She High 0tlt ttfcm VOL 12, NO. 225 HIGH POINT, NORTH CAROLINA, SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 25, 1909 PRICE ONE CENT iff 1 S4a PRINTZESS suits of the better kind only $20 to $40 Allen Bros. II MH I New Sweater Coats We are now showing a hill line of SWKATi:R I OvTS. Tltey are "quite the Ihin" for root morn iiiK. ti thorn St 8 mill upward. Kenyon Rain Coats A peep at our RoinCoats will eon villi t M il I li at ye are showing some Hw'tilly Swell Styles All the new Yy aves. Moiies, Hr(al incs, l)ia onals and .Satin Stripes Kem rm'i.-r Kenyon Coats nil tbe best. A little high priced tint the uality is lit re $10 to $20 Otlier Rain mats, ffl.00 to $9.00 Can't you K'vt" " enuu(h of your time to look at these hainlsouie Ham Coats. ( Renieuiher on or about Onolier 1st we will occupy the entire Sapp building carrying a full line Dry OorxU and Notion. Wait, our prices will interest rou.) Ik tlotliH F urnishin? (ompdny i "Tbe Reidi-to-Wur Store" ANOTHER LOT of Turnip Seed Just arrived, dt Last Chance of the season. Don't tail to supply yourself... Mann Drug Company W. R. ALEXANDER Representing I. L Hayes HCo. Will be at our store Friday and Saturday, September 24 And 25. Another chance for you to get a tailor-made suit Wait for Mm. Don't f on get th date " r ! r s I BLAIR - H0SKIN3 CO. j SOCIAL Mr. and Mrs. Terry At Home. ( In I ui'-'ihu cvcniiii; Mrs. K I'.. I'tirv ac IhmuIHiiIIv rained m t lii;ul ll was irivon in Mr. and a party, in every lit i it r c! llll'll tun H Misses l.iinl; ille. and Tin iniasx ille. pillar In 1111' iicsis, I lenient . i if Mi irks I lia I .anil. rlli. .if I 'n M'rrssive "Tr:iv- el" was jilaxed. which is a ;anif iniilar I" Heart Dire. I lie score ranis were daintv hand painted snitrases and tile scores were kept 1 1 v attaching liiaiic tas for every progression. At the conclu sion of t lie Milliliter of panics played, the ladies' prize, an at tractive purse, was cut for liv Mis (' I! ( t-rii t:i ii and Miss I'ranci s Ingram. Miss Ingram wnmiiiL;. and it to one of the honor quests. Messrs I! S t illumines ;in, ( has l.amhetli cut lor tlii- gentlemen's prize. Mr I ainliet h winning the mIwt mounted f r i tai;. Dr. I'erkius was ri.nsoler witli a niinature snilrase. A thoroimhlv delicious ice course was served to the score or more Miests present Bridge Club. IV I r cui'csdav .llernoon ( lull haif a deli.'htlul this week with M .har.l I oiiiisi in at lier in une i m i i -1 1 ret 'Ihe so ms ran r- Mrs p. I'arker. Hi iw ev i I, or c.!, hcroiiuni' the fortunate ssof of a beautiful little wat or. .mis. loinisoii served a innv course o mancc ire. o and chocolate cake. Reception. (In filnestlav eveiiinjr the teachers of the lli",h Point schools were jiven a reception. hv the .Manufacturers ( luh. The receiving line was composed nf Mr anil Mrs. . ( ;. Shipman. Mr and Mrs ( arson Sinclair. Mr an, Mrs. . T. Parker. Mr ami Mrs. Ilarrv Howell and the l-uests of honor. The evening was very pleasantly spent in oet- tiiiL,' aonnintcd and enjoying the licautilnl vocal music rendered hv Misses I'Ha I.amhclli. of Thomas ville. and I'.ditJi Moore. Sam- ..... i i t tie. mi. c.ihe and pinion were so v ol Entre Nous Club. 'II .. I' It r i ue nisi chid to reorganie lor the winter season was the put re Nous I'lie hrst meeting was htdt ii i iiuis(iav allernoon at the res idence of Mrs. A 1'. Tate The entire meeting was given over P business, it bring the regular time for the election of officers This resulted i,, Mrs. '. T. I'ark er Doing elected president : vice president. Mrs. l)retl Peacock. and secretary and treasurer. Mrs. . ( . imes. One new member was elected, this beint' Mrs. Cook. of Louisana. who is spending the winter here, with her sister. Mrs. Parker. This makes sixteen reg ular club members, and it was de cided not to invite anyone outside the club to the regular meetings except to act as substitute for ah sent members. Plans were made for a reception to he given the latter part of October. This be ing purely a pleasure cluh no course of si ml v for the winter is lobe taken up. Mrs. Tate served sandwiches, cake and coffee to the following club members pres- on : Mestlames. . I. (mid, ( V. Pong. . V. Harris. II. S. Cum- mings. (iortlon liurnott. V. C. I'eavans and Huy Duncan. The next meeting will be with Mrs. H. S. Cummings. Miss Josephine Snced. of rir- ginia. has arrived in the city to act as governess in the family of Mr. T. K. Kirkman. Nfrs. S. I.. Davis left Thursday night for New York, where she will join her sisters for a two or three weeks stay. Mrs. Elmer Leak, of Thomas- ville spent Thursday afternoon in the city. Mrs. S. If. Hilliard left ves-ter- rlay for North Wilkesboro to vis it Mrs. Trogden. Mrs. W. H. Raean and Miss Rerta Ragan return tonight Trom Atlantic City. Our Saturday news is crowding us so that we shall have to en large the paper to make room for the usual notices and weekly fea tures all of which are Important. NEW ADS. Tbe Printteu lults. Newltn-Brooki Dry Goods Co. "After Supoer Bargain Sale. . H. A. Moffitt Bmter Brown fihoea for Children. HAND INJURED ACCIDENT TO YOUNG MAN David I Sri 1 cs, .a younir white man who works at the Marsh l urniturc (.. sustained a very painful injury todav v"hilc operat ing a sanding machine, his left hand Itein torn very badly. Iis. Jones and Turner attended the voting man. OFF ON A PICNIC. Mis loyal lapt I- - I t li I'ickett took the ois ,, the l irst mi a picnic to inliassado t church unusville todav The- iriidit L'hlld ren leserve a picnic THE PELLAGRA BUG. ith the help of I r. J K. Rot ze and Mr. I-'.. Warner the Kn terpiise has discovered the Pel lagra Put;, at least Mr. Warner discovered it. n making ex aniination of some cum licit! peas recently, he discovered that a larye per cent. o them containeil a small white worm As ihe peas hardeiifil this little worm evolves itself into a small Mack I n o and rats its way to tin- outside of the pea M i aiiri brought in a handful of peas ,, the I ntei pi ise ol'tice this nioiuino and demon sttatcd to us Ins discover". Now 1 1 it- iuesiioii is ii mis worm does not have the tendency to produce I cllara w hen a lar-je portion ot "f the pea crop is composed of this defective pea. If von have raised a crop of peas trv this e pet inient. ED. SMALL. Some of the older residents of High Point remember Mr. Kd Small, who resided in IIil'Ii Point about J 5 years ago. lie learnet photography under Mr. I). I. i. iik and was generally know n throughout the community. II spent the day here yesterday ant! the town was so changed that he fold us he couldn't eyen find the spot where he lived. Il was some where about the place where I e t"ctve Hoffman now lives, hut lie omit! not exactly locale it Mr. Small is n, nv a citien of Atlanta. A DRJMMERS DREAM AT THE STATION. What dat Yes Sar. ou sav : w e got Street cars, 'cm, niniiiiiL night and lav! ovv rf you don't l! nine step tlis eve it. way. lust Now just von watch em. whi 'ingdown North Main. Dev dun gone clean to Winston n'l up witl tie mayor and sich. X' w dovs cominir back airain. ss man. we am t slow coao makes street cars like creat ii in. suit do highest titalit e t i hustling nation. It's, all hi i v what do sie if dis 1 place. Now say. P.oss, yon done L'ot me r it shoe does coyer up. I : nioughtv big space. ( Mi ! sense me Moss. I see. Nun wants to know how many folks in dis town. Wall I did my best to count 'em. but dev is such a hustling folk I nebber could hold 'em down. Wall let me study dat ober. Fire sis-tem ? dat what you call it ? TI10 we got fire horses, trainetl to do second and tie minute. Hut when tlat fire gong strike, dar am t no Sis-sy in it. High Point just makes eherv ting Dat do world eber heertl about Sepin tings what ain't no good, Ajj folks ought to tlo without What dat? does yve make big boats? Wall no, not just zackly. tlis is er lry town nd don't have nutin to tlo With dem tings what floats. M. A. J. Mrs. Chas. W. Tillett. of Char lotte, is visiting her aunt. Mrs. W. A. Webster, at Archdale. Don't fail to meet Mr. Waters at the F.I wood hotel tonight. He has been delayed some, but will be wrtli us totiight. The convicts arrived here to day and will begin work on the new road to Thomasville Mon day. The road will run north of the railroad track all the way to Thomasville. The Churches Friends Church. Saldiatli school at )45 a. m. hurch services at I I a. in. and p. mi. .vii u nin subject : hi vs. Si ml." Kvctiiii" sub "V. joe! : "( )ne or the I Mhet ; hu h '" A lull atlendaiire of the inem heis is desired and others invited I- Hi 's ,ii e St. Mary's Episcopal Church. Ptv. Sundav id a in nion al l milliard, illool and Inhle r v enino service w i p in recti ii . lass ;li First Reformed Church. Sunday school at ij .j, a Morning service at I I a I veiling so i v ices at o p. in! to he present . I. A Peeler. Past,, in in Ml Presbyterian Church. Sundav school at i (o a i Preaching liv the pastor, krv I . Siler. al I I a in This will In- M r Silei 's larcv i sei uii in , , sei v ires at midit Lutheran Church. There will he Sundav sell ) -45 a in. and preaching al m I he subject 'I serin, 1 1 vv il "Running a ( hristian Rare ' il are oirdiallv in iled M -iitlicr ( aiiiip- Pastor South Main St. M. E. Church ,. .... i , , .iiutiav sen, ,oi , at ') V 1 a. ni I 'reaching at l I and - jn I serv ices at night w ill he conduct otl by Key. . K. Ware, presidin elder. Ihe tiuarterlv oonlcronco will 10 held Monday night. Washington St. M. E. Church Sunday school at a .50 a. m 1 1 1 reaching at 11 a. m. and at 7.30 p. m. by Key. I". (ilenn. lireonsboro. This will be the 1 ginning 01 evangelistic serv ices conducted by Mr. (ilcnn. Kvorv botly is most heartily invited t ivltend during rh enure meeting Methodist Protestant Church Sundav I 'rraehini in. Mori the Ki sei v 1 1 ries I100I al 1J.45 a. in 11 a. 111. and 7 i) l at ng subject : " 1'iiidinj. !oad.'' At the evening loiulh one of the se nioiis ,111 " The What- ami v. 11 ICli I I Hi " will .i;i. -li. 111 mm- 1 Hi be di -cussed :il llir iieM til -i n n os are inula v l.i i v 11 1 11 I s : " hal hat is callo lli'C-t hall I I ( lin hai 1 in 1 do St. nil I, iih 11 nave N i in w ill find a h-n r: v ai all these serv ices LOCAL NEWS. Mr. i v in;; j. W in l' v oa: s an ilK r 1 1 in. win 1 Iki ecn past for . ill ali -bin v . 1 . 1 1 '. Ma.. I hroe a'-inl."' '.err hi cks, ako hi ii une. ( ipl. I. f rank I'.arbor. one of the host known alishunans. died about ii o'clock Monday morning, whiic on his uay io the Salisbury -. or Kailway t. oinpaiiv lied to i..ko out his oar. Mis. Jolin II. Carter and Miss Mildred Carter- of Lexington, Ky., are expected tonight lor a visit to the family of Mr. J. P. Marsh on South Main street. Mr. and Mrs. W. 1). ISrooks, who have been North for two weeks, reltirnwd home this nforn iug after a very pleasant trip. W hile away they visited llarris burg, New York and Atlantic City. Mr. P. I!. Kodgers, who owns a valuable cotton farm at Dillon, S. C, left this morning to spend a few days there. The people of South Carolina are feeling good over the high price of cotton. J. Williamson, or Wort'u ville. was in the city today. Rev. W. K. Ware, Presiding KIder of the Creensboro District will hold the last quarterly con ference at the South Main Street M. li. church tomorrow. Mrs. Dr. K. P. Anderson, of Mocksville, is in ithe city- vis iting at the home of J. W. llar riss. on Itroad street. The was pleased to have a call this morning from Mr. L. A. Maddox, who is connected with the bank .at Summerville, Tenn. Mr. Maddox is a nephew of Col. D. F. Maddox, of High Point, and stopped by here for a short visit on .his way home from Chicago, where he attended the Bankers' Convention. We regret that he did not huve !o ig to stay in our attractive little cit . IMPORTANT MAT TER I am in-1 111 receipt of the lo lowing irlrL-iaiu li"tn Mr. Wat rs, 1 cpieseiiting the llanl b' ami who has charge 1 I br a 1 1 ' m. il I I igh w a a ill 1 nil, hil, 1 . .in -.1 .in b ii , ,,ni, iko : "l hail. 'tie. X I , i)-'4 m) ' I 1 ..1 V fate. I lltdl P..IIII. X C ll.111la I'liiina I 'albhiiih loaves Leu- !-a I u 1 1 l.i v nioiiiim. I lope 1, , make High I '"iiil Sal 111 11. r. 11 ;nt I lease .mange a turrl h'g "I 1 oprc -enlal 1 v o nirii lot i "ii Irrriu'e regarding reception I" re baliililv limn-1- ilttiibrr ant also I'cg.iiiluig official cnlli 1 car I v pi iv at r 1 nv nri s b, ib Si 'in hoi n I II v is, ,11 , , Xali, 'ii. 1 llighvva r 1 1 1 1 - 1 make good show ing hel'ire class ,, men who will he in lour. " al rr-. l lain. 1 I, 'iirnal.' I loin ihe above it must In clearl v uii'lri st, ,, that I I igl Point is exported to d" i I - in I - ai I '.villi 1 r icrcnoe to show ing ihe ,)i . 1 to s 0I1 mm i-l- w ho ai r t p.i-s this Uav the la-t of ( Iclohci I n-t vv hat vv o have. Ibis matter ! 11, ,t r, moon fspeciallv the a III ' 'lli"hd 1 st s ,, Mir oil, hut over iublir spintci rillen ought to do his full pail towards promoting the interest o our cilv and espociallv vvilh roler cure to the fill 11 l.itilinent 1 it I host people, as thev pass through Iron lime to tune. I ea riit'st I v I u-g 1 1 1 a l e v or v rill in who loci- an interest 111 tin future welfare and development of High Point will attend a meet ing tonight at eight o'clock in the lobby of the I'.lwootl I Intel. Let all turn out and demonstrate t Mr. Waters that we arc awake I the possibilities of the propos lion now before us. Respectfully Prod X. Tale. Mayor. REV. J. H. HIGHSMITH AT BAPTIST CHURCH. Kov J. II I lighsniilh. of Wake fi'irsi. will conduct the services il tin- In -1 llaplist church to morrow in the ali-cihi' of the pas lor. Krv II I .. I '"vv 11 s inula y -ill". i ai o.5 a 111. MISS WILLIAMS MONDAY NIGHT. Moiiilav night. September JJ. .it the in I i t o 111 111 . for the benefit "f ihe hospital. Miss Louise A ilhanis. ,, I .corgia. will br hrard in her uuiipie " u f veiling in the 1 Md South" in which she will give j iit urt'sipic impersona tions and enjoyable dialect stories of the old-time darkies, whose dusky figures are rapidly vanish ing into the shadows beyond. Miss Williams comes most highly indorsed as an entertainer of unusual ability by the most distinguished people of the coun try, and has hut lately completed a irans-contineiiial lour with the liit-al Western Musical and Ly ceum I'liireau. As ,,ue hoars her lories ,,ne listens t,, the old-time aunties." "uncles-" and faithful Id "mammies" wotidoioiis tales who have no part in the present int silling with pipe in in vi-storia embowered cabins, dream in the grev curls of tobacco smoke, over again the wonderous lays "fo' ,le wall" when gav louse parlies filled the "I'i-g House" and pinoelv hospitality was dispensed. In addition to their delightful reininisceners Miss Williams also will give a store of their humorous anec- lotes. On her appearance at the ('rand Opera House at Colorado Springs Mrs. M. II. . D. I laves lamented "Daughter of the Con federacy and last representative f t'he lefTcrson Davis family. lead the patronesses of the even ing. From the Colorado Springs I elegramme is tpiotetl of the oc casion : '"Stories in which there was a mingling of pathos and humor. tears and laughter, entertained' the largest and most fashionable audience which has gathered in the opera house this season. The occasion was an entertainment given bv Miss Louise A. Williams entitled: "An Evening in the Old Soutih." Societv filled boxes and the pretty southern girl was giv en a great ovation. Immense bo quets of cut flowers were cast upon the stage from the boxes. Her impersonations of the old time negroes have never been equalled here, and her audience of society folk was quick with its appreciation. THE PROWLER "I have conic o the believe that as between rung and iiilellec luial ;i 1 1 :i 1 1 1 1 1 1 1-1 1 1 thai energy dot's better III the vvoild." said llir I '1 , 'vv lor 1 In- in, , ruing as ho sat dow 11 for his mo ruing hat " I have known people vv b had very little povveis who were vnv -11111--I11I in ihe world which H.i- due riiturlv t.i thru oiiel'gv and leiiacil Ihe would slick to a p 1 1 ipo-i 1 1,1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 -oiiie thing vv.i- l"i 1 hi 'in 1 ug I hi- was ilur to the tact p, is-ibl v I hat 1 hi "iie 11 lilt- vv .is .1 1 ! ! Ii 11 1 hrv had lo oil .ilul 1 ilr v vv -l kr, II siirressfull v ' hi 1 hr , ,1 hrr hand I have known men ol power who jn-l t'ouhl 110I make it 111 an v line "I business In the nia,.iilv ol the-e casts I have iioticetl lb. it til 1 1 1 " ', 1 of tlii- faihiic was due to a lark , l energy I here is a t lass ,. t 1 1 1-.1 1 t 1 peo ple who are I",, pi 1 -ii niptui ms. The sit if 'W 11 and think the vv 01 hi sh, .nlil r, .me to 1 hem They I. ill in nine rases out ,, ten. I ha v e seen tin- il 1 11 - 1 1 .1 1 ed 111 col lege life. The -mail hov h.i sonic cause pushes ahead. graduates with hoii, u s and Ira v o- vv 11 h ll v nig r, 'I' u s I n .1 llir oafs 1 ill look for him and hr has gone into 1 'Mi v Ii ni I '.ut I here is am t her hov who was al college with this stuart ho who is sucrcssiul and is making h 1 - ma 1 k 111 Ii le I 1 0 w .1- a plodder at -film d . bin when he hit hi- energv. -urli as In had. increased instead of diminishing and he succeeded. 1 11 I he case 1 il the first ho he stopped wmk and did not nurse his energetic pow ers after ho loft -chool. We set so many cases of this kind which ha- surprised and puzzled the col lege presidents. The point is that wo cannot let up in tlie race that is before us here if we do not, keep up steam all the time we cannot make the race creditably. So I make the observation that because the fellow thai comes out lir-t We did not expect to set win al all is due to hi- energv." "It 1- not bettor to have both intellerlual attainment and en ergv "'" "I am glad v oil a-ked ihi- ipies Hull Ye-, vlleil b"lh are com bined in a prison hr not oiilv make- a -iu'1'1 111 hie. but ho i holler fitted to enjoy the efforts "I his laboi s because his capacil lor enjoyment 1- groalor W r sin mid be rlld. .vv Oil with In 'I h I I removes man far ir-'in the ani mal nature." poison cannot br high in tia ra !r "I hiinia 11 1 1 v who 1 1 v r- mil v I., -upplv his appetites ,, 1 . . just a v he has m, ,ucv , n pi, iperi v I I e has aro on 1 l i -1 u-i I in ' ill' to hau the American Indian did Minilrcds of years ago lie had Mith and yet he was a savage. "There seems to he plenty of icople who want I" ho that kind I a savage." "Nl di ill I lllenl 11 'll il .' RALLY DAY AT THOMAS VILLE. Ihe Main .'street Methodist Sundav School of Tlunnasv ille vill have a rail da tomorrow beginning at ')-,V o'clock Mr I has. I.anibeih 1- the wide awake Superintendent of tin- 1 1 l.i school ami 1- lining much lo Inuld il up. I le ha- a ci ov d of v . mug people around him that pul- life i) I everything vvilh which the , une 111 ci intact . The follow ing pi 1 igrani w ill he can ie, . ,111 : Music 1 In he-ira nt hem 1 In i r 'raycr Pa -lor Keep Away From Put I HI Town. - Mi-- b-sie Hoggs M usic ( lichcsi 1 a Ihe Sundav School and Haraca . II. Ragan Yioli'n Solo K Kov Duet .... Mrs. Hoggs and Miss Austin Phe Sunday School at Page S. II. Averitt. Cornet Solo 1 f. Alderman C. .a in Solo. "O Dry Those Tears. Violin Obligato . . Miss l'.lla Lambeth XTering .. Music by Orchestra horns . School Music furnished bv (ireensboro Vchest r,-i. Prof. ('. S. Raner of ('h.-unl Mill, is a visitor here this week. Mrs. C I. Kit-Id nnil rhildrpii have returned from a visit to rela tives at Darlington. S. C. Miss Venetia Smith has sent out invitations for her millinery opening next Wednesday. Sep tember 29th. The lxiard of Governors of the Manufacturers' Club will meet to night at seven o'clock sharp. iAnnouncmcfiirl HIGH POINT'S FIRST After Supper Bargain Sale Begins TONIGHT AT SEVEN O'CLOCK No advertised items charged. No advertised items to merchants. No advertised item sold un til seven o'clock. 5(0. G. T. WOOD. Mgr. X O OOOOOOO OOO CHS 0O0 0 CKHKi-0K The WHOLE SHOE STORY IS NOT KNOWN UNTIL YOU HAVE SEEN Zieg'ler Line LARGE SHIP MENT OF ZIEG LER AND BARRY SHOES JUST COME IN. Dunbar-Morrison Co Whit Tailor Itcst In t Point 30CKKKHK miMMuMIllflfl Tailor-MadeSuits We are showing suits this season for $8.98, $12.50, $17.50 $19.60, $20.98, $22.50 $23.50, $25.00, $27.50 Thete are winners. Be sure to see our fwits be fore you decide. Skirts l Tailor' made skirts for X $2 .98 to $11.50. - OOOOOOnc : -OOO0O0O00OHOOi0 The Expense of Start ing a Boy to School Boys Shoes Boys Gaps Boys Stookiags BtysOlothes AT CUT PRICES Latest Styles in Ladies Dress Skirts Voiles, Chiffons Panamas and Fancy Worsteds Largest and Best Stock London's Reliable neyfinDrooh 5 o OOOOOOO OO OO OOOCKhS Cuts That Cut Dovn o Is . tit if-