Sell Person County TOBACCO In Person Cei nty And We All Will U<- Jit m'tittctl J. W. NOKU.. I.DliOH ->:/ I EM'ABl.lsHEII 1XK1. PERSON COINTV.S WU?EST AND BE SI NEWSPAPER. rVUlR SAME MANAGEMENT AND OWNERSHIP FOR 50^.4 EARS. HOME FIRST, ABROAD NEXT VOL. I I. ROXHORO, NORTH < \ KOI. FN A, WEDNESDAY EVEN INC, JANT'AR) il, 1935 In Roxbori^ No Better Market In The State" : $1.50 PER YEAR IN ADVANCE? \y m 2 KIWANIAN WIS TAKE CHARGE AND SAY WHAT'S WHAT M ; -si's Ksthri Wnlkt-t \ "r ? d _ UetxTca Munti-i ? M ' . ' ?li ' r * '? %? ? Lv ifjj.,* .ft Stockholders Meeting ?.!?*" ? * on *.fe> !2 > , 'nw<. m. MR. FARRELL GIVES DINNER "c ! MAYNARD MANGIJM m SUNDAY NIGHT .*? "j : ? 1 'i'h. ?' v "rf> ROXBORO HI Y CLUB ENTFRTAINS FRIDAY Toasts, Spt'erfu's \rt- OrdtT t l\*'. ' ' c ? ? .V. 1 h.' N.'W J"in i ; .i-;i ! ]iiv; .in : ' w i; ; - . .1 ?. : ? l?t ir T ? [[ Vv> 1 reates Sen?ati'>n ? ? Yj > 1 \\ Mother \ NNOl'NC F Mf NT ? ' imirussioners In Session Monday \ liens villc Vs Yanceyville Friday r-.i i> :.t Ilii"' 1 ,! K". ' i:i'. : ' >' TV* '? ?v' : h (?! ?? Acmj|)s??oii . f] ;V '? ??? C :\V, ? l;,'' *t WO IV ? o? Returns Home V!- ': n ? ?? Rrad.shcr, Miss Aman ? K'.nr Mist 'T?)oto" Kin?.nr,ri Mary Pnms Rtnim havr rf fi rin (i li inc nfter sprnJinpr Xnr-s n Fl;r vim t me many point? of ln r^msi. ' j FREE I FREE ! ?s \llsill.l I I I \ i ltKK ,'Ha .i- \ ? (i I tin > ? bi'Hll i with i.caa! >;f llfiw ?f > I * Tti.v !i !i? y ) U \w ?r:i it.. f"( Joyner Chevrolet Co. Showing New Cars < haiv^i's In Kmlv \ ? r.t n< *? M.iiiv - flu ut> \! .v?|i I ONE OF THE LEADING HARDWARE STORES t ? > Renewal Cards j or Unemployed i: . J-m. t i ? -Hi ? a It! 1 I I ' ?: ' ? i : r ' I r or 'ri-: :iv< ? ivtvi v (? Hnwrimit I. is qu>ir> . t an '!1 :;:m ?,< home on North., M > *' , lljr t.rws t o ' ' i i ? iXiiii-i W-4-V I i t jt. - lilM 1 ? Mr Brummitr hart been at home , a week suffering from Influenza [ whirli has (Tikcn a somewhat. nial- . iRnant form The hmru' peopfiT are anxious *fc-; him. 'hough his ill- j new has not been regarded criti cal. . ? -,3 NEW ENTERPR1ZE FOR ROXBORO SUGGESTED A I. it tit- Co-operat ion Needed I'or Cannery; Hij? Pos sibilities N w thai tt:'- tartiirr.-; ait ]iiillum they ? ;t i l make Jirctgrfss il they wil: | < . i f l.'i u .-mall amount 01 .u u! i * ; j : t n. i L Uf ma: k>:l K>r ti'n.a'ui s, l.n-a;,'. "a ! a I cai: ? 'as'il.ibii':. [ha! ra;. !>'? nt'SUci! N ? ; t) i' 1 , i 3'Jr:" .'-.Hi ii a ptatj' ijrraU'.r '*?]>. u ti??- juji'i- jj, usu.TjflMH'. Ua> 1 v J 1 ' ' ' ' u.?|! ...I ?!., ...nut K K Summary Of Health Activities In Person County For 1934 i Vt/vuM t mint ! ' , r>: i ,'fi ?'/ T 'I < i IV manhi'v 1 : > ? . 1 1 ci.untv Tiur.'-c j - *o - Visits Fayetteville Mr and Mrs. G O Davidson re turned last night from Fayetteville. to which rilv they were called on account., of the death of Mrs FJdijar Allen TrKi Jr a sister in-law ' of 1 Mrs Mrs [!*r>o (fie^I 3tinday night. aflcr a brief illness * 3f pneumonia She was formerly Miss Louise H.ii.ler.- of Fayetteville HF -r All Job Printing done by expert ' nmrkmen?at cou icr shop. . 1 : ROTARY CLUB HOLDS INITIAL t ME'TING OF YEAR '.> Rotary club held it.s I Tlnu>d;i', nit'lii at the Woman's ] initial imvliii? fit th?* Now Yrai" | A m;i: t deticicus dinjier | nib . ci vfii tn i lit ladie.s (it the I 'It1 hUtTi.ii: iliuii'h Alter !hr |<-L''ilar bu;.int^s been iylijidoti tjt thf hm'cHiik was turned ev er 1? Mr Cordon Huntor , Mlble: 1 t J f he [TiHfrulll loj- the . . f 1 ? 1 ! 1 1 I - : ! I . r the Nt'W Hunter made ir.lere tir:;; talks wi ' lie 1 1: : ? J er }'?>;- the enMiiim year Vr ij :f,,t i ..nit!:' i' !]?? eellU'd much bnivhter is-, v i.,; > : ; ' Mr ll'in : . t'i > I.ieLs -lyi't" b teiiflr m bu.-ltie v. 1. j 't'': 'j.U' the It.- 1- K< V FARMER'S EXCURSION 10 WASHINGTON CITV H.i h < 1 Miii < M liM In- \ i-MH'ri 1!\ Thf J', 1 1 t ^ Federal Housing Administration Travelers Insurance Co. Represented By Knight's Ins. Agency , j.r 1 1 . ? Tr;m k :? < I ,t Bp Hi t I t : :n -i i h i*.h us w rive you ?:??? 1r' 'ij-'fsj I'lmijuy;:!'.' VIOT IT'S I XSl TRAM ' K A liKNC V 1' B tit .1 L) Knisht, I- 1 Israel, H I- Cnolcy, W Irvini! O Briani-, Alex 0\citj?n. MR. SANDERS IN RALEIGH Mr H K Sanders left Monday' for Raleigh where he will attend a . fntjr days session of Coufily mnits. . ? *~f *"-? ' r Pro/rssor Lucien Rudaux, distin- j rui.'.hed French astronomer, will take ,mi 1 nig were the hdtir>$f ot Mr I. rn - first wife, the former Miss Minnie Lenora William--, and Mack I.on- is the son present w f who survives him. K ineral .-r:\u-cs were conducted ! r< >m the home - also survived^ ? T-r Mi / T 1 ng. ?? tf-.-.v timther. C E Lor of B'l^ A 1. iiii.', of Dui Mr Plymouth & Dodge On Exhibition Mr - t h.'M> i on, aih and the ! manv have delight a, J ! i? ? Dodge es ?: - i for tliCj i;?*. airflow effects, i r. a ot her improvj ? trwari ."-ays atK ? wilh 'M |o havfl| ;m : w buy ?h<- rest. Call St : Ci>:i;pam- and E ? o ? A BOY SCOUTS HELP*! > .-real Bo \ * ' fterr >11 January fl. .u 'nits and other boys * 1 1 ,> t The Methodist '-j ? ? .or 1 m miT irrls at tt homes ' I ? fsrlrie.? ^ 1 Sunday meht sermons. Herbert wishes to express rfls a"| r.reeiatir>n uf tl er vice from the83J i" ?, . o THANKS TO MRS. CLAYTOif r>ur rood friend. 'Mrs Emma Cla?l n if Rounemont. responded to out ittle want ad aitd sent us 'another ? py of the issue W'Uife-i We ap ireriate t tie kindness of our fiends uid return thanks for same. The New OldsmobileJ^I Alone with the other new cars of he .1935 line shown last week was he new Oldsmobile. When Mr. iriffin, of the Griffin Motor Co., 00k over this line a few montha .ince it was comparatively unknovga ' iere .but today you see quite. a> num >er on the streets, and it is one of he cars to be reckoned with. You ?an see these new cars at the Qtlf In Motor Company place on E>e >ot street. ? o . ' - r H . Infant Dies Tuesday^ * jerlene Thomas, ftfteenvfnohth Id daughter of Mr. *nd Mrs., Joe fhomas of Woodsdale, Rt. l-.dlad [Vesday at 11:30 a. m?^5&e was bur ed in the Thomas, v round near her j^afente home Qftfniftffl - ???'rar m