OBSERVATION AND COMMENT By F. O. Carver, Jr. It Ls said that if you stay in the same place long enough along the coast of North Carolina that the shifting sands will finally cover you up and bury you completely. There is living evi dence of this shifting in the ship wrecks that are strewn up and down the coast, either lying partially or com pletely buried by the sands, ships that at one time lay wholly out of the, SaThis calls to mind something that Jesus said on this subject: "Therefore whosoever heareth these sayings of mine, and doeth them, I will Uken him unto a wise man, which built his house upon a rock; and the rain descended, and the floods came, and the winds blew and beat upon that house; and it fell not; lor it was founded upon a rock. And everyone that heareth these sayings of mine, arid doeth them not shall be likened unto a foolish man, which built his house upon the sand; and the rain descended, and the floods came, and the winds blew and beat upon that house: and it fell, and great was the fall of it " We talk much about our tobacco market. Meet a man in the street and ask him what the trouble with it is. and you will more than likely get one or more of these reasons as his idea of the trouble or a remedy thereof, too much tobacco going out of Person County to be sold, not enough interest taken in the market here, the farm er does not think that he can get an even break on this market, etc, etc., or why not give a big stew and in vite all the farmers to it, establish good will among the town and county peo ple, go out and invite the grower to sell on this market, send them a mes sage through the papers, etc, etc., far, far into the night. Effective measures, all of them. But there is no denying the fact that year after year more and more influence is being carried away lrom FJoxboro and made useful to some other market. Farmers who iaise large amounts of tobacco go away to sell it, puliing some others with them t>3 their personal friendship and standing. No truer words were ever uttered than "It is harder to get a lost cus tomer's business back cn your books than it is to get new business." Through various means Roxboro has l~st many tobacco customers in the past years, at th<* same time kef.pirg many satisfied ones. There are two rocks that it seems would be well to use as foundations for our market. One is the practices that have already been followed to some degree of success. That, of course., is personal contact between the grower and the business houses and men of the town. The other is in fluence. You can't ring a bell or raise an a larm sixty days before the market is going to open and make a successful effort to bring tobacco here in the quantities which this market should sell. Nor can a few people carry on a successful campaign and hope to reap great benefits, but influence would take up where these leave off. The small market is doomed. That is a recognized fact. So. the thing to do is to build a big market here, some way, some how. stop that influence that is yearly draining this county of its life's blood Too many times markets have grown to enormous proportions only to fall and die under just such practices as these. W? cannot let the same thing happen to our market. ? o ' $42,274,000 In Building Work Contracted For Manufacturers Record Reports In creases In Industrial And Private Operations In July. Baltimore, Aug. 6. ? Construction and engineering projects costing $40, 274.000 were contracted for in the south during July, the Manufacturers Rec ord says, with substantial increases in industrial and private building oper ations. The July total was approximately $5, 000,000 below that of June but the publication attributed this to a sharp decline in public building and high way construction, due partially to "de lay in starting federal government projects^?. Indufmai awards for the first seven months of 1935 amounted to $55,863,000 as compared with $41,332,000 for the corresponding period of 1934 while private building contracted for to Aug ust 1 this year totaled $41,748,000 com pared to $19,267,000 for the seven months last year. Modesty Old Maid? Has the canary had its bath yet? Servant ? Yes, ma'am.' You can come in now. ? Boston Evening Transcript. Sa/ety First "I see youTe letting your little boy drive your car." "Yes, he's still too young to be trusted as a pedestrian." ? Boston Ev ening Transcript. Now And Then An American film actress was ap plying for a passport. "Unmarried?" she was asked. ^Occasionally," she answered. ? London Opinion. Below Par "I need a holiday," said the pretty cashier. "I'm not looking my best." "Nonsense," said the manager. "It isn't nonsense, the men are be ginning to count their change."? Ev ening News (London) Process Of Elimination "Herbert," said the mother to her 6 year-old son," is it possible that you are teaching the parrot to use slang?" "No, mamma," replied Herbert, "I was just telling him what not to say." ? Montreal Star. Lady of the House ? "No we dont want no books!" Agent ? "How about a cheap gram mar?" Oh, O"! ? ? Voice on Phone ? John Smith is sick and can't attend class today. He re quested me to notify you. (Professor? All right. Who is this speaking? Voice ? This is my roommate ? M. I. T. Voo Doo. Gob Humor Downes ? What would your wife say if you bought a new car? Shaw ? Look out for that traffic light; Don't hit that truck; Why don't you watch where you are going? Will you never iearn? And a lot more like that. ? Pennsylvania Keystone. Innocence Aboard Drill Instructor ? Now take this rifle and find out how to use it. Recruit? Tell me one thing. Is it true that the harder I pull the trigger the farther the bullet will go? ? U. S. S. New York. Knickerbocker. 'NUFF SED. Old Lady to Old Tar? Excuse me. Do those tatto marks wash off? Old Tar ? I can't say, lady ? Brook lyn Daily Eagle. Beyond His Control Girl to kennel-man ? When you sold me this dog you said it would grow in to a magnificant Russian wolfhound Kennel-Man ? Can I help it if the five-year plan failed? ? Denver Post. "Can you imagine anything worse than being a corn-stalk and having ycur ears pulled by farmers?" "How about being a potato, with your eyes full of dirt?" Wonders of Invention "Cail that a Caruso record? The man is singing in German." "Yes, sir. The record has been trans lated." ? Nurich Nebelspatter. Democratic Artist ? Shall I paint you in a frock coat? Mr. Nurich ? Oh, don't make any fuss ? Just wear your smock. ? Lud low (England) Advertiser. Marvelous Two friends, one married and the ether a. bachelor, were at the latest play, admiring the performance of a famous actor." "By jove," the married man mur mured, "he's wonderful! The way he displays affection toward the leading lady, eh?" "Yes ? pretty good," the bachelor a greed. "But you know, he's been mar ried to her for eighteen years." fWhat! Really married? Cosh ? what an actor," ?London Tit-Bits. He ? Girlie, I can read you like a book She ? O. K.. boy. but don't use the Braille method. Just Pals Mr. Swear and Mr. Swanke were ) SOLD" fonstitutio -6/ Caleb Johnson ? * ? * t** CONGRESS THE SUPREME POWER The form of Government set up by the Constitutional Convention was a compromise between the loose alliance under the Articles of Confederation, and the plan of a single nation with completely centralized powers. The small States insisted upon an equal voice with every other State. The large States felt that their wealth, size and importance entitled them to a larger voice in the affairs of the new country. These conflicting views re sulted in what historians call the '"Connecticut Compromise." The colony of Connecticut from Its earliest history had a dual system of representation in its legislature. One house represented the towns as equal units. The other house represented all the people as individuals. Hi is plan became the basis upon which the Con gress of the United States was set up. The Constitution provides for equal representation of all the States, large and small in the Senate, and for rep resentation of the people in the House of Representatives, in proportion to the inhabitants. The Convention was a unit in agree ing that all power to direct and regu ate affairs of the country should re side in this representative organiza tion, the Congress. Section 1 of Arti cle 1 of the Constitution reads: "All legislative powers herein granted shall be vested in a Congress of the United States, which shall consist of a Senate and House of Representatives. That provision of the Constitution has never been altered. It has recent ly been brought to the front of public discussion through the decision of the Supreme Court that certain acts of the 73rd Congress were unfconstitu tional because they run contrary to this first and fundamental provision ef the Constitution as drafted in 1787. Congress cannot delegate to the Ex ecutive, or to anybody else, the pow er to enact laws or to issue regulations having the force of law unless it puts clear and definite limitations upon the regulative/ auHhortty. Members of the Mouse of Represen tatives, elected directly by a vote of the people, must be at least 25 years eld, and be Inhabitants of the stats in which they are elected. There is no constitutional requirement for divid ing states into districts, or for mem bers to live in the districts they rep resent. That is something for each state to determine. In New York, sev eral members live outside of their dis tricts. In Missouri there are no Con gressional districts. The 13 representa tives are elected at large by the vot ers of tlie whole state. Senators must be 30 years old and residents of their States. ' As the body originally closest to the people, the House of Representatives was given in the Constitution the ex clusive right to originate bills for raising revenue. The insistence of the smaller States brought about another restriction up on Congress; it forbade the levying of any direct tax except in proportion to population. This was later changed by the income tax amendment, which be came effective March 1, 1913. That is the only exception to the rule estab lished in' the original Constitution in tended to provide that direct taxes levied by the Federal Government shall bear equally upon all citizens. The Senators, as the direct repre sentatives of State governments, were to be chosen by the legislatures of the States. That prevailed until 1913, when an amendment was ratified providing for the popular elections of Senators as well as Representatives. A still later amendment, the twentieth, ratified in 1933, changed the date upon which the terms of office of Senators and Repre sentatives begin, from the 4th of March to the 3rd of January, and fix ed that date for the annual meeting of Congress, instead of the first Monday in December, as originally provided in the Constitution. Next Week: What Congress May and May Not Do. business enemies, but chance had so placed them on the same board of di rectors. One day, after a meeting, Mr. Swear was holding forth. "There are hundreds of ways of making money," he said, provoca tively. "Yes," put in Mr. Swanke, "but only one honest way." "What way's that?" asked Mr. Swear sharply. "Ah," retorted Mr. Swanke, "I thought you wouldn't know it." ? Cin cinnati Enquirer. COUNTY HAS 2 WHITES Pierre, S. D. ? Armstrong county, Ac cording to the 1935 state census, con tams two white men. Both are mar ried Indians. RHEUMATISM ; RELIEVE PAIN IN t MINUTES To rellere the torturing pain of Rheuma tism, Neuritis, Neuralgia or Lumbago, in 9 minutes, set the Doctor's Prescription NUHITO. Absolutely safe. No opiates, no narootiea. Does the work quickly ? and must rellere your pain in nine minutes or money back at Druggists. Don't suffer. Use NURITO today, i i ?? i mm Short' Sermons! MORE FAITH When Jesus came down from the mountain whpre He had been trans figured, and where Moses and Elizah, who had been gone from this world for hundreds of years, came and talked with Him, and where He heard the voice of His Father say "This is my beloved Son in whom I am well pleased," He found a man in the valley who haul brought his son to the dis ciples that they might heal him. But as they could not heal him the father said to Jesus, "If Thou cannot do anything have compassion on us, and help us." To this Jesus replied and threw the IF back on the father. He said, "If thou canst, all things are , possible to him that believeth." The father then said, "I believe, help thou 'mine unbelief." What a familiar experience is this regulation of belief and unbelief. How many others like that man have desired and. asked for more faith. What can one do for himself to wards the fulfilment of that desire? We know that God often works thru people. He feeds, clothes, and houses us partly through the efforts of men. It is also partly through ourselves that He gives us more faith. Think for a moment of one of those! experiences when a salesman visited your home. He was selling some arti cle in which you had little or no con fidence. However he was determined that you should see the value of it. Therefore he just put it in operation while you sat and looked on. And he soon convinced you that it was an ar ticle of real value. In like manner the work of God is ever before our eyes. When we behold this vast universe it should not be dif ficult for us to believe that He who made it can do anything He desires with any part of it. When we know of His answers to the requests of others we should be encouraged to express our own desires. Knowing He has ans wered others of our petitions we sure ly should take courage before His throne. Since He has saved and remade our lives and the lives of others we should take to Him our friends and relatives for their salvation. After He has brought us safely thru the years of the past why should we fear to trust Him for the present and the future? Meditation cn these and similar lines should do nothing less than create faith. Mark: 9:24. o Furniture Dealer Is Wounded B y Shot Raleigh, Aug. 6. ? A Elton Wood, 28, a local furniture dealer, was re ported in a serious condition here to day from a pistol wound just above his heart. He was found shot in a hotel room here yesterday and de clined to explain the shooting to the police. o ADVERTISE IN THE COURIER WHEAT - FLOUR If you have wheat to grind now is a fine opportunity to make an exchange for one of these well known brands: You will then know the best flour to buy when you are ready for your winter supply. For sale by all the better stores DeSoto Silver Leaf White Rose All guaranteed and your money back if not entirely satisfied. Dan Valley Mills Danville, Virginia