our ping ? Vi JOELL, EDITOR ESTABLISHED 18#L PERSON COUNTY'S OLDEST AND BEST NEWSPAPER. UNDER SAME MANAGEMENT AND OWNERSHIP FOR M YEARS. Do Your \ Shopping Early! HOME FIRST, ABROAD NEXT $1.50 PER YEAR IN ADVANCE. [Monday and Thursday) ROXBORO, NORTH CAROLINA THURSDAY, DECEMBER 19. 1935 (County Correy0ndelits^5ontH^l> NUMBER 85 Christ^pas Number , Aimed To Aid f/Mdecided Gift Shoppers What to give and where to find it is the annual problem which confronts most Christmas shoppers. To serve those shop pers and to -make gift selection easy THE ROXBORO COURIER presents herewith its CHRISTMAS EDITION. ... In the fol lowing pages you will find special Christinas displays of all the leading shops and stores in ROXBORO. . . Read the ads. . . .Note the new gift offerings. Select a gift for every name on your list. That is how Christmas shopping is made easy.