Hi i The Person County Hews. ROXBORO. X. CIAYj30,:lS83:-- WeTegrot-iiIefihiit.'Miss. Kate liuuiett istrmteick. J. A. Long is selling all kinds of goods cneap. f ; . ' ', ", :; . J. F. Tcrr ; ani .JLrtJ. ferritfc, at tended ttdhvdiwHtlsi'ee " J. T. Critcher & Sdri, fcavelC new buggies, oil the way to Ko xboro, A lot of fresh. Liger Beet just re ceived at Burnett & Carver's. Misses ThAttdn.JrtVe just received a large and beautiful lot of French Flowers. ' f " . v For white goods and notions, go to Hickson'a he makes specialties of - thtse goodsj' ';; 'jj ! 1 As yet nothing lias been ljeurd from the tw negroes who m;le their escape a few dvs ngoZ : A fine lot of Cijiars at Bameti & Carver's. ; Th3y are first rate, try one, , .'.:"-' - Juot received at the Misses T ha x ton a twmendrous lot of Ostrich plumes and tips. Big bargains, Call on Bdl Harris and Henry Long vhen you c6me' to Roxboro, They have something to tell you that will makefyou smile all over your face. Gc to Hickson's, Danville, and s cure Unrgauja in ladies dress j goods nntl genttfnant cloths, he in closing them out at eott. t ..-.' . The Kdiior and wife are -vi.si ting .,- frieiuls in Durham.' If we Ljoiie a' Lot ter p ipor this veek -than 'Usual; just hlanip the devil for it. Just received at the Misses Thax' ton Millinery establishment jlOO lints of the latest and fashionable styles, call and examine them.1 List Wednesday, the. 23rd,,- was the coldest ever experienced by our oldest citizens. (J reat fears were eu Wtuined of a he.ixy frost at night.' JT. Critcher & Son, will have on hand in a short time the prettiest lot of buggu's ever brought to RdxboroV C ill and get one. ; . ." Mr. Clioek, teacher of the band s.ivs there is some hue musical .talent s tlierp i it lie wU, in (tie ti'oxooro ihmss uaim, awn nv close iiiiplie it ion tliey will s' on be able to make music. If your w.igon or buggy is tyroken J. T. Critcher & Son. will repair it in first class style and on short no ucoT ' " ': ': '" , mtta- liooga shipped fc.ViO worth of strawber ries last year, and Kold enough in the city to pay all expenses of pick ing 'and Iiij)iiig. and aJl from a tuo- sic re patch. Great goodness nian what are you ' thinU ing about? The E-igle Ware house So. Uoatun. is the place to sell y cur tobacco, iind . D. Woody is the man to tell ' you when . the weed is Liringiiifi bip; prices. By mutual conseUt the partnor sliip of Uoon fc Merritt ntt'ys, has lis.-olved. Mr Menitt retaining their former otfice. and Mr. Boone occupying the ofiicc, iu the Satter field building, above Mr. A. R. Fou shee's store. Each of these gentle men would be glad to liave their friends to di on thein. It is a notable fact that nil mat. ver leaves the Eagle Warehouse, Soutn Boston dissatisfied. The pro prietors see that all tobacco sold on ; their Uoor b' ingts full value: Re menibtr Ton ; Woody , is there to look after your interests. - The millinery rooms of the "Misses Thaxton's 'continue crowded with la dies, enpplying themselves with" 'the beautiful goodsJept in stock. Their trade) has hpc.i inunoiise this spring, tlu'v vichly . deserve, iof 'their entorpise a.: I close application to business. ; V Good ITows ; All grades of tobacco in great de- man I itid. soiling high -flt STAn wabk - II0CSE, So. Boston Mobliri Willing- lon : ;reiione.i i.o.fia hu ymr .ham &Co., proprietors, want 2,000 rhoemedicm:'I have made use of it Ihs. all erade3. and. will truaran-lm .ftBUddv.nandJviolent diseuwU'iM ef- tee as high prices can bo obtained iu any market ia ,Virginf a Or North' Carolina. k ; v " '. The BourboW- Ttews' states that "tliore are two lipys in that city nam-' f i. liicluirdson tjut are so much alike that it is hard to tell totlici from which, OnO ortlienijoined the Bap - tist church a few davs .ago:vnd rumor!,: r... !r!1,iJ,,,,.,-1f !,,."..! ,,rir .vays he gave the' other a'tHnie to" be hi itimf-in his place. -.' V - -r rr. ,'J" '' ' ' ' jl IToldyouSo. ; i f , . - .-" , s .-' . ., . Told .wliatl,t hy, of counje, -that 1f faii' uranr tl. 7 i ri li ? f - i ,-r for your tobacco, don't Ml to carry ! ' r . v1l 1 r.,uv" .... ... " r, J.- 1 i instond. ' ' - - - it to thesTAu wakehoUSSo Boston. t n TJ rR ., IJam. Z. T. Brooks, ol Person , is with this.,, v house and if al walive to' tho , Jry IlW 1L ILir - interest cf . his countynien Carry him a load and come home and tell your neighbots tlie good news. . I -,Evil dispositions are early Biiown.' tvit tenaencies in our svstenis are to be watched and guai ded. against.- It ;you find your ,. ir . . . -n? . i . i eu gewmjr onnous, neaa neavy, mouth foul, eyes yellow,Vidneys dis- ordered, sy inptons of piles torment ins you, take at once a few doses Kidney Word. It .1 nature's great jtssistant.Udtj it as an advance guard don.'t wait to get down sick- Head adv't. They all do it Do, what? Go home delighted with th:ir prices when they carry their tobarcco to the starJwa rehouse So. Boston. Z. Tl3fooks3o Pers6iT,is with! this house and will see that his friendb get tip top prices. W.l C. Thaiton was in Rpxboro' last Friday and Saturday looking .al ter the'interest of the Binuer Ware 4 house,. Durham. Bill is a Person county hoy) Rnd means business when hetells yoi'i his housewill pay 'ts'much for tobacco as any other in or out of the State. There is no doubt about tlw fact that tobacco is selling at the Egle Warehouse,. So. Biton fur big prices Tom' Woody don'f 'ellyou fancy tales to indue;; people to v ir ry their tobnfco to the Engle, but lie is working for the interest of the farmer, knoving.that what he want? is big prices, and if he1 wasn't able to get them he would not te 1 you so. ."V ; ' Our ollice is : decidedly more desir ably located than at any time, since we've been in ; Koxboro. We have u quiet private office where we can re ceive our friends and not be distnrb eiL We havo-a Ltrge number of ex ciiange papers that are at the dispos al of those who want to get the news from all over the country. $2,000 Versus $1.50. .! 'I spent $ 1 . 500. with Other doctors.' writes Mr- J. W. Thornton, ofClni born, Miss., 'Samaritan Nervine however alone cured my son of fits.' This is on a par with hundred of of others, speedy but through. . . ''My dear," sighed Adolphus, to his dearly beloved Melvina, ' wilt tliou marry me?" "On one condi tion only," replied the fond possessor of his hopes, "and that is, you must buy one of those fine top buggies of J. T. CVit'lier & Son." Which he very promptly did, and a month later the cenmony took place. Xo ciu-ds. Big Average Mes Noblin, Wiliingham & .Co., proprietors stab warebouse, So. Boston, sold wn the 8th iust 15.749 lbs. of tobacco at an average of $10 per hundred weight; on the 11th 24. 088 lbs. at an average of $10,49 ; and on the 18th 8,467 lbs. at adT aveiage 11,46, Who can beat it? Trot out your figures and clear the track. Men, "Women, Boys and Girls I A liberal cash commission, besides a chance to win a 750 acre Texas Earm, a New TTpYigVi'e rnV-Piir and a number of 'other valuabli abla prizvs, given to agents, who solicit Uttfcm iuUoos. 5br Texas Siftings, the Celebrated Ilumurous Illustrated Weekly. rf Send name on postal for specimen copies and instiuctiona. Austin, Texas. We had the ptcasurcof a visit from three of Persons beautiful young la dies Misses Fannie Hester, Maggie Kogcrs and Sallie Wavrenvlast Thurs day. Wc explained the mysteries of a printing ofrifc, showing how the "little hi tsy tvx's had to be picked up one at a time, presses, &c., when, with much seeming innocence, one of the party s.di they wanted to see the devil." AVe pointed out, his Satanic Majesty, lie grinned ac tliem in his usual happy-. way,; they seemed much pleased with his appearance,, for-he iiin't such a bid looking devil after all".'- : . 1 "IIolJ on dar Sambu whar did you got dem good looking clothes?" ... 'Hush dat nigger.I got dfse clothes at Mr. J. A. Long's store, and dal long legged clerk said as long as ir, was me. lie would put 'era low down, but nigger let me tole you. you can get a suit dar just "as cheap, for its de best place ter trade in county." -' "Law honey, you're talking .sense now, fur I know dat to be fact by ex perience.'' Look Out! Judge Heath's Opinion The Hon. R. Ii. Heath. Jude:e,E(ien - ton, N- C., wrote of Dr. Wortl ing ., . 5 111. i ... . ..-1 1 . ! ect immediate and the euro perfect liniDK iiHii nivcuuo. i iiesui i'-iuii. Dr. P. 11 Author, of Winton. J.O.! also endowed, it. Price 23 si nd SO cents a bottle. Sold by druggisfHird dealers. Married On We-Ihrsd y the?: of Jl.;y. our r . , ar lowllRI1 j. A. L-. - Ka.. fti Mr. Laura Bradslivr of isl-nrg. iMarriife erviue coud'uti-l..b lie v. ! So!omd:i Lea. -The waiters wen-: ' ii 1?S S-: li i it-1 Tl U Xl 6 11 1 lid J . S.LOIl g I ... ,v .. -p. ' , r, " M ;iis Bu Lio Thompson and II. D. - . , . . ii - t - iliss Pi. .trratrt i iiaviou .i.u vrge j it was indeed a spltrh lid air ar, present "crtiyi tig it .Thf h ippy coup le left imniediately en a bridal tour; - r to tha iSorthern cities Ri-d w iU be gone several week Frient's u ou - j tering upon the sea of matr:inony j you have our best wi?h r.ni hope j that no cloud or jshade of. 5rrow may ' of - cross your path as vou continue your j E 5 walk togetlier through life. TuesdaV of I'erson Court, Col. Ful ler stated to his Honor that jt was about dinner hour, and suggested thaf; (,'onrt adjourn as the lawyers vylshed'to hold a bar meeting. We came out and walked upon a crowd of gentlemeiV who were earnestly . r ... -'.- . conversing wath each other, when one of them remarked: "Whi taker, what in the d 1 do you - reckon them law-ers want to hold a prayer-meeting for?" We told him we were not aware of the fact, and he must be mistaken. . "Xo, sir," said he, '-it's a "'fact, for Col. Fuller said po." As we walked on. we heard aiiother remark: ;i t ' "Well, I'll be dn! The ide.t .of a lot of lawyers holding a jratcr nieeting.r' ' , Mr. IMi'or I wish through the cofumns of your valuable paper to warn a'l the. farmers of Person against selling their' tobacco to the men now thronging 6ur county, and claiming to be representing" some Warehouse. I have seen some few of the victims of the, bo called Warehouse drummers, and know whereof I speak, I ani kept posted by the Eagle Warehouse of So. Bos-. ton, which I represent,'and instruct-, ed to -inform the farmers' whenever there is a rise in tobacco. FarmeW who wish: to sell their tobacco had best . nell on the floor of the Ware house if they wish to promote their own interest, ' 1 : I am glad to kno w Mr. Editor that this warning will be seen by ' nearly every farmer in this and, ad join ing counties, as your paper goes in to nearly j every house. I am hap py to inform my friends that tobac co is high and I think will remain high the balance of this season. '' Very Respect'y s THOS D. Woody. Having aeterminecl to change my store to a white goods and notion house. I wid until closed out, otfer my entire stock of ladies dress goods and men's pant clothes at cost Do not fail to call and secure bargains in these goods before it is too late., . Jas. L, Hick sos. .:' Danville, Ya. Ilickson has one of the largest stocks of dry goods in Danville, and he is closing cejUdn lines out at cost, go see him. On Thirty Days Trial. TIip OLTAin 1ki.tC., 5t.iTi.hHll, Mich., Trill wml Or. Iv.s Celebrated Klwmi Vlr;n' helts uud Kleotxi Amjl.ianirwi oi irwil for flin ty itays to men, vmtn or did, who are niHu-Nl with ner vous detiltrr, lost vitalitr and kiudred troubles, rii;iranieiriff speedy anl toinplef; repJur:irMn "f tjealili aud.ninn'y viifir. A'ddreMti a auuve. N. It. No rilt is mem red, as thirty davs' fi-iul la alTidl'Btf. '" '. , Wheri ycu eo to Durham SLOP al the Banner Warehouse, it has best accommodations, best liirhts.and Jno. C. ijutcnings can sell your to bacco for the very highest prices! British Mixture, the best Fertilizer MA'h fretght for jfflsjfc Croquet Sets and Hammocks a larg' stock, at THOS. II. AVERETT'S, B iktore, Danville, Ya. National Surgical Institute, Two surgeons from this old established nri'1 wide'.y known "Institute of Atlanta, Ga., and Indianapolis, Iml.,'' mil riiake n special nnd limited visit to Ilenderrou, N.C., Ihv31 1881, stopping at the ho tel, an. 1 Hillaboro, N.C., June 5th.8S3, stoppii g a,t the Orange Il ilel. Tliey will bring, surg c.l and mechanical ap pltit ice?, best French aitificial ejep, nnd fVfiythi.ng necessary for the treatmeat of . p"jd cast s. , i ? They treat no one unless there is"h u'u'ihiulited progpect tf-great improve- iffcnt or comolete lestoration. Deforni-f iiies of evrry description, including Club Kt-et. Diseases of the Hip, Spine and Joints, Paralyses.. I ilea. Fistula, Catarrh, Female and Private t diseases, Diseases of tlie Eye and Eir, Cbrouic Diseases, etc., treated. ; 1 . Comeewly as the visit is 'iimitrp to the time stated. For circulars ami full particulars, address ' National Surgical Institute, ; : 'i .-. AtliHra,G. CirDiarnond Dyeff wjU Color any thing-anv color and never fa.il. The easiest and best way to ecpnorhize.10 1 cents at all druggists A Perfect Eemedy in 20 . Diseasesi Vj i '. AsnriELi, Mass ' T am 'Terffinsr on ikht "vtar, ' and deem rt ray duty to suHeringi humanity t.. say .that my long life i due to BbaxD ueti? Pills which have been my sole mdi ine lor ball a, ' ct-nnry,; - I know the last forty-three years of my life iaow i Mg solely t.v 1 halt use, Yonr Pin.s iaved ue rdany tinies after the best med ical skill in several StiteB had given'nic up as aopelcss. I have h d many conver to imrifatioo' wfih" BbaXtmHTth's PiLLS rami l;ve ifB Iheai perAirni -ahnost njir- r..ve .ami racaste. : fcafletvernd .11 1. s of curp, t Fur children " . v liMMttnsr onsh. Iu alt, temah trouble ;tn.l weaifnesa I have rcver known them ta-tail. in alu'tmalcsI have known it.'ini toxure tho worst cae of dyspep. sin i hueiriatism, kidney diseases, dysen terv ai.dTiiarrltffi-i; even dmnsy, paraly- H, .aii'd ap ")hjxy have yielded to a p-r ifttent oourfe of CtandretliV Pit's Tu , 1 1 ve four,,! t ..em the t ru,- wtc ra.x ' ? They net as cnntmiif.l prt-ventivcf ;mt iUe ilT,cts ,lt tvlM .nd w.,,.r. JOHN' II MANN 1 lVAuZVUWUi !! IS A SURE CURE i for all disea.es of the Kidneys a and all! fl I sw awV ssaasaoa ii Tti pwriflHfp oTi thiamoat-lm-porTant . n-mm. anabllna' it io throw off torpidity and ' inaction, atiaiulating the healthy aecretioa of 1 . ... i . ; .v. & Imm', -n freA ' - liiLtj, Nltt U AVu " " " wrvnrtitirm. efflwtlrur itm rejrolar disnharga. rlBl3nda SaJarharTtoediills, J are bilious, dyBpejjtin, crooiffitipjtfea, lUctney- . Wort wQl screly relieve and Qmeiily oure. In tlie Sprtn to eleaoae the System, every I one Bhould take a taoroun course ui iw ! C- SOLD BY DRUCCISTS. Price Suffer tio longer frorn Dyspep sia, Indigestion, want of Appetite,lossor Strength . lack of Energy Malaria, Intermittent Fevers, Sc. BROWN'S raON BIT TERS never fails to cur? all these diseases. " Norton; Koremberrf, 188W -Bkowh CheiucalCo. Geotkmen : For years I hava . been great sufferer from Dyspepsia, mnd could get no relief (bavins tried everything which was recommend ed) until, acting on the advice of a friend, who had been benefitted by Brown's Irom Bittkrs, I tried bottle, with most surprising results. Previous to talcing Brown's Ikon Bittebs, everythinST ate distressed roe, and I suffered greatly from a burning sensation in the aMtnach, ' which was unbearable. Since tak ing Brown's Ikon B-tters, all my troubles are at u end. Caaeatany , time without any disagreeable re sults. I am practically another penom. Mrs. W J. FtTHN, jo Maverick St, E. Boston. BROWN'S IRON B1T- - TERS acta like a charm on the digestive organs, removing all, dyspeptic symptoms, such as tast- ' lng the .tobd,- Belching, . Heat in. the Stomach, 'Heartburn, etc. . .The - only Tron Preparation ' that wjll not blacken the teeth or give headache. Sold by all Druggiajti. i - Brown Chemical Co. Baltimore, Md. See that afl Iron Bitters are mads by Brown Chemical Co., Baltimore, and bave crossed red lines and trade mark on wrapper. BEWARE OF IMITATIONS. jR.V0RTHif3DT0HS 3ED . TEARS 'l'ue remeJy - for Ctiolem, Van. t, lllnrrhfpft. B&ri.imMfAMMW ImmIi. I nn t-ii:i1 in tli Xtiht. IhSa, by fircSk(jirra ; Ht. Kraneth Rhiiht. Soiieitjr (TarrCT. PorveynrT;,hl.Ti. prfc. 15 ct. Sul'l lir Drw.t, U.S. Trcmsurr. alfl If nir iMm. k tilnvn In not'-. '..!.. propririord, THI CHAk 1 u.( j, a. a. "SI D :i!t-r in HammprU-s3 finn, the Scott Gim. tlie Dnlly Oun, tt.T'.llv iiin. The Parker iiin, the Colt tiuii, Tlie Keumifrttin.aiKl iiuinerouotlit'rirodniakeol BREECH LOADING ' - ' - ,muxs ... i ,.11 rrt ivliich will lv sold iilhottem't.'rtres.- MUZZLE LOADING GUNS,' all lenptlw and lxre,from 30 fd 49 iuclie, in iact everyilun)f a sportiif man want. I Uiank tt finance fUie a 4e in rature. Kwpcctliilly !ie Tor tr.Pir pnr- noerai iiiniiB(:c VV-C. VIH1E D.vBvUk, Tl ' The only -known specific for Epileptic Fit.. Also for Epasms and Falling Blctnee. HerVons Weakness It Instantly relieves and cures. Cleaasea blood and culcXen aluegfsb circulation. Kentn- I1ia tmnrii of AfaeooA and aaves atflmeRd. Cnres ' tA SKEPTIC SAID ttglyblotcheB and stobborn blood sores. Ellmlrittte Boils, Carbnncles and Borf la. . fjj-rerm&flenfy and ' ' promptly cures paralysis. Tes, It is a eharmln? and healthful Aperient. Kills Scrofula and Kings Bvll,1' ttrln brothers. Changes bad breath to good, reraoT- - - I r- In; the caase. Boats batons tendencies mnd makes clear complexion. Equalled by none In the deHriuin of fever. . A charming reeolYestt and a anatclaieas. taxatlre. It drives Stck Headachs like the -KinS. XContMlnt no dras He Cflttiartle or opiates. Rellcm! (the mat) mm I i ft ! - ' CltiiElRlVlE)M0iUlRiO'?i) the brain of saorbld lacciee. Prom&ly cures Khen- matlem by routing it. Kcstorea life-giving propcr-j ties to the blood. Is uarantcd to cure &U nervoos disorders. C?"Eeible wlien cil opl&tsu flL E freshes the mind and inyigona the body. Cures1 dyspepsia or money refunded. CIHlEjVlElRtWLlsD AH B .ll&RRHSEaHURE i. mm s avaw .WesrttteWoodeimltaeonffeTor.BaeoL' in 'writing by otw fifty thousand: leading cltti,1,; dergymeaand physicians la C S. and Lnrope. f fTTat sale by all leadtos druggists, fl.su. S11'? atarlesN.Crlttectori,rer.t;Ne-rTorkCSt7. IIERNDOX, MOORK & CO. , ''."!' v : ' - ' - .:' Ken) ti e cr.lv Reliable Switig Machine House from which yon ca proc tire a 1 : F111KT CLASS Fully Warranted, or any Liti'.- Tliey Veepon haad the oniy feauinnew.o3 the felel.rutetl Light Running New Howe; j 1 in f-ioi all the leading iiree DUBHAM i ! ' ' : .. :-' ' lAlTOjIOMS. It r. iJkbGEiis i - Vijf as Marble and Granitalloniimenls r -'.'.' . , . TOMBSTONES, TABLETS. 3tC. M A IX ST., IH-EIIAW, X. C. ' 5yPesin8 and KMhnateff Furniabed n Ap plitatipa. , - 10 Stephen HToWiieii, I - . With i Villi. CB'ASTY, Dealer in j Hecivy and Fancy Groctrie., j DANvnxE,f va. : ' I wwH be iiVn-ed to re ru- frk-n'U from I't'r ;son and am prepared t ollerf Uiem bargnius in . the above Uuk oi xnis- Richmond & Danville R. R. i - i I N. C. DIVISION i ' : . ' Condensed Schedules. TUAIN.S GOINti EAST late,Jyv la '. Xo, 5-2. Daily. J N. KS. Oailf. i Leave Charlotte, 1 " ' SitiiidMirv "1 Iliftu l'w.nt i.Ar. Greeusijoro Iv. jreentJxro iAr. Ililldru' f Ar. Itnrlmm i Ar. Hale jrli : - - Ar. UitijjiKro , 4.40 a m 4"..!S i in t,(K) a in ti.-'j in 7.SS a in 7..ti l ui f.JB a in 8.X3 v n U.IOpm s , 1 25 m. ' IM j) 111 ' 3.S0Jin X- 15-Jtaily, Miliinmy, . -- Lfav'tf t.reensWow tt.uu a. in. I ' "Arrive at RakMjrb 2.' 1. f Arrive at i't()slii- fAfc ui. "No. 5lr--'un--ts ni .reeuslor utth it. A l. li. . lor ail miiolo North, Kaslaad Wwtof Uaii vilh". At al.iiiurry With W: N. C. K. K. for All ixuHiH in W i-iteru S'rth Oarnlin.-t. j v.i. 0unei'i ;ol.l.-li with W. & U . 1 da.i v at ;i et-iisbor Vith li. r A i. Ji it fori ll i pomes Noriu, taut ami Hen. , . TttAlSSGOlSG WKST. i rmrp November- I iO. IW. I . No. 52. ' si. l-v.' . Ina.lv. I Daily. 1 I.v. .-rilsir 1011 p m Ar. laie,gu 12 15pm I J,v- ' 4 IS l " ! Ar. Durham 532 pni i. Ar..Hilii'l"VO . lliin I v r,:ii.unl,.ii-V H."tli)in ! Lv. -tireeiiflmro- 1 9loplll I Hllim Ar. .Saiii'tmrv J I 11 12 lm j 1215pm Ae Hiuii 1-iMiit aaopm l loooain Ar. Charlotte 1 1 10 a m 2tupin S. 1, Dull v , i Sun. i.v. ,KiiliMro 4 4ii a in Ar. Rftleijrh 8 a mi. J.v. Uaieih Hill ami tj j.-. v Ar. Greeushoro 545 p r X(K5iConiiecta"vTuaTSlviili A A C nTr t,inaT'aIi i)iiiisiarhe Soirth and SomUwehti Ji."f? Coiinrit at t'liarlittfe with C. C & A. ifliforflll pDintji South auil Southeast. N. W. N. C. KAIL iiOAD. N. iiO I N m. ' CK)!KO tVE'T. Ii.nlv D.Ms tx Su I.v. Grt"enlri A r. Ke- iin-svilJe A r. Salem 1.-25 p ni it) '25 a m. 11 Ha a in. 12 iisi p m. 41 in j Nn. ni -IXG RST I I) it .'v I Sjj. Xd 53 D.iiiy- I.v." Salem Ar. hernersviU A'tJreii--.iro 6 20 a in 6 1 a m 7 5 a iri ft 15 p m. 6 so p in. 8 00 p ill. , b I'A t K UiSlVEUali V H. K, GOING KORTH So.-Doily ex. SUndy f!01NSt)l.-Tll. . X. Daily ex. SnndAy 3 SI p $1. ft p iji. PI; LI. MAX Srrrr-rT Cll n;k. On train Ko. .V-Vtr York and Atlanta vri. Washington nnd D.-tiivdle and Washington. On T'ain No. ft-Charleston via Chariot e, Oiinv lif am iaiiintton. j- a P"Tiiio.iIi T CKt-ls on ale at CnwlA Raie.ii, J'iilsi. o. fsil.hiirr,and Ciinviotif jfd. all 0-..H- Hill o . un. SiiiimWfT.' .Vst S N-v-. t .T-i-l- Kmk.. -for r.m :.-nt e-i- - M A' , I -mhiiii .nut .T. Si. H TAI.OTT, M.-n tirt'r. i.iwx 11, Va 26.999 NOW IN USE. ' All penoBf uy their grxxii are the faett. Wc ask you to c Incour IatBrvred Keller Poaitlre Fnrce Fee4, Ch I and FertlllElnc frill td out Hay Kake. Th are as food as the best, and can be sold as cheap. All ae war 4 dasthebest,andcanbesoidascheap. Auaewar4 irculars mailed free. Newark Machine Co4 (, Ohio. EuKra liimth HxUa(ertw, So.7 rameov i.ircui. W. W T. Ml HI Absolutely Pure. - Hian thf onlinarr kinds, and eanuut beeold -, Comjf tition with the ranltLtnde of low tet- 'snort weights ainm or pnospnaue iwnwnwwi. OLD ROYBAGrOWDEB.Ca,106 Wall 1 ' " . . ' part of an old or broken one a, ymc - -1 DAVIS; Household! Royal St. John, ' ' ' " ' clas - s eewing machines to I had. ' I)nrluun, X. CJ mj4 rmbj J - ifROYAL Bja;;? Jk i -'-. ( u 1 a Succeed E. H. Miller & Co.,' ' Store is opposite Johnston &1 Cheek'stBank, Dlnville,if V $ IIitrlwaro, Stovfs, if'iue, Titiwaro and House FuruUlMtig (ioo ls, Urce-ili Lj atltiiy; Shot (Juna, Ax Mattock-),-. -Vlo'Xi atiti Plow Caitin., Tulile Cuttlcry, &j. Th-v ;irooIe AgeuU fortho Sale ot:. I roil Kin s Cook Stove, the h?t in i!m vvorlil.f , . Flue Pipe and Sheet Ir6njfor Guririg Tobacco , , J. R. FERBELL, W FERRELI. J. R. Ferrell & Son. I;VJtlT5 III CEMII STAPLE DRY GOODS, noors, SHOES. Fine Whi s ky -and mXESA SPECIALTY. THE CELEBRATED 'WO 10 v Al r COOPER A TUCK'S CORN alvayu ha. l.er Tenant Sommertleld baildiYiff Mai ft. "St. , IAV1LLK, TA. U W. SHUFF & Co. : . . ....,"'. UNION STREET i i f - D A N V 1L I. E, VA . Ira S- Sorch Jc Oiv Old Mand WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEAL - EIvSlN GROCERIES, STAPLE DRY GOODS, i ' " ; ; :''-' j BOOTS, SHOES, ; tIIATS, &C. RYE cnul CORX WIIISK-S, i AlI-E and PEACH BRANDIES, WINES, GIN Ate. ..i. iii;iliri)me iwl aeetis. mske it ynr interest to buy from ra ad wtf jf' Yatry laesifeciiuiij C. W. SHUEF &.CO. l,YantyviH4 eS. C , -' T YA G K & D AT ROCKTBOTTO.M I'HIrKS If F VASS. JNO M JOHNSON. 't.r . MAIN ST. DANVILLE, V t. Wlu'kaa" ami r-tU Je Ut in JrAJW VMtiE NAIIS, J ! upA BUILDING 1!.TEUI.L GAS FIXTURES, J . . ' SASH, . DOOMS, ' and riLlNDS. MA BLETZEDMAXTLES . i , . . .. v - , , MALTA SHQVEL PLO WS, : ' " ; ; FAliMEUS FIJI END VU) tt'-S. ; WATT nl -COOK VJMWH,- TXrKVO(U. - , 1 x ,. , JUJ AHPS . , . - .' , .u ' . 1 ' ; FLUE IRdN 'iA.m) Flue Pipe cL'ii-fciir, ' ' TOOLS. COACH, WXttSi., MAl tfUI.VLS. liUrLDEns'' 2J&m$Ii a apwinUv, To rfl'wimrs d tlie Yia errfl.V rr-'(tr the bent ilMceiitlit,ndj.'rrsl'eKatifctioi to all Sim mav faver ud wntitJKMr finrronage. We rain and will mate it t lhe-nWTrt 4 lKU te who fouU"mplatesiling ifn b fusitt f 'w ttm linal with w. ( Booth, Woo&r S Bfifiti G ROCK US ?!?' tm Int, 1:ri a I fthS , v ' r, rk,waa -j .:'--. Plow Castings, Penrrian r.na'nn, Maif Vrand. 'arld lioW I oaf KertiJ'H'-ra.eod OTirs. Cinmte rrmn- Mitwt, Orciian! sMlibsa?-. - - 'lillH0W3TT!jaiI11 F iTBrciriM ira Vitt t.tniKvrii ah W.ne. hmrf mm mr carrfulteubesi. '"r t nuaini 'm . - -, , , r and UHtow iri-aua . f-jt. .,. .. Jeff Walker. Ca ii miB?, S.A- Tiuv. hxn.m-r. Ik wi.ii an in Xuos. 1 StaterfiM', JWekHigl "iHiyj i ?li i (i i- Flour. MUlr JQffal, COM TR 3 ' PllOE UCE. $ C, WAS VIIJ.R.-VA., - ' ' i Mao 1. 1. Smith's ft So. KxeelUat rerlili ar, jrie nrfircetl tM P? -f v , , OE. STUICTLY FOR TAR HEELs Z. T. BEOOKS.-' " wlio watraeealrr Burned Out At SOUTH BOfSTOX VA..I11 nhirhheWwl wv,r, thing be bad, bus connected uimeH Ob 3 1 -Star Warehouse. - ' ':s mwiii nosTos, VA., ViM 'Mti Nrtilln. WilliHirtmni Co.. yrf bMor' -' myrt yurnMtly aak you Nwrtli-t n , T 1A -lrf tti fj, fi v-j'iV tnii-rtti fv Kin, .. llmltiM w . k i!ii 'in Mip ijvEjiy vmbXxPf. Meet His rfendi. a and :.nV whstant' RnriL he MiUber.U'1) , : -l;iit ti vim and raakS4'ruwsattotalrry. S "i;f-i, . r.n,uui i u liae vlut.e tmdielli Usiutau,' ' YOU ' . . wtTRJ' -i ,TI1 EKEjS asttwheiu.. fJir Rranlra a pall Jllifl mUfmllff ka V . : ttrer -rv KrlilfWH " tSaaN tUeVW-' i W'H a. t riuy ut mii your uacM. . .- JOHN Gl MA0!!iH?' ..-.MiAj-. 1 70l 31pKt PA1 HIT ROXBdltO, N-,. r J would rtrlfalJjr offer av sarvieet ' jieov1' ' l'ron ad vtivrra skat -wiab.(. j.aintinit -Hrsi 'rrTI gat.Bwetxh,'e f AMrvM'" JOHN 0. MAM 11-Srir KoxlHiro, . . - W . M. Gilliam;. wh'ilesale and rvtati!', .-4 irnt-a. i ifff Saddle Bagsv 1T4ipa, Isiprobcs ami 'Horc covu Tlltfs and HMim,Trac Charas.Itark IUbi:.!',. 5m nifty Vac aa lUsfiwas OH. Awrm pllifS;S i iaim, wwjl HWEi mi laAUtfS.. .asaa-aalty. tViaore n lX5t)iiBe his naiaiHue .-' oca npnnr ku Q0 tree .!' iM-tore fMirctw)4g eiMMtiicr. avnd rmtail. vAind. SaddUrfpHdrdirc vrlh 4 lUItiMore all it trrara T m aoT! t iirraxlv IHw Uaai V (tV sysa fall,) , . rmr49d, ' W.U.CILU - .,ywitreet Dutivi ACEi--' r$ I TowaacMi Cuneta-.-UftisSaSAJ. TT.'- v i,ei,v,,i i-pir.- asnt i"rriac HasatfWf ct dsaaript k. i X null UlliriH. lUrrssVCallslfa. Miftd IUi.il. . .. . - "' i7' HI, it ,H . i a- V. i'-- t V. It' . 1- .

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