THE COURIER, A SEMI - WEEKLY DEVOTED TO THE INTERESTS OF PERSON COUNTY AND HER PEOPLE. W(\t Hoxboro Courier ESTABLISHED 188L PERSON COUNTY'S OLDEST AND BEST NEWSPAPER. UNDER 8AME MANAGEMENT AND OWNERSHIP FOR 50 YEARS. IF YOU HAVE SOME THING TO SELL, TELL IT THROUGH OUR WANT COLUMN MONDAY AND THURSDAY J. W. NOELL, EDITOR VOL. LII. HOME FIRST, ABROAD NEXT $1.50 PER YEAR IN ADVANCE. (Monday and Thursday) ROXBORO, NORTH CAROLINA THURSDAY, MAY 30, 1935 (County Correspondents Solicited) NUMBER 27 Palace Will Open Its Doors For Sunday Movies Theatre Will Make Move On Next Sunday For First Time In History The Palace Theatre will open next Sunday for an afternoon and an even ing performance. Though many sur rounding towns have made It a prac tice for several months, this will be the first time that Sunday pictures have been shown here. Hiis move is deemed necessary to give the patrons of this house the best service ever. Hie management of the theatre states that a percentage of the proceeds from the Sunday movies will be ap plied toward a Milk Fund, which will be in the hands of County Health Nurse Ruth McCollum OUriant. The schedule has been arranged that none of the performances will con flict with the church services that will be in progress at the various churches during the morning and evening. The matinee shows will be shown at 2:30 and 4:00 p. M. and the evening per formance will begin at 9:15 P. M. The box office will be opened fifteen min utes before each performance. The opening performance will be Shirley Temple In "Our Little Girl," which will also be shown on Monday and Tuesday of next week. Shows will be played each Sunday at the above mentioned hours until further notice. The Kirby Bros, have always held the interests of their patrons as a first consideration, and now, since they have made this step,, it is felt that they will continue the high standard of excellence they have set in operat ing a first-class theatre. Brief Layout Of Roxboro's Plan Of Refinancing Refunding Plan Is Not Likely To Add Anything To The Present Tax Burden The refunding Plan to liquidate the $623,117 outstanding obligation of the Town of Roxboro has been tentative ly approved by the North Carolina Lo cal Government Commission, ; the North Carolina Municipal Council, an organization of municipal bond-hold ers whose members, it is thought, hold the majority of the town's bonds, and it is more than likely that the Town Board of Commissioners will approve It at its next meeting. $71,117 of the $623,117 is accrued interest on the bonds and $33,000 of it is in notes. The balance, $519,000 is outstanding bonds. Under the Refunding Plan the bonds will be refunded with thirty year bonds bearing interest at the rate of 4 per cent. for the first ten years,4 1-2 per cent for the second ten, and 5 per cent for the third ten. Notes will be refunded with twenty year bonds bearing interest at 4 per cent for the first ten years and at 4 1-2 per cent for the second ten. The accrued in terest will be refunded with fifteen year bonds at 2 per cent. This refunding > represents w average interest rate of 4.2 per cent as against an t^erage in terest rate ot approximately 5.6 per cent formerly. The plan is now complete and ready for printing. It is computed that an adequate sinking fund can be maintained and interest on the new bonds paid with out adding much if anything at all to the present burden of tax-payers, in deed, after the plan goes into opera tion, there is every reason to hope that the tax rate may be lowered in a short time. The plan provides for the purchase' of town bonds in the open market with accumulations of the sinking fund, if they can be had for less than par val ue. If not it is requested that the sinking fund be used periodically to retire bonds. All the new bonds will be subject to call. "Undoubtedly the town's credit will be very much improved by this pro gram if it proves successful and there is every reason to suppose that It will succeed," stated Town Attorney P. O Carver and Mayor R. B. Dawes in an interview this morning. O ; BARRYMORE IN HAVANA Havana, May 29? John Barrymore, the American actor, 'arrived here at 9:30 A M. today aboard the yacht : infanta," CHANGE IN DAYS OF ISSUE When we began publishing THE COURIER semi-weekly we gave our publication days as Tuesday and Friday, but as a matter of fact published it on Monday and Thursday. We shall continue to publish on Monday and Thursday, and the majority of our readers will get it on Tuesday and Friday, as at present, but it will bear date as of the day it is printed, Mon day and Thursday. We (Jo not like the idea of print lng on one day and dating It the next day, as i{, is confusing, as for instance, last week there was a wedding here on Tuesday morning at 11 o'clock and in reporting we had to say that the wedding oc curred this morning, and many of our readers were reading about it on Monday afternoon. So to avoid such troubles we are dating our papers as of day of publi cation, Monday and Thursday. WEDDING OF MISS MORRIS AND MR. GLIDEWELL UNITES TWO PROMINENT FAMILIES Beautiful Ceremony Witnessed By Only A Few Of The immediate I -Families; After Short Honeymoon They Will Be At Home In Reidsville, North Carolina The wedding of Miss Elizabeth Mor ris and Mr Powell W. Glidewell, Jr., of Reidsville, N. C., took place at the home of .the bride's mother, Mrs. J. D. Morris, Tuesday morning at 11 o'clock and the impressive' ceremony assembled only the close relatives of the bride and bridegroom. Mrs. Curtis Oakley contributed the wedding music, which consisted of "Lieberstraum" by Liezt, before the ceremony, Lohengrin's Wedding March as the processional, "Ah Sweet Mystery of Life," "Oh Promise Me" and "Be cause" during the service with Men delssohn's Wedding March as the re cessional. , The guests were met at the door by Mr. and Mrs. Kendall L. Street, uncle and aunt of the bride, and the whole lower floor was arranged for the occas ion. An Improvised altar was placed among a background of fern, inter spersed with gladiollil. The .bride entered with her brother, John De Morris, by whom she was given in marriage, antf was met at the altar by the groom and his best man, Mr. Powell, W. Olidewell. senior. Hie ceremony was performed by the bride's pastor, Rev. W. F. West. Miss Morris wore a two-piece suit in dull crepe, of powder blue trimmed in alencon lace. Her slippers, hat, and gloves were of flesh pink, and her corsage was made of sweetheart roses and valley lillles. , Immediately after the ceremony the guests were Invited into the dining room where the bride's cake was cut. Later in the morning Mr. and Mrs. Glidewell left for a wedding trip and upon their return will be at home in Reidsville, N. C. For traveling, Mrs. Glidewell wore a yellow figured silk dress, with a tailored yellow sport coat, and brown accessories to match. Mrs. Glidewell, the only daughter of Mrs. Morris and the late John De Morris, is one of Roxboro's finest and most popular young women, being un usually attractive and especially beau tiful. She graduated from Hollins Col lege and is a member of the Zeta Tau Alpha sorority. Mr. Glidewell is the son of Mr. Powell W. Glidewell, and his mother was the late Mrs. Bessie Terry Glidewell. He attended Davidson College and the University of North Carolina, and is a member of the Beta Theta Pi fra ternity. He is now in the insurance business in Reidsville. The out-of-town guests were: The groom's sisters, Mrs. R. E. Price, Mrs. T. S. Boyd, Misses Margaret and Mary Uoyd Glidewell, an Aunt, Miss Lona Glidewell, Mr. and Mrs. Glidewell, Sr., and Mrs. W. F. Sheep, all of Rteidsville; his grand-mother, Mrs. C. J. Terry of Raleigh, and Mr. and Mrs. Thos. H. Street of Kernersville, N. C., cousins of the bride. Union Council Plans Nice Meet For Brooksdale Session Will Open At 6:30 P. M. With Picnic Supper At The Brooksdale ChurcL DR. JENKINS TO SPEAK Meeting at the home of the adult councilor of the Caswell-Person Co. Young Peoples Union, Rev. J. P. Her bert, the officers of the union laid plans for a very interesting meeting to be held at Brooksdale Church Fri day night, June 7, at 6:30 P. M. This will mark the third meeting of this newly organized group of young Meth odists in these adjoining counties. The meeting will begin with a pic nic supper on the lawn of the church, and every group is requested to bring along lunches. One of the principal items on the program will be an inspirational ad dress by Dr. W. A. Jenkins, pastor of the Chapel Hill Methodist church. Hie whole program has been well worked out and promises to be very entertain ing and helpful to all those who attend. Dr. Russell To Head Maryland Denial Society Dentist Of Baltimore Elected President Of Association By Colleagues Dr. A. Y. Russell of Baltimore was piesident-elect of the Maryland State Dental Association in convention at the Lord Baltimore Hotel, which entered Its final session today. F peaking for co-ordination between the medical and dental professions. Dr. Sidney R. Miller, noted internist of Baltimore, declared that all dentists ? ~ (Continued On Page Five) Rotary Issues Challenge To Kiwanis Club Is Challenged To Play Soft Ball] Game On June 4th GOOD PLAYERS WILL BE IN THE LINE-UP i The Rotary Club has challenged the Kiwanis Club to a soft ball game on Tuesday afternoon, June 4, at 5:30 P. M. on ihe High School grounds, and the Kiwanians have tentatively ac cepted the challenge. The following line-up wf