High Point, N.$$fedne$day, Jan. 20, 1909 Price Five Cents Vol. 12: No. 16 'ill 9 mmma LA Parties having farm lands to sell can have . them listed at the En prise office. Windsor Hotel i Philadelphia One of the best and most Con veniently located hotels In Philadelphia. In Heart of Busend Section A popular stopping place for Southerners WE KEEP IN STOCK Steam Pumps Injectors and Ejectors All sizes in Stock Grate Bars two cents a pound Southern Machine Works C. G Perry First Class Private Boarding House Meals also furnished at any hour. All Furniture new and clean. Rates . Reasonable 206 North Main Street Plant Wood's Seeds ForTh Garden 6 Farm. Ihlrtv yeara In boaineaa, wtth ataadfiy Increasing trad erery jer until we hart to-day ona of tha Urg-eat boainasaea in aeeda U this country i (be beat of ridenoa as to Superior Quality of Wood's Seeds. We are headquarter for Grau' aind Clover Seeds. Seed Potatoes, Seed Oats. Cow PcairSoJa Beans and ; 'riji rSeeds:. . - WoeTa Deeorbthr Catalog the most Metal end valuable of " Garden and Farm lead Oataion mailed free on reqnrt. v. , T.U.lVCCDiSCSS, j eedemei, t RiobrrKmd, Vs. ':. GRIPPE! .GRIPPE 11 v-r VUATTON'S .UXATIVE' . COLO -S TABLETS i; i .tj- 1. .? r 25c a Box y .. -ay. "4 ..' .iOH -'. Guaranteid'toCu'reColds or , 1 v : ' your Bipney refunded STATE CAPITAL ' NEWS Little Likelihood of Putting So licitors on Salary. State Ap propriations Attracting At tentionState Librarian Asks for Increase in Salary. Enterprise Bureau, Special Correspondence. Raleijfh, Jan. ao, Nobody here seems to think there is any likelihood of the bill just introduced by Represen tative Koonce oi Qnslow for putting all the solicitors in the State on salaries becoming a law. The salary Mr. Koonce proposes is $2,750, all the fees to ibe turned into the Stite treasury instead, of going to the solicitor. The matter of salaries or fees for the solicitors was thrashed out in the I007 legislature and is generally regarded now as set tled. The court legislation that is awaited with special interest is that bearing on he creation of additional judicial districts, wthich are claimed to be 'badly needed in several sections ofi the State. The ibill by Senator Scott car rying $93,000 appropriations for the State School for the Deaf and Dumb at Morganton is at tracting attention. The items in this are $50,000 for mainten ance, $40,000 tor a primary ibuilding, $3,000 for repairs of present buildings and $800 for a specialist to have the care of the treatment of the eyes, ears, throats and the teeth of the chil-, dren. Salaries. iNow that the Hause lvats voted to increase ' the salarv of the convmissioner of labor and print ing from $1,500 to $2,000 the State librarian, Capt. M. O. Sherrill, asks that' his salary be also increased to $2,000. The bill is introduced by Senator Elliott. The commissioner of labor and printing is "laving his pipes" for a determined stand to bring the House around to the point of giving him the $2,500 salary that was voted bv the Senate. Bills bearing on the labor sit uation in this State are still coming in. Representative Sparrow is the author of a bill for shortening a week's work from 66 hours as at present to 54- THE POMONA COTTON MILLS. Stedman & Cooke, of Greens boro. Sirrine & Chailes, of Greenville, S. C, and Tillett & Guthrie, of Charlotte, have been appointed by G. S. Ferguson Jr., referee in bankruptcy, coun sel for the trustees of the ro- mona Cotton Manufacturing Company, bankrupt. The trus tees, as before stated, are J. C Watkins, of Greensboro; F. H Fries, ofi Winston, and Andrew E. Moore, of .Gastonia. Tefle-1 gram. The Mardi Gras. The Southern Railway Co., will sell reduced rate tickets to the Mardi Gras at New Orleans and Mobile. Tickets on sale February I7th to 22. For- further .information call on the ticket agent. Duck Shooting. Dr .A. P. Staley and his tbrother will leave to-day Eastern North Carolina where they will spend a week duck shooting. ' They tell us that it takes a brave man to tackle the ducks in tlhe ''eastern waters, the sport bemg more exciting than shoot' ing deer, One man told us tha the first time he got into a bunch o( ducks i on"' the; sound, and when they got out of the water ft sounded nk a passing freight train.- -He forgot to shoot. ' Ml 1 .1 1 ' ' r Our 'Cartb&bit : The engraver, is rawworteng on 'some of the.cajtoons- of Mr. DeMoulin. whose wlork Jwiir aO- pear "regwarl in the ' Entenpjrise. yv nen 1 you see tnis ,. wor you wiH oomimehdttA " " ' , K Mr. FerBuson. ' commissioher in batokrupixar- lvastiet:e yteft Enterprise had Under eonsidera tton th MontietMnerr bankrupt cy inftttef.N Beforthe'left ne p- MME. CALVE COMING TO GREENSBORO. Mme. Emma Calve, the beau tiful and statuesque French- Castillian, dramatic soprano, whom Americans have oome to know and love as an adopted daughter of this gra..d old land, and whose Godgiven voice has placed her in the very front ranllo of old and new world idols of song, is to be in Greensboro on itlhe evening of January 27th This time Mme. Calve will offer a repertory of classic arias from the old tmasterpdeces that live on and on forever, always retaining a beauty and fascination pecu liarly their own. Tickets for the Calve engage ment may be secured from Greensboro Drue 'Co., when ac companied by check or money order covering the amount. All mail orders will be filled accord ing to the manner in which they are received. Prices $2.50 and $2xx. Address: H. H. Tate, Greens boro, N. C. Root Will Resign. Washington, Jan. 19. Secre tary Root, following his expect ed election as Senator from New York by the Legislature of that State to-morrow, hopes to be able to attend to some pressing matters in the State Deparment and retire by he end of he week. Afer he gives up his work in Washington he will go to Hot Springs, Ark., for rest, but ex pects to return to Washington in time for the inauguration. Upon the Secretary's relinquish ment of his office it has been an nounced semi-officially Robert Bacon, now Assistant Secretary of State, will be named for Sec retary of State, and he in turn will be succeeded as assistant secretary by John C. O'Laugh lin, of. this city. Mr. Howell to Speak. Mr. Harry Howell, superinten dent of the city schools will make an address on public edu cation to-morrow night at the Jir. Order hall on education, . Mr. Howell stands among tne first in his profession and will give some vaiuaDie lniormaxion. Go out and hear him whether you are a Junior or not. Local and Personal W. L. Gates, of Burlington, is in the city. H. A. Stanford, of .Chatham, is in the city. R. T. Pickens is in Lexington to-day on legal business. I. W. rike is a visitor m Greensboro to-day. Oias. T. Ingram is in Greens boro to-dav ireoresenting the First National Bank at the saile of the Victor Chair Co., which takes place to-day. W. G. Shipman is spending the day in Greensboro. C. A. Shipman, of Pittsburg, Pa., arrived in te city last night. He will handle the Ship man oncams through the entire South. He is abrother of W. G Shipman. C. A. Smith left for a business trip North this morning. W. F. Carr, of Durham, is visitor here to-rfav J no. W. Tucker, of Chatlotte. arrived in the city this morning. S. L. Williams, of Greensboro, is in the city. W. L. Clement, of Greensboro is a business visitor here to-day. E. B, Foushee, ofl Woodleaf, arrived in the city last night. A. C. Myers, of Greensboro is in the city. Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Jones Jeft this morning for Raleigh to at tend the reception given the Governor by the Capital Club toMiicfot. Mrs. Tones will, re main in Raleigh for about a a -week the guest of Mrs. Ohas. Lee Smith.- Mr. T. W. Glinaxd, of the Hitrh- Point Veneer. Co., says that business is picking up rap idly an that satisfactory orders are cominc in. Mrs. Stevens, of Concord, , is visiting, her sister, Mrs. Edwv Freeze. ' ' ' ' ' iDr. . F.,E. Asbhry. .of Star: J. U?. Morris, 0 Thomisvill; -0. S,.i Bradsbaw. of Greensboro: Capb Parkins, of Xny; E. A.. Brown, of Greensboro, ana a, Alderman,-! Greeasboro tit to nhe city attendjrt tfhe srtoclc- holder meetinff ofw the N. C Saving Bank, $sTrtt Co. i Misses toumey uner Shrplett land; Mrs. Thomas are 0. Wk KEARNS 4 -OIIf SIT Annuaj 1 of N. C. Sav , ings : Bah fficera Elected and Gratif; g Reports Made. The meeting of the stockholder I the N. C. Sav- tugs ranac:;tf trust Co. was held to-daT beginning at 10 o' clock a. nr.? The repofts were received from the tf5aals which were ap proved and-ratified, the share holders efwsing their gratifi cation atthtyutcessful manage ment of tw nfostitutian. Plans wertf discusse 1 that will eventually be? of large benefit to the bank k only in increased capital, buScrease of business. The meetiny was a very harmo nious oneaM every respect and every one- Self encouraged at the outlook. 'v.i"v OfRcejg Elected. The neiffy?, elected directors met at 2 o'clock and elected the following offiffers: O. E. KeSrns, piesident; A. M. Rankin,. $t vice president; P. H. Johnson, 2nd vice presi dent; E. B.Iiol, 3rd vice presi dent; Lee Ai Brrles, secretary and treasurerjj L. M. H. Rey nolds, manag'er savings depart iment; Wv F Armiiekl, manager insurance; W, R. Newby, book keeper and teller. RECEPTION LAST NIGHT The reception at Washington Street M. E. ehurch 'last night was well attended, especially by the women and children of this congregation. The program was an im promptu one. In fact it was sim ply a social gathering intersper sed with songs by the young people. At 9 o clock refreshments were served consisting ot sand wiches, pickles, coffee and frapp.e The evening was very much enjoyed by who atten led. These occasion do much to- wardi.,iiiiiAttjaSodiy iael- ing between the members of the congregation. WITH THANKS. The Enterprise is under obli gations to the Cedarsafe Co., for one of their useful safes. It comes in wen amo since we come to .hink about it we do not see how any one can get along without one. Mr. R. C. Maxwell is at the head of the factory and Mr. Pefer is the general mana Rer. , At the Eagle To-night. The Unyielding Parents, Trou les of a Coat, The Peer Fancy, Push Cart Races. A good show. A HUSTLER. A State insurance agent said to the Enterprise once that our townsman, John M. Harrell was one of the best insurance men in the State an 1 few excelled him in, the business anywhere. This was a just estimate to put upon our' young townsman, who knows his business ana worics all the time. He takes care of his customers as well as his companies Opera House. Chance of pro cram and change of pictures to-night. The ereat feature picture, JVntnony and Cleopatra will be graphical ly described by Col. H. Bow man, the manager, who will also describe how the Janitor Was Falsely Accused. . Wirley and Stewart will introduce an en tirely new specialty,' further in creasing their reputation. line performance-will conclude witn another lannghable,. side splitting sketch by the (Bowmatis. A to PrixeC For the pwst four weeks the Enterprise ha Riren . out hun dreds- of r handsome ; souvenirs and he number, increases every week. . We ' bavc itoncluded to run only one contest at a time, and a long as; the souvenirs are (being given me wring on. une Washington Jtrip 'will not be given-'1 One at-a time Is all that we desire, to handle, especially since there i such a demand for the souvenirs.' We ropect to dispose of Ute iasf 100 souvenir in etock this weeic cc in iwne .WU" Vfbkt, p'rincJo&l of the w1 Meeting NEIGHBOR WIDE- AWAKE. Our neighbor Thomasvill has started out for big improve ments. At a ;big mass meeting held Monday night the citizens subscribed $600 to beautify the town. Our friend Archibald Johnson, so full of good works and excellent speech addresse the meeting saying among othe things: that he had at tended many gatherings the hall, but no meeting had afforded mm so much pleas ure as this one. He wanted to se and join a movement for the improvement and uplifting of the town. He regretted that there was a single vacant chai in the nail. He thought every citizen in the town ought to get together in this movemen, as 1 offered the poor man in the hiimMest cottage the same bene fit it did the wealthy man in the mansion. He asked everyone to consider themselves members o this League and take It upon themselves to aad in the move ment and brighten their Jfves and their child's future. He said a report had been circulated that the league would have to draw heavily on the town treasury to carry out the proposed improve ments and he wanted to state that that was a false alarm, the league would not aislk' the muni cipality for a cent. He thought there was enough big-hearted men in the place who would go down in their pockets and bring out all the money that was need ed for this work. He spoke of the new College and asked that everybody cast aside factions and prejudice and pull together as one man, and speak as one man, and make a substantial and powerful effort to have the in stitution established here, with the college on one side and the Orphanage on the other Thom- asville would present the appear ance of a thorn between two roses, but with the aid of the Civic League we would soon have the most beautiful place to be found anywhere along the Southern Railway. Mr. John son made an earnest and strik ng appeal for the League, and closed hiis talk by saying he was a new man at Civic Im provement, but offered his heart and hand, and co-operation to the movement. Improving olowly. The news from the bedside of Miss Irvin Paylor is tl.at she is improving slowly. She is still conhned to her bed and it is probable that she will not be able to return home before some time in March. Good Woman at Rest Mrs. Kizia Horney, widow of Jeffrey C. Horney died Sunday morning, Ian. 17th. 1000, at 9:30 o'clock aged 87 years, 11 months and 7 days at the home of hef daughter, Mrs. W. K, Teagiue on North Main street, after an illness ofi only a few days. Mrs. Horney was the daughter of William and Eliza beth Welch and the eldest of eleven children, two only of whom survive, Mr. T. J. Welch, of this place and W. P. Welch, of Watauga county. She was the mother ofi eight children, three of wl.om preceeded hep to "the great beyond," leaving five, to mourn her death, as follows: Mrs. W. K. Teagiue, Mrs. lA. L. Ellison and F. J. Horney, of this place; S. R. Horney, of Deep River, and J. O. Horney, of Greenaburg, Kansas. IBt why should we mourn as "our loss is her eternal gajn." Deceased was widely known throughout this section. She was a good woman and did much good in life. Be In Time. If you want to hear Calve next week at Greensboro you had bet ter secure your scats now. Personal The following announcement was received by friends here to day; Mrs. James Edwan Lyon 1 invites you to be present at the marriage of her dau Lora to Mr. Tames Lindsey Ferguson on the afternoon of Wednesday, ' the third of February nineteen hundred and nine at four o'clock Five hundred 1 and seven OUR LETTER CAUSES TROUBLE AFTER HOLTON'S SCALP. Letter Written by District At torney to Preeident-Elect Taft Read in Presence of Mr. Holton During Meeting of Stockholders of Party Organ. Greensboro Record. Another family jar appears to be on in the Republican party in North Carolina. It was precipi tated by a letter District Attor ney A. E. Holton wrote recent ly and sent to Presiden-Elect Taft. Aflter perusing the mes sage, Mr. Taft sent it back to the old North State. It was per haps addressed to State Chair man Adams or one of his fol lowers. This letter was brought to light at the meeting of the stockholders of the In lustrial News in Greensboro last Thurs day. District Attorney Holton was present when the letter was read and produced considerable discussin as well as a mild sen sation. It is alleged that Mr. Holton was referred to in rath er uncomplimentary terms by some of the "discussers." It is also said that the district attor ney had at least a few friends in the meeting who did not hesi tate to endorse the views as ex pressed by him in his letter to Mr. Taft. The Asbeville Citizen ofi Sat urlay contains a special from Greensboro, purporting to be true story as to what happened in that stockholders meeting. Air. Holton was questioned as to the truthfulness of that re port. His reply was that that was only one side of the matter. That an1 effort is being or will be made to oust the district at torney is quite apparent. How ever, Mr. Holton does not ap pear to be disturbed in the least If reports are true, the district attorney is in possession of some the part of his -enemies to put interesting documents which would 3-ikely thwart aiy move on him out of office before his term expires. The friends of the dis trict attorney do not hesitate to say that his political enemies are composed of men who either want his job or who strenuously object to his action in indicting revenue officers fo. violating Uncle Sam's laws. The full text of the story sent the Asheville paper is herewith appended : "The (uncovering of an as founding letter, alleged to have been written by District Attor ney A. E. Holton, to President elect Tafrt, through the medium ofi Marion Butler, was one of the sensational developments of the meeting of the directors and stockholders ofi the Greensboro Industrial News Company, held here Tuesday afternoon. And thereto is a sequel written large whereby the relentless power of the Republican organization; will seek the head of Mr. Holton ajnd his removal from ihc office that he now holds. "The letter wUvioh was intend ed Aor the eyes of President elect Taft, and, indeed, was read by that iHustrious personage between tees' at Augusta, came back in duplicate form to the hands of a prominent member of the Industrial News Company. It was read at the meeting Thursday afternoon and that it created a sensation is putting it mildly. Several persons present umped to their feet and de nounced Mr. Holton in no lamb- ke terms. The atmosphere be came too warm for the district attorney snd he conducted an ig1- nomimous retreat. Meanwhile the order has gone out to the headsmen, and it is openly stat ed that ere many moons have passed the head of A. E. Hdlton will fall into the basket of the organization. "But the letter that tioiton is accused of writing? It is regard ed as a masterpiece of word twisting in that among other things, the district attorney wrote that the Industrial News had been edited by a Democrat during the campaign. Its pres-. e-nt editor was then, and is now, Walter IA. Hildtibrand, a life long Republican. But that is not all. Holton is alleged to have written the presidential goU player, through the person of Marion Butler, to. the effecH that it bjad been planned to sell HOT UP And Keep Straight. Our Shoulder Braces Will Help You. at W. T. Kirkman Represents the Very BEST TAILORING ESTABLISHMENT FIT AND QUALITY OF GOODS GUARANTEED W. T. Kirkman & Co. FIRST CLASS TIME KEEPERS The immense locomotive wheels traveling a mile a min ute makes 503,361 revolutions in 24 hours. The delicate balance wheels of a watch makes 432,000 revolu tions in the same time. The locomotive wheels is oil ed and cared for several times during the 24 hours. Should not your watch receive attention at least once a year? The wonder ful precision is easily affected. Let us examine it. F. P. CAUBLE Jeweler and Engraver Ladies Take Notice A lot of embroideries advertis ed in the Clinard Cyclone Sale on page 3 has just come in, and will be put on this sale at tremendous reductions. A great portion of this lot are ao and 95c values, but it will go on sale at only 10c per yard. Come early as they will go fast It is Greit. Diozo, the great genm killer, which is handled by Messrs. Cauble & Loflin and Robt. Park er as special agent is having a big run in this and adjoining communities. It is 9-1 simple and of such value that the peo ple take hold of it at once. This disinJectant is put up in many ways, both in liquid and pow dered form and a child can use it without danger. It prevents disease, kills germs and there is nothing1 better to use in your homes and at your places of bus iness. It constantly throws off vap ors which disinfect, ozonify and purify the air. Destroys mi crobes and disease germs. Pre vents spread of contagion, im parts a healthful and refreshing odor to the sick room, beneficial in relieving hay fever, asthma, bronchitis or lung trouble. Makes the clothes closet moth proof, drives away mosquitoes, flies, meects and vermin. ' A Diazo cabinet in the bedroom in sures healthful, refreshing sleep. '1 V: " X. "Mi

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