?f - Sell Person Ccar.^y TOBACCO In Pei'ion County And We AU Will Be Benefitted \ V' ? r ,< f'K7 ESTABLISHED 1881. PERSON COUNTY'S OLDEST AND BEST NEWSPAPER. UNDER SAME MANAGEMENT AND OWNERSHIP FOR 50 YEARS. Sell Your TOBACCO t In Roxboro "No Better Market, Iq The State" . J. W. NOELL, EDITOR VOL. LI. HOME FIRST, ABROAD NEXT $1.50 PER YEAR IN ADVANCE. V = ROXBORO, NORTH CAROLINA, WEDNESDAY EVENING, JANUARY 23, 1935 NUMBER 4 111 ~ ? . """? ? f' Questions On Christian I ' - r~ ?4 S ? *. Citizenship Are Answered By Rev. Furman Herbert ' i 4 , Pastor Answers Questions Of Current Interest Asked Through Quest ion Box the evening service at Long ^^Hkemorial church on Sunday, Jan ^^niary 1 20th, the pastor preached the third of his sermons on "The Chris tian Managing His Life." The sub ject of $he sermon of the evening was "The Christian Managing His Citizenship." r ?* The question box being used dur ing this series of sermons was found at the sermon hour- to contain sev ? prai Interesting questions. Hie questions and the pastor's answers are given below. . (a) Is membership in some Christ ian church necessary to good cit izenship? Can we be good citizens WTOrqut -pang good Clirtolians? The best citizenship Is the ex^ pression of an acquaintance with Jesus, and a purpose to live a life by His standards and with His help. The same thing is true in any and every phase of life. The best hus band, father, business man, is a Christian, because thq~ Christian I faith and life is the highest expres sion of living. According to Ihe ordinary conception of the words, "Good Citizen" a person unacquain ted with Jesu$,""or even a person, of some heathen faith, can meet the "standard.-1 Let It be remembered ..however that life out of Christ is never at is best. (b) You said in your sermon that no Christian wohld run his busi ness on Sunday. Would you ap ply this to every kind of business? The Sabbath is not a day. for commercial enterprise of any na ture whatsoever. I cannot see any place for the opening of any, busi ness on. Sunday save the drug store hotels and resaurants. Nor is there any need for the drug stores to be open all day on Sunday. And when a drug store is wide open all day on Sunday, to be utilized as a ren dezvous for" gayety, beer drinking, etc., it Is a clear violation of the law of God and the Good of Man. (c) Could a Christian run a mo vie on the Sabbath? There is no possible argument of this question, under Christian Standards. The answer is unequivocally "No". The subject of Mr. Herbert's ser mon for Sunday night, January 27 is "Hie Christian Managing His Leisure." The pujilic Is cordially' ? invited to these sermons, singing by ?the congregation is a feature of these services, under the leadership of Wallace Woods. The question box remains in the lobby all week, and throughout Sunday. j Two question asked so far the pastor has not attempted to an swer (a) should teachers have peas? (b) Why is your hair red? Concern ing one question asked last Sunday night the pastor has asked more time for a thoughtful answer and will present the answer at the ev ening service Sunday night . nan i FREE SERVICE If you want Information about your insurance we will be delighted to advise you. You don't have to have a man come in here from an ter town to look over your poli His intention is to sell you J I probably tell you some poli cies are out of date. When we sell you our service goes with it. Our office, telephone, and every thing we have is yours. Don't be afraid to call on us for anything J in connection with insurance. KNIGHT'S INSURANCE AGENCY. MR. MOORE SERIOUSLY ILL; ,Mr. Jim D. Moore of near Leas burg, who lives on the old Dr. Thax ton place, is critically ill. About! ofle year he suffered a stroke j of paralysis, and had the. second | stroke Monday morning; in addition he is suffering with pneumonia, and ' his family is very much alarmed I over hi* condition. Written by his nephew, 1 Joe C. Moore, Bushy Pork. o Long Memorial Board of Christ ian Education , The regular JShuary meeting of the Board of Christian Education of J Long Memorial Church will be held j at the parsonage at 7:45 p. m. on-' Thursday ^ this week, January 24. j f FREE ! FREE ! ?, ABSOLUTELY FREE ? Have you seen those beau tiful Real China sets The Courier is presenting with each renewal or new sub scriber? It Is the most beau tiful and worthwhile gift we have ever been able to offer, and if you miss this oppor tunity you will regret it. One set at 10 pieces with each renewal, Qr new sud scription. two seta for 2 years ?ubscript.'cn, or th.-r* sets for 3 years subscription either re newal or new subscription. Come in today and see them. MANY DOWN WITH COLDS AND FLU There are quite a number of our ! citizens down with colds or flu, j especially has Academy street been | hard hit in this line. Among them j we note Mr. J. S. Walker, Mr. Billy ! Montague, Mr. George Bullock, Dr. A. P. Nichols and Mr. A. A. Burch, all reported to be much better and j some able to be at their regular duties. CHAPER0NE8 AND COMMITTEES NAMED Ball To Be Held Here Wed nesday, Jan. 30, in Kap lan Ball Room The committees and chaperones for the President's -Ball to be held here January 30th in Kaplan Ball Room have been named. E. G. Thompson and D. D. Long, joint chairmen, are looking for a most succesful ball here. The commit tees and chaperones follow: Ticket Sales Committee: S. B. W instead, Robert Long, Mrs. S. B. Davis, E. G. Thompson, Mrs. Hazel Price Long, Miss Winnie Wilbum, BaJl Room Arrangement and Decorat ions: Boone Monk and Toney Dun can; Music and Entertainment: D. D, Long and A. Warren; Floor Com mittee: Coy Day, Gordon C.' Hun ter, S. B. Winstead, Coleman King, and R. D. Bumpass; Publicity: J. S. Merritt, P. O. Carver, Jr.; Treas urer, C. A. Harris. Chaperones: Mr. and Ms. H. K .Strang, Mr. and Mrs. N. Lunsford, Mr. and Mrs. R. P. Burns, Mr. and Mrs. C. T. Wag ner, Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Long, Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Harris, Mr and Mrs J. D. Mangum, Mr. and Mrs. J. E Kirby, Mr and Mrs. E. E. Thomas, Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Joyner, Mr and Mrs. C. A. Wright, Mrs. Oveidia Long, Mr. and Mrs. Burke New- j borne, Mr. and Mrs. L. M. Carlton, i Mr. and Mrs. Rt B. Dawes, Dr. afld Mrs. B. E. Love, Mr. and Mrs. E. V. Boatwright, Dr. and Mrs. A. F. Nichols, Mr. and Mrs. George Kane I Mr and Mrs. O. B. McBroom, Mr. and Mrs. B. B .Strum, Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Winstead, Mr. and "Mrs. Lon don Harvey, Mr and Mrs." B. W. Gardner, and Dr. and Mrs. B. A. \ Thaxton. o . J Annual Meeting Of Peoples Bank Held Last Saturday . * ? . The annual stockholders meet ing of the Peoples Bank was held on Saturday, January 19th. The report of Mr. G. C. Hunter, Execu tive Vice-President, showed that de posits of the bank showed an in crease of $435,40634 over the pre vious year. The bank is looking for ward " to ? 193h* aS one of the best years It has ever had. After the stockholders meeting the directors met and re-elected all of the old directors. There was no change in the personnel of the bank. ? ? ? * o ? Miss Nancy Bullock In #H o s p i t a 1 Miss Nancy Bullock, a student In Blackstone Oorege. why recently spent a week here on the sick list, was carried to Watts hospital Mon day for treatment. Her condition is not considered serious, but she entered the hospital for examina tion. HCENSE PLATE SALE INDICATE UPWARD BUSINESS TREND Increase Of Four Hundred And Forty-One Plates Noted Here A reflection of the general busi ness trend for this section may be ? found in the sale of license plates for motor vehicles that will be op erated in North Carolina during 1935. The local office is the only one in either of the three counties, | Person, Granville and Caswell and i necessarily many people come from J these counties to buy their plates i here. Up to the middle of Jan- j pary, 1934, eighteen hundred and ; forty-eight, plates had been sold from this office as compared with twenty-two hundred and eighty-nine plates at - the same time this year. Of course some of these have been put on new cars, but rhr ma- j joirity were purchased to fcut on j cars that have been in operation before. Not many cars are park ed under sheds for the lack of li cense plates to run them on the highways. Money seems to be too plentiful for that. B. B. Knight,Wins Trip To Wisconsin Mr. B. ? B. Knight received word from the Indianapolis Life that he was a member of the Counselors Club. That entitles him t