There Is A Reason . . . When it is quality at a moderate Price people of this section invariably Choose . . . Roxboro Lumber Co. J "Home Of Quality Lumber" j From foundation to finish for mansion or hut you can get it here and at the right price. Fresh Vegetables | i > Received Daily OOOOOOOO SNAP BEANS ? TURNIP SALAD SQUASH ii BEETS i: CARROTS CABBAGE ii CELERY TOMATOES CUCUMBERS ~~ PRESH ONIONS ! ? PHONE US YOUR ORDERS ii SERGEANT & CLAYTON I THE STA-KLEEN STORE THE STORE THAT LEADS ? A SALE! ;;! On all Coats, Swagger Suits and short Wool suits. A good time to get a Spring out-fit Cheap. < ! A Few Boucle Dresses Just What You Will Need At o $6.95, Others at $9.95 and $12.50. ?<! < ? Carney's Millinery i ; I STILL HAVE A NICE STOCK OF good mules on hand at good prices See them at rear of Pass Furni ture Store. T. O. Pass. WE HAVE IN STOCK BED ROOM . SUITES in solid Mahogony, Old ft World Finish; solid Rock Maple, ? Old Salem Finish; Tiger Wood, * Satin finish; Butt Walnut, Dull finish; Butt Walnut, Gloss finish. Also a number of cheap suites ranging in price from $37.50 to $47.50. Let us show you our stock. T. M. Pass & Son. FOR SALE.? LIGHT BRAHMA eggs, $1.00 per setting of 15. Apply to D. A. Allen, Roxboro, N. C., R 1. 4-10-3tp NO MATTER WHAT TOOLS YOU may want for your garden or farm you will find it at Geo. W. Thomas' Hardware Store ? and at money saving prices. See Ad. RIGHT PRICES ON ALL FARM and garden tools ? best quality and lowest prices. Geo. W Thomas. DURING OUR RECENT SALE we sold sixty-eight Kitchen Cab inets, but Jiave a few more good ones left. Tables to match. Special Bargains. T. W. Pass 8c SSn BABY CHICKS? STATE CERTI fled. Blood Tested. Barred Rocks, Reds, Aufftralorps, White Leg horns, Brown Leghorns. Large hatches every Monday. Book your order now. SOUTH BOSTON HATCHERY, South Boston, Va. WANTED ? 6 OR 7 ROOM RESI dence. Apply to E. G .Long, Rox boro. For Sale - Skiddo , FOR SPRING HOUSE-CLEANING , 15c per can; Two For 25c. Proceeds for the benefit of the j Mary Ellen Dowd Sunday-school class of the Long Memorial Sunday - ! school. See or call Mrs. Lula Bowen \ at Dr. G. W., Gentry's. , 1 FOR SALE-PURE BRED GIANT . Bronze Turkey Eggs, $3.00 per , dozen. Mrs. Qarl E. Hester, Rox- , boro, N. C. Route 1. 4-l-2tp IF IT'S TIRES YOU NEED, SEE j Cliff HalL This is a Giant year; , they are insured from twelve to | fifteen months against everything. n tf , i CASH AND CARRY WHILE THEY LAST? Linoleum druggetts, size , i 9 x 12 feet, for $4.75. Newest pat- , i erns in Gold Seal Rugs in sev- , eral sizes. We bought 300 of these j rugs and our prices are right. T. W. Pass & Son WE HAVE A COMPLETE LINE of farming tools and can save you money. Long, Bradsher and Co. TENNIS BALLS, BASEBALL goods, and the famous Blue Grass ball bearing lawn mowers. Spec ial garden hose. Long, Bradsher Sc Co. aISms Winnie Wllburn,.of Wlnson Salem, spent the week-end here with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Wilburn. o? o? o Miss Cassie Childress of Durham, has returned to her home in the i county where she was called on ac- i - n - 1 M i 1-1 r, _ _l L ? I I ? ? count of trie serious illness or ner mother, Mrs. J. N. Childress. GOING I and mi 1 Coming i W ATKINS A BULLOCK "Rverythlng To Butld With" Miss Virginia Stephens of Ral eigh, N. C., spent Monday here with her mother, Mrs. Ruth Stephens, o ? o ? o Mr. Irving O'Briant, who has been donftned to the hospital for the past several weeks, has returned home. He was in town Friday greet ing his friends. Miss Margery Alkins spent the week-end here guest of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. D. Alklns, where sev eral of her pals joined her. She left for her sister's, Mrs. Floyd Duncan's Sunday afternoon. Mrs. A. M. Burns, Jr., who has been visiting in the home of her husband's parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Burns, left Thursday morning for her home in Asheville. ~ Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Buchanan and niece, little Miss Almerta Beasley, of Nashville, N. C., spent the week end here with Mr. Buchanan's par ents, Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Buchanan, o ? o ? o Mrs. E. V. Boatwright spent Sun day in Farmville, Va. o ? o ? o Miss Eloise Chambers spent last week in Oxford guest of her sister. Mrs. M. A. Stewart and son Mearle Allen, are spending several weeks with relatives at Glenn Allen, Va. o ? o ? o Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Woods spent Saturday in Raleigh. o ? o ? o Mrs. P. L. Thomas and son have returned home after spending last I week in Durham. o ? o? o Mrs. Burk Mewbourn is spending some time in Washington, D. C-, and Durham. o ? o ? o Mrs. Curtis Oakley left Thursday for Asheville, where she will spend several weeks guest of Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Burns, Jr. o ? o ? o Mrs. R. H. Oakley has returned home after spending several weeks in Greenville guest of her son Mr. Cledith Oakley and Mrs. Oakley, o ? o ? o Mr, and Mrs. R'. B. Smith and Mr. Barksdale Smith haye returned from Richmond. Va. o ? o ? o Miss Webb and Mr. Joe Hughes were week-end guests .of Dr. and Mrs. J. H. Hughes. o ? o ? o Miss Vivian Allgood of Louisburg spent the week-end at Milton as guests of Mrs. Walker's mother, Mrs. Marcus Winstead. o ? o ? o Misses Janie and Lizette Allgood nf Meredith College spent the week- ! end at home guests of their parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Allgood. o ? o ? o Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Pox and son, Merritt. Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Wilkins, and Mrs. Luna Satterfleld spent Friday in Raleigh. Mr. Buddy Long has returned to Y ale University after spending the Spring holidays here with his par ents, Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Long. o ? o ? o Mr. Bick Long has returned to Woodberry Forest Academy after spending the Spring holidays here with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. J>A Long. o ? o ? o Miss Louise Stephens, who is teaching this year at Mebane, N. 3., spent the week-end here with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. I. G. Stephens. She had as her guest Miss Mary Hamilton who is also a teach er in the Mebane High School. O ? O? o ^ Miss Rachel Stephens returned to the Women's College at Greens ooro, N. C., Sunday after spending the Spring holidays here with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. I. G. Steph- ; ens. O ? O? o Miss Hazel Brooks, who spent last tveek here with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Brooks, returned Sunday to the Woman's College, Greensboro, N. C. o ? o ? o Miss Mary Elizabeth Sanders re turned Sunday to the Woman's Col lege in Greensboro after spending 1 the Spring holidays here with her narents, Mr. and Mrs. H. K. Sanders, Miss Ann Watkins, who visited her last week also returned to the Wo man's College Sunday. o ? o ? o Mrs. Luther Rudd and son, Billy, af Reidsville were in Roxboro Tues day on matters of business. ' O ? O ? O 1 Miss Mary Chandler of Canton, Miss., spent a few days here last week with Mrs. G. W. Pulllam. " j O ? O? O I Mr. and Mrs. Jack Newell and ] son. Jack Douglas, spent the week end in Greensboro,, N^C. o ? o ? O 1 ' Mr. and Mrs. Watt Watkins andh The "Tear Drop" car that appeared on the streets of Roxboro Mon day. This car is making a tour of the Attn tic coast states demonstra ting piston rings and other motor parts. This demonstration is being put on by the McQuay-Morris Mfg. Co. of St. Louis, Mo. daughter, Mary . Ann, spent the week;- end in Hillsboro, N. C. o? o? o Mr. Oris Clindinst of California returned home Sunday after spend ing a week here with his sister, Mrs. Jack Newell, and Mr. Newell, o ? o ? o Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Cooley and Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Hiomas and children spent Sunday in Siler city N. C., visiting Mr. and Mrs. R. P. Hedrick. o ? o ? o Messrs. J. W. and Jerry Warren Dixon of Leasburg were Roxboro visitors Monday. O ? O ? o Mr. W. G. Bradsher left Tuesday morning for Greenville, S. C., where he is attending the Southern Tex tile Exposition. Misses Louise and Mary Lewis Dickens spent the week-end with Miss Billie Street. oo o Mr. H. B. Christie of Roanoke Rapids, N. C.f and a former citizen of this city passed through town Saturday and stopped off for a lit tle while to greet some of his old friends. o ? o ? o Misses Hazel and Jessie Walker, Frances Sparks, Ruby Slaughter, Elizabeth Moize and Mr. Arvil Slaughter spent the week-end in Washington, 1^ C. o ? o ? o Mr. Chris Wagner will leave on Thursday morning to attend the Southern Textile Exposition in Greenville, S. C. o ? o ? o Mr. Walker Bourne of Hamlet, N. C. left this morning after spending Tuesday here with friends. o ? o ? o Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Taylor and Mr. and Mrs. G. H. Cox of Rob ersonville, N. C., passed through here this morning enroute home af ter having spent several days in Washington. D. C. o ? o ? o ~ Mr. and Mrs. H. R. West gave a tacky party Saturday night. Mrs. R. S. Yancey and two small children, Dorothy and Junior, spent the week-end with her aunt, Mrs. J. J. Dixon at Allensville. o ? o ? o Mrs. J. W. Kynoch returned to her home in Durham today after spending the past two weeks here as guest of her son, H. C. Kynoch. Mc and Mrs. H. K. Strang, of o ? o ? o Ca-Vel Circle, are receiving con gratulations upon the birth of a girl, born April 4, 1935. Mother and babe are reported as doing nicely . o ? o ? o Mrs. Cliff Hall has returned from McPherson's hospital with her little daughter, Bobbie?' Ann, who has been ill with ear trouble. She is very much improved at this writing. O? O? ? o Mrs. S. L. satterfleld and Messrs. Bill Satterfleld and David Riggs; Mr. and Mrs. Henry Neville of Dur ham, were Sunday visitors of Mrs. J. N. Childress, who is seriously ill at her home in the county, o ? o ? a Mr. L. M. Carlton spent the first of the week in floone, Watauga County, on legal business. o ? o ? o Mr. C. T. Wagner will leave to morrow for Greenville, S. C., where he will attend the Southern Tex tile Exposition. o ? o ? o Miss Minnie Hayes of Virgilina, Va., is spending this week with her brother, Mr. Walter Hayes and Mrs. Hayes. o? o^? o Mrs. H. G. Clayton is visiting her daughter, Mrs. M. S. Whitted, in Durham. o? O? ? o Miss Helen Latta and Miss Myrtle young were Durham visitors today, o ? o ? 0 Miss Rose Yarborough spent Sun day in Durham visiting Mrs. J. r. Harper. o ? o ? o Mr .and Mrs. W. K. Moore and Miss Auth Franklin have returned from a visit to Mrs. J. C. Franklin In Chapel Hill. o? o? -o Mrs. H. C. Kynoch returned Mon day from Watts hospital, Durham, where she has been a patient for the past 18 days. o ? o? o Ben Beasley, of Raleigh, is spend ing a few days here visiting his sister, Mrs. B. B. Strum, at her home on Morgan street. Mr. ahd Mre?~W~^. Matone spent Sunday in Oxford visiting fridnds ?nd relatives. - - After spending a few days here with Misses Mable and Maude Montague, Miss Ola King has re turned to her home at Yanecyville Miss Ruth Benjamin, of Raleigh, was also a recent visitor to them. PATIENCE AND FORBEARANCE BY THAD K. JONES f The Divine writer commands us to be patient, courteous, pitiful. Let patience have her perfect work that ye may be perfect and entire. Be patient, therefore, brethren unto the coming of the Lord. For the coming of the Lord draweth nigh. James 5: 7-8. We see by considering this scripture that patience is one of the great essentials and requisites to right living and true success in material affairs. The lack of pa tience has been the cause of many failures in character and worldly attainment. And especially important is pa tience on the part of parents in rearing children. So many parents make at least a partal falure in bringing up their children for lack of patience. Some parents nag, scold and complain at their children un til they have weakened or killed the natural affections that should ex ist between parents and children and this is next to a tragedy. We need patience and forbearance as neighbors; put the best construc tion on every word and act. Be slow to speak of each other's faults and failures. We all have them and do hot forget to be kind and help ful to each other. This way we can do much to help each other along the rugged way of life. Have lore, sympathy and charity for each other. Again let us have patience and forbearance to any who may be in debt Jo us. They may have had misfortune of some kind and will yet pay some sweet day. Last but not least we should have patience and forbearance for each other as christians and churchmem bers. The Book tells us to bear each others burdens and so fulfill the law of Christ. Be kind and forgiving one toward another even as God for Christ sake has forgiven us. Blessed are the peace makers for they shall be called the children of God, Blessed are the Merciful for they shall obtain mercy. We all need to be merciful for we are all imperfect and have our faults and errors. Sometimes we may offend an other. We should be very slow to take offence when no offence was intended. Here we need patience and forbearance and the true - Spirit of Jesus our Divine Master and re deemer who suffered all manner of maltreatment and yet He prayed for His enemies. I am careful never to offend any one intentionally. I am so intensely interested in pro moting and supporting the cause of righteousness and all the great es sentials of life and eternity that I may be called over-zealous. And I still earnestly and humbly plead and pray for more zeal, faith, char ity, and consecration on the part of the churches in our country. ? o New High For Births;# Record ed For March Twenty White Girls And Twenty-one White Boys One_Set Of Twins; Eleven ored Boys Recorded. WHITE BIRTHS Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Duncan, Woodsdale, girl; Mr. and Mrs. Ollie Clayton, Woodsdale, boy; Mr. and Mrs. Carlton Clayton, Woodsdale, boy; Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Long, Woodsdale, boy; Mr. and Mrs. Loy Meadows, Tlmberlake, boy; Mr. and Mrs. Rudell Mayfew, Leasburg, girl; Mr. and Mrs. FOoy Foushee, Rox boro, boy; Mr. and Mrs. W. P. Powell, Roxboro. boy; Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Robinson, jalong, girl; Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Walker, Cavel Village, boy; Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Wrenn, Roxboro, girl; Mr. and Mrs. N. J. Yarboro, Jalong, girl; Mr. and Mrs. ] R. B. Stephens, Roxboro, boy;. Mr. and Mrs. B. 8. Peed, Roxboro, girirj Mr. and Mrs. Wtllie Taylor. Cavel Village, boy; Mr. and Mrs, Har vey Oakley. Roxboro, boy; Mr. and ^ Mrs. Karl D. Clayton, Jalong. girl; i Ike Fit 01 A Suit Is Half The Pleasure Of Wearing Collar-Hug is patented and exclu sive; you will find it only in Griffon Clothes. Collar-Hug added to Grif fon style, Griffon quality and Griffon Value; Gives you the kind of suit you love to wear ? $16.75, $19.75, $24.75. Also we tailor suits to your measure in one of the South's best lines and fit you like you like to be fitted . . . $21.50, $25.00, $35.00 * A 1 1 will pay you to>rade with us. T ry it. Wilburn & Satterfield In the heart of town, b front of the eoarthnw. Plan Now To Modernize Or To Build Your Own HOME ! WATKINS & BULLOCK Court Street - - Roxboro, N. C. | 'Everything To Build With' | Mr. and Mrs. D. J. Holt, Roxboro, boy; Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Floyd, Ca- 1 Vel Village, girl; Mr. and Mrs. O. N. Yarboro, Roxboro, boy; Mr. and Mrs. P. T. Kinton, F/oxboro, boy; Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Walters, Rox boro, girl; Mr. and Mrs. Melvln Gentry, Roxboro, girl; Mr. and Mrs. Boyd Horton, Roxboro, boy; Mr. and Mrs. Jasper Dixon, Hurdle Mills, boy; Mr. and Mrs. Perry Clayton, Hurdle Mills, girl; Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Dixon, Hurdle Mills, girl; Mr. and Mrs. Willie Hester, Hurdle Mills, girl; Mr. and Mrs. Add Roberts, Roxboro, boy;; Mr. and Mrs. Luther Snow, Roxboro, girl; Mr. and Mrs. Clinton Oakley, Roxbcro, boy; Mr. and Mrs. Willie Tuck. Roxboro, girl; Mr and Mrs. Luther Knott, Roxboro, boy; Mr. and Mrs. Coy Laws, Roxboro, girl; ' Mr .and Mrs. K. P. Whitfield, "Hur dle Mills, boy; Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Gentry, Timberlake, girl; Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Crumpton, RJoxboro, girl; Mr. and Mrs. H. S. Raynor, Roxboro, boy; Mr. and Mrs. A. Y. Grinstead, Roxboro, girl; Mr. and Mrs. Coy Weaver, Roxboro, boy; Mr. and Mrs. Bill Smith, Roxboro, twins, girl and boy. NEGRO BIRTHS Moses Street and wife. Hurdle Mills, girt; Ervlng Moore and wife, Hurdle Mills, girl; Tetus Mitchell and wife, Timberlake, girl; Alex Abe Holloway. and wife, Roxboro, boy, Edgar Bradsher and wife, Hur- 1 die Mills, boy; Hugh Villines and wife. Hurdle Mills, boy; James Pool and wife, Etoxboro, girl; John Rich mond and wife, Leasburg, boy; Gran Smith and wife, Leasburg, girl; Charlie Scott and wife, Roxboro, boy; Jasper Roberson and wife, Rox boro, girl; George McGhee and wife Leasburg, girl; Boss Thorton and wife, Moriah, girl; Alex Cates and wife, Rougemont, Route, girl; Louis Brandon and wife, Semora, boy; Isaac Faulkner and wife, Semora, \ girl. t o % Says AAA Causes Farmers To Lose Self -Respect "The farmer's income has in- ; creased, but he has lost his self- i respect," writes Dan Casement. Kansas fanner and Colorado ranch 1 owner in the April Review of Re views. "New Deal curtailment plans are cock-eyed, destructive of * the characters of the farqiers and the i government. The man who accepts a cash reward for refraining from effort forfeits self-respect find the easy-jnark Government loses public respect. Kansas farmers who signed the AAA benefit agreements, he say s, had "mixed motives which on the whole were not creditable to their intelligence, their sense of honor, reputed love of liberty, and a con sistent regard Yor the dignity and security of the Government with which they joined In concluding their inept compact. They expected to get something for nothing. The AAA lauded this impulse and sought to clothe it with dignity and merit by calling It a desire to co-operate. Casement, who has won prizes for his cattle in all parts of the country, sees little hope of his fellow farm ers "waking up to the dangers of their position." o Person County farmers have pur chased all the lespedeza seed their neighbors had, all the stores had, and all the local Mutual Exchange had, says the farm agent. TRUSTEE'S SALE Under and by virtue of the terms of that deed of trust executed to the undersigned Trustee by H. S. Morton and wife. Prances B. Mor ton, and Mattie E. Morton, cm June 8th, 1933, default having been made in the payment of the note secured thereby, and upon request of the hold_ er thereof, I will on SATURDAY MAY, 11th, 1935 at 12 o'clock noon, at the Court-house door in Roxboro, N. C., sell to the highest bidder at public auction for cash the following described real es tate, to- wit: That lot lying on the corner of Main and Oak Streets in the Town of Ktoxboro, and on the West side of said Main Street, and bounded on the North by Oak street; on the East by Main Street; on the West by Dr. Jack Hughes and on the South by George Walker, upon which Is situated a two-story frame building, and known as the old Susan A. Morton Place, see deed from J. J. Landsdale and wife, to Susan A. Morton, recorded in Book W. W., Page 278, in Office of Reg ister of Deeds of 'Person County. See also will of Susan A. Morton and will of W. A. Morton of record In the Clerk's Office of Person Co. The above lot is all of the lot con veyed by J. J. Landsdale and wife to Susan A. Morton by deed above - mentioned, except that which was conveyed to Dr. Jack Hughes. This April 10th, 1835. L. M. Carlton, Trustee

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