tfSell Person County^ | TOBACCO In Person County And We Will Be Benefitted 1. ' ESTABLISHED H81. PERSON COUNTY'S OLDEST AND BEST NEWSPAPER. UNDER SAME MANAGEMENT AND-OWNERSHIP FOR SO YEARS. ?; ? - v.-- . ....J Sell Your TOBACCO In Roptboro ?No Better Market In The State" > 1 ' b. W. NOBLL,*EDITOR ??! ? ?' HO.MK I IWST. ABROAD NEXT t $1.50 PER .YEAR IN ADVANCE. VOL. XI. ?> m$- ? . \ V " ROXBORO,. NORTH CAROLINA, WEDNESDAY EVENING, DECEMBER 19, 1934. - -ry to^wortfcy - *nd ?H Dsr; TQUETj kvanaugj aturdq nder njoying bet per prices for its rnjoditles, this section after sev y'ears of adverse conditions, is | line for its grtyest holiday season itmas. Everyone seems be jgnbued . with the spirit that ' es a ' joyfuj season" more?-}Oyr " The./atmosphere is" just right the happiest J sgaspps of / of inguTMCi IANCt AOENtn a i a IN j [ LAHOMA Hamilton leftrTues N C, whfro fi? ? hn of his family Oklahoma, to Bith relativi* for the< A.RD| ^^^?pprpllPTV | J . V.'. ' 'THEY'RE YOUR CHIN HERE :hina . ?' call and get your- china, we have them ready for you. Chrfctra&s Present ? . \ . - -Nothing Is more appropri ,ate, and you never gave her anything -she will enjoy more than a full set of Real China. It' is FREE, po charge what-" eyst for the China;, just re n?jR\' or Subscribe, for "Hie Courier one year and the* China is yours, ready to take home with you when'you re new or subscribe. Don't' put tills off another day-r-Do it NOW! - LUST SERVICE HELD FOR PROMINENT MAN Mr. Josejfh W. Younger Died " Wednesday At Home Of > Mr. and Mrs. Bradsher Mr Joseph-W. Youn^fr. aged 78, died at the home of his daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. . L. C.I Bradsher on the Roxboro-Chub Lake road and in sight Of the home plaqe of the Youngers where Mr. Youpgpr had spent most of his life until feeble health forced him to move into the house with his daugh-. ter and her ? husband some years ago. Mr. Younger had been con fined to his room for quite a bit of the time since 1928, but had been able to be about some until two years ago. Since that time he had been in bed a majority of the time. He suffered a stroke of pa -"aTyfcfswH*. time ago, but the im mediate fause of his death jvas pneumonia with other complica tions. ' \ I Funeral Services were conducted from the First Baptist Church is Roxboro. Rev. W. F. West, his pas tor, was in charge of the services^ Mr. Younger had been a member at this church for many years. Active pall-bearers were; Messrs. Prestpn Satterffeld. R. A. RuHock. A. jW. Clayton.' S. a, Wlnstead, E.< E Bradsher and Dr. A. F. Nichols. Honoraty pall-bearers were; Messrs. N. H. '"arris. W. I., Newton, W. T. Daniel w'. T Pass. J. C. Pass. M. W. siierfleld, T. 0. Wlnstead, W. D. Merritt. ft. E. Hamlin, L. L. Lulls ford. Nathan Lunsford. S. C. Bjgnett. W R. Wllkerson Hugh tnods, R. H. Gates, D. W. LedbCt ser and Dr. B. E. Love. Flower bearers were: Messrs. J. G. Pass, J. Y. Blanks, S. M. Neal, F. J. Hes B. G. Clayton, W. G. Brad B. Smith, W. R. Wopdy, R. WJ Wllkerson, 8. ? Coats. J. E. Klrby. Beam. Peyorite selec rounger's were sung I wade. Mrs. W. H. J. Ticker and ? Mr. Mr Younger was bur hwood ceifretery. " -o RUTH IN LENT REPORT have come to me recent .? husband, the late Claude r. was^he^dfiver of the hit car that killed Sidney the night of Nov. 10. I can liy say I know he was inno the act. He did not leave in that 'night. 1 remember ' wetl he workfed at home until f and did not go away any where, uk if this report "Could be trac f to the beginning it would prob be found that some one is hid : bqhlnd a man who cannot speak himself. It has been said that he told me he was the one who did it. i can fully say that ^is not true. I .that this denial will clear up thesa false reports. ^ - - ?^^Mw. Clyude* E. Career. ATTENDS SCHOOL MEET LAST. WEEK Messrs. O.' C- Davidson, J. B. Cur rlrf; Dewey Young and Roy Oarrt^ son went down to Raleigh Mont*ay night to attend.,a meeting of tlio whool men of this section. The meeting was held to dWiaA< the School situation and'-problems \and he polices of supp*t for the corning year, perhaps some policies to - recommended to the leglsta be ure when; It meets. Prof. Leon Mfad jws, President. of E. C. T. C? Prgny Oraham, President of University of North* Carolina. Mr. CJyde Brwln, State SupSfclii' tot of, Education. addresjrrlLth* |X)r the and THE PASSIM A WELL KNOWN AND, INFLUENTIAL MAN Mr. Lewis H. Daniel Died Ajt His Home Friday Morning ~ At 6:3d - Mr. Lewis H. Daniel, age 84, died at his home near Roxboro on Fri day morning at 6:30. ? About five years ago he was stricken with pa ralysis and since that time has been confined to his room. Just a Iw days before his death he began fail ing and he " passed away as above ?noted. J Mr. Daniel was one of the ibest known men in the County, was an inveterate reader, versed in affairs generally, and was the best posted man on Person county history it has ever been our pleasure to know. Living near town it has been -his custom to spend a good bit of his time in Roxboro and many have been the hours we enjoyed his com i pany, for he was always a welcome visitor at this office! he knew the history of the County to a larger degree than any man we have ever tabwn .ftnd it was really enjoyable to sit and listen to he would ?tell- of the many quaint actions of some of the older residents; he was full of fur. and wit and always had a story to .fit in with the character .he .was. discussing. -His going is a "distinct loss to .us and'will be felt with sadness. His wife, a most in tellectual woman, prfeceder him to the grave by several years, but this good couple leave two daughters, Miss Bessie Heath Daniel of Rox boro, and Mrs. E. L. Cloyd of Ral eigh, who- are living examples of the lieritage' left them by their par ents. ? ' ' . Funeral services were held at the ihome with Rev. W. F. West of the Baptist Church and Rev. Thomas Hamilton of t h e Presbyterian )Church, officiating, with" interment 'at the Daniel family cemetery. V Active pall bearers were Hassell Jpx. W. C. Barnett, Stephen Moore, JoC^Y. Blanks, Nick Allen and W. R. wqodv. Honon.rj pall bearers and. floral bearers were: 5. O. Cafver, N. S. Thompson. W. it Farris, A. M. Burns, W. R. Hambflck. T. E. Austin, Geo. W. Theivas, Nath Lunsford, Dr. G. W. Gentry, Chas. Holeman, S. B. Davis, DevCFWh, Davis, G. M. Fox, Sr., W. T. Kirby, H. K. Sanders, C. L. Brooks, J. R. Ellington, M. T. Clayton, F. D. :Long, E. E. Bradsher, K. L. Street, W. D. Merritt, C. H. Hunter, J. W. Noell, R. P. Reade, Otho Lunsford. The song selections were "Cross ing * the Bar," "When the Roil is Called Up Yonder," and "Asleep in Jesus." Members of the choir; Mrs. K. L. Street, Mrs. H. W. Newell, J. B. Riggsbee and K. L. Street. o CA-VEL CHURCH 1 ORGANIZED Hiursday night a Baptist church was organized at Ca-Vel Village, to be known as Ca-Vel Baptist Church. ' J. W. Noell, moderator^of the Beu lah Baptist Association, was asked to preside. Interesting talks were made by Revs. N. J. Todd and W. F, West, Mr. J. H Farrell and Mr. B. B. Mangum. The doors of the.1 church were opened and 136 pre sented themselves for membership. A church covenant was adopted, and the new church presented a call to Rev. J. C. McGregor to become , its pastor. For the present the Church ;will worship In fhe school auditor ium, but with such a fine begtaning It Is expected t/ie congregation will I soon be worshipping in its own new building. ' ' . A SSOC?ATED WITH MR. M. CARLTON A pew association in legal circled of lqoal interest has been formed In County. J. Fitzgerald Davis, fo obtained his license to practice '.w about two years ago, will now assoliated with L M. Carlton. Mr. Davis has moved his office and ' will occupy offices In -the First Na_ i _t)onaJ Bank /Building with Mr ' Carlton ^ I " ?? ' injured by FIRECRACKER J .ltUrTomJ?instead Thaxtou. son of^r. and Mrs. B. \ Thaxton. had the misfortune Saturday to-be hold ing a flrerrecfcpr v> -V ? ^xplofleW He was bdrtied sefcrcly. and his condition was seriSas. but at this writing he tB reported to be getting 1 aklflf airtight. A CHILJ) IS BORN AT BETHLEHEM Above Is pictured a striking scene, reenacting the birth of the Christ Child in the village of Bethlehem nipeteen centuries ago. "Christus" the passion play from which the picture was photographed, was featured at Chicago this month, a Christmas benefit for underprivileged children. 85 Per Gent of Landlords And Tenants Voted Xmas potted plants 50c Up. Cem etery wreath >1.50 up." Come in and see them before RQXBORO FLOWER SHOP. CARD OF THANKS To our friends and customers of Ntorth Carolina yr? wish to take this method of expressing to you odr whole-hearted appreciation for the splendid patronage you have so lib erally given us this year. You have made it possible tor us to enjoy a very healthy business, and your co operation has placed us in a position P large contracts, thereby I getting much lower prices which we have Joyfully passed on to you. You have bene exceedingly nice to wait on, always reminding us of how much we save you on your purchases, which" enouraged us to. do even better the next time if possible, all "of which has cemented our re lationship more, strongly. This' leads us to make this proposition, which is in no way to be construed as an advertisement but as further ap preciation of your support, which is as follows: Every reader of this article who will cut this out and bring it to our store between this and December 25 we will give $1.00 credit on any purchase amounting to $5 00 or more. We wlih to congratulate you on having such a wonderful medium as The Roxboro Courier through which you can make such close con tact. We wish for both you and the paper a great big Christmas and even more prosperious New Year than this has been and that you will use us more often the coming year, as we are getting in a better position to serve yOu every day. You will be heating ifrom us again real soon so keep both your eafs_and eyes open for the good news which is on the" wav. . Again thanking you and looking forwlrckto having the pleasure of shaking your hand" again, we are Yours for a Happy Christmas. wilborn's Hardware South Boston, Va. TTe Shore'? Return Rev. J. H. Shore and his good fam'lv have returned to Roxboro and will make their home.hire. Re oently they built- a beautiful bunga low out on Route' 1 and last week mored in. We ar^glad to welcome these rood people and trust they will And- everything just to their liking. IN THE HOSPITAL Mr. J. Shields Harvey, one of Roxborcs most valued cltlrens, was carried- .to Duke Hospital Monday, inhere he '#111 receivf treatment* He 'has been 111 at his toopie on Septh Main street for some little time and his - fonditloh .has not shown the Imptnyertent his family hoped, for. Only Four Votes In Count: Against The Kerr-Smith Referendum ? 1 V ' MAY VOTE UNTI-L DEC. 21 At this time 85%* of the land owners and tenants have voted. Bal lots have been mailed to all of thos who have not voted. Only four farmers with sma] acreage have voted against th measure. Mr. Sanders feels sur that one of these did not under stand the ballot. - Of the four votes cast agalns the Kerr-Smith "Referendum th acreage ranged from 6 acres dowi to 1M acres. This list, included: non-signer, 1 Kerr-Smith fenefl clary, 1 contract signer and on tenant. All of these had only smal tobacco acreage. The pallot box is still open in th Grand Jury rooih of the Courthous and any tobacco -grower may vot through Thursday. Dec. 20th, 193' The ballots that have been maile out to those who have not vote inay be marked "Yes" or "No", th acres stated in the space provided and SIGNED by the voter, and re turned by mall. The ballot does no require a stamp. Just drop it li the mail box, if It can reach th Countv Agent's office on Dec. 20th or bring it to the office in th Courthouse before 5 P. M , Thurs day, Dec. 20, 1934. GIFTS! GIFTS! Be Sure your gits bears the name o THE NEWELLS Jewelers The symbol of quality. Your girl, your wife, or friend will appreciate ^he gift more. Th fallowing people will welcome yo to The Newells Jewelry Store t help solve vour Christmas need! Each -one will appreciate your bust ness: Mrs Charles Tlmberlake, Mts Maria Oarrett, Miss Cornelii Thompson. Wallace W. Woods. Gee L. Newell. Russell E. Newell, B Wheeler Newell. _ . THE NEW ELLS Roxboro, N. C. THE COURIER ON MONDA\ On account of Christmas da; comine on Tuesday The Courier wll bep ubllshed Monday afternoon | We trust our addertlser*' will Jdli | with us and klnn Saturday night Rev. and MiV I J. P.. Herbert; Messrs. "B. B. Man--! cum. B B. Knight. S. II Wlnstead. c J. 8. kerrltt,, C. B. Wood. tV R t Taylor, and Or B. A. Thaxton of J ?the Roxboro Ciuh wont down to Jiear f lilm. Accompanying them-was Wll- t J Ham Thomas, a guest of the club, e \bout 90 People Participate Festive Event; Caro * linas Governor Speaks 'RESD.-ELECT HERBERT WAS TOA S'T M ASTER About ninety peopio gathered iround a festive board loaded with in excellent four-iqurse dinner Monday night at the New Hotel Tones to participate in the celebra ;ion of the first anniversary of the Roxboro Kiwanis Club. In all the iecorations the approaching Christmas season's motif was har ried Put. -woven harmoniously in with the Kiwanis emblem and. em irs. Jake Taylor, song leader, ac companied by Mrs. H. E. Mas'ten, club pianist, led the assembly in nany songs dear in the hearts of ECiwani%ns. Carlton McGregor in_ voked the Divine blessing on- the neeting. The retiring president, Baxter Mangum. bade wejcoie to the ruests of the club, after which he Curned the program over to Presi iept-Elect Furman Herbert, the coastmaster of the evening. Dr. Rives W. Taylor President of the Dxford Club responded in a few gracious words to the welcome ad iress of President Mangum. "fhe toastmaster welcomed the ladies, who came with their Kiwanian hifS >ands or friends of tho Roxboro Club in a -body, and then he introduced Dr. and Mrs. Bedford Love and Dr. ihd Dr. and Mrs. Jack 'kughes,^ Jf Roxboro, Messrs. Russ Grum (Continued-on last page) ? ROTARY CLUB IN REGULAR SESS'N Roxboro Rotary held its regular weekly meeting at the Woman's dub rooms Thursday night. After he usual business _ was transacted he program committee, Gordon Runter in charge, presented Mr. R. 3. Burns who spoke on the finan cial condition of the county. It was i most Interesting talk, showing the Dounty to be financlaly in good hape; all obligations rpet during he year, with no default In either ntereet or bonds, and the County ?unning on a cash basis. Mr. Burns rave much credit to the wise man igement of thfe County Commission ers. the Coupty Auditor, the Coun ty Treasurer and other interested citizens.- Of course, Mr. Burns did lot mention the fact that the Coun y Attorney was due some of these jouquets he was handing around, )ut being that self same gentleman, nodesty forbade. But in truth, Mr.. Burns has spent many hours wrest ing over this financial question and s largely responsible for the solu cion of some of them. However, here Is glory erfough for all con cerned and there will be no question raised as to distributing the honor. "Presenting Polly" ....... Successful P 1 ay The Junior Class of the Roxboro-' (Jlgh' school put on a play Friday light at the high school auditorium ?hat attracted many patrons of the ichool and was thoroughly enjoyed jy those witnessing it. "Present_ ng Polly" built around the proverb ial college professor who doesn't enow how to take care of himself W this world. Introduced some new tgatures In amatuer performances when the politician who looks af ar his own Interest In the running" >f a certain political group' came in the scene together with his par her In compromising the.profesmr. rhe play showed that it had been veil directed and was well played hroughout. Misses Texys Morris ind Mary Hester were the direc ors. INSPIRING P, T. A. - MEETINC TttES Tuesday aftemoon in tlje Central Ichool Building a very interesting neefcng of the Parent-Teacher, As oclatlon was field. Mb J. H. fughes the president, quickly.- dis mtched of the business and turned rtrer the meeting to Ml? Marie 3arland .and Mrs. Mary Long, who resented their first grade children h a 'delightful Christmas program, this program was, followed by a, luiet, "Bethlehem; Luflaby" sung "bv iCsses Violet OlUUand and Frances jfhltt. The Rev. T- L. Hamilton losefl the meeting with the read ing of Dlcken's ''Christmas Carol " ?ftes .MaUde. Mdhtague ttas ? presented the banner for he largest, number of *i . - ? .