t - *? Sell Person Coun y . TOBACCO In Pei ion Ccunty Apd We All \\ h Be Benefitted J. W. NOELL, EDITOR VOL. LI. rier ESTABLISHED 1881. PERSON COtiJSTY'S OLDEST AND BEST NEWSPAPER. UNDER SAME MANAGEMENT AND OWNERSHIP FOR 50 YEARS. Sell Your ' JOBACCO In Roxboro V "No Better Market In The State" HOME FIRST, ABROAD NEXT $1.50 PER YEAR IN ADVANCE. * 4= * L ROXBORO, NORTH CAROLINA, WEDNESDAY EVENING, JANUARY 30, 1935 NUMBER & PROCEEDINGS OF THE SUPERIOR COURT III SESSION LAST WEEK Court Adjourned Light Dock et l^ate Thursday Night For The Session ?following is a list of the proceed fes of the Superior Court of Per n County that met in its January term with Judge N. A. Sinclair of Payett^ville. N. C., presiding last week; State vs A. O. Smart, illegal possession for purpose of sale, not guilty; State vs Harvey E. Huffman, D. A. ~W D. called and failed; State vs Jack Johnson, possession and sale of beer, plead guilty, Judg ment suspended on payment of the costs; State vs Oscar Long, pos session illegal beer, plead guilty, judgment suspended on payment of costs; State vs Newman Harris, lar JSSL called and failed; State vs | Lewis McCormick, driving automo bile with inadequate brakes, plead guilty, judgment suspended; State vs O. D. Epps, larceny, plead guilty, sixty days or fine of twenty dollars and costs; State vs L^wis McCor mick, reckless driving and assault, guilty of reckless driving but not guilty of assault with deadly weap on, twelve months on roads; State vs Jack Rogers, rape, nol pros; State vs Otis H. Oakley, carnal knowledge of child, plead guilty, three to five years in State Prison; State vs Er nest Vinson, non-support, plead nolo contendere, prayer for judg- 1 ment continued for two years pro vided that defendant support wife and children during that time and remain of good behavior; State vs Henry Stephens, carnal knowledge of child, guilty, five to seven years in State Prison, State vs Vexter Goss, murder in the second degree, guilty, ten to fifteen years in the State Prison MR. J. A. LONG ENTERTAINS Mr. J. A. Long entertained a number of his friends Saturday night at a five-course turkey din ner. It was unusual these days, as the guests gathered in the liv- j ing room after dinner in lieu of playing contract .Boston rook, or tiddlewinks. they engaged in gener al conversation. The New Deal received first consideration, then Hauptmann, and finally the affairs of the Legislature were settled; or rather left unsettled, as there were exactly twelve opinions on each of t these great questions? twelve being the number pfesent. Only on on" question was there a unanimous verdict, and that being on the mat ter of roads for Person County. It j was agreed by one and ail that th ? time had arrived when nothing short of stones would bring the de < sired results. ^ Mr. and Mrs. lWn-z are charming hosts ? and the occasion was - thoroughly enjoyed. - . ? o ? : - ? TOBACCO MARKET ; CLOSES THURS. _ l WtTIl 1 1 ; ^?*cb ^hahc! With tomorrow's sale the tobacco market here will close. Sales have been light during the week, and ing to the cold weather there ably will some farmers with all quantites of tobacco left on The December sales showed this market in third place" for the month, but it will hardly bear this distinction for the entire season. However, the price during the en tire season has been very satisfac tory and the warehousemen and buyers are to be congratulated for the manner in which they stood by the market. MISSED' IT EIGHT YEARS In telling about the Golden Wed ding Anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Timberlake last week, we made ? a mistake of just eight years, as they were celebrating their fifty eighth anniversary. No one seeing and talking with young-old couple would ever imagine they had seen fifty-eight years of married life, in fact they act more like they were newly-weds, for their affections are most sweet and beautiful. ~1934 TAXES Will carry a penalty commencing on Friday of this week, save the penalty by paying now. thank you R. A, Burch, Cftty Mgr. Man Gets Lost In Woods; Stays Out All Night Sunday Ed Carver Got Lost In Five-Acre Wood Plot Near ' His Home Ed Carver, who lives near the head of'Bamett's pond, started from his home Sunday night to Miss Jane Clayton's home, ^ near neighbor. His way led through a five-acre wooded plot and it was while he was passing through this wood that he got lost. Apparently lie wand ered around In a circle through the.J woods, staying there all night. He had no means of making a fire and suffered intensely from the extreme^ cold. When . day light came he found his way home, almost frozen, it is feared that his condition Is i grave after his exposure. ALMOST ZERO" WEATHER HERE ? ?MONDAY MORN. At 5 A. M. Thermometer Four De grees Above Zero Last Sunday night was decidedly the coldest weather we have had here this season, in fact we doubt If many have seen it much colder, the thermometer registering four above on Monday morning at 5 a. m. While there was probably some suffering for lack of fuel, we have heard of no one suffering serious ly fjom the cold. Monday the weather moderated somewhat and by Tuesday- morn ing it had gotten about normal, though the weather man says it will be colder this morning. AUTO SWEfCO. TO OPEN STORE ON DEPOT STREET Mr. W. W. Barrett of Durham Will Be Manager; Will Be Open February 11 . The Auto Salvage Company of! Raleigh and Durham will open a branch in Roxboro sometime in the near future. It is expected that this concern will be ready for business1 about February 11. Their place of, business will be located on Depot Street in the building belonging to The Peoples Bank and situated next door trr the 5Id post-office ; building. It is the business of this company to buy used cars- for sal vage. Mr. W. W. Barrett of Durham will be the manager for this branch. TCiey will also handle new and used automobile parts. Bethel Hill Woman'* Club Honors Mrs. Annie R. " Fontaine - * The members of the Bethel Hill Club were birthday guests of Mrs. Annie R. Fontaine, Friday, January 18th. After many happy^ birthday greetings, the meeting was called to order by Mrs. O. E. Woody, who presided during the business jneet ing. Final plans were made-far the entertainment of the Roxboro Wo man's Club in February. A paper on "Egyptian Art" was given. The club followed Mrs. Fontaine into the dining room where lighted .candles furnished a soft glow. A surpflse for Mrs. Fontaine was the. birthday cake?" "1847 - 1935" the centerpiece and gifts from members of the club. She presided with the dignity and grace of her many years young. Guests were served tempt ihg refreshments. Home For Few Days F Mr William Humphrey, one of the County's brightest young men. now a student at Wake Forest Col lege, is spending a few days at hime near Bethel Hill, with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. Y. Humphries. He is accompanied by Mr. Clo^cf Oantt of Statesville, also a student at Wake Forest College. . n ? E. B. Craven, Jr., With Peoples Bank Mr. E. B. Craven, Jr., son of Rev. and Mrs. E. B. Craven, has accept ed a position with The-- peoples Bank. Mr. Craven is a graduate of Duke University, finishing with the cla?s of 1934, He began' his new du ties on Tuesday morning Conducting Revival Rev. Lyman P. Lance, who is con ducting a series of services at Wes leyan Methodist Tabernacle. State- Wide Oration Central Grammar Hender School has been selected as the place for the preliminary run-off, for high schools of Warren, Vance, Gran ville, Franklin, and Person coun ties, in the state-wide -oration-es say contest to be staged by High Point College hi March. This run-off will take place at 3:00 p. m., Monday March 18, 1935 in the auditorium of the Central Grammar School. One contestant will be selected to compete with the representatives of the other seven teen districts of the state in the finals which will be held at High Point College March 29. ' The successful contestants in each of the districts will be given a $50 scholarship to the High Point institution. The one winning first place in the finals will be awarded an additional $350 to be added to the $50 district win to make a to continued on last page) Contest A "HUMDINGER" IS PROMISED The Rotary club held Its regular weekly meeting at the Woman's club rooms Thursday, with the pro gram in charge of Howard Strang, 'the subject being The Rotaring, the weekly published in the interest of Rotary. Messrs. Bill West, Wal lace Woods and Wheeler Newell jtvere the first speakers, followed by Howard Strang. This was an es pecially interesting and enlighten ing program and was enjoyed by evenly member. ? - President Jack Hughes announc ed that he would not give the name of the program committee for the next meeting^ but assured the club that' ft would be a "humdinger," and urged every member to be pres ent. " j : O Western Union Has New Manager Mr. C. E. Davidson of Greensboro, N. C. has moved to Roxboro where he has charge of the local Western Union office. Returned From .. Wo s p it a 1 Mr. J. Shields Harvey, who spent last week in the hospital in Durham has returned home. HLs condition remains about the samp as it "has been for the past several weeks. . o Woman's Club Meets The Roxboro Woman's Club wil! , meet Monday afternoon, February 3rd, at 3:00 P. M. in the Woman's Club building. The program will be on North Carolina Artists. All are urged to attend. JURY FINDS GOSS GUILTY Of MURDER IN BOWLING SLAYING H. J. Stephens, Guilty Of Carnal Knowledge Charge, Sentenced To Five To Seven Yea r.? , 5 In the closing hours of the Jan uary term of Superior Court In Per son County Judge Sinclair handed out sentences totaling twenty-two years to be served in the State's Prison. Early Thursday morning. Henry J .Stephens, who had been convicted in this court on a carnal knowledge charge, was sentenced to serve not less than five and not more than seven years. Following the closing of that case the taking of testimony in the case *?f the State vs Vexter G06S charged with the murder of Henry Bowling, was resumed. This case was begun on Wednesday morning and wen^-to the jurly late Thursday afternoon. After delebrating for several hours the jury returned a verdict of guilty of murder in the second degree ] Judge Sinclair sentenced Goss ? to] serve not less than ten and not more than fifteen years in the State Prison. Immediately| after closing this case court was ad journed for the. term, as this was the last case on the docket. Bffwling was stabbed to death with a knife at a baseball game in the Moriah section on the afternoon of May 12, 1934. Vexter Goss, the de fendant, and his brother, Ollie Goss were apprehended shortly thereaf ter and Vexter was charged with the murder. Since that time he had beeen at liberty under a four thou sand dollar bond. o MRS. RUTH O'BRIANT HEALTH NURSF, TALKS TO KIWANIS CLUB: Makes Interesting Talk On Health Needs; Quartet And Solo Also Featured ? Mrs. Ruth 0*B riant, Person Co. health nurse, brought some perti nent facts about the health condi tions existing in this" county to the Kiwanis Club on Monday night at the regular weekly meeting of the club in the Woman's Club build ong. Her talk centered especially around the school children and their needs. Her survey showed that out of more thah two thousand children in the public schools in this county, there were only a lil tle over three hundred who were entirely free of correctible defects Many of these have defective teeth she <said. Education for mothers was another point emphasized by Mrs. O'Briant. She used several illustrations in pointing out the ig norance of health requirements in which many children were reared. A preventorium was another need cf the county as pointed out by Mrs. O'Briant. _ * A (pttftet*. composed of_ Messrs, Robert Long, Lawrence Hall' Edgar Mas ten and Taft Cozart, accompan ied at the piano by Miss Bivins Winstead, gave two numbers that were thoroughly enjoyed. After this Mr. Cozart, accompanied by Miss Bivins Winstead at the piano gave a solo nbumber. Mr. E. L Kirksey of Charlotte, N. C., was a guest oi the club. ANNOUNCEMENT Born to Mr. and Mrs. t F. Eakes of Moriah. N. C., Saturday, Jan uary 12, 1935, a girl. Fifty - Three Today FRANKLIN D. ROOSEVELT FOR LOVE AND MERCY O F LITTLE CHILDREN Once again President Franklin Delano Roosevelt has approved a national observace of his birthday as an occasion when cities, towns, 'communities and representative or ganizations may featjire Birthday Balls or entertainments . . . The' returns from these events this year are to be distributed; 70 percent to local relief of children afflicted by Infantile Paralysis, and, 30 percent to the Warm Springs Commission toi finance Infantile medical research It is a worthy movement in which hundreds of thousands of charitable | souls throughout the nation will lift their voices to Join those of our stricken children in wishing for our President, good health and many happy returns on his fifty- third ! birthday. The local chairmen arq looking forward to a big celebration here tonight. The price of admission-has been placed at such a low figure; that it is expected to keep no one away. Admission will be one dollar per couple. Entertainment will be furnished by some of the local girls.' Tap and other dances will be some of the features of the entertain ment. Music for the dance will be furnished by Charlie Price and his Southern Club Orchestra of Dan ville, Va. Everybody is invited to attend this ball. Wright W. Adams Dies Sunday A. M. ! Wright W. Adams, 65, and a res ident of Jalong, N. C-, died Sunday morning at 3:00 a. m.. a victim! of paraylsis. He had been in de-j clining health for several years, -but was ill for only about two weeks. He is survived by his wife, Mrs Nannie Adams, five sons and three' daughters. funeral services were conducted at the grave by Rev. J. C. McGre gor at 3:00 P. M. on Monday af ternoon. Pall bearers we r e : Messrs. J. D. Connor, Troy Smith. John Vick, G. C. Buchanan, W. O. Walker, and Thomfts Bo wen. Inter ment was in the Adams family cemetery near ^inney, Va. MR. J. M. PASS RETURNS HOME Mr. J. M. Pass, who has been in the hospital for several weeks where he has been having his eyes treated, returned home Saturday afternoon. He has regained the sight in one eye, and it is thought the operation for the vther eye wii} be successful. _ o ? ? : NOTICE! SOme of you have forgotten to buy your City Automobile license tags, you can buy them much cheap er at this office, than from the chief of Police, let me sell yQu yours now. * , ' R. A. Bunch, City Mgr. ? o ... Visiting In Roxboro Mr. and Mrs." J. E. Bass, -who were married recently in Clifton Forge. Va., and are making their home in Lewisburg. W. Va., are spending a few days here. ? ja?', Famous New "Passion Play" Film To Be Shown Here Rumored Changes On Main Street Street talk says there will be some notable changes on Mafn street soon, the W instead ware house property to be changed into an up-to-date gaige and filling station. Just who will occupy the new station is not definitely settled, though one, of the automobile "dealers will probably use the property when , changes have been completed. RABID DOG KILLED NEAR ? TOWN FRIDAY Identified As Same Dog That Bit Son Of Mr. And Mrs. Robert Whitfield A big red, raw-boned dog was, killed Just east of town Friday. His head was "sent to the State Labor atory and it was found that he was suffering with hydrophobia. It is not known how long he had been mad at the time he was killed, and all dog owners are urged to be on the lookout for possible symptons of hydrophobia in- their own dogs. The dog that was killed Friday was identified as the same dog which had bitten the son of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Whitfield while1 iie was on his way home from the Central Grammar School. The boy began taking treatments for rabies as soon as it was found the dog was mad and Is getting on as well as could be expected. o E. L TUCK INJURED SUNDAY AFTERNQON WHEN CAR CAPSIZES Mr. Tuck Was Going Toward Semora When Car Struck Ice And Turned Over --Mr. Ernest L. Tuck was. injured late Sunday afternoon . when his car, a Pontiac Coach, struck an icy place in the road and turned over. Mr. Tuck was enroute from Roxboro to Semora -and he was riding along in the neighborhood ol Concord Church when the accident happened. Mr. Tuck, who was un conscious when found, and who did net regain consciousness until Mon day morning, has a very clear mem ory of everything that happened < up until the time the car turned over. He said that when the car struck the ice, it swayed and his head hit the side of the doer, paus ing him to partly lose consciousness and that the car continued to sway until it turned over, when he lost consciousness completely. Evidence led those who saw the wreck to be lieve that the car turned over at least three times. The car was com pletely demolished. Mr. Tuck wa rushed to Watts hospital and it wa found that he had sustained a brok eh shoulder, a small fracture of thf skull and a broken rib. The lat est report is that his condition t' improving. Mr. Tuck is employer" here b? J. C. Whitt in his shoe de-. partment. ? - - ? ? u - ? MISS BULLOCK IN HOSPITAL Miss Nancy Bullock, who was car ried to Watts hospital test -week, underwent an operation for appen dicitis last Friday. The operation was successful and she is getting on nicely. O' Underwent An - > - Operation Mr. Men A. Stweart underwent , an operation on his nose last week. While the operation was very pain ful, it was not at all serious and he has returned home. Will Go To New Orleans Saturday Messrs. Charles Wood and Sam i B. Winstead will leave Saturday 1 for New Orlans, La Mr. Wood is 1 going ^ attend a meetlhg of the : company that he represents. Hie < Investors Syndicate.. . J . Complete "Life Of Christ" In Motion Pictures, With Music! . Many hundreds of Roxboro and Person County people will attend . the Long Memorial Methodist Church, on Thursday night, Jan uary 3 1st, at 7:45 o'clock, to see the new and very beautiful motion picture fllm of the "LIFE OP CHRIST", and the "PASSION PLAY", depicting the story of Jesus, from the Nativity to the Ascension, which is based upon, and patterned after the world-famous Freiburg 'and Oberammergau Passion Plays of Europe, and actually filmed in Europe, the Holy Land, and Egypt. WonderfmJ Music Score! A complete and very appropriate musical score will accompany the entire film, on special sound equip ment, reproducing some of the World's choisest and mo6t exquisite orchestral, organ, -anti choral music by famous composers, blending in with the magnificent scenes, which portray, in authentic and historic famous, the Life, Cruciflxon, and Resurrection of Jesus. The film was produced in Europe, Palestine," and Egypt, and has W5n the profound r==_ admiration and approval of more than one thousand of the largest Churches jn the United States, hav ing been exhibited to more than one half a million people, during the past two years, many times to over flowing audiences. q? ? : PALACE THEATRE BOILER BURSTS The boiler at the Palace Theatre burst one day last week with the result that there was no heat in the theatre for several days. How ever the Kirby brothers, who are always on the alert for the welfare of their patrons rushed an order * through for a new boiler and they new assure their customers that they can enjoy the show in a warm and comfortable building. Roxboro is beginning to look up In its lighting effects. This has been particularally emphasized at the Palace where the management has put In the neon system of ligting on the front of the Theatre. These lights are varied in color and lend a nice effect to the theatre and to the whole street.' Several have commen ted tl\at "it loaks 'Ilk? a million dol lars." . ? - O : HAIL INSURANCE If you intend making application to the Production Credit Associa tion, the Government agency, for one of the PRODUCERS' LOANS, we understand that you can make arrangements with the Association to include an amount sufficient to cover the premium for Hail Insur ance. * To accomplish this it Is necessary to inserts the amount needed for Hail Insurance when application for loan is first made out. We can make arrangements now, either with you direct or with the Production Cred it Association, for issuing the policy when the crops are up. We are al ready prepared to quote rates and discuss amounts of insurance which may be carried. No matter fcow you are financing your Crop this year, we wish to bring our facilities before you at this early date in the hope that you may let this office handle your Hail Insurance the coming season. Thompson Insurance Agnecy E. O. Thompson; W. G. James; C. E. Day ; n ? Three Months Old Infant Died Sat. / ? Wilmer Evans, three months old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Sam Evans, died Saturday afternoon at 3:00 P. M. as a result of an Inflam mation of the brain, with which the child had been afflicted all of its life. Surviving are its mother and father, four brothers and one- sis ter, all of Person County. Hie child was buried in the Evans fam ily cemetery near Surl Church. NOTICE! . ,??-* ? vO ?' ? ?Watter outting off time is now at hand, if you are in arrears come in and ' pay up, and save us the impleasanthess ? of discontinuing pour service. I am looking for your jooperation. . - R. A. Burth, City Mgr.

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