EASTER TIES \\ BRIGHT, CHEERFUL COLORS IN NECKWEAR WILL PROPERLY SET OFF THAT EASTER OUTFIT .... 25c 48' 97c EASTER FELTS NEW SPRING HATS THAT ARE THE LATEST THINGS IN FASHION ABLE STYLE. COME IN TO SEE THEM . . . $1.98 $2.98 ? " 1 ? The arrival of Easter is the annual signaltostepout and greet Mother Nature in all her Springtime Glory. We have just received new shipments of Easter and Spring Goods that will be just the thing for you to wear at Easter time. The new styles are just what you have been looking for. The latest things in wearing apparel for Mother, Father, Son or Daughter. Be the envy of your friends by buy ing your Spring Outfit from our store. Come in and look them over. It is always a pleasure to have you. ^ ? ? , ; j , ? ^ | Men's CLOTHING IN STYLE, IN QUALITY, AND IN PRICE YOU CAN NOT ?Q U AL^TU ES E S UITgL WE ARE SHOWING FOR SPRING WEAR. THE MORE CONSERVATIVE STYLES FOR THE MAN WHO LIKES CONSERVATIVE STYLES. FOR THE YOUNG MAN WHO LIKES TO WEAR THE SPORTY CLOTHES OF THE SEASON WE HAVE THE LATEST THINGS OUT $12 .? - $16.m $19.?5 Ladies Footwear THE COLORS ARE NAVY BLUE, BROWN, BEIGE, BLUE AND GREY AND THE TRIMS ARE DONE IN ALL SORTS OF CON TRASTS. ALL SIZES IN BOTH LENGTHS AND WIDTHS. ALSO BROWN AND WHITES, BLACK AND WHITES, ALL WHITES, IN ALL SIZES, TIES, PUMPS, AND STRAPS $2.98 $3.95 i $4.95 Men's Hose LIGHT SPRING CLOTHES CALL FOR LIGHT-COLORED SOCKS. WE CAN PLEASE YOU WITH SE LECTIONS IN LIGHT BLUES, GREYS, WHITES OR COMBINA TION COLORS. AND YET THE PRICE IS NOT MORE THAN YOU WOULD PAY ORDINARILY . . . 19< 25? 35' EASTER COATS On the second floor the ladies will find a wide selection in the sea son's newest coats. All colors. Reduced Prices! HOSE THERE IS NOTHING THAT SETS OFF AN EASTER COSTUME MORE THAN A GOOD-LOOKING PAIR OF HOSE. BUT ONE THING THAT WE ALL STOP TO CONSIDER IS THE PRICE OF SUCH THINGS. WE OFFER YOU A NICE SE LECTION OF HOSE IN DIFFERENT PRICE RANGES. ALL THESE ARE OF FIRST QUALITY. SEE THEM 55' 79' 97' $1.25 S h i rts Shirts For The Men In A Large Variety Of Colors, Styles and All Priced To ^ Please You. Styles With The Collars or Without W Them 97* ST.* Neckwear Tastily , selected neckwear for Easter hat yon will like to wear. See these selections in our la dies' department. 39< 48< 97< GLOVES Gloves for Spring that will please you because they are in style, of good qual ity and at the right price to suit you. 59< 97' $1.95 Hats When You, Madam, Walk Up The Street In j The Easter Promenade, Keep In Tune With The Times By Wearing One Of Our Stylish Hats At ? ill Prices That Please .... I 1 97H3.K STRAWS Straws And Pana mas for the men in the best of fashions. Keep cool in one of these hats . . . SI .98 UNDER WEAR Underwear tM is light and cool for the Spring and Summer. In a variety of colors . . ; . . 25c Each SHOES Sport Shoes For Men. Black and White, White and Brown and all whites . . . . 51.98 52.98 54.95 BAGS Pretty up for Easter from one "Of our nice leather bags made of gennine lea ther and in latest styles . . . 59< 97< SI .95 Quality Mdse. Po^ukirPi-ices -R-a-x-b-o r o ' s Shopping Center