Sell Person .County TOBACCO | In Pe,.o? County |K W, Ah Will ll? lu-amui ESTABLISHED 1ML PKB8 ON COUNTT8 OLDEST AND BEST NEWSPAPER. .UNDER SAME MANAGEMENT^ AND OWNERSHIP FOE 50- YEARS. (, Hi Sell Your TOBACCO In Roxboro 'No Better Market In The State" I; Wl NOEi I , EDITOR AND PUBLISHER ' HOME FIRST, ABROAD NEXT > n $1.50 PER YEAR IN ADVANCE. : . ? a/ 4 2 J . ! 3 : - _ ' ? ' ^ a ? ?*"" um & ? 'd- - v?ROXBORO, NORTH CAROLINA, WEDNESDAY EVENING, DECEMBER 5, 1934. > * " , - , ? ?? - ; - -i ?' - ?- ' ? ?? no. v. Miss Sue Tiradsher "First Lady of Person" Begins Her ?.Duties as Cferk of Courts TtOUTTNE BUSINESS matters TAKEN UP ' : fnnrihi commission (jounty Commlssion ular session on De ; first Monday. The occupying the board s inducting into officers, cbo?" at thel gen iber 6 Judge County Re* in the follow ,Beers for the coming Clayton,,.beginning his term as Sheriff t. Klrby, enter - ith consecutive Deeds, P. D doner, reelect m u, colleagues D. Monroe Cash, the oldest membef in point of service of the presefit^board and the third commissioner, 9. T. ? Whitfield, a new member; County I coroner, Dr. A. F B' . I Burns," County Attorney; fnd Miss Sue Bradsher. Clerk, of the Court?. ? toe first woman to hold r office in H person County, and it is believed ? the hrst woman in North Carolina ? to hold the office of Clerk of the Court. Although Miss. Sue, as she is familiarly known to all, has serv ed for many f?ars as Deputy and itant Clerk, this is the first time she .has ever undertaken the a full-fledged clerk. She first the.clerk's office in January 1923, Deputy Clerk to her father, ? the lalCxTw. Bradsher, who died in office in Nlf29 and who would have been clerk TOf thirty-eight suc cessive years had hi lived Just a few ? months longer. After her father's death she continued as Deputy Clerk under hi? successor. Mr. A. C. Gen-to try, until his death in the fall of ? 1930. She then served under Mr. L. Brooks, Mr. Gentry's successor, ? until the spring of this year, enter-? ing the 1934 Dmocratic June pri-H mary. and defeating Mr. Brooks by| a close vote. The new clerk is weu| known throughout the county. Dur ing her years of service she has built for herself a reputation for her un failing courtesy to the patrons of! her office, and her good-natured smile I with which she meets all corners.! The assistant Clerk, Mr. R. A. Bul lock, could not be reached to take! the oath of office, and so this will I be administered at a later date. Nor I .jgould the County Surveyor, T. C.I Brooks. Jr., be reached to be sworn In. and so his oath will be admlnls some future time. ir swearing in the offl county and ^rawing Trf tr the January Term, ?j court, the us had only take care of. >lleee ^'11 Honor E. Brooks E. BrOoks, member of the hospital staff since 1922. route today to Boston where attend the annual meeting American College of Sur lhfre~te will be made a . of the Allege, considered ?ho of the highest honors in the proneasion in recognition of out-' rk in the fl^ld ot surgery, several months ago that On had been called to his Brious work, Dr Brooks was to complete considerable oh data before his eligibility J definitely established and ap fed. re, of Person county, Dr j'uriivd at the University Medical College tn Ma He has since done -grdauate worlt~tn spft of the profession here in partnership, with L. Carrtngton, Who- is of the College of Sur ks rounds out a staff honored to their field Time?. SPITAL was carried to Dbrham Tuesday had to undergo .t this writing she Improving and it will be home to beIpromoted Mr. Walker Bourne, maaager of the Carolina Power & Lignt Com pany,- who will be transfesred to Hamlet. While this m'ove Is a pro motion for him, and his friends re joice with him in such promotion, yet all regret to see him and his feood wife leave Roxboro. EISHOP KERN TO PREACH HERE Bishop Paul B. Kern win preach in Roxboro at Long Memorial ?Me thodist Church on Sunday morning, December 23rd, at 11 o'clock. This information), announced Sunday night by Mr. Herbert, Methodist pastor, will be of great Interest to the Methodists of Roxboro and Person qounty. Bishop Kem, in charge of the tenth area of the M. E. Church, South, has held the four fall con ferences in the Carollnas this year, and has greatly delighted the church wherever he has gone In his min istry. At the recent conference session at Washington, N. C., the ministers and layment of the confer ence were completely captivated by his preaching and his outstanding ! administrative ability Horses And Mules, Wholesale And "Retail Roxboro, through the efforts of the Creedmoor Supply Company, is becoming quite a horse aqd mule market. This firm is one of the largest dealers in the country, buy ing direct from the breeders, and can care for. the wants of the In dividual buyer, or: supply dealers. And they are selling .them, too. Every day finds buyers here, and they never go away disappointed. With such men as E. B. Bragg, R. L. (Bob) Perkins and E. E. Mam gum you have a positive guarantee that you will be treated right when you patronize this progressive firm. They are located In the Planters Warehouse, on Court street. o ? Visitcrs From Calif. Mr. and Mrs. Anderson Timber lake and Miss Lizzie TlmbeVlake had as their guests last week Mr. and Mrs. W.* P. Timberlake and child of San "Diego. Cal. Mr. W. P. Timberlake is a native of -this coun ty, having been raised at Timber lake, N. C., and he is a brother of Anderson and Miss timberlake. . r O Jalong Lrady DiesThursday Mrs. Ella Watson, Of Jalong. Died Thursday Following Heart Attack 1 Mrs. Ella Watson, 87-year-old resident of Jalong," died Thursday at 7:00 P. M. following on Illness ot one week with heart trouble. She had been in declining health for aobut one year. She Is survived by two sons L. W. Tlngen of Washing ton, D. C.. and A D. Tlngen; three daughters: Mrs. L. T. Clayton 'of. Washington D. C., .Mrs. J, T. Paul of Henderson. N. C,, and Mrs. Bru'd Carver of Jalong. andthlrteen grandchildren. The funeral services were held at Jalong -Baptist,. Church- Saturday afternoon at 4:00 o'clock with her ! pastor. "Rev. J. c. McGregor, in charge. Pall-bearers were: Messrs Johnnie* Sultt, Johnnie Painter, Er nest Hlfcks. Hugo Moore, Newton Varborough, ted WHUe Vaughan. "Flnml-bearers were: Misses Hattia carver, Nahcy Brown, Jessie Paul, Hutflle Holt, and MwJtmrs Hallle -R?dmpryl an?l Rcnble Painter. In ' tecmefli was made -fn the family ,4rn)etery dne mile.east pt.Roxboro Ion tlh Roxboro-VlrglMna Mghway ?' ? ? 'FAMOUS TRAVELING STUDIO TORE HERE ?n I Mayor's Welcome Will Be Broadcast' Over Public j ? Address System RECEPTION COMMITTEE WILL MEET CARAVAN Plans for the reception of the M. G. M. Traveling Studio, which will be the guests of the Palace Theatre here on Thursday after noon from 2:00-until 4:00 o'clock, ; have been announced by the theatre i officials. A reception committee composed of Messrs. R. B. Dawes, R. A. Burch, Gordon C. Hunter, D. R. Taylor, and O. T. Kirby will meet the caravan at the city limits with an escort and from there they will proceed to the business i district, parading Main Street one time before stopping at the Palace Theatre, in front"of which the Stu dio will be demonstrated. Main Street from the corner of The Peoples Bank to Hotel Jones will be roped off. The Mayor will wel come the caravan to the city, his address being broadcast over the public address system that Is a part of the studio. Hie other members : of the reception committee will say a few words over-the broadcast system. The MayOj and his party will be the first to inspect the trav- I eling studio, and then It will be thrown open to the general public. Prom 2:00 until 4dJ Oo'clock every-' body Is Invited to come and Inspect this studio. There will be no ad-1 mission charges. ANNUAL TOY SHOW Sponsored By Boy Scouts To Get Toys-For-Needy Children AT THE PALACE THEATRE Every year the Boy Scouts 6f JRoxboro and Person County, sponsor a show at the Palace Theatre In order to get enough toys to be dis tributed to children in the county who otherwise might be overlooked at Christmas-time. - The show this year win be held Saturday morning, , Dec. 8, at 10 A. M., and will be Joe E. Brown in "Very Honorable Guy." The price of admission is a toy, new or old. and everybody is Invited to come. The toys collected in this manner; will be re-worked by the scouts and distributed to those children ih the county who would not get any In other ways at Christmas-time. 80 pome to the Palace Theatre Saturday morning, bring your toy, see a good show, and help in a worthy cause. PERSON CIRCUIT The presiding elder of the' Dur ham District is calling a meeting of all the stewards of this section'of the district to meet In long Memo rial church on Sunday, Dec. 9th. at 3 P. M. This Is an Important meeting * as questions of vital Im portance will be considered. Let us have a full attendance of all the steward} on the charge at this meet ing. The regular service ffir Oak Grove church will not be held next Sun day afternoon, as the presiding el der desires the pastor as well as all stewards to attend the meeting In Roxboro. ^ The first quarterly conference for this new conference year will be ? held with Oak Grove church on, fifth Sunday. December 30th, at 11 A. M, Let all officials' members be present for this conference. We are expecting a fine report from the stewards at this time. craven, P. C. | *B. ? , PRESIDING ELDER j TO PREAGH HERE Rev. H. B. Porter^ who has been appointed as presiding elder of Jhe Durham district, will preach at Long Memorial Church Sunday evening. Dec.,9, at>7 30. Mr. Porter fe one of the strongest preachers of. the North Carolina Conference. The Jublic Is cordially Invited to hear hpn. Reports fJjprrTalhparjfol eastern North -Carolina, SiylicJte that a heayy' acreage of oatsl barley and ! wheat 1s being pi a met I this fafiv M. E. Ladies To Serve Dinner Next Saturday Be sure to plan to eat din ner with the todies of the Methodtot Missionary Society Saturday, Dec. 8th. Dinner will -be served beginning at 11:S0. The* menu will constat of chick en salad course, brunswick stew, oysters, cake, pie and coffee. Everybody plan to eat with the todies that day. Remem ber the date, Saturday, Dec. 8. Kiwanians Go Into Huddle To Pass On The Annual Awards Chicken Dinner Served By Baptist - Ladies; Guests Included Two New Citizens After Thanksgiving.the next thing that our minds naturally turn to is Christmas. When .we think of ei ther, or both, the Hist thing that enters the mind is the eats that go with such an occasion. When we have finished the one, we mark time until the other rolls around in the course of events. The Kiwanis Club was in for a delightful surprise Mon day night when it met in the Wom ans' Club room and was served a Chicken dinner by the ladies of the First Baptist Church. The chicken was nice and tender, fried to Just the right crispness, with all the accessories that go with a regular chicken dinner. It called to mind the early spring when fresh vege tables are just in and chickens are getting to that state when they are most delectable, the frying-stze. In deed some of the members were so far fooled that they inquired if the vegetr bles were not fresh out of the gardens. ? =w After the meal had been disposed of in proper form, the club meeting was turned over to Furman Herbert, chairman of Public Affairs Commit tee, who went into a detailed dis cussion of the nature of the awards , that will be presented to the citizen of the community who has done the outstanding service to the com munity during the past year, and the Kiwanian who- has contributed the mo6t to the advancement of the community during the same period. Items, such as the nature of the awards, the method of choosing the winners, the extent of the territory from which contestant might be chosen, and other items pertaining to these awards- were discussed and clarified, led by the chairman of the public affairs committee and pass ed by the club. Guests for the evening were; Messrs. P. D. Cashwell, the new man ager succeeding W. B. Bourne of the local office of the Carolina Power and Light Co., J. D. Knight, new manager of Knight-TUlman, Kenneth Oakley, and Dick Currier.' AT THE PRIMITIVE BAPTIST CHURCH Elder D. V. Spangler and Elder T. P. Adams will preach at the Primitive Baptist Church In Rox bpro next Sunday night, Dec. 9th, at 7 o'clock. The public la cordially Invited to come and hear these brethren. i ?: o WE SEH. the New Howard Sew ing Machine, made by the .New Home Sewing Machine Co., the kind your grandmother was pleased with, and still in use The price $37.59 The quality the best. THE NEWELLS Jewelers j Roxboro, N. C. ( 3 Shipments Of China on the Way . We have jwt received no tice from the factory that we have three shipments of real China on the way. Should be here by the time you read this notice. Again, vre say if you have not renewed, or given your new subscription to The CourlA and received a read China set of ten pieces FREE ycu are missing the biggest bargain of the season. Come In today and subscribe WEED SHIES LIGHT FOR THE THREE] DAYS LAST WEEK Sales Were Better Monday And Tuesday Of This Week ONLY ABOUT ONE AND HALF MILLION LBS. LEFT Sales last week for the .three days the earket were open was not as heavy as expected, but the price average was about the same, a lit tle falling off. Tobacco men tell us the price is fully as high as it has been at any time this season, but the quality is not so good; this is always the case as the market nears a close. Monday and Tuesday the sales were heavier, there being good sales at all of the houses. To date the crop, that is accord ing to the allotment, is 80 per cent sold, leaving only a little morg than one and a half million pounds to be sold. While not .definitely settled if is thought the market will close for the Christmas holidays on December 14th, and will remain closed until Monday, January 14th. GRANGE MEETING ~ "riiery will be a regular meeting of the Bushy Pork (3range oh Fri day night; December 7th> at seven o'clock. There will be a musical program rendered after the meeting, and all members are urged to at-' tend, ij SUPT. WINSIEflD NOT TO BE A CANDIDATE FOR RE-ELECTION Superintendent of County In struction For Six'Years Not To Run Again ANNOUNCEMENT COMES AS SURPRISE Mr. S. O. Wlnstead, Superintend ent of the County Education Sys tem since 1929. declared in an ad dress made before the Roxboro Wo mans' Club Monday afternoon that he wouM not be a candidate for re election next April when this elec tion comes up. Mr. Winstead has made an able superintendent dur ing his term of sendee to the coun ty and Person County folks as Well as the State school officials will feel his loss. At this time there has been no speculation a# to his suc cessor, Mr. Winstead's announce ment coming as a complete sur prise. J Wr. Winstead addrtssed the Wo rn ans' Club on "How Our Schools Are Supported Financially." Ap pearing on the same program were both Mr. O. C. Davidson who spoke on the organization of our school system,- and Mrs. A. F. Nichols on the 'curriculum of our schools. Fol lowing these, splendid addresses Mrs. S. B. Davis and Mrs. B. B Mangum made a few brief remarks. The Womans' Club served delight ful refreshments to the members and guests present. o GET THE BEST We are carrying an advertisement for the Dan Valley Mills of Danville. Va. Bread ls-the stafL-fif_life, and If you want the best don'tflfihl to call for White Satin. Silver Leaf_pr White Rose.?Behtrfi' every sack of these brands Is a money-back guarantee that the flour must bo good?and satisfactory. Take a sack of DAN VALLEY'to the folks at home for spdfelal Christmas bakings. LONG MEMORIAL Sunday Services. ?Dec. V-J934: Sunday School at 9:45 A. M W." A. Bergeant. general sun*. Motring preaching services at 11 o'clock. Sermon by the pastor. Sub ject: "The Armor of Ood" .Young People's jgeetlngs at 6:45 Evening preaching at 7i30. Sub H ' WE CAN sell yop t Eye plasys that will pleas* at a great savings to your pooketbook. TTCC " Jewels from \ -. ^ \ -V IS NOT CANDIDATE " 1 Mr. S. G. Winstead, Supt. of Per son County Schools. Mr. WInstead has smashed that old saying, "Pew die and none resigning." He is not actually resigning, but it amounts to. the same thing, as he has an nounced that he will not be a can didate for re-election. He has no opposition In sight, in fact so sat isfactory has been his work that It Is doubtful If any one could be; found who would have the itorve to try to oust him. JURORS DRAWN FOR JAN. TERM OF COURT Person Superior-Court will be held beginning on January 21st, and will last for two weeks. The following jurors have been drawn:. Eugene P. Gentry, L#cy Wilker son, H. C. Fogleman, B. B. Crump ton, E. L. Howard. J. H. Puller, Fletcher Dunn-, A G. Barnett, I V. Regan, E. Y. Jones, J. D. Hester, W. B Jones, C. L. Foushee, R. I. Satterfleld. D. E. Whitt, W. L. Peed. J. N. Rogers, N. E. Davis, Clyde T. Satterfleld. W. G. Rtm mer; J. P. Day. ^W T. James, G. T. Glenn, Iry Tlngen, S. A. McBroom, J. L. Morris, M. H. Hicks, S. B. Moore. S. T. Wrenn, Jr.. C. P. Gar rett, t> T. Blalock, Balam Tuck, A. D. Newton, A. W. Clayton, James H. Moore, Sam "nick, Sam Evans, Simpson Vaughafi, J. A. Carver, W. H. Gentry. J. P. Whitfield, J. E. White, Ruel Gentry, H. T. Brooks, H. A. Gentry, James Ellis, W. C. Warreil, J. Mack Long, H. M. Pleas- ' ant, Norman Long, T. C. Brooks, Jr., C. H. Duncan, "L. P. Sherman. W. P. Rogers, C. M. Rain, B. J. Bowen, J. P. Pleasant. Fred Tuck, J. M. Brewer, L. B. Pox, C. A. Bowen, J. A. Gillis, P. J. Hester, O. A. Denny, ROy Day , and W. R. Wilkerson. t? V o - v LAYMEN'S MEET'G There will be a very Important meeting of the stewards of the Long Memorial and adjacent Meth odist churches at Long Memorial Church oh Sunday afternoon, Dec. 9. at three o'clock. Hie following churches have been asked "to send their stewards: Brooksdale, Leasburg, Milton, Mt. Tirzah, Person, Long Memorial, East Roxboro-Longhurst, and Yanceyville. This meeting will be^in charge of Professor ^ldrlch. the lay leader pf the Durham district. A most inter-, estlng program' has been planned. Beloved Surl I Woman Dies Mrs. Pattie Moore Succambs Tuesday following Long Illness , Mrs. Pattfe Moore, aged 56, wife of folate Robert-Moore, died at her home in the Surl section early Tuesday morning. The cause of her" death was directly attributable to a fcancer with which she had heen suffering for about one year. She had been confined to her bed for five weeks. Mks. .Moore is survived by sevep sons: "gftlllam A., James D., John T? Joe 'C.; . George L., i and Robert L. Moore, all of Person County; two daughters. Mrs 8. J Tuck and Miss Nodle Stella Moore, also of Person County; two sisters. Mrs Agnes Brlggs of Durham and Mrs.- Nannie GlayW of Person County; four brothers, Joe Monncy, of Heathsvllie. N. C;, IsaglL Moore of Richmond, Va, Lester and, Willie Mowiey uf Dgf1iauis' Funeral services were conducted jronj the Sdrl Churii this after- , noon, at .3:00 fc'clock 1jtth Elder Lex i Chandler in charge Following the i services; Mrf Moore was boried In the Surl Church Ccrrr-ry. I I CEFFO MAN FOUND DEAD OF BULLETS found Sunday Afternoon In Woods On The Ceffo- Con cord Road _ CORONER SA^S WOUND WAS SELF-INFLICTED Claude E Carver, 41, a resident ol the Ceffo community disappeared from his home Saturday afternoon, and his family, becoming alarmed at his continued absence formed a searching party Sunday afternoon to look for him. They found his body with bullet wounds in the vi cinity ot the heart. The coroner, Df] A P. Nichols, was summoned and he declared that "Carver came to. his death from shot-gun wounds seif-infllcted." The searching party first found Mr. Carver's car oil ^ Ceffo-Concord -fbad and his body about one hundred and fifty yards away in a heavy woods. He is sur vived by his wife, Mrs. Bessie C. Carver, and foOr sons. Boy, C. E. Jr., Hambrick and Kelly carver, all of Person County. Funeral services -rere conducted from the hoipfc of Mr. Sam Clay Monday afternoon at 2:00 o'c with Eldpf Lex Chandler in Active nail-bearers were: Hugh. Carrie and Zeb Bamet inald Warren, Willie Honorary' pall-b Charlie (C. Oakle, Jessie Sidney kins, bearer nie Cli Clayton,^ dlately foil ment was": Uy cemetery^ ROXBORO LOS! GOOD CITIZENS We Should rejoice at the promo tion of our friends, but in this case it is rather a case of sorrow with us, for we regret to lose such, good citizens as Mr. and Mrs. Walker B. Bourne. Mr. Bourne has been here as manager of the Carolina Pops & light Company for some time, and has mad^ not only new busineis for hi6 company, but- he has made real friend^ of the town generally, He has beeji transferred to Hamlet, which is a promotion for him. Mr. and Mrs. Bourne will leave about the 15th off the month for their new hotaie. add we "unhesitatingly say Hamlet's gain Is our loss. The new manager here for the Company will' be Mr. P. L. Cash well, who comes to us from Cheraw, S. C. He Is a native of DunnjjJhd we give, him the glad hand, hAlng he will prove to be as popular as his predecessor. 1ST BAPT. CH THE MAN C He built no temple, thest sea Can yield no shore that] His place For bended knee. He wrote no book, words and pra; Are Intimate on many "(rues And oounsel everywhere. The life He lived has never been availed. J Nor (Uiy precept, as- He lived it. yet Hag ever failed. He 'built no. IcingdDm;?yet' a King from youth He reigned, Is reigning yet; the call His realm The kingdom of' the Trdth. -'. ?Therese Lindsey. Bible School 9:45 A M. Dr. H. M. Beam, General Superintendent. Preaching 11:00 A. M. Subject: "The Conscious Presence of Jesus." B. T. V. 8:50 P M. Miss Lorena Wade, General Director. Preaching 7:30 P. M? Subject: "Some Beardilng Questions.". A cordial invitation la extended to all. ? W. F. West, Pastor. A Christmas ?icy. Life Insurance is an gift for any occasion, b pecl^lly, appropriate at time -,We writ* 'st?ntla for Infants and adults, would be pl( sed the advantages.of a Jefferson Btandafg Co. Our policies iemnlty and dli THOMPSON E. Q.

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