WASHINGTON SNIP - SHOTS ) As the last days of tluyXong session ok congress come, a recapitulation of its. appropriations shafws the stagger - ingVJotal of over $? ,000 ,000 ,000. In othftr^^rds, Con j/ss reached down into the taxpayers' pocket at the rate of more /one billion dollars a month. In amotion, it in acted the so called Social . security bill which will levy taxes u/pon industrial payrolls for unemplovqfent reserves and old age pensions totalling billions over a per iod of Sgars unless it is declared un jtional. r the three years beginning in anc' ending with the fiscal year k tlJp spending as outlined will reach VOotal of $24,000,000,000. Oddly enough, tfiis was the total cost of the Federal (Government from the first term of foe org e Washington to the first teiim of Woodrpw Wilson ? 124 years. Ittwas not until the late twen ties that) the first peacetime Federal budget w^ent above $4,000,000,000, and that was rit-w^s at that time. Breaking down ythe $24,000,000,000 in to simpler term?, it represents $12 for every man, wtjfman and child In the entire world, ^ and nearly $1,000 for each family in\the United States. Sen ator Byrd of Virginia has figured that the Government is spending $13,000 every minute W the day and night, with $7,000 of th'c being added to the public debt wl^ich must be paid by generations yei j unborn. Over and a bove all of this spending, the state, county and city governments are ex acting their tojll from the taxpayer. The House aiid the Administration beat down efforts of the Senate Fi nance Committee, led by Democratic Senators, to turii the tax bill into a legitimate res-enue raising measure designed to begin balancing the bud get. Howevet, it would have been with out precedent for a political party to enact pi large tax bill ]ust before Na tional elections, except as a political gesture aimed at a small group of voterp, as is the Administration bill. BuV, with the election out of the way there is no doubt that taxation will be a paramount question before Con gress and the voters for years to come. , Accepting money from the Govern - ^ ment is one thing, but paying taxes to make up the deficit is something else again and far less popular politically. Predictions of a business improve Business Directory If you are in doubt as to where to find anything look over this list. The advertisers in this space are all reliable and you will make no mistake when you patronize them. If you do not find what you are looking for her: com?- to The COURIER office and we will give you the information desired. J. T. BRADSHER O | Plumbing And Heating Office On Reams Avenue Phone 14 G. B. MASTEN Painting And Paperhanging Good Paint Applied By Good Painters | Produces A Good Job. GEO. W. KANE BUILDER - CONTRACTOR No Job Too Big ? None Too Small." .arolina Power & Light Co. "me-Life Made Easier Ask the lady who has an Electric Range. amhrick, Austin & Thomas DRUGGISTS gsworth's Unusual Candies, ;Iar Remedies, School Books, Shaeffer's Fountain Pens. We ^ould like to be your Druggist. ' *" ? _____ Sergeant \& Clayton "TheS^.w^an store" Phoa^fus \Your Orders, Deli\*er Promptly. 'HARtfiS & BURNS BARGAINS Everything jRrom Head To Foot| For Men, ^^omen And Children. "Roxboro's lyrst Store" Roxboro Lumber Co. Buy It From UsSAnd Bank The Difference. "Home of Quality TLumber" Wilburn & Satterfield Roxboro's Dependable Store "It Will Pay You To Trade With Ua? try rr*. Hat And Bag Forecast Football Season NEW YORK Jean Parker's new Pall suit with the military air, is top ped by a smart little gray hat that gives a suggestion of a helmet, which hints strongly of the favorite Pall sport. The bag verifies the hint. It is designed in football shape and properly initialed. radical legislation are being borne out as the year moves on. Steel produc tion is climbing, and the automobile industry is mapping its program for next year confidently. Production for 1935 is expected to reach 3,100,000 u nits, far above last year. "Business generally is better," said W. S. Knudsen, vice-president of General Motors. "The general picture is improving right along. We note more optimism in those with whom we come in contact in our business." "Can these salutary conditions be credited to the New Deal?" he was asked. "No," Mr. Knudsen replied. "I lay it to the Lord, He is not worried about 1936 being a Presidential cam paign year. To be pessimistic about next year, one has to feel that in comes will come down. As long as they are going up, business is bound to be better." The newest political force to develop during this session of Congress was the stockholders in corporations over the country. Estimates of their number range from 10,000,000 to 20,000.000. Threatened with losses by the public utility legislation and the tax bill, they were heard from by Congress by the thousands. As yet they are an un known quantity but are likely to be a powerful influence in future sessions of Congress as they awaken to the realization that attacks on business are attacks on their income. o Weevil Infestations Reach Serious Stage Boll weevil infestations in North Carolina are becoming serious in many sections, acording to C. H. Brannon, extension entomologist at State Col ltge Recent observations have shown that the weevils have spread over most of the Piedmont area. This year weevils are attacking many farms where they have not appeared in appreciable numbers before. Over practically all the cotton grow ing area of Eastern North Carolina weevils are now being found, Brannon said, and the increase has been heavy within the past two weeks. In cloudy, warm weather prevails during the rest of August, he contin ued, weevil damage over most of the State will be really serious unless ef fective control measures are started at once. He recommended that growers who find weevils in their cotton should start dusting with calcium arsenate or a half-and-half mixture of lime and calcium arsenate. Since the infesta tions are so widely spread, he urged that ev?ry farmer keep a close look out for weevils. Six pounds of dust should be spray ed on each acre of cotton. Brannon stated. The plants do not need to be coated with a heavy layer of dust, but the spray should be heavy enough to send a good fog of dust about the plants. Brannon also urged the growers to keep a sharp watch for red spider, which is being found in a large num ber of fields this year. As a control measure, he stated that at least two dustings of sulphur should be made about a week apart. Ten pounds should be applied to the acre. NEURITIS ? KLIEVC PAIN IN t MINUTKS To relieve the torturin* pain of Neuritis, Rheumatism, Neuralgia or Lumbago In 9 minutes, set the Doctor's Prescription NURITO. Absolutely safe. No opiates, no narcotics. Does the work quickly ? must relieve your pain in nine minutes or money back at Druggists. Don't suffer. Use NURITO today. Keep a Good Laxative always in your home Among- tho necessities of homo Is ft good, reliable laxative. Don't be without ortel Do your best to pre vent constipation. Don't neglect it when you feel any of its disagreeable symptoms coming on. . . "Ws have used Th?d ford's Black-Draught for 31 years and bay* found It a T6ry useful medicine that every family ought to bare In their heme." writes Mrs. Perry Ricks, of Selum. Tszas. "I take Blssk Draught for biliousness. constlpaUon and other f|lls where s good laxative or purgaUv* is needed. I have always found Black Draughjt gives good results." BLACK-DRAUGHT SLEEPS IN STREET Oakland, Calf. ? Evicted from her home, Mrs. Marie Savage's furniture was piled in the street. Hie 55-year old woman refused to move and spent the night in her bed. Police hung a red lantern on the bed post and guard ed her during the night. o GLASS EYE EXPLODES Okmulgee, Okla. ? C. C. McCormick was painfully injured when his glass eye exploded as he slept, but is recov ering after an operation. Heat is blam ed for the accident. New Alkaline Powder Recommended to hold FALSE TEETH If you have sore rum* or your plata drops ? If you are self conscious or ner vous and your plate will not "stay put" Ku should use FASTEETH. Tou will delighted with tha comfort and security afTonled by this new alkaline, adhesive powder. The mild alkalinity of FASTEETH prevents an acid sore mouth and gums and keep plate flrmly In place ? because It holds Its consist ency longer and will not seep away. Sweetens breath. Allows you to chew your food properly. Buy FASTEETH today at any drug store. 0 ANSWERS TO PROBLEMS FROM WRITERS Dear Louisa: I am to be married this month. My lance is quite able to support me but it seems a shame to gi*? up the good job I have had for five years. I won der if the extra money I would make would be more important than putting the time on my new home which my husband is giving me for a wedding present. ALINE O. ANSWER: If your Job is just routine work and if the money is your only Inducement to keep on working, I advise you most earnestly to give up your job and put your time and thoughts on making a charming home and rearing a pleas ant family. Such a course will reward you many times more than a few dol lars in the bank. If your husband was struggling to get along and had to pinch pennies, my advice might be different. Under such circumstances it would probably be better to help him along financially for a few years, at least. But in your case, you are not worried over finan ces. Your husband presents you with a nice home and believe me, my dear, this thing of keeping a home lovely and comfortable, of making social contacts for your husband's and your own pleasure, as well as interest, is not such a casual job as it seems. And if you put off having your family very long, some times one never has a fam ily. This is really a tragedy for life is not complete without children. So, I say, give up your job with its few extra dollars and you will find hundreds of worthwhile ways to spend your time until the family arrives. LOUISA Dear Louisa: You wrote a letter a while back say ing that every one should take a va cation. But what would you do if every time you planned to go away some relative would write that they were coming down to spend a few days or a few weeks with you? Thas has hap pened three times this summer and I have had to unpack my things and go I back to the kitchen, as we have no servant. If our visitors had been my own family, I could have written them not to come, but my husband would have been awfully hurt if I had refused to entertain his people: H. E. M. ANSWER: Really, H. E. M., I have never un derstood why anybody who invited themselves places should feel hurt if their hostess asked them to put their visit off until later as it suited her better to have them then. It seems to me that if one knows a person well enough to invite themselves at a spec flcied time that the person should be Intimate enough wfth them to let} them know whether it suits or not. Personally, I think any one has a fearful crust to write, "I am coming down Monday," unless they add, "if it is convenient." No matter how in timate they are or how close kin they may be. If your husband is particularly anx ious to see, for example, his sister, and she wishes to come just as you are planning a trip, why not write and tell her how sorry you are that you will be away just at that time, but how delighted John will be to have her while you are gone, if it doesn't suit her to come later. Certainly no one should feel hurt over such a reply. At any rate, if I were you, I should most certainly take my vacation, re gardless of whether all my relatives got them or not, at my expense. LOUISA o U. s. QUADS GROWING Lansing, Mich.? Overshadowed by the Dionne Quintuplets, the Morlok quadruplets, now five years old, are developing normally at the home of their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Carl A. Morlok. ? o A pleasant variation: Cut slices of, ham to potato diameter, and secure; with skewers between two slices of potato. Pry in butter or in deep fat and serve. o Hull lays loss of $29,000,000,000 to trade barriers. HICCOUGHS END Fort Smith, Ark. ? After hiccough ing continuously for eleven days, Frank Ogglesby escaped the attacks, during which he lost forty pounds. At the end he was taped to his bed to avoid Professional Cards Dr. Robt. E. Long Dentist Wilburn & Satterfleld Building Main Street - Roxboro, N. C. B. I. SATTERFIELD ATTORNEY- AT -LAW Roxboro-Durham, N. C. Roxboro Office: Thomas & Carver Building. In office Monday & Saturday Durham Office: 403 Trust Building. In Durham Office Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday each week. DR. G. C. VICKERS Office at residence, on Route No. 144, near T. H. Street old home, Mill Creek. N. LUNSFORD Attomey-at-Law Office over Thomas & Carver Building, Roxboro, N. C. DR. J. H. HUGHES Dentist Office in Hotel Jones, next door to Dr. Tucker's Office. DR. J. D. BRADSHER Dentist Office over Wilburn & Satterfleld's Store Building. LET JOHN CASH Repair your shoes and repair your chairs. Under Wilburn & Satterfleld. DR. R. J. PEARCE Optometrist Eyes Examined ? ? Glasses Fitted Thomas A Carver Building Roxboro, N. C MONDAYS ONLY 10 A. M. to 5 P. M. SPORTS 9/l J Jul ^aAolmaA. Geographic and Climatic conditions in the- Carolinas provide settings for a wide variety of sports and recreation. Donald Ross Golf courses ? unsurpassed in the nation ? dot the Carolinas and national professional and amateur tournaments are frequent . . . Championship Polo is played at Aiken, Pinehurst, Southern Pines, Fort Bragg ... All forms of equestrian sports are popular ? fox hunts, hundreds of miles of bridle paths, racing . . . swimming, boating, speed boat racing . . . Archery . . . Trap and Skeet shooting . . . Hunting, small and large game . . . Superb fishing. Many cities in the Carolinas support professional baseball, boxing, wrestling and football. Carolina college athletes rank high in all branches of collegiate sports, both in southern and inter-sectional competition. These two great commonwealths are often referred to as a "Sportsman's Paradise" and annually attract an increasingly large number of out-of-state sportsmen and recreationists. That's the Purpose of The Carolinas, Inc.? "TO TELL THE WORLD 7k CAROLINA* NC. The Caroli. *a, Inc. Box 60. Ch??4otte, N. C. Without obligations, please send full information concerning Carolina*, Inc., and copy of the Carolinas Opportunity Bulletin. Street Pity The newspaper* of North and South Carolina hare donated the space for this and a series of advertisements which will appear for (L* purpose of bringing facts about the Carolina* before their people, that they may be better informed as to the resources, history and industrial importance of the Carolines, and that they may know how they can assist in the broad movement to advertise to the world the advantages of this favored section