THE CO%JRIER EOXBORO, S. C. Every fftfandt; I 1. W. NoeU, Editor and Pnbllsher P. O. anw: Jr. Associate Editor Mr*. Elisabeth Neell Masten, Local and Society Editor P. R. Taylor, Manager Advertising ?ns Commercial Printing H- O. Long, Mechanical (Department i year JTU8 < months .15 3 months M ADVERTISING RATES Display Ads, 35 Cents per Inch, Notices, 11 Cents per line. Ths Editor is in no tray responsible lor views expressed by Correspondents Entered at the Post Office at Box. bare, N. C. as second class matter. THE AMERICAN PRESS AS80. foreign Advertising Representative. Wednesday, December. 5, 1934 MISSING A FINE OPPORTUNITY This good County, like every one of the other ninety-nine in the State,' has entirely too many ten ant fanners, yfe doubt if there is a county in the state with more good, honest tenant farmers than will be found here, but there are r too many of them; while they are. good men, honest and true, hard ?working and worth while citizens, they would be worth much more to theirV?ommunity, and would have a feeling about them they never will have until they own a farm of their own. Tenants, like renters in town, never can have that air of security about them until they own their own farm and home, for they never know when they are going to have' to move. They may be per fectly satisfied, but the landlord get a. little peeved about some -island when he says move, move they must. Not so when they have a deed in their possession for the little farm, or home, which they occupy. And now is the time for every one to own his own farm, or home; all ?feal estate is low, almost a drug on the market, and If you ever intend ^to own a little farm now is your opportunity. We know personally of quite a number of tenantyWTo have been able to lay asid^a few hundred dollars from J^?fr part ^of the crop, and we We could Pre vail on them tp^Shiy a little farm; not necesstjjpl-To tryjojjay all cash, forvup^an get the necessary money Jxftay?for the farm either from private funds, or from the g6vpr\s ment. As to the town ? probably has not bejp-^dfe so for tunate and it^Jr^^Wen hard for him tojaw^'even a few hundred. ,>^!-Sf**can shop around and find a Bttle home which is on the mar ket, and .witl} a few hundred to pay earfy tije balance through the and loan?and the cost will Jmore than the rent he is dl means buy you a little a litttle hfrtse and get that far trtlSSpendeiv re which comes through such a 7LEAN-UP WEEK dng back over the' ten yea we find that the ! town were behind known as "Clean-1 t same kind ot a mov needed, here todi the" good wo? 5,/Of their organizatlo l it and see that o ng through our 1 to be struck with Its i the North they Beauty of Ca H. they strike they are im o( hand front but, when "of town and and If ? make It two r.?y Politics must be mighty dull in and around Raleigh, as we have not seen a single new candidate lor the Senate in several weeks, .true our .regular Raleigh norrspondent dWtes tell us that there is a possibll I lty of General Brummitt throwing jhis hat into the ring for governor However, We doubt this, as Mr., I Brummitt was a candidate for a few months at the lash, guberatorial. election, and posed as a candidate from the East?this time the can didate will come from the West. I Again the Governor has batted' 100 per cent. He has appointed our good friend, Mr. Capus M. Waynick,1 editor of the High Point Enterprise,; assistant chairman of State high way. . The chairman, Mr. E. B. Jsf-' fress, has been ill for several | months, and it was thought wise to name some one to act, and no! man in the State could have been found more capable in' every-way than Capus Waynick. We congratu late the-Governor on.his wise se lection and feel sure he will- have no accaslon -to regret his choice.' o Do your Christmas shopping I and make glad the heart of- the the editor by renewing your sub scription. - ? . FARM NEWS KERR-SMITH VOTE The most important news we have tor Person County, farmers this week is in regard to the Kerr-Smith ref erendum. There are eight meet ings scheduled In the county for hthis week to discuss this matter, i as well as other subjects. The Coun ty Agent would like for it to t>e possible, for every grower in the county, including all landowners 1 and all tenants, to be present at jsome one of these meetings, in or der that he might understand thor oughly just exactly what he will be asked to vote for. No vote will be taken at these meetings. Each and every contract signer will be noti i fied by mail of the day selected for the voting just as soon as the day is decided on by the committeemen, and a voting place in each ship has been decided umfi^doWE I TO. THESE NEJ^SORHOOD MEETINGS decide "on' the tijpejiafid place when we sh allwtETh Is vote mustr be taken .WfZm the next ten or twelve days., p This vote does not have anything to do with any new contracts. contracts we have are for ty 11934 and 1935. Perhap in 1935 we will td*?tflie on a new contryr'^ffj^crvef 1936 and Ithe years KERR-SMITH NTil'M ggricultral Adjustment Ad tratlon. acting under the pow ers bestowed, by President Roose velt. agreed to stand by the! faripers who wished to sign tobacco reduc tion contracts in an effort to re duce production in order that the fanners might receive a living wage for their crop. Since the powers j conferred on the Agricultural Ad justment Administration did 'not make it possible 'to control those who did not sign contracts, and j thus left the wav open for them to produce enough tobacco to flood the 1 market with more than "the manu | facturers Could take, and thereby brine the price down to the old ruin ous level. two"Congressmen. Messrs. Kerr and Smith, Introduced a bill tn Congress asking that a tax be put on the non-signer, in order to discourage him from raising so much tobacco. These two Congress men did this at the earnest insis tence of the contract signers. How over. the bill stated that the regu lations contained therein should be in force and effect for one year only; and that if the contract sign ers and others interested wished this tax to tie continued for the wear 1935. then thev must vot,e either 'for or agamst the tax. In submitting this ?? by assisting weaken ed muscle^hold bones Pair and $1.47 ' JUNG'S BANNER BRACES stop 'pains like magic. Assist and strengthen weakened muscles. Relieve painful calluses and remove the cause. Try them first. . P?k-r- _ $1.96 and $2.45 HAMBRICK, AUSTIN ^THOMAS ? Roxbjro, N. C.