QUESTION BOXl BY REV. J. FURMAN HERBERT Candid Answers On All Moral or Biblical Questions. Mali Your! ! Questions To THE COURIER Or Direct To Mr. Herbert. \ \ A A A AA A AA AAAAA QUESTION: In the Question Box last week you spoke of the ten per cent tithe. Not many Christians follow this plan, do 'hey? Do you leel that it is the solemn command of God? More Christians follow the tithe than we perhaps think. Often I discover someone following the tithe who I had no idea was fol lowing it. I must say frankly how ever that I do not interpret the scripture to command the modern Christian to bring in the ten per cent tithe. I do not preach the tithe as a command of God to my peo ple, which if it is not followed will be a breaking of God's holy law. I do most earnestly commend the ten per cent tithe as the most practic able Christian principle of giving. Our people should all be tithers. It is budgetting for God. It is to put our giving to the Kingdom of God on a business basis the same as we put our homes on a business basis. The difficulties of Roxboro churches in a financial way would disappear in six weeks if the membership took up the tithe as their consistent prac tice. And the spiritual life of the people would immediately be quick ened. I know people whose spiritual life amounts to nothing because they give God and His work prac tically nothing. There are people of means who give to the church in such a stingy way who wonder why their spiritual life is not rich and abundant. Ordinarily I know very little about the financial sheet of the church. Only the outstanding cases are brought to my attention. But I am remembering now the case of one giver of means. If the ether people of the church gave in such a poor proportion to their incomes as does this woman, the ! church would have to close its doors before summer comes. It would be a good idea for us all to ask our ^ selves the question: In view of the needs of the church am I doing a Christian's part? A frank answer to that question would lead many peo ple to the ten per cent tithe. It is the best plan for giving to God. QUESTION: I cannot see your po sition on the matter of what you call gambling. Is it not rather ex treme for you to say that the giv- [ ing of prizes for lucky tickets, etc., is gambling? Do you not realize 'that this is constant practice among -our good people? ANSWER : I am inclined to think that enough has been said on this subject in the Question Box. This additional paragraph on the sub ???? ?????????????? ????? ject may not be amiss however. Hie writer of this question must be sure that he is willing to see my point, very common practice among us Is My point is that something that is wrong, and because it is such com mon practice it is difficult for those who practice It to see the wrong of it. Such a practice in relation to tickets is basically wrong because it is placing on a basis of chance an award that should come for work or merit alone, and the best of these is work. I could quote scripture to cover a whole newspaper page on this subject. The thing we need to get into our children to make them, honest and upright is the idea that they should work for what they get and not spin a wheel for it, or punch a board for it, or buy a lucky ticket for it. Let my correspondent ex plain the difference between these things and the gambling table. He will not And any difference. They are one and the same. o RESOLUTIONS OF RESPECT We, the members of the five churches of the Mt. Tirzah Circuit, of Person Co-jity, North Carolina wish to express our deep feeling of less in t\ie passing of our beloved pascor, Rev. B. E. Stanfield, who died March 29, 1935. We cannot pay fitting tribute in words to his life of patient, cour ageous service; but his works speak for him wherever he has been. The finest thing we can do is to con tinue where he left off his work of doing good; for it can unquestion ably be said of him that "he went about doing good." He was a prac tical Christian and this is the kind of memorial he wolud like. Therefore, be it resolved: First, that we acknowledge the loss of a faithful, sincere pastor and friend, and we grieve with tiis family and loved ones who miss him sorely. Second, that we rejoice in the blessings that his fine Christian life has brought to us. Third, that a copy of these resol utions be placed on our church rec ords, a copy sent to the family, to the local papers, and to the North Carolina Christian Advocate. Committee: Elizabeth R. Tillett Mrs. P. A. Noell, J. F. Timberlake. Charlie Miller, Mrs. Nat Harris. JUST RECEIVED CAR LOAD BARB WIRE AND GAUAKIZED ROOFING *!- -"T Our Roofing is The New Improved Globe 5-V Exclusive Air Lock Bead and Nail Seat, Self Aligning and will not leak. It does not cost any more and is better. THIS WEATHER IS GETTING US BEHIND. ARRANGE NOW FOR QUICK AND EFFICIENT WORK. SEE OUR LINE OF COLE^ AND McCORMICK DEERING DRILLS AND PLANTERS. ? Long' Brad she r & Company ' Main Street - - Roxboro, N. C. SHERIFF'S SALE OF LAND TO I SATISFY TAXES Monday, May 6 At Courthouse Door For non-payment of taxes, and to satisfy same I will offer for sale to the highest bidder, at the Court house door in Roxboro, on the first Mon. in May, it being May 6, 1035, beginning at 12 r'ckik M., the land of the following tax payers of Per son County, unless in the meantime said taxes, which are a lien on said land, shall be paid, togothe-, with all cost: ALLENSVILLE TOWNSHIP REAL ESTATE Whitd Name Acres Total A. G Adcock 82 $ 16.55 L. D. Allen 54 21.49 J. J. Ashley 30 5.09 Buchanan