Person County Superior Court In Routine Session Judge (Yanmer And Solicitor Car Complete Docket In Three Days State vs. Luther Petttford, receiv ing stolen property; not guilty. j State Vs. O. D. Epps, larceny; called and (ailed. State vs. Clyde A. Evans, assault; 18 months on roads. State vs. Clyde A. Evans, illegal possession of whiskey; 2 months on roads. ? State vs. Vexter Gloss, murder; continued to Jan. term, 1935. Sstate vs. Tharpe Gentry, assault; {dead guilty; suspended sentence of 12 months provided defendant pay costs of court and $200 for use of . Elbert Adcock. State vs. Vann Parrott, larceny from the. person; plead guilty; 8 months on roads. State vs. Harry Coates and James Laqiberth. possession for sale; fined and cost paid and appeal with drawn; dscharged. State vs. Freddie Jones, breaking In home; guilty; "three months. In jail with permit to be worked at 1 County'Home. State vs. Henry Stephens, posses sion; plead guilty; fined and cost ^jsld and appeal withdrawn. HkState vs. Clyde and Melvin Carr, ^PPoeny; 18 months suspended sen tence. State vs. Albert Russell, larceny; paid and withdrawn. State vs. Clyde Evans, assault on female; nolo contendere; 12 months sentence to run concurrently with . another sentence In same court. Lucy Ranes vs. Collins & Aikman, dismissed. State vs. Haywatha Paylor, as sault and resisting officer, guilty; $25.00 and costs. ' * State vs. Jack Jackson, posses sion and sale of beer; continued. State vs. Oscar Long, possession of Illegal beer; continued. State vs. Frank Pettlford, affray; plead guilty; four months on coun ty roads. State vs. Frank Pettlford, driving automobile while intoxicated; plead guilty; four months on roads, sen tence to begin at expiration of former sentence. State vs. Frank JPettiford, resist ing officer; plead guilty; fdur'mos. on roads; sentence to begin at ex piration of former sentences. State vs. O. Wlnstead, assault; nonsuit. State vs. Sonnle Williams, as sault; guilty assault with deadly weapon; 12 months on roads. State vs. Elton Parton & OUver Orin, breaking and entering; plead guilty; twelve months suspended sentence for each. | State vs. Otis Williams, breaking, entering and larceny, plead guilty; i six months on roags. State vs. Harvey E. Huffman, I driving auto while drunk, called and failed. i Charlie Watson vs. Ella Was ton, issues; divorce petition granted, j W. R. Crabtree vs. J. J. Barnett,' voluntary nonsuit, , State vs. Paul Ross, possession; capais and commitment this term I if not paid in. full. " y { State vs. Paul Ross, concealed weapon; capais and .commitment if not paid In full this session. Lala Chandler vs. Elbert J. Chandler, Issues; divorce petition 'granted; custody of child awarded plaintiff. ? o ? REPORT OF GRAND JURY We the Grand Jurors for the Oc tober Term of Person County Su perior Court, beg to submit to his Honor Judge E. H. Cranmer, judge presiding, the following report of what we have done: 1. We have examined and acted upon all bills sent to us and have returned true bills and made pre?I sentments in cases that we thought needed such action. 2. A committee from our num ber visited the County Home, we found the affairs there well man aged, with plenty of supplies on hand and all evidences that the In mates are well cared for. Hie home itself was -clean, the bed clothing and clothing of Inmates were clean and well looked after. The County Home as a whole was looked after very nice. The grounds were well kept and the front yard was beau tiful. ^ We recommend to the County Commissioners that they are In 'need of grates for the furnace for they are in a bad condition and also provide for a top for one of j the commodes. 3. We visited the convict camp : and foundf everything In a well kept manner, the prisoners being well feared for, the bed clothes and their 'clothes were in a wholesome con dition. 4. We visited the offices of the Court House, inquired Into the re cord and found everything well -X r* ? ~ ji .'j ?'' *?* ?? - r*?? jv>?>"?'**i-*iyr2V-Vr-"*?i'A'.'.Vis? :*?.L.?A? The moderate charge will be named at once. The arrange ments will be looked after by a staff fitted by tempera ment and experience to serve. A ceremonial of true dignity and compelling charm. \?-t WOODY'S FUNERAL HOME peE 2 I15* : ? ROXBORO, N. (LARQI.1N A ? When YOU feel dispirited or "low," smoke a Camel. Smok ing Camels produces a return of your own natural, vibrant energy. Camels are mada from flnar, MORI EXPENSIVE TORACCOS than any other pop alar brand of cigarette. They never upset healthy nerves. GET A tfll WITH A CAMEL! The Record Shows that; building and loan INVESTMENTS ARE SAFEST ?.... ? ' ?? We Solicit Your Savings on the Weekly or Monthly Installment Plan 50 cents per week will produce $200.00 $2.50 per w?jek will produce $ 1,000.00-j New Series Opens Early In July ROXBORO BUILDING & LOAN ASSOCIATION J. S. Walker, See.-Treaa. member federal home loan bank kept. We Invested the J. P. of County and mayor In reeard to their reports to'Clery's Office and found that this report had been returned. We also inquired into the minor children for guardian, all this had been attended, to. We found the Jail well kept and In a good wholesome., condition, the bed clothes were clean and no Indication of vermin. Prisoners well cared for. The Court House grounds were well looked af ter. Having reported this work of ours we feel that we have carried out the duties of our office and ask that we be discharged. Respectfuly submitted this the 16th dajr of Oct. 1934. R. H. Gates, Foreman. o Solicitor's Report rNORTH CAROLINA. PERSON COUNTY. ? IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OCTOBER TERM, 1934. TO THE HON. E. H. CRANMER, JUDGE PRESIDING: The undersigned, solicitor of the Tenth Judicial District, respectfully ? reports to the Court that he has | inspected at this term of said Court the office of C. L. Brooks, Clerk of the Superior Court of said County; I that, so far as he can ascertain, the said office appears to be well t administered and the records In said j office appear to be kept in an or derly and systematic manner. In the opinion of the., undersigned the [said Clerk is efficient in the per formance of his duties. Respectfully submitted, LEO CARR, Solicitor Tenth Judicial District. | Examined, approved and ordered iTecorded, E. H. Cranmer, Judge Presiding. ! CENTRAL GRADED SCHOOL NEWS We were glad to have Mr. J.m Herbert bring Dr. Love of Raleigh, who was conducting a revival at the , Edgar Long Memorial Church, to visit us and bring a message on Thursday morning, Oct. 11th. Mr. Herbert introduced the visiting minister, after which Dr. Love read th first Plasm, "from which all lis Jtened to a beautiful interpretation. ;The comparison of a growing tree to a man was made illustrating the importance of a sound foundation if life is to be full and rich. Nature may cover the scar made on a young tree but the scar may cause a de fect inside and later the weakened spot?,the unsoundness at heart? may be the cause of its downfall during the trials and tempests of, life. The child's life may be weak-, ened by bad habits which can be kept covered for years but when the tests of life increase, he, too, may suf fer downfall because of early de fects. As the tree bears fruit, so does man. He warned the children that many of them would fruit into chaff without constant care of their habits in early life, and left the questions, will you? When asked later in life to take a man's job, will you be strong enough or will your weakened life yield to tempta tion and bring to you sorrow? Mr. Herbert added the lesson of ithe sunflower turning its face to ithe east in the morning and to the west in the evening. He urged boys and girls to follow the example of [this beautiful flower and begin ear ly in life, and always keep their faces toward God. By looking to Him and worshipping .Him. they would be like that real, good, true and faithful tree in life. Mr. craven conducted our chapel j devotions Monday, Oct. 15, and from the Bible verse, "it is more blessed to give than to receive," jleft a lesson that should be a com fort throughout life to everyone who heard. The fact that God has nothing to sell but is always abun dantly giving was impressed and [the truth emphasized thatvrlo mat ter how much we give God we can not outgive Him. The more we ln [vest wlUi Him the greater our re turn. Giving to God and to the world of others about is is like an , echo, it comes back to Us. The principal's report for the first month shows an enrollment of 505 pupils, with an average dally attendance of 483, or 97.44%. The regret of- the, report is the great) number of tardies which was 349. Parents, please help to avoid.sueh during the second month. ' . Miss Sue Merritt's second B grade won the attendance banner for the first month for having the greatest per cent of attendance and Mrs. E. M. Bailey's fifth A grade won, the attendance banner from all A sections of the Central school for having greatest per oent of attend ance. Relieve* Headache Due To Constipation "Thedford'a Black-Draught haa been used In my. family for year*," mites Mrs. J. A. High tower, of Carthage, Texae. "I take It for sick headache that comes from consti pation. When I feel a headache coming on, I take a dose of Black Draught. It acta and my head gets easy. Before I knew of Black Draught t*. would suffer two or three days?but not any more since I have used Blade-Draught" Thedford'a IU ACK-DRAUGHT Partly VafaUMeLustiaa "CHILDREN UU TUX SIRUP" DUKE ELEVEN IS COM POSED OF TAR HEELS, CAVALIERS Durham, Oct. 22.?The states of North Carolina and Virginia can be Jointly proud of Duke's undefeated 1934 edition of Blue Dev lis for It la truly an all Tar Heel-Cavalier foot ball squad. - - Twelve of the 23 players who took part In Duke's great victory over Georgia Tech last week hall from North Carolina and Virginia. Eight of the-members ?f Duke's var sity team are Tar Heels and Cava liers. The first team home town roll Is: Elmer Tarrall, of Norfolk, Va., and Earle Went?. Danville, Va., ends; Gus Dumer, Asheville, and Tom Power, Rosemont, Pa., tackles: Jim Johnson, Winston-Salem, and Cap tain Jack Dunlap, Lawton, Okla., guards; E. B. Dunlap, Lawton. Okla. center. Clarence Parker, Ports mouth. Va., Corky Cornelius, Win ston-Salem, Jack Alexander, Ashe ville, and Jule Ward, Galax;'Vs., backs. Three Georgia boys assisted In pushing the team from their home state Into defeat on Saturday. Ar lington Kelley, of Waycross, Larry Collins, of Macon, and Jamk Hen nemier, of Savannah, are members of the Duke second team'. Others who saw action in the Tech game are Ed West of Weaver ville, Q. C. Britton of Durham. Paul "WBiteilpr of Hickory; Prank Liana, of Brooklyn. N. Y.; Joe Cardwell of Birmingham, Ala.; Nick Porreca, of Gardner, Mass.; Dick MiAninch, former Staunton, Va., military acad emy star, of Marion, Ohio; and Jim Boyd of Huntington; John John ston, of Roanoke, Va. Other* Tar Heels on the Duke team are Jim Boling, Siler City; Roy Phipps. Durham; Henry Mar- ! shall, Asheville; Sam Trakas, Gas tonla; Ed Hooks, Ay den; Lynwood' Baldwin, Durham; Weldon Bui-] lock, Creedmoor; Apex Copeland, Charjottc; Charles Pinkston. Ashe ville; Jtmniy Ouzts, Marion. There are also three boys from South Carolina: Dick Taliaferro, of Columbia, Ab Jones of Fountain Inn, and Sam McCasklll of Camden. , o The Apache Indians considered the dandelion their favorite food. 9 Your own druggist if authorised to cheerfully refund your money on the spot | if you are not relieved by Creomultion. , These New Study Lamps are designed for the entire family... ^\LD EYES?young eyes?all eyes will welcome these new scientifically designed lamps be cause they furnish the right kind of light in the right quantity for reading, studying, sewing? and other visual tasks. These lamps have been designed to al low you to see easily and comfort ably?they prevent eye strain and dispel the contrasting shad ows usually thrown by old-fash ioned floor and table lamps. The study lamp comes In floor and table models. Both have been approved by the Illuminating Engineering Society and conform to the principles of the "New Science of Seeing" for BETTER LIGHT?BETTER SIGHT. The Floor Lamp Equipped with a single 3-light Mazda bulb and provides 3 In tensities of light?attractive stand and shade. 39.95 cash; on terms 310.95, 95c down and 31 monthly. The Table Lamp Reflector type with plenty of light thrown on the work in hand ?and sufflcipnt illumination to avoid contrasting shadows. $6.25 cash; on terms $6.75, 75c down and 76c monthly.. HANG-THEM-UP ANYWHERE - ^ A handy wall lamp that wftt And many uses In your home?portable or stationary as you desire. In two styles at $1.45 and $1.95; terms 25c down and 25c monthly. SEE THESE LAMPS ON DISPLAY AT THE FOLLOWING DEALERS r T. W. PASS & SON FURNITURE CO. MORRIS & LEDBETTER CAROLINA POWER AND LIGHT COMPANY SAY . pOWER / WL >u 5 SAY MILEAGE / SAY PERFORMANCE Jsir SUPER! *XTRa! Plus! % super! extra \ ^plus! a* ? UY AT THII SIGN TUB >I(|> kk>?t? IS. 10,00V Km, 8UUoo ?no DoolorO from Homo to Mm who rOprmont thr oorwloto uf prodoeu of tho world ^ toodtnt oU orpnittoolion. The owl jays: "It's too deep for me To figure out how gas can be As different as the sponsors claim When all their claims sound jus f the same!" Regardless of claims, your own experience with a motor fuel determines your opiniop of it. That's why we advise you to make your own test and find out first-hand how much Essolene will actually contribute to the performance of your car. We are content to abide by your judgment. [Essolube Motor Oil-in the crankcase enables Essolene to do its best] GASOLINE PRICE Smoother Performance STANDARD 0) L^C O MP A NY OF NEW J R R S TE *