. North Carolina Bank Deposits Show Increase Of $122,000,000 Past 18 Months; Loans Also Up Report Covers 243 State And 43 National Banks Since June 30, 1933 $341,750,696 IN ASSETS An Increase of $122,260,323 In the deposits in state and national banks during the past 18 months in North Carolina is shown in the bank call statement released by Commissioner of Banks Gurney P. Hood. This Increase in deposits was shown during the period from June 30, 1933, to December 31, 1934. The increase in the deposits in commer cial state banks, under the imme diate supervision of the State Bank ing Department, during this period was $86,655,002, and the increase in National bank deposits for the same period was $34,950. The increase in the deposits in industrial banks was $744,321. ? The total assets of 243 state banks and 43 national banks of December 31, 1934, according to the report is sued recently, amount to $351,180, 471, as compared with total assets a year ago of $272,593,400, an in crease in assets during the 12 months from December 30, 1933, to December 31, 1934, of $78,578,071, ex clusive of the assets of 34 industrial banks. The assets of the 243 state banks at the present time amount to $88,088,000. One of the most significant things about the December 31, 1934, report is* that it -shows an increase of $6, 598,811 in loans, whereas the Octo ber call report showed a decrease in loans. Commissioner Hood pointed out. This last call report also, showed an increase in the capital structure of the banks amounting to $4,369,455. "The liquid condition of the banks in the state continues, showing $173,000,000 in cash and bonds on hand." Commissioner Hood said. "Both checking and savings ac counts show substantial gains throughout the year of 1934. It ap pears now that the resources of the banks by the end of this year will be almost at the high peak reached before 1929." In December, 1929. the aggregate resources of state bank and trust companies In the state amounted to $341,750,69$, the highest e\?r re corded. During November and December, the banking department completed the liquidation of 29 additional banks, paid claims to closed banks amounting to $3,133,830. and wrote and sent out 59,785 checks. ? -o Now that the lespedeza has been planted, ?Jn|on County farmers are devoting considerable attention to their orchards with the idea of producing sufficient fruit for home use. NEVER BEFORE SUCH A SMOOTH SHAVING BLADE at this low price ! "Gentlemen; "During the past few years I've been driven because of necessity into the lower-priced razor blades -my beard suffer ing because of the short comings of my pocket book. Now your Probak Jr. has again brought back shaving comfort ar no extra cost. "E. Eugene Leonhart San Jose, Calif." " Unsolicited letters like this prove the amazing quality of Probak Jr. Try this uniformly keen and smooth -shaving blade. Get Proba k Jr. from your nearest dealer's? a re markable value at 23 blades for only 39c or a special trial package of | 4 for 10c. Pnts 4 Jtnmrfiu ell Gillette m o SHORT SERMONS By J. B. CURRIN A SOURCE OF WISDOM A short time before his death the apostle Paul in writing to his be loved friend Timothy said, "from a child thou hast known the Holy Scriptures, which are able to make thee wise unto salvation through faith which is in Christ Jesus." What he called the Holy Scrip tures was the Old Testament. Tim othy did not have the New Testa ment as we have. There are many sources of infor mation on many subjects. It is easy to find information on business, political, social, professional, and many other matters. But here we read of that which is able to make one wise unto sal vation. And how important salva tion is ? salvation from the guilt and power of sin. Of all things we need nothing quite so much as we do salvation, and the results of noth ing else will last so long. The Bible, Paul says, is able to make one wise unto salvation. The salvation Is by faith, and the faith | is in Jesus Christ. But it is the knowledge of the Scriptures that leads to this faith. That being true we should search the scriptures, for Jesus said they testify of Him. If we would know about Him we should study the facts He has given us of Him self. Then what shall we say as to the individual to learn of the Savior through His Word? That opportuni ty surely has never been better |han now. With the Bible being sold for only a few cents and with the education necessary for reading it why should anyone be ignorant of its teachings? With easy books that carry its | truths even small children may be | come familiar with it. With papers and radio broadcasting it, how can one fail to know much of it. Such is the opportunity .of our people to secure the knowledge that leads to salvation. 2nd Tim. 3:15. o Nudity Not Enough Says Sally Rand "Nudity in dancing is not enough," says Sally Rand, "and there is nothing new about it. It has to be merchandised like anything else, and people who think my good fortune is due to waving a couple of fans and lucky news breaks are altogether mistaken." "I saw a long time ago that just as in business the difference be tween a star and an ordinary per son was the difference in the amount of money spent in adver tising and publicity. And though most manufacturers change the wrappers of their products frcm tin^e to time," says Miss Rand in the April Review of Reviews, "I removed mine altogether." '.Another thing, you have to offer something new. I substituted a sixty inch bubble for my fan cos tume, and people seemed to like it The public rarely sees such large bubbles. I had to have them .piade to order. The idea Was good, but it, too, had to be carefully merchan dised before it caught on. Nudity is no longer news." WANT TO JOIN THE MARINES? I Thirty-five applicants from Vir ginia, North and South Carolina, Eastern Georgia and Florida will be accepted for service in the U. S. Marine Corps at the Headquarters Office. Post Office Building, Savan nah. Ga? during the month of April, it is announced by Major Louis Estell Pagan, Officer in Charge. The Marine Corps accepts only voung men who are graduates of high school, or who have received an equivalent education. The varied duties of Marines, at foreign sta tions where they serve under sit uations of international importance, and also afloat ready to land to protect American lives and prop erty in disturbed foreign areas, re quire selection of capable and re liable men. Young men in this vicinity who desire service in the Marine Corps should write the Savannah office for applications. o AVIATION CLUB FOR BOYS AND GIRLS! Boys and girls who want to learn to fly, build model planes and study all about aviation should Join the JUNIOR BIRDMEN OP AMERICA. Beautiful pins -are worn by members. Read full de tails in the BALTIMORE SUNDAY AMERICAN. Your favorite news dealer lias your copy. ? o?i Caldwell County 4-H club mem bers set 425 black walnut seedlings in early Marph. Six Person Co. Boys At Wake Forest College , Wake Forest, March 30.? Six men fjom Person County are among Wake Forest College's 1000 students this semester, according to tabu lations Just completed. Three each are from Woodsdale and Roxboro. There are three fresh , men, one sophomore, one Junior, and ohe senior. ? They are: From Woodsdale ? M. H. Clayton, a senior, son of Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Clayton; A. J. Crutchfleld, a freshman, ?on of Mr. and Mrs. A. J Crutchfleld; and W. S. Humphries, a freshman, son of Mr. and Mrs. J. Y. Humphries. Clayton is a student assistant in the mathematics department, and Crutchfleld jis a member of the Euzelian Literary Society, while Humphries is a member of the Phil omathesian Literary Society and the English club. From Roxboro? L. O. Gentry, a freshman, son of Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Gentry; W. F. Gentry, a soph omore, son of Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Gentry; and L B. Stanfleld, a Jun ior, son of Mr. and Mrs. L. G. Stan field. W. F. Gentry is a member of the Fhilomathesian Literary Society. Through the generosity of her 15,000 alumni and other Iriends, Wake Forest has just completed a $600,000 building program, all bf which is paid except about $60,000, and funds are still coming in. A new .administration building (Wait Hall), medical building, and concrete stadium are now in use. A $150,000 gymnasium will be com pleted next month and will be dedi cated at commencement in May. ? Wake Forest College News Bureau. By J. L. Momory, Jr., director. o ADVERTISE IN THE COURIER ! Leqal Ads NOTICE OF A SALE OF LAND Under and by virtue of the au thority conferred upon us by a cer tain deed of trust executed by Geo. Irving and wife, Kate Irving, Wil lie Irving and wife, Odella Irving, on the 29th day of February, 1924, and duly recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds of Person County, in deed of trust Book No. 5, at page 228, default having been made in the payment of the note secured by said deed of trust and as in said deed of trust provided, the undersigned administrators of T. C. Brooks, deceased, trustee, will on Tuesday, April 23, 1935, at twelve o'clock Noon, in front of the court house door in Roxboro, North Caro lina, sell to the highest bidder, for cash, a part of the land conveyed in said deed of trust, to- wit: The interest of George Irving, Sr., in that certain tract of land lying and being in Cunningham Town ship, Person County, North Caro lina, bounded on the North by the lands of John Oliver; on the East by the lands of Newman Brandon and Walter Phelps; on the South by the lands of George Irving, Sr., and on the West by the lands of Charlie Rudder, containing 75 acres, more or less, and known as the Lucy Glidewell place. The interest of George Irving, Sr., being one undi vided one-half. ? This March 23, 1935. Mrs. D. L. Brooks, T. Carlyle Brooks, Admrs. o TRUSTEE'S SALE Under and by virtue of the terms of that deed of trust executed hy Ada Belle Goodman and husband, Moe Goodman, on May 14th 1930, to the undersigned Trustee, and rev corded in Book 8, page 270, Regis ter's Office of Person County, de fault having been made in the pay ment of the note secured thereby and upon request of the holder thereof, I will as Trustee, on ? SATURDAY. APRIL 20, 1935, at 12 o'clock noon, at the Court-house door In Roxboro, North Carolina, sell to the highest bidder at public auction the following lot or parcel of land, towit: Lying In the town of Roxboro, adjoining the lands of R. P. Burns, Q. T. Th&xton estate and W. T. Pass, and beginning at a stake on the East side of Lamar Street at the Northeast corner of Lot No. 2, In the sub-division of R. O. Cole Lot; thence with said street South 37 dgs. West 31.4 ft. to a stake in Lot 3; thence South 51 dgs. 53' East 210 ft. to a stake In Lot No. 3, in W. T. Paa? line; thence North 43 dgs. 23' East 31.4 ft. to a stake corner of Lot No. S, In O. T. Th&x ton line; thence til dgs. 53' West 216 ft. to the beginning, being part of Lot No. 3, in the division of R. O. Cole lot as shown by plat and survey recorded in Boct No. 34, page 308 Register's office, which is made a part of this description. This March 20th, 1935. L. M. Carlton, Trustee o SALE OF VALUABLE FARM PROPERTY Under and by virture of the au thority conferred upon us In a Deed of Trust executed by John R. Oakes and wife, Mollie C. Oakes, on the 2nd day of June, 1925, and recorded in Book P. L. No. 1, Page 273, we will on Saturday, the . . . 13th day of April, 1935 at 12 o'clock noon at the Courthouse door in Person County, Roxboro, N. C., sell at public auction for cash to the highest bidder the following land, to- wit: All that certain tract, parcel, or lot of land containing 174 acres, more or le&s, situated, lying and be ing in Flat River Township, Per son County, N. C., and having such shapes, metes, courses, and dis tances as will more fully appear by reference to a plat thereof made by James O. Webb, Surveyor, on the 28th day of Feb., 1913, and the same being bounded on the N. by lands of John Gates estate, on the E. by lands of Mack Gates and R. G. Gates, on the S. by lands of R. G. Gates and lands of Geo. Tilley, and on the W. by lands of Julius Laws, and being the same lands which .were conveyed by T. C. Brooks, Trustee to J. R. Oakes by deed dated Oct. 16, 1912, and re corded in Book of Deeds 20 page 574, in the Office of the Register of Deeds of Person County, N. C. This land is sold subject to all unpaid taxes. This sale is made by reason of the failure of John R. Oakes and wife, Mollie C. Oakes, to pay off and discharge the indebtedness se cured by said Deed of Trust. A deposit of 10 per cent will be required from the purchaser at the sale. Interstate Trustee Corporation, Subsituted Trustee, Durham, N. C. SALE OF VALUABLE TOWN PROPERTY Under and by virtue of a decree of the Superior Court of Person County in the foreclosure action of "C. C. Royster, Executor et al vs. Person Realty Company" to me di rected as Commissioner. I. will on Friday, April 12th, 1935, at twelve o'clock noon at the Courthouse door In Roxboro. N. C. Sell to the highest bidder at pub lic auction foF cash the following described real estate, to- wit: Lying and being on the South side of Depot St-eet in the Town of Roxboro, BEGINNING at the corn er of the Hyco Warehouse concrete "I HAVENT HAD A COLD IN FIVE YEARS" \ "In the old dsys I ued to dread th* coming of Winter. I wu always fighting colds ? feeling about half alive ? trying to work with my body aching and every nerve -on edge. "Then a friend told me about McCoy's Ood Liver Oil Tablets with their marvelous vitamins A and D. I started to take them five years ago and I haven't had a cold since that time. , "McCoy's tableta put new Ufe In folks; build up resistance so anyone can laugh at sold germs. They make weak, skinny people strong, steady-nerved and vigorous. They're wonderful t" Oet the genuine McCoy's Ood Liver Oil Tablets from yo or druggist today. Dant waste money on Imitations Ask tor McCoy's. All Aboard New \ Are you going to save some money this year? Lots of people are. They have already started by subscribing to Saving Shares In our February series. Suppose a friend made you this proposition? if you will save $2.50 each. week for about six years and five months, I'll give you $162.50 arid' then you'll have $1,000.00. Wouldn't you jump at the chance? That's just what the Roxboro Building And. Loan did for the share-holders In our series matured last month. If you like to figure, you would find that each weekly payment earned slightly over 6 percent simple interest. | We'd like to tell you about the Building and Loan plan. : ~ v ROXBORO BUILDING & LOAN | ASSOCIATION ? J. S. Walker, _ Sec.-Treas? ? ' drive. Southeast corner of RJoyal Hotel, a 13 tech party wall; thence up' the Southwest side of DeprA. St. on Inner edge o? sidewalk y^rth 62 dgs. 41' W. 80.3 ft. ?o the Roxboro Courier Building corner, an 8 Inch party wall; thence with said Courier Building S. 39 dg<J. 8' W. 68.7 ft to corner of Courier Build! \g; thence with Courier lot line S. 38 dgs. 58' W. 27.2 ft. to an iron stake Courier lot corner on the Northeast side of a 12 ft, alley left open between Andrews lot and Harris & Burns lot; thence with the Courier lot and said alley North SO dgs. 36' W. 13.50 ft. to an iron stake on the Southeast side of an alley leading out to De pot Street; thence with said alley leading to Depot Street South 25 dgs. 12' W. 12 ft. to an iron stake Harris & Burns corner; thence with Harris Jc and Burns line South 48 dgs. O' East 41.6 fi to the edge of the Hyco Warehouse building; thence with said Warehouse line North 42 dgs. 49' East 20.8 ft. to the corner of the Hyco Warehouse; thence with Hyco Warehouse S. 45 dgs. Ol' Last 40.2 ft. to the edge of Hyco Warehouse concrete drive way; thence with the brick 13 inch party wall along the edge of said driveway North 42 dgs. 49' East 107.6 ft. to the beginning, reserving and excepting a 12 ft. alley on the Southwest part of said property in the rear of the barber shop and drug store lot, the aforesaid property being known as the Royal Hotel, barber shop and drug store' and dry goods /.ore building of D. M. Professional Cards Dr. ROBT. F.. LONG Dentfcri Wllburn & Sa^berfleld Building Main Street - Roxboro, N. C. B. I. SATTERFIELD ATTORNEY- AT-LAW Roxboro- Durham, N. C. Roxboro Office: Thomas & Carvei Building. In office Monday and Saturdays. Durham Office: 403 Trust Build ing. In Durham Office Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Fri day each week. DR. G. C. VICKERS Dentist Office at residence, on Route No. 144, near T. H. Street old home, Mill Creek. N. LUNSFORD Attorney-at-Law Office over Thomas & Carver Bldg. Roxboro, N. C. DR. T. H. HUGHES Dentist Office In Hotel Jones, next door to Dr. Tucker's Office Dr. J. D. BRADSHER Dentist Office over Wllburn & Satterfleld's Store Building. Li E X ? ??J? JOHN CASH Repair your shoes and repair your chairs. Under Wllburn & Satterfleld. Andrews., deceased, and a vacant lot in the rear of saH buildings, all of which are shown plat and sur vey of W. R. Cates, made October 1st., 1925, which is made a part of this description, and said building and lots all adjoining in one block and designated as Lot No. 9 In the original petition filed In the above mentioned proceedings. See deed of L. M. Carlton, Commissioner, to PERSON REALTY COMPANY The purchaser will be required to deposit 10 per cent on day of sale as evidence of good faith. This March 11th, 1935. L. M. Carlton, Commissioner. "Pigs is Pigs" AND CROPS ARE CROPS Yet they're much alike at Feeding Time ? Strange, isn't it, to think of pigs and crops this way . . . but science presents more and more evidence every day to show that food requirements of animals and plants are much the same. Animals need vitamins. They could starve to death on chemi cally pure food. So could your crops, without vital impurities. Chilean Natural Nitrate sup plies the vital impurities ? sup magnesium, lithium, stron tium, and many others. They're all there, combined with nitro gen, to make your crops strong and healthy. Chilean Natural Nitrate is ideal for your crops. It is na tural, the only nitrogen that comes from the ground. For your own protection say "Chilean" when you order ni trate. Two kinds ? Champion plies them in Na ture's own balance and proportion. These vital impuri ties are the rare elements ? iodine, boron, calcium, "A Pure Food and Drug Act for plants would be a death warrant to all living creatures. " ? Scientific American (granulated) and Old Styl6. They are both genuine. Both are natural. Both are Chilean. And both give your crops the vital impurities. Chilean NATURAL NITRATE THE OLD ORIGINAL SODA LOOK BEFORE YOU LEAP Toko a look oround before you stort. Around the corner from anywhere you'll see the friendly little red Coca-Cola sign and the bright Coca-Cola cooler, inviting you to get started right for a smooth finish. Half of doing a good job depends on feeling fit. Making people feel fit is what made Coca-Cola. f ? ONE OF THE NEW COOLERS for Coco-Cola. Just one more reason why ice-cold Coca-Cola it the best served drink in the world ? 365 day* a yeqv ICE-COLD COCA-COLA IS EVERY PLACE ELSE.? IT OUGHT TO BE IN YOUR FAMILY RE FRIGE RATO^ COCA " C 0 L A You eon be tura If (t pur* ond whoUitwa. g m r'TS'*') Coca-Cola it o pure drink of natural product^ * HnfMinn WnrL C " ? ? "? ottf?dolfla?or or coloring. Comply ? .J 9 tTOiIvS . ing with pura food laws all over the wotkk Roxboro. N. C. Phone 12? WC 339 J

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