferred upon nie by a cer tain deed of trust executed on the 2nd day of December, 1927, ahd duly recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds of Person Coun ty in Book No. 8, at page 52, - de fault having been made in the payment of the note secured by said deed of. trust and at the request of the holder of said note and accord Ing to the terms- of said deed of trust, I will on Saturday, October 27, 1934, at 12-o'clock Noon, in front of the courthouse door, in Roxboro, North Carolina, sell to the highest bidder, for '.ash, the land conveyed in said deed of trust, to-wit: Beginning at an iron stake J. B. Barnett's corner on Lamar Street in the Town of Roxboro, North Carolina, running thence with Bar nett's line in an Easterly direction 172 feet to a (take Miss Eugenia Bradsher's line; thence with her line in a Southerly direction 73 feet to a stake W. R. Woody's corner; thence with Woody's line in a Westerly direction 173 feet to Woody'\ corner ? on Lamar Street; thence with Lamar Street in a Northerly direction 105 feet to the beginning. This September 25, -1934. N. Lunsford, Trustee. SALE OF FARM PROPERTY Under the ? authority conferred upon me in that certain deed of trust dated October 25th, 1927, and recorded in the Person County Reg istry in Book 8, page 14, executed by Albert Thomas and. wife, Martha Thomas, to me as Trustee, default Business Directory If yon are hi doubt as to Where to And anything look oyer this list. The advertisers In this space are all reliable and yon will make no mis take when yon patronise them. If yon do not And what yon are looking for here come to The Courier office and we will give you the informa tion desired. J..T. BRADSHER Plumbing and Heating Office on Reams Avenue Phone 14 G. B. MASTEN Painting and Paperhanging Good Paint Applied By Good Painters Produces a Good Job GEO. W. KANE BUILDER - CONTRACTOR "No Job Too Big?None Too Small." Carolina Power & Light Co. Home-Life Made Easiei Ask the lady who has an Electric Range. Hambrick, Austin & Thomas DRUGGISTS HolUnx^worth's ( Unusual Candies, Penslar Remedies. School Books, Shaetier's Fountain Pens. We would like to be your Druggist. Sergeant & Clayton "The Sta-Klean Store" P'fone Us Your Orders. We Deliver Promptly. HARRIS & BURNS BARGAINS Everything from head tt foot for jmen, women and children. "Roiboro's Best Store" Roxbov-o Lumber Co. Buy It From Us And Bank The Difference "Dome Of Quality Lumber" Wilburn & Satterfield Roxhoro's Dependable Store It am P?r You To Trade With Us?Try It" Palmer Stone Works ALBEMARLE, N. C. , Many disinterested parties tell us that they can go through a cemetery and point out PALMER'S MEMORIALS?THEY ARE THB BEST?The best is none too good for your departed loved one. If you do not know what to * select, write us today, we have had more than thirty years experience and believe we can help you. No obligation on your part. We have more than 200 nice meimorials on our show yard at our new plant for you to select from. Come to see us. BE "POUND FOOLISH" IF YOU WILL, BUT FOR GOODNESS SAKE DON'T BE "PENNY WISE" And let a few pennies decide your choice between honest-to-goodness quality Ftpur and inferior grades that will barely pass and4iobody enjoy. Ask for . White Satin - Silver Leaf - White Rose = Tt will be wise spending to pay a small differ ence if necessary and have bread that will satisfy. Take a small sack of DAN VALLEY to the folks at home for special bakjngs. having been mrde in the payment of the bonds secured thereby and at, the request of the holder thereof I will on . . MONDAY, OCTOBER 22nd, 1934, at th courthouse door in Roxboro, sell at public auction, to the high est bidder, for cash, at twelve (12) o'clock "noon, the following tract of land lying and being in Person County, described as follows, to-wit:1 BEGINNING at a rock on the old AUensville and Five Ford road southeast corner of a school "house lot near Harris Hill Baptist Church (colored); thence North with school house lot line, thence East 70 yards to a comer in Harris Hill Church tot; thence North with said Church line and Henry Lawson and H. W. Harris line to stump In Harris and B. Yancey corner; thejice with B. Yanoey line to hickory in B. Yan cey and Joe Snow line; thence South with Joe Snow line to the old Aliens vtlle and Five Pork road a planted rock, thenoe with said road to the beginning, containing forty nine acres, more or less. See deed from J. C. and J. C. Pass, Trustee, to W. T. Pass. ^ Purchaser will, at the sale, be re quired to deposit 10% of the bid price as an evidence of good faith. This the 21st day of September, 1934. W. R. -JONES. Trustee. \^/E are at your command and yet . . . and t?iey extend a very cordial Invitation to everyone to attend every day and every night. Dazzling Midway With West's World i ~ Wonder Show. A Great Carnival Company carrying ten rides? 24 shows and some fifty concessions. Splendid Agricultural, Horticultural. l>omestlc Science, Poultry, Live Stock and Merchants Exhibits. ' Magnificent Fireworks Display Each Night ? 4 Days and 4 Nights of Wholesome Fun, Amusement and Entertainment for Both Young and Old. Plan Now to attend. DANVILLE FAIR ASSOCIATION H. B. Wat kins, Sec. A. D. Starling, Pres. 4 B I G N I T E 5 Coming Attractions At The Palace BROADWAY HIT NOW IN FILMS, I STARS CROSBY Acknowledged the premiere show of the current Broadway season "She Loves Me Not," the smash stage hit, Is coming Monday and Tuesday, Oct. 15-16, to the Palace Theatre in the Paramount picture version^ starring B'ng Crosby and Miriam Hopkins, with Kitty Carlisle featured. With a distinguished supporting cast that includes Warren Hymer, Lynne Overman, Judith Allen, Vlnoe Bamett and GeSrge Barbier, "She Loves Me Not" brings to the screen' the fanciful tale of wild escapades in a Princeton dormitory that has convulsed Broadway audiences for months. 1 The story depicts the escape of a night-club dancer from the scene of a Philadelphia murder, her con cealment at Princeton and her sub sequent entry into motion pictures with a wild fanfare of publicity, and at the same time develops a tender romance between Bing Crosby, as a student, and Kitty Carlisle, as the dean's daughter. Elliot Nugent, who was respon- | sible for the highly successful "Three Cornered Moon," directed "She Loves Me Not," which features several brand new tunes by Rainger , and Robin and Gordon and Revel, i including "Love in Bloom" and "I'm Hummin', I'm Whlstlin', I'm singin,." o "Romance in the Rain"; Indoors and Out! iNot all of the romance in "Ro mance in the Rain' 'takes place out of doors, under the pelting rain. Nor even in a shower room. Be SPECIAL SHOWS FRIDAY NIGHT AT 11:30 SATURDAY MORNING AT 10:30 Don't mlM the fun In this great con dran ROMANCE "4 RAIN 1 / with ^ ROGER PR Y O R HEATHER A hi ft E I r Ralston, Victor Mean, Ruth Paul Key*. A Stanley Production directed ley Walker. Preeen'"1 '"Carl , A UNIVERSAL PICTURE. Bo* Officer Open* Friday Ntyht At 11:15; Picture 11: Jo. Adm. 2?o. ) Box Office Opens Saturday Mnrninf 10:15; Ffctare 10:30. Adm. 10-Mc. hind the scenes of a modern maga- ' J zine publishing office, revealing the I inside workings and intimate me- I thods employed by romantic and1 love magazines, the romantic epi-1 sodes are carried on, forming the n basts of "Romance in the Rain." ir This Universal romantic comedy n with music copies to the Palace |" Theatre for Special Shows next Fri- c day night and Saturday morning. : ' This uproariously funny comedy, I teeming with action and bristling * with excitement, moves fast. Fea turing scenic background and sets of unusual brilliance, this picture is said to be one of the most colorful of the year. Contrasting fith the busy, ex citing scenes in the publishing of fices is a beautifully appointed pent house atop one of New York's larg est skyscrapers, where the romantic interest takes place. Roger Pryor and Heather Angel, the screen's newest love team, are featured along with Victor Moore, Esther Ralston, Ruth Donnelly! Paul Kaye and others. E From To Wednes., Oct. 17 Thursday, Oct. I 1 th Barbara Stanwyck with Ricardo Cortex, Frank Morgan, Lyle Talbot. Philip Reed in "A Lost Lady" Musical Novelty "UmPa" No morning matinee. Special La pales matinee 3:15. Two for price of one-26c. Even. 7:15-9. Adm. 10-26c Friday, Oct. 12th Mariene Dietrich in "The Scarlet Empress' Episode No. 12 "Vanishing Shadow" Willie Whopper Cartoon "Insultln' the Sultan" I*?"1,1")? matinee 10:30, afternoon 3.15-3:45; even. 7:15-9. Adm. 40-26c SPECIAL SHOWS FRIDAY NIOHT AT 11:30 SATURDAY MORNING 10:30 Heather Angel and Roger Pryor in "Romance in the Rain" Our Gang Comedy "Honky Donkey" Box office opens Fridav night 11:15 P-cture at. 11:30. All seats 26c' . " * ?"* ooc, f?x, "m,ce opens Saturday morning 10:19; picture at 10:30. Adm. 10-26c Saturday, Oct. 13th Buck Jones with Cecilia Parker in "Man Trailer" Seiglow King Comedy "Fits In A . Fiddle" - Vitaphonc Cartoon "Buddy The Woodsman" Continuous Shows Starting at 2 30 Admission: 10-26c. Mon.-Tue., Oct. 15-16 B n* Crosby, Miriam Hopkins with Kitty Carlisle In "She Lpves Me Not" I Kin# Comedy "On the JPan' paramount sound news m?(;nw 10 30. afternoon ?i. ,5 No matinees Tuesday Evenings 7:15-9 00. Adm. 10-26c Wednesday. Oct. 1 7 lee Tracy and Helen Mack with Baby LeRoy, Minna Com bell in 'The Lemcn Drop Kid' Bl* V Comedy "Art Trouble" &?o!Si m,tlIM* 10:30, afternoon 3.15-3:45; evening: 6:46-6:15-9:18. Admission ific vAMOUS TRACK. , FILM LOCATION Tanforan Race Track, one of the lost colorful meet centers In the Jnited States, Is seen In para- 1 lount's film of Damon Runyon's, The Lemon Drop Kid," which omes on Wednesday, Oct. 17 to the ?alace Theatre. Under the direction of Marshall lellan, the company which includes Lee Tracy, Helen Mack, Baby Lie Roy and William Frawley, was transported to the track for back ground shots and for the big race which is one of the feautres of the picture. 'The Man Trailer' Due At Palace Is Thriller That expert exponent of outdoor action. Buck Jones, will head a | promised parade of thrills and ex citement coming to the palace Thea tre, Saturday, Oct. 13, when his lat est Columbia production, "The Man Trailer," comes. Buck! who numbers among the fans more than a million schoolboy age youngsters, enacts the role of an outlaw who breaks away from his renegade companions to become maishall of a little Western town. MONDAY AND TUESDAY J""L "'i!K {, OCT. 15-16th \X7J?V A Paramount Picture presented by Adolph Zukor wi.K KITTY CARLISLE from the sensational Broadway play! How a stream-lined chorine went to college...yea, Princeton!... camped on the trail of the campus crooner... wrecked one romance for f him... then set him off on a new one! Directed 6y Elliott Nugent, with Swell New Original Music by Gordon & Revel, Rainger & Robin! Listen for "Love in Bloom"..."I'm Hummin', I'm Whistlin', I'm Singin' "1 lorning Matinee 10:30; Afternoon 3:15-3:45; No Matinees Tuesday; Evenings 7:15-9:00 _ ^ Admission 10--26c.