QUESTION BOX! BY REV. J. FURMAN HERBERT o o Candid Answers On All Moral or BibHcal Questions. Mall Touro Questions To THE COURIER Or Direct To Mr. Herbert. QUESTION: I am In a small busi ness and wish to tithe my income, giving one tenth to my Lord. How should I follow this purpose. ANSWER: See Leviticus 27:30. Hie tithe is well-founded upon the scripture, and is a very fine and practical basis for the Christian to give -of his money. If a man in a small business wishes to give one tenth to his Lord, the tenth natur ally should come out of his net in come from his business. It should be noted that some people should ] and some do give more than the one-tenth. As a practicable basis for giving, however, the one-tenth tithe is a splendid plan. It makes for finer Christian living, it makes for deeper Christian experience. QUESTION: I find these words in the scripture: "It is recorded among the chief rulers, many believed on Him, but because of the Pharisees they did not confess Him, lest they should be put out of the Synagogue, for they loved the praise of men more than the praise of God." Do you believe that a true Christian then or now loves the praise of men more than the praise of the Loving and Merciful God? (T. K.J) ANSWER: This question from a good man is inspired by the in consistency practiced among con fessing christians about him. . . They appear to show more care for the love and praise of men than for the love and praise of God. For ans wer I would suggest that there are three kinds of people in our Christ iaih churches; First: men and wo man who belong to the church but have no interest whatsoever in the spiritual life. "Hiey are possessed of no Christian experience, immediate or by growth, and have no intent and purpose of really espousing the tenets of the true Christian Faith. Such are not interested in the praise and love of God, and will never be so until they seek Him and find him Second, men and wo men who belong to the church, and do have an interest in the real fruits of the Christian life, but are weak and often stumble. They love their Lord, but do not live close to Him. With such people we should be patient rather than critical, pray ing for them rather than condemn ing them, nurturing them with our lives, for they want to do what is right, and they lack only the close ness to Christ that is essential to the true Christian Third: That group of devout Christian people who are truly put ting Christ first in all things. I think the group is larger than we are inclined often to acknowledge These put Him first, caring little for the praise of men. Their ideal is to serve God and their fellows, regardless of what their fellows think of them. You have some in your charge, I in mine. May their tribe increase. QUESTION; In the Question Box of last week, you said that the plan of giving prises at shows, to holders of lucky ticket numbers, was a form of gambling. Upon ma ture reflection, would you still make this statement? ANSWER: Certainly, why not? There is no difference in principle between that and shooting "craps", if so, where is it? EH PRICES EFFECTIVE FRIDAY, APRIL 5TH GOOD HOUSEKEEPING WEEK Penders Stores Are Celebrating "Good House-Keep ing" Week In AH Their Stores, All This Week ? With Plenty Of Qaulity Food Bargains Tested And Ap proved By The Good House-Keeping Institute. LIBBY'S SLICE HALVES PEACHES 2 large cans 35c LIBBY'S BARTLETT PEARS large can 21 ( MINUTE TAPIOCA, Pkg 12< FRUIT JELLO, 3 Pkgs 17( fHlLiijIf'S UELIl'IOUS ? A f" TOMATO JUICE vtflM DRIED BABY % ?? ? mmm LIMA BEANS . . . ,M- I /l DOMESTIC | ? P? SARDINES 4 (anS 15l SANTA CLARA / II M ^ PRUNES ??? 2 51 HERSHEY'S BREAKFAST % A p" cocoa 3 cans 25c PHILLIP'S DELICIOUS SPAGHETTI 5< (an COLONIAL CRUSHED CORN 10< Heinz Baked Beans, 3 cans ? 25( Old Ya. Apple Butter, 41b jar 25( Joe Penner's Special PECAN ROLLS 15c Pkg. of 8 Coionidl Baking Powder, 1 lb. can 15c ^Oiumui Y vacuum il 29r Monticello Coffee mcked ,3 Palmolive Soap, 3 Bars t-., ? ,Sc Famous Dog Of Screen To Appear Palace Theatre Kapitan, Son Of Rin Tin Tin, Said To Be World's Most Intelligent Canine, Here Saturday Kapitan, son of an equally fam ous father, Rin Tin Tin, will visit the Palace Theatre Saturday .April 6th. This famous dog actor performs stunts which seem to require hu man intelligence. Recently Kap itan was featured in Ripley "Be lieve it or Not," as the dog was the most intelligent canine actor in the world, and rightfully it is be lieved that the public is being of fered a rare opportunity to see a dog, which has astounded hund reds of thousands with his super intelligence. Kapitan is now on a nation-wide tour and has appeared in theatres in practically every large city of the country and many of the smaller ones. He is recognized by the motion pic ture profession on the west coast as the most beautiful and highly educated dog ever to appear on the movie screen. During his engage ment at the Palace Theatre he will perform for you just as he works before the lights and cameras of Hollywood. He will also solve problems in arithmetic given him by his audi ence. This is the feat that has baffled scientists as well as Uni versity Professors at Johns Hop kins, Michigan State, Notre Dame and Harvard where Kapitan per formed before student bodies and faculty members. H e a r D About _ * T o wN With the farmers receiving al most a hundred thousand dollars for tobacco which they did not pro duce ? for land kept out of cultiva tion, with no expense whatever, it would appear that there would be very few in this good County who would need to have occasion to bor row for the purpose of securing seed and fertilizer, or to make the coming crop. Of cpurse, if you really need it, then borrow it, but be sure you do need it before going further in debt. ? * ? "Yes, Alice Virginia, there is a ! Santa Claus/' and he does not con line his visits to Christmas. He visited many of the farmers of this good County here last * ^veek, and dropped In their stockings ? or pock et-books close to one hundred thousand dollars. Uncle Sam was distributing rental checks to the farmers, and glad smiles were on the face of every one. The court house, with Mr. Sanders' office as the principal place of attraction, was a busy place for several days last week. And still the land keeps too wet flor cultivation, but it has given the farmers an opportunity to get everything in shape so that when they can get to plowing nothing will interfere. ? ? * Indications are that there will be considerable building done in and around Roxboro this spring and summer. Money Is easy to be had through the Government projects and through the Building & Loan Association, and not only citizens of the town, but in the country, are taking advantage of the op portunity. ? ? ? No, dirt has not been broken for that post office building, but notice has been served on our genial post master and our able and energetic; Congressman, that if dirt is not broken soon we will break some body's back. Fair warning. SOCIETY ENTERTAINS ON BIRTHDAY Master Billy Crowell entertained a few of his friends on Friday af ternoon at a birthday party. The little folks enjoyed playing many games and after several hours of fun an egg hunt was a delightful event. Many useful gifts were pre sented to Master Billy on his 5th birthday. The guests were served ice-cream. BRIDE-ELECT HONORED WITH A .DINNER Mrs. A. M. Burns and Mrs. Cur tis Oakley entertained in honor of Miss Elizabeth Morris on Thursday evening at a lovely dinner. The liv ing room and music room were dec orated with bright summer flowers placed throughout the rooms. At tractive place cards with bride sug gestions were used. A delicious three course' dinner was served at card tables, after which the inter esting game of contract was played for many delightful progressions. To the guest of honor a cold meat fork in her pattern was presented by Mrs. Oakley and a lovely sauce dish was given by Mrs. Burns. To Mrs. Jack Hambrick and Mrs. Barks dale Smith, both recent brides, gifts were also given. Miss Morris was given a dainty gift for making high ?F resk ? P ure ? Sweet DIXIE CRYSTALS 'Till SWEETEST SUGAR EVER SOLD NOTICE! By order of the Board of Commis sioners all real estate that has 1933 taxes due on it must be advertised by next T uesday, April 9. Please come in and pay these taxes before that date. M. T. CLAYTON, SHERIFF 9 . * WE LOCATE TROUBLE QUICKLY, REPAIR IT PROMPTLY AND CHARGE ONLY A NOMINAL RATE FOR FIST - CLASS WORKMANSHIP. WE WOULD LIKE TO ADD YOUR NAME TO OUR LIST OF SATISFIED CUSTOMERS WHO MAKE OUR SERVICE GARAGE THEIR HEAD QUARTERS. PROMPT SERVICE HUMAN-ZIMMERMAN <*-, ? ** Main Street - Roxboro, K. C ' score, p / mrs. Hughes honors miss morris at Lovely luncheon On Friday morning Mrs. J. H. Hughes entertained in honor of Miss Elizabeth Morris at a beauti ful luncheon at. her home on Lamar street. Lovely bride tallies were passed for four tables of contract bridge. Scores were counted and Mrs. Elizabeth Noell Mas ten was given a double deck of cards, to Mrs. P. L. Thomas, for consolation, a dainty gift was awarded. To Mrs Jack Hambrlck, a recent bride an attractive gift was also presented To the guest of honor, Miss Morris, a lovely linen luncheon set was giv en The hostess assisted by Mrs Frank Wilson served a chicken plate, coffee and sweet course. MRS. HARVEY ENTERTAINS BRIDGE CLUB FRIDAY Mrs. London Harvey entertained her bridge club and a few Invited guests on Tuesday evening. The liv ing room was beautifully decorated with bright spring flowers. Bridge was played at three tables and after many interesting progressions tallies were counted and high club prize was won by Mrs. Robert Burch; visitors high went to Mrs. McDonald; a love ly, guest of her sister, Mrs. Henry ly, guest of her sister Mrs. Henry Walker; to Miss Elizabeth Morris a lovely nut spoon, in her pattern, wa? presented by the hostess. The guests were served a tempting salad course. MRS. HUGHES ENTEBJTAINS Mrs. J. H. Hughes was again hos tess Friday afternoon when she en tertained at two tables of bridge. The living room was very attractive with pink and white flowers placed in bowls and vases. After many in teresting progressions tallies were counted and prizes awarded to Mrs. B. B, Strum. The hostess served a delicious salad course with coffee and a sweet course. Sprinq Time Is \ Plantinq Time And you can't think of planting without thinking of tools with [ which to plant and when you I think of tools, you naturally I think of t Long, Bradsher And Company 4 We have a complete line of Gar den and Farming Tools. See our line of Cole Planters and Distri butors. ? FOR GOOD TOBACCO Remember The Dependable Kind ARMOUR'S ?Frigidaire '35 with the Famous Super Freezer NOW ON DISPLAY AT OUR FRIGIDAIRE SPRING PARADE We expend a cordial invitation to you and - your friends to attend the Frigidaire Spring Parade and see the beautiful new Frigidaires. Each of the 16 snow-white models has the new Super Freezer, affording greater conven ience and economy and setting new stand ards for efficient household refrigeration. The Super Freezer makds possible a Com plete Refrigeration Service. It provides the right kinds of cold for every purpose ? all in the same cabinet. There's fast freezing for making ice cubes and desserts; frozen storage for meats and ice cream; extra cold storage for keeping a reserve supply of ice cubes; moist storage for vegetables and fruits; and normal storage below 50? for foods requiring dry, frosty cold. Besides the Super Freezer, the new Frigid aire *35 has the Cold Control, automatic reset defrosting switch that turns the current on when defrosting is completed, automatic ice tray release, and the interior of each is fin ished in porcelain-on-steel. Come into our showroom at your first op portunity. See the Frigidaire Spring Parade ! Then learn how easily you can have a Frigid aire of your own. 7,7 f-x'fi Standard Series FriguUhi '35 Super Scries Yri&idairt '35 * * Matter Serin Frigulairt '35 LISTEN TO JACK KARL in a new show with Freddy Rich 'a Or chestra, -every Wed nesday, P-M., over station MORRIS & LEDBETTER Depot Street : - Roxboro, N. C.